Showing posts with label Tom Luongo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Luongo. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"I do not 'follow my passion.' I bring it with me"

"The S.W.E.A.T. Pledge"

(Skill & Work Ethic Aren't Taboo)

1.  I believe that I have won the greatest Lottery of all time.  I am alive.  I walk the earth.  I live in America.  Above all things, I am grateful. 

2.  I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Nothing more.  I also understand that happiness and the pursuit of happiness are not the same thing.  

3.  I believe there is no such thing as a "bad job."  I believe that all jobs are opportunities and it's up to me to make the best of them.

4.  I do not "follow my passion."  I bring it with me.  I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm.

5.  I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it.  I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can't afford.

6.  I believe that my safety is my responsibility.  I understand that being in "compliance" does not necessarily mean I'm out of danger.

7.  I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early stay late and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is.

8.  I believe the most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining.  I will never make them.  If I am unhappy in my work, I will either find a new job or find a way to be happy.

9.  I believe that my education is my responsibility and absolutely critical to my success.  I am resolved to learn as much as I can from whatever source is available to me.  I will never stop learning and understand that library cards are free.

10.  I believe that I am a product of my choices--not my circumstances I will never blame anyone for my shortcomings or the challenges that I face.  And I will never accept the credit for something I didn't do.

11.  I understand the world is not fair, and I'm okay with that.  I do not resent the success of others.

12.  I believe that all people are created equal.  I also believe that all people make choices.  Some choose to be lazy.  Some choose to sleep in.  I choose to work my butt off.

On my honor, I hereby affirm the above statements to be an accurate summation of my personal worldview.  I promise to live by them.

Friday, June 2, 2023

We're getting to the point where we're going to have to tip the front door to leave our apartments

Germans will be importing blocks of peet from the Druids.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Ukraine didn't pick this fight.  They're not a sovereign actor.  It's never been a sovereign nation because of the ways the great powers have carved up the world. 

Someone desperately wants WWIII.  They absolutely, desperately want WWIII.  Now that we know that, and accept that, no, this is about the big collapse of the West and how to sell it to their own people.  That's what this is about, and who is going to come out on top after the war is over.  But make no mistake, the whole phrase, "Build Back Better," well, build back better after what?  Certainly wasn't COVID.  Certainly wasn't COVID.  It was a collapse of the Western financial system, the post-WWII, Bretton Woods institutions, and post-Bretton Woods governments rolled up into the post-Bretton Woods transnational institutions.  That's what they're prepping for, and they know that the only way to get through that is to send everybody to war, because what does war do?  Does war create?  No.  War destroys.  It destroys economies, it diverts capital to destructive capacities.  Oh, yeah, the GDP numbers look great, but all you're doing is aggregating spending.  So we go into deficits,  and we spend a lot of money building bombs to destroy each other.  You can play accounting tricks and bamboozle people with statistics,  

4:10  Why did Xi Jinping organize a call with Zelenskyy? It's the same reason why he's been organizing calls with everybody, which is to stop WWIII.  Because China and Russia both understand that the path to winning, not having a world war, is to draw this thing out as long as possible where they don't have to be drawn into it directly any further than they already are.  Because that's what the Russians have been doing.  This is part of the reason why the Russians have left an open area in Bakmut to allow more stuff to come in to destroy.  How do we grind up NATO's assets and give them the appearance that they have a chance at ousting us from the center of Ukraine?  Well, very simple: you make it look like you're incompetent.  Because that's the way it's been sold to the neocons.  I look at American media, and I look at American foreign policy wonks, and they all under a particular impression and that is that Russia doesn't know how to wage war in Ukraine.  Now, this is ahistorical, moronic on the face of it, then again this is what they're trying to sell to everyone.  Then there's the discord league or the new Pentagon Papers, and it's very clear what the biggest embarrassment was there.  Again, all of this is downstream from those leaks.  What did those leaks tell the world?  That the Dept. of Defense, the Pentagon, and the State Department were feeding the Foreign Policy decision-makers in the United States poorly sourced, open-sourced intelligence about the war in Ukraine.  And taking verbatim as gospel truth, handed down from the mount himself, God himself, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.  And they're writing policy based on this, and they don't actually need or care about the truth.  They just have a policy that they're on autopilot.  What have I been saying for the last 3 years?  These people have a policy and they're on autopilot since the opening of COVID.  So why are we surprised by this?  It's a good thing that Zelenskyy actually took the call from Xi Jinping.  Because what it also signifies, last point, is that Zelenskyy is comfortable enough now in his own skin, that he can have that call and not be lynched.  Because remember, he did go through a big purge of a lot of people a few months ago.  So, yes, I think the Pentagon leaks were also --they weren't talking to us, meaning the U.S.--they were talking to the Russians and the Chinese.  The Pentagon is like "We don't want to do this.  Get in there and stop this thing." That's the big message I took away from what was leaked because 90% of it we already knew.  So, now, what does it signify?  Who is it speaking to in the game of realpolitik and, of course, across the communications gap?  

7:40, CryptoRich I wonder if some of the antiwar forces in the U.S. establishment also made it easier for Zelenskyy to have that call with China.

8:00, Krainer.  I think presumably we would have to be guessing here.  In one of Ray McGovern's interviews with Judge Andrew Napolitano, he said, "I think this is coming straight from [JCS Chairman] Mark Milley, or somebody very, very close to him."  And there was another general who was second in command at the Pentagon, unfortunately, I forget his name now, who in pretty strong terms reiterated that we don't want this to end up in a nuclear war.  Now, why is a faction of people in the West so desperate to continue down this road that is hopeless.  No one dreams any more than that they can prevail in Ukraine.  Why are they persisting?  And I think that the answer is that they are literally in the fight for their lives.  So, I always go back to what George Soros said at last year's Davos gathering when he said that this is a conflict between two government systems.  Soros said that it's between open societies versus closed societies, but it's actually the empire versus the rest of society.  And by empire, it's the imperial governance system, which is basically economic colonialism that wants to engulf the whole world.  And then you have essentially two economic-military-political powers that are capable of saying no and pushing back, which are Russia and China.  And for the empire, this could be sunset.  This could be the end of the road because they no longer have a new host.  And if China and Russia manage to maintain their alliance, then there's no way for the Western empire to prevail here.  And I believe that the alliance will preserve here because if you look at the way . . . I think Tom here was very right in saying that Ukraine didn't pick this fight.  And we mentioned Mentriarish, after the coup, 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Making war on China is a secondary concern. The primary concern is war on the people of the United States

the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, . . . 

10:30  I think things are not meant to be improving; I think things are meant to be disimproving.

Published an article on the coming war on China, and this has nothing to do with China.  Making war on China is a secondary concern.  The primary concern is war on the people of the United States as well as the people of the collective West in general because it's very clear that there is no way and there can't be any rational reason to go to war on China because they can't prevail.  So it would be like me trash-talking Mike Tyson and then challenging him to a fight in the ring knowing that he's going to kill me straight away.  Why would I do that?  I think that the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, and once you have the war, once you have the big emergency, it allows you to excuse away all the crises at home . . . no food in the supermarket, we're at war.  You're not getting your pension, blame the Chinese.  Can't get a bed in a hospital . . . shared sacrifice . . . .  And it also provides you with the smokescreen to deal with the opposition and dissident the quick and easy way.  You kind of usher in totalitarianism.  And people, even if they hate their leadership when there's a major war going on, they kind of close ranks behind the leadership.  And then if you have a different point to make, then you're immediately suspected of not being sufficiently patriotic.  You get accused of being an enemy sympathizer, and people in power get to consolidate that power and pretty much do away with anybody who is a potential obstacle to them.

13:13  I agree completely, Alex.  Davos has been setting up the United States to isolate us and to become the new Nazi Party.  The United States is going to become the new Nazi Party.  It's coming.   We're going to be the bad guys.  We're going to be the committers of all the war atrocities.  We're the only people trying to go to war.  We've installed these scratch-and-dent Neocons in order to provoke a war we can't win.  And then look at the way that we are portrayed in the media around the world.  We are portrayed as a country descending quickly into anarchy, all of our institutions are being undermined legally, economically, and politically.  We have octogenarian morons walking us, like the walking dead, toward war with Russia and China, which the American people do not want.  Why is all of this happening if these people are actually American patriots?  They're not.  I've been saying since the day after the Biden Administration took office, these people are vandals.  Their goal is to destroy the United States because you've not had any examples of classical liberalism surviving in a world where they want fucking total control because they're communists!  It's not fucking hard!  It's not. 

14:42  And further proof that this is the case, imagine if you were really serious about challenging China militarily . . . insanity . . . but that's completely inconsistent with the net-zero policy that they're pushing because if you're going to go to war, you're gonna have to ramp up your steel furnaces, going to have to develop your steel industry because no steel furnaces, no weapons.  You're not going to make tanks and Howitzers with solar panels and windmills, right?  Uncontrolled migrations, and the demoralizing attacks on the American people from all sides--the Antifas, the Black Lives Matter, the gender dysphoria, these crazed, violent LBGT people who suddenly decided that not only do you have to tolerate them but you have to celebrate them, or else we will hurt you.  And so, if you wanted to win the war, you wouldn't be demoralizing your own population in such heavy-handed ways across the spectrum.  And then if you look at what's happening in the streets of American cities--Oakland, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, wherever you look, people doing drugs on the street.  It's awful.  And then when these reporters go there and talk to them, what do they say?  They ask them, "What's the solution?  How do we get out of this?"  And the people say, "The only solution is for the military to be on the streets.  Bring military to the streets."  So people . . . they're setting the stage to demoralize the people so badly that they say, "Give me a military dictatorship over this.  I'm all in for it."  So this is what they're doing.  They're not worried about the Chinese invading the United States.  They want to bring in a totalitarian dictatorship and take away all your freedoms, force you to use CBDCs, force you to have these vaccine passports, or whatever, and have absolutely no choice but to have 1 party in charge.  They're Bolsheviks.  They're total Bolsheviks, and this is what they're doing.  

17:35  On this side [Canada], I can't see past the Alberta election coming up, roughly May 29, Daniel Smith running against . . . .  I saw RFK is going to run against Biden.  Do you put any hope that he can defeat Biden?

18:20  The presidential election is not going to happen in any substantive manner.  We'll have a replay of 2016.  If there's a populous insurgent, he will be knee-capped by the party structure.  There's clearly a war going on between the Clinton wing and the Obama wing in the Democratic party.  That's about the only hope I really see.  Because they clearly don't want Kamala Harris.  That's evidence that Hillary Clinton is not going away, and other things like them getting rid of Marc Elias, that the DNC is no longer the lead counsel because Elias' last name might as well be Clinton.  So Clinton, so clearly, there's some kind of war going on there as well.  But again, Obama has always hated the United States, always.  He's always worked to destroy the United States.  Eight years that he's been in power, now 10 years that he's been in power, so I don't know.  More and more and more, same thing Alex just said, the time, now they're going after Jaime Dimond.  They can't go after Jerome Powell because he's ensconced until 2026.  The only way to get rid of Powell is to change the Fed's charter and bring it back under the auspices of the Treasury.  So who do you go after next?  You go after the most powerful banker that would be backing Powell's play.  This nuts and sluts campaign by tying Dimon to Epstein is clear that we're watching the Fed versus Davos, and seeing which banks in the United States are saying, "You know what?  That's enough. We may be evil, but fuck you, people.  You people are sick."  And to watch the Freedom Caucus or the alternative media spaces in this country NOT get this after 2 years, and just say, "No, they're corrupt, no, it's all one big club.  No, it's the Rothschilds."  NO!  It's all right there in front of you.  You're so gaslit by morons that you can't see it, and now you're going to carry water for the very people you say that you're fighting. And you're going to turn the Ron Paul wing of the Republican Party and of the Libertarian Freedom Caucus in the United States into the guys who are going to scream the hardest, "End the Fed!"  It's brilliant.  If I were 

Thursday, January 5, 2023

"You can't talk about markets in today's world without talking about geopolitics because they are absolutely and inextricably linked."

 7:52  You can't talk about markets in today's world without talking about geopolitics because they are absolutely and inextricably linked.  We live in politically- predominant markets instead of bank-dominated markets, therefore, the incentives and the wishes of those classes of people drive not only our politics but the valuations in the marketplace.  Years of listening to Marting Armstrong complain, "The world is about capital flow."  Once Tom got that concept and he married it to geopolitics, he understood it quite easily.  It's not like he sees the code behind the matrix, but you have a better shot of decoding that code if you do that analysis as opposed to just hibing yourself off into one discipline: I'm a political analyst.  I'm an economic analyst.  I'm a finance guy.   I look at structured loan products.  No, you have to look at it all.  As Martin Armstrong said he never wanted to be a geopolitical analyst.  I never wanted to be a guy that analyzed credit spreads.  In a million years, did I ever think I'd be a guy watching credit spreads like a hawk.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Gonzalo Lira, Tom Luongo, & Alex Krainer

[Davos & WEF] have been trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant  -- Tom Luongo 

10:05. The off-shore dollar markets are run by the old European banks.  They're the ones most vulnerable to rate shock.  The ECB has held interest rate or deposit rates at minus .06% for what, 8 years now?  They've destroyed the Euro as a potential reserve currency because of this.  They've punished savers.  And they forced upwards of 12, , 14, trillion dollars worth of European sovereign debt was trading at a negative yield. Then they wanted to keep it that way while they kept creating this international idea that the United States . . . 

10:48. Trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant.  Oh, this just a typical PR operation. The reality is that something is happening behind the scenes here and that it's really powerful and really simple.  Davos' plan for the central bank digital currencies is to do away with commercial banking.  You can't have technocratic, European style communism without destroying the two-tiered monetary transmission system, which goes from the central banks to the commercial banks to the retail money users.  They want to collapse that unto central banks to retail.  Well, that cuts out the commercial banks. Who does the Fed work for?  The biggest commercial banks in the world: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, City Group, and the rest. 

11:44  Who is the most powerful political lobby in the world?  The same guys.  Who controls the southern district of New York?  Same guys. Who controls Fed policy?  Same guys.  

11:55. So you're telling me . . . all I did was ask some patrons of mine who are hedge fund managers, former Wall Street insiders who were literally bankrupted by Jaime Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein [his Twitter page], and the rest of them. I said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you really see Jaime Dimon turning over the keys to JPMorgan to Klaus Schwab and a bunch of German eugenicists?"  German eugenicists, no less.  Jaime Dimon is Greek. There ain't no love lost between Germans and Greeks.  [Reference to the 2015 default on the Greek debt crisis building since 2009?]  It's like there ain't no love loss between Italians and Germans, BTW. 

12:35. Tame inflation, sure, but also stick it to the Europeans and blow their agenda off the table as it were?

12:48. The source of the World Economic Forum's real power is the ability to lever up off-shore dollars through the European and Swiss and, you know, the British off-shore Caymans, and the Hong Kong to lever those up and then to use those to buy political leverage Singapore, whatever, to buy governments, to buy budgets, and everything else. 

16:37. The energy crisis in Europe is completely self-inflicted. 

2:17:00.  Brett Harris arrives on the podcast.

2:17:30. Gonzalo points out that all these guys running the different countries from Trudeau to Biden to Olaf Schultz that they're all being run by someone else else.  Obviously and glad he said it. But this is rhetoric to direct the conversation.  He thinks of AIC's election--no political experience.  They're literally casting actors. 

Princess Diana was the daughter of Jimmy Goldsmith?  Odd.  Wikipedia says that her father was John Spencer, 8th Earl of Spencer.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

All fundamental arguments about just about everything go out the window, and it's all about the dollar vortex

Always check the show notes.  Title of the show is "FED Will Hike to 6% and Crash Everything, says Tom Luongo," dated October 12, 2022.

Antonio Atanasov and Tom Luongo are not your investment advisors. They likely own shares of companies mentioned in this publication. Always assume them biased.

Antonio, 1:02 I don't know about the other two asset classes [goats and guns], but gold has not been great over the last 52 weeks [Tom shaking his head in agreement], neither have my stocks.  What's up with that?  

Tom, 1:12  Well, we're in a dollar bull market, and when the dollar is in a bull market, everything else at this point, and certainly the severity of the dollar bull market, looking at the U.S. dollar index, it's trading at a 20-year high, 25-year high, it's immense.  This isn't a normal dollar market, or a normal bear market correction, or a bull market rally.  This is not a bear market rally.  This is a sincere bull market that is draining liquidity from every corner of the globe, and it is something that I expected to happen, because I expected the Federal Reserve to be aggressive at raising interest rates when they did decide to move back into the market.  I have a lot of reasons as to why I believe that.  I believed that previously, and then when the Fed started raising interest rates, I've actually been a little shocked that they've been aggressive as they have.  Actually, I'm edified because Powell is acting like how I would have acted had I been the chairman of the Fed, looking at the world the way that I look at it.  

2:20  Gold is priced, set at the margin by the future's market, and the future's market in gold, in the west, primarily, is a cash-settled market; it's not a gold-settled market.  People don't go in to buy gold futures to then take physical delivery of, you know, 400 ounces of LBMA bars, or 100 ounce Comex's.  They don't do that.  They go in to hedge their dollar risk.  And so know that they've got interest rate swaps, so they've got treasuries . . . so if they're worried about their dollar-based longs being--you know, how are you going to hedge your dollar-based longs?  You buy some gold, which is a short against the dollar.  Buy gold, sell dollars.  Or buy term to make dollars, and then you hedge your position.  

3:15  Under these types of moments in time, all fundamental arguments about gold go out the window.  All fundamental arguments about just about everything go out the window, and it's all about the dollar vortex.  It's all about the dollar vacuum, for lack of a better term.  We're seeing it in stocks, we're seeing it in bonds, we're seeing it in gold.  We're seeing it everywhere except basically in base commodities, okay, which have pumped and dumped over the last year and a half, post-COVID. 

3:47  So, why is that?  Well, stocks and bonds, real estate, car prices, stuff like that, they're all credit based.  When the credit cycle is virtuous, when the credit is expanding, and the central banks are all expanding their balance sheets, and they're at the zero bound and the money is cheap, people buy loans, they expand credit, they pump up prices, but we haven't produced any more real commodities.  We're just driving the prices of commodities up, because at some point, during that time that you're pumping up asset prices, money is not preferentially flowing into commodities during the asset bull market.  Commodity producers are getting crushed.  They're getting pushed down to their cost of production, cost of goods sold.  They're effectively on a cost-plus business model.  You're allowed to have cost plus 3%.  If you look at gold stocks through the bear markets, that's the way it's been.  And then gold hit a bottom in late 2015.  We're on a five-year up until Q3 of 2020.  Since then it's been in a bull market correction.  

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Federal Reserve raising rates is actually maneuvering to regain sovereignty and control over the dollar.

I'm going to stop talking about the Euro Dollars, the Euro dollar market, 

I said to you the pound dropped over 3% yesterday, and you said, "Holy shit!  Look at the Euro dollars market!"  So let's just talk a little bit about that, because I don't think that people realize, or that they don't dig into, is all of this superficial stuff that the mainstream media presents 

the euro dollars are all of the off shore dollars outside the United States, and what has been happening is that Europe has been controlling the interest on the U.S. dollar because they've got all of these dollars outside the United States through LIBOR.  We've got the Federal Reserve raising rates.  They've got their own system, SOFR, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, and what they're actually doing is out to regain sovereignty and control over the dollar.  

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

TOM LUONGO: it takes up to 3 months for some of these treasury sales and mortgage-backed security sales to clear, settle.

When the Fed Chairman comes out less than 60 days before the midterm election and say, "Congress needs to get its fiscal house in order."  The Fed's not suppose to ever discuss fiscal policy.  And yet the Fed Chairman came out when he was speaking at CATO--interesting that he did this at a nominally libertarian think tank to say that Congress needs to get their fiscal house in order . . . right before the midterm election, right before the most pivotal election possibly in the country's history.  Big deal . . . .  

What the Fed is doing now is drying up liquidity.  The Fed is, in fact, not buying any more mortgage-backed securities, and that they're selling more.  Danielle DiMartino Booth reminded everybody that it takes up to 3 months for some of these treasury sales and mortgage-backed security sales to clear, settle.  They can sell them in June, but they take 3 months to clear.  So they're not going to start showing up on the Fed's balance sheet until they've cleared.  So they could have been selling treasuries or rolling them off the balance sheet or whatever three months ago, meanwhile we have Peter Schiff going, "The Fed's not shrinking its balance sheet."  Come on!  If I know this, then you know this.  

Sunday, July 31, 2022

"If he was made of the stuff that Putin was made of, who when he took power put his family in isolation then went after the oligarchs."

I think [Davos is] the ones that released it and then blamed the Chinese Wuhan laboratory for it because Fauci and Birx all work for them.  

I did not know that Putin put his family in hiding before he went after the oligarchs in Russia.   

Which one of the booms was it going to be, 2008, 2012?  We've all been wrong.  As you build that mental map, you also have to go back to history to fill in the gaps.  

[4:40]  When you come into COVID, the big issue was very simply Davos.  They were apoplectic about Brexit and the election of Donald Trump because it was the first time that they were derailed from their plan Agenda 2050 which has now been accelerated to Agenda 2030.  Davos spans both sides of the Atlantic.  You have elites in the United States in the banking sector and all the elites, all the giants, . . .  Back then everybody was on the same page.  Here's the thing: when people start to lose, nothing cures problems in the room like winning.  What happens when you start losing?  That's when the problems start to appear.  Davos had a winning streak all the way up until Brexit and the election of Trump, all the way up until Putin took Crimea in 2014 . . . from the post-WWII architecture all the way up until then.  Everything had kind of mostly gone to plan.  And then we get into 2012 when David Cameron loses a vote in Parliament, saying, "No, you're not going to go along with Barack Obama to invade Syria."  That's what started the process of bringing Cameron down.  That's the first thing that happened.  After that, it opened the way for Putin to settle the conflict that Obama had picked over the chemical weapons attack in Syria, brokering that deal, which then led to the United States overthrowing Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine in 2014, which led to the Russians unifying with Crimea.  I refuse to use the word "annex," because that's not what happened.  Putin then turns around and stabilizes Syria by moving in militarily in 2015 after the JPCOA is signed.  Now that sets the stage for everything, and all of a sudden the losing streak . . . Putin is the architect of a lot of little losses to Davos' plans.  It starts to give a lot of people some ideas.  I noted immediately the changes in Central Asia and Middle Eastern politics.  Because it was very obvious that the big, bad globalist oligarchy used the United States military to run around the world, like Godzilla, stamping out any opposition to their rule.  The Brits would happily, through MI6 and the British Foreign Service, would happily set the stage with intelligence on the ground and operations on the ground and in the media, the BBC being a big mouthpiece for this.  But they could tell the lies about how the world worked up until Putin went into Syria and blew up the whole myth of ISIS in 3 weeks.  Once that happened, you can start to see the shifts in geopolitics.  You can start to see Erdogan getting cold feet about wanting to take over his Neo-Ottoman dreams.  You could see things shifting in Saudi Arabia and Israeli politics.  You could see Iran being more aggressive.  You could see problems in India and Pakistan.  You could see it happening everywhere.  [9:13]  We tried spinning a conflict between Azerbaijan and _______ and it goes nowhere.  All of a sudden, all of these little moments become really, really important because in the past they weren't because we always won.  Now we start losing those battles, so when we get to the big battles like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump all of a sudden the losing streak is now sincere and the agenda has to be accelerated.  Now things have to change.  Now the timeline has to change, now markers have to be called in, now . . . this is what brings us to COVID.  Trump had to be removed from office by hook, crook, or theft.  He had to be removed from office, and the United States had to be accelerated toward liquidation.   events.  For one, Trump stopped everything cold and started to reverse very important things.  They knew that they would run out of time because they own all of these "Olds" in British Parliament, the American Congress, the Italian Congress, the Italian political system, and the German political system, everything was shaping up with all these old boomers, and all of these old "silent generation" types, who've been in power forever--they're not going to make to 86-years-old in power.  They didn't have the next generation groomed, and they had to move everything forward to the next generation.  

[11:00]  They had to get rid of Trump for a number of reasons.  One, Trump finally understood what the game was.  he always knew what the problem was; he didn't know the depth of their depravity and their corruption, and it overwhelmed him.  And he wasn't the right person to take on that job.  If he had been a stronger character made of sterner stuff, he would have.  If he was made of the stuff that Putin was made of, who when he took power put his family in isolation and then went after the oligarchs.  No, Trump puts his family in the White House.  That's the difference between the two men.  Trump had to be gotten rid of because 4 more years of Trump would have derailed everything.  By that time, he had figured out what the problem was he had no NeoCons to fill his cabinet with, he would have swept the board with his own people in Congress and then they would have remade the United States politically.  The bureaucracy would have been neutered.  The EPA would have been gutted.  The Dept of Education would have been gutted.  The Dept. of Energy would have been torn down and would have been exposed as an off-budget of the DOD.  I mean all of this stuff would have started to fall apart.  Trump was setting up for his 2nd term like a Reaganeque 1st term.  So they had to get rid of him, and they had to manufacture a Democrat majority in Congress, and there's only one way to do this: they threw a virus at us.  They created a pandemic, and then they blamed everything that went wrong and our handling of it by packing the stats and pushing the narrative the way they did to bifurcate the country and to make sure that the split between Left and Right was irrevocable, and then blame Trump for everything.  And then manufacture the consent that the wasn't a popular president which was nonsense.  And then he just went in and manufactured $12 million friggin' votes?

[13:26]  In terms of the virus, your take is that it was a bioweapon?

[13:32]  Oh, it was absolutely a bioweapon.  I wasn't convinced of this early on, but I am now.  and I firmly believe that Davos has been trying to blame the Chinese for it.  I think they're the ones that released it and then blamed the Chinese Wuhan laboratory for it because Fauci and Birx all work for them.  Because when you map it out, what do you want to do?  If you lose the Democrats after they've tried to destroy the United States for two years, which is the natural political fallout, right?  You try to destroy the U.S., take away our food, make energy too expensive, raise our taxes, and send us even further into debtors prison, which was their plan but mostly derailed.  The Democrats are going to be out of office by the Midterms, and the GOP is going to take over.  Now you get behind a GOP who's blaming China for killing a couple hundred thousand Americans in the pandemic, which was the narrative they've desperately tried to create.  

[15:15]  This just gives you an idea of the level of ruthlessness of these people.  But if the inevitable goal was a narrative that said, "Fuck China," would that also make Trump's economic advisor, Peter Navarro, who wrote books blaming China for the U.S,'s economic woes, a Davos servant?  I could see this coming when they pivoted off of the lab-leak theory back in May 2021.  

Monday, June 27, 2022

Biden will be gone between the midterms and Christmas

6:50. Biden will be gone between the midterm elections and Christmas.  They absolutely have to get rid of him because once Kamala takes over she has to have a VP.  And she gas to get that VP confirmed by the House and the Senate before the Republicans take over in January.  So that's not a really big window.  

7:20. Because they're not particularly impressed with Harris, Biden and her can get caught up in the same scandal.  She has to resign first, then Biden appoints whom he wants to be president, and they never go through the Congress, the Senate on this one.  She has to resign first, then Biden has to resign, or is impeached, and then, who ever they want, which in my mind is Janet Yellen, could then ascend without ever having gone through a Senate confirmation.  The sane thing they did with Spiro Agnew and Nelson Rockefeller [1974] right?

7:55. Stage III requires someone who can be a virtuous killer.  Kamala fits that model way better than Janet Yellen.  Janet Yellen is just like somebody's grandmother.  She's not going to order the deaths of anybody.  Now, Kamala Harris would.  You've git to look at it as Barrack Obama's third term, and Kamala Harris is just there as a proxy for Barrack.  So she's got to stay there.  If they don't have a Vice Presidential candidate in place before the Republicans take over the House or the Senate, or both, you know that Kamala is going to screw up, and her odds of getting impeached are what, 80 or 90%?  Even more so if she doesn't get a vice president.  

9:00. The political turmoil comes down to how big a majority the Republicans come up with and the color and flavor of that majority in the House.  If it's a whole bunch of mouth-breathing, MAGA-tard revolutionaries, putting a leash on the GOP establishment types like Mitch McConnell and whatnot, if it's a hundred seats and it's 5 seats in the Senate, the political situation coming into 2024, everybody and their brother will vote for impeachment if that's what the politically popular move is.  That's been my calculus. But if it's only 40 seats, the Democrats may actually be able to hold some legitimacy together.  

9:40. The question is will we be able to get through an election.  I even question whether they'll be able to engineer an election in 2024.  If they do, what are the odds of everyone accepting it?  Ine of the triggers in Stage III is when things go to hell.  Usually, the trigger for that are the food riots. That's when the City goes out to the suburbs chasing down crimes of convenience.  When those crimes start becoming crimes of necessity . . . .  The cities are the place where shortages hit first.  When they start going out into the hinterland, they start killing people.  When you start killing people, then people want to kill back.  When those animal spirits are let out of the har, you don't put them back in.  We've seen that in Iraq.  We've seen that in Syria.  We've seen it in Ukraine.  That's how it works.  When you get into that, someone is going to pull the trigger, and Kamala is very much that model person that would be the virtuous killer who says, "Well, I'm sorry I had to kill these people but it had to be done for the greater good."  

11:20. Personally, I see Janet Yellen in that same boat and I think that she's a lot less politically divisive.  I think central bankers, or former central bankers, who are in what I call the pay of Davos, are some of the most ruthless people on the planet and they're very good at hiding their ruthlessness, and I think Janet Yellen is one of the most ruthless people, having reviewed her career with the Fed and how she personally bamboozled Greenspan and Bernanke for years . . . .  if anybody underestimates the ruthlessness of central bankers, go look at what Mario Draghi is doing right now in Italy.  

12:10.  I agree.  I'm not quite sure it'll be Janet Yellen, but time will tell.  A revolution is different if your country is surrounded by water.  Very few people died in the English Revolution (is the 20th c. term Marxists assigned to the civil wars in England between 1642-1651; it is not a reference to the Glorious Revolution of 1688), like 4%.  But if you were in Ireland, 60% of the people died during the English Revolution.  At the same time, what they call the Thirty Years War, 1618-1648, a war within the Holy Roman Empire, which is really a continuation of an 80-year war across Europe, 40-60% of the people died in the 30-year span from 1618 to 1648.  I looked up Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America kind of in that same scheme.  And the situation was very much as it was worldwide as it was in the 1600s.  That's what I think you're going to see a lot of deaths coming out of this revolution.  But the United States, we're surrounded by water, so we have more time, it's not as intense.  Well, we do have people coming across in the border war in the South.  

13:45  Now we're inviting them as opposed to invading them.  We're invading the world and inviting the world at the same time.  This is really interesting.  The precursor to the Revolution was actually the Ron Paul Revolution of 2008 and 2012 which actually set the stage for populists on the Left and the Right, Bernie and Trump to take center stage in 2016.  What would you use as the historical precedence for the model that you've overlaid on the United States?  When you talk about Strauss and Howe about the 4th Turning, they have their historical precedents for the previous "turning," as just an example.  So what do we have going on here?  You just brought up the Thirty Years' War as a precedent to the British Revolution.  

14:48  After Phase IV, I think it is, I go through every western revolution from 1600 up through Hitler, and show how within this 4 stage pattern.  Yeah, one of the interesting things that happen early in a revolution, in Stage I, is the big sex scandals.  You had it with Respighi?] . . . in the Russian Revolution.  And you had it with Rasputin.  In our American Revolution, you had it with the sex scandal was in Europe, and that was the Hellfire Club.  in France, you the Marquis de Sade.  In Hitler's Germany, you had Hitler himself with his cousin, who probably died of suicide pregnant with his child.  In American Civil War, you had the grandson, er son, of Francis Scott Key who got his brains blown out by Sickels in Lafayette Park across the street from the White House.  Daniel Webster was found to have two to three out-of-wedlock children.  Senator Harrison from South Carolina was caught up in all kinds of dalliances.  A lot of things . . . the thing about revolutions, because they're bankruptcies, you only have two choices: which is liquidation or reorganization.  Liquidation is killing people; reorganization is reorganizing your government.  And that's the peaceful way, and that's what I've been talking about this for the last dozen years.  the only way we can do this peacefully is that we have to reorganize.  Relatively peacefully.  Yeah, in Chapters 5 and 6, I lay out how that reorganization occurs and what has to be done.  I was actually surprised when I was at some gun shows, Convention of States was just starting out, and they were talking about the same thing.  If you look at their Preamble, it's term limits into centralizing the federal government.  They didn't go into the specifics.  I do.  Because they really don't understand the situation [that well].  

17:28  It's a theme that I've been on for years.  When I built my house back in 2003, I needed a defensible position, friends with post-revolutionary skills, and the whole 9 yards.  And I thought, 2008, Lehman Brothers, the balloon was going up then.  Now what really happened then was the beginning of bankruptcy.  The global monetary system broke in 2008.  They patched it together for 13, 14 years since then.  We've had coordinated central bank policy, now that's nearing its end with the Fed declaring independence and Russia declaring independence from the global financial system. That's what's clearly happening now, and traditional commercial banking interests here in the United States are saying, "No, that's enough.  You've gone too far."  And the Russians are saying "We need a commodity-backed standard and get rid of the colonial impulses of Europe, and so my question to you is, and this is where it's interesting, and I think that you and I see all of this similarly and glad to see you go into details about all of this, now I am interested in this and need to get a copy of your book and learn history that I didn't know much about.  My theory of Davos is that we're being pushed into a civil war, now, during Stage III by a group of people that sees the opportunity to grab their colonies and power back and they;re making the big move for the boob on prom night, and it's an agenda that they always wanted to implement by 2030, or say, 2050, but they had to pull it forward by 10 years because of the revolutionary spirit within the United States and other places, Brexit, Hungary, Italy, that the populism against their rule, transnational, oligarchic rule is rising too rapidly for which they have to put the kibosh on.  And though we are surrounded by water and have a little more time, we have globalist, internationalist powers actively subverting and destroying from within and have been for years as far as I'm concerned. 

19:55. It's the English system versus the American system.  It's the American Constitution versus the French Constitution.  I trace it back to the Venetians in 1204.  They took over Constantinople.  They took over England.  They all moved with their money into England in the 1500s, and they established themselves.  And you see the same names.  You see names from the old Crusader days still showing up in positions of power and government today.  There's a lot of continuity there.  Money has continuity.  And obviously the same families, and I know it sounds conspiratorial, but I'm supposed to be one of America's biggest conspiracy heros according to Media Matters

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

3,000 Babies Born with Microencephalies Following DPTa Vaccine in Brazil. Thanks, Bill & Melinda Gates

I'm not appalled, I'm livid.  Bill Gates and his ghoulish ex-wife need to be removed from life on this planet.  They don't deserve life among normal, good-hearted people of the Americas.  

First, note that there is no date embedded in the above meme.  The event occurred in 2015.  This is odd because the BMGF.

Second, the microencephaly reported in the above meme says that it is caused by the DTP vaccine.  I have no doubt.  But is the cause indirect or direct?  That's a valid question.  Does the DPT vaccine make children more susceptible to poisons engineered in GMO mosquitos as they enter the bloodstream of a child with a DPT?  

This morning I learned that the DPTa vaccine given to prevent diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus has caused 3,000 babies in Brazil to be born with microencephaly, with small brains.  Not easy to validate this from online sources since all the fact-checkers are owned by pharmaceutical companies.  This outlet concedes somewhat,

It has been suggested that DPT vaccines, a combination vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus, may be responsible for microcephaly. The widespread use of DPT vaccines given during pregnancy in the UK without a proportional rise in microcephaly directly refutes this claim. Another proposed cause is the release of genetically-modified mosquitoes in Brazil in 2015. It is feared that the modified genetic material may somehow make its way into humans. 

U.S. residents should know--make that Florida and California residents should know--that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released GMO mosquitoes into your territory.  What could possibly go wrong?  Plenty.  Interminable douchebag, Bill Gates and ghoulish ex-wife, Melinda, have warehouses around the world ready to whack any disease with a vaccine, even though the disease states are fairly mild.  But throw a government vaccine into the mix--that's when you get the devastating destruction that tosses parents, family, and caregivers into a maelstrom of unending grief.  And so that is what happened in Brazil in 2015.  From Scientific American

The trouble is they are not sure exactly what is causing the phenomenon or how to address it. They do have one strong suspect—a mosquito-borne disease called Zika that usually causes short-term rashes and joint aches, and is plaguing the same areas in Brazil. There is already evidence the virus can cross the placental barrier: Zika has been detected in the amniotic fluid of two pregnant women with microcephalic fetuses in the state of Paraiba. What’s more, viruses from the same genus have the ability to replicate once they reach the central nervous system, providing some indication of how the viruses could potentially cause microcephaly in the first place.

Zika disease, however, has never been known to cause microcephaly before. (Microcephaly is typically caused by exposure to toxic substances during pregnancy, genetic abnormalities or diseases during pregnancy like rubella or herpes). Then again, scientists also know very little about Zika. In fact, until 2007 there were only sporadic cases of people infected with the virus (at least ones that were laboratory confirmed), with small outbreaks in Africa and Southeast Asia since being discovered in 1947 in Uganda.  

Just last month, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced that they were releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida and California.  The purported reason?  To kill off an excess of disease-carrying [primarily yellow-fever-carrying] mosquitoes called the Aedes Aegypti mosquito.  

All government programs, especially the ones backed and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are implemented to separate women from their babies.  All of these programs, start with school curricula.  Kids bring their homework home and the parent sees the new math or the common core curriculum, and asks, "What the f@*%?"  Forcing the parents to relearn a new method that distorts the application of the new method in the real world.  Tom Luongo said it best, 

Can’t imagine how stressful this is for a mother. Can you imagine?  And they did this after letting it be known that vaccinated mothers can transfer spike proteins to the babies through the mother’s breast milk to get women to not breastfeed.  Which was always . . . the goal to separate women from their bodies and then from their primary function as caregivers for children has been going on for 70 years, the whole post-World War II cycle, if not during WWII with the whole Rosy the Riveter propaganda.  They’ve been doing it on purpose because we need to get women to be something other than primary caregivers for children.  It’s why Roe v. Wade is so important for these people, we have to retain the right to murder babies for communism.  Like, this is their ideology. 

Apparently, the same company got permission from the state of Florida to release 1 billion GMO mosquitos in that state.  But with reports that the Zika virus is causing microencephaly, one has to wonder in all of my conspiracy theory glory if these GMO mosquitos aren't equipped with more lethal versions of the Zika virus.  Check out this headline, headlines that are designed to deliver an unfathomable experiment that is always sold as safe and effective.  Note the claims in this article, that the GMO product being dumped into the environment is always, I mean always safe for the environment without concern for people's short or long-term health, 

Oxitec claims this method is “safe” and “environmentally friendly.” It boasts a successful track record with field tests in the Cayman Islands, Panama, Malaysia, and Brazil.  It also notes that the project was approved by the EPA and Florida's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and also has support from the Center for Disease Control and a board of independent advisors. 

All the usual suspects put their stamp of approval on mass toxicity.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

"They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground."

To all who live in the United States and beyond, please read this.  

Putin is done talking to the U.S. and the west, his enemies.  Now he's talking to everyone else to appeal to conservative convictions against the il-liberal ones.  

Russia's threat from the West is existential. Culture in Russia still means something, whereas in the West a man can become a woman, 2 + 2 = 5, justice is socialized to the whims of the 20-something #Me-Too mob, and borrowing trillions of dollars means paying down debt.  Culture is sacred.  Traditions and rituals survive hundreds if not thousands of years and you can't have a civilization reproduce itself if it surrenders its culture.  Transgender studies is not a valid body of knowledge that can sustain a people or a nation.  Neither is the destructive one-world communism.

Though you'd never know it by relying on the news media in the west, the west wants to pulverize Russia and its sphere of influence, the old Soviet blocks, into a million little atoms.  The West has been taken over by Klaus Schwab's minions and has become the New Communism.  Think of Davos and Klaus Schwab who want to kill billions, make those who survive weak, sick, and dependent on the government dole for social welfare, and turn the West and the United States into a defacto communist world.  In this coming world, you can expect the kind of monstrosity we see in North Korea, where if someone criticizes the government or the leader, that person is thrown into prison.  That's not all, however.  We learned from Michael Malice that the N. Korean government will punish you and members of your family for the next two generations.  That's how they rehabilitate you.  If Klaus Schwab gets his way and institutes across the globe the Great [Financial] Reset, you can expect a full-blown North Korean-style concentration camp.  Remember, government never limits itself.  Ever.  

Lindsey Graham’s job is to build up the propaganda war to justify NATO’s entrance into Ukraine in the next few weeks.  The current Davos crowd who has occupied the White House is seeking regime change in Russia.  The Obama 2.0 administration sought the same thing in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, and now in Russia.  Russia knows this, and Putin is prepared. 

That speech was aimed at everyone else beyond his enemies including Americans and Europeans, “This is what they think of you. This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience,” They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.

Saturday, March 19, 2022


LARP is Live Action Role Playing.  When was the last time that you heard any Christian pastor say these words who weren't frightened by the Gestapo or that money flow from the COVID spigot?

In such a unipolar, unified world [meaning one-world government] there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

I introduce to you, Vladimir Putin.

A further challenge (Danger) for the national Russian identity is connected to the process we observe outside of Russia.  They include foreign policy, foreign, and other aspects. 

We see that many Euro-Atlantic (the West) states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western Civilization. 

In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied—national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.

These politics treat a family with many children as equal to a homosexual partnership (juridically); faith in God is equal to faith in Satan.   

The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed lead to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. 

The people in many European states are actually ashamed of their religious affiliations and are indeed frightened to speak out about them. 

Christian holidays and celebrations are abolished or “neutrally” renamed as if one were ashamed of those Christian holidays.  With this method, one hides away the deeper moral value of these celebrations.

And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally.  I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization (of culture).  This leads to a deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West. 

What can be better evidence for the moral crisis of human society (in the West) than the loss of its reproductive function? 

And today nearly all developed western countries cannot survive reproductively, not even with the help of migrants. 

Without the moral values that are rooted in Christianity and other world religions, without rules and moral values which have formed and been developed over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity (and become brutes).

And we think it is right and natural to defend these moral and Christian values. 

One has to respect the right of every minority to self-determination, but at the same time, there cannot and must not be any doubt about the rights of the majority. 

At the same time as this process at a national level (in the West) we observe on an international level the attempts to create a unipolar, unified model of the world, to relativize and remove institutions of international right and national sovereignty  (Putin speaks about the U.S. Imperium).

In such a unipolar, unified world there is no place for sovereign states.  Such a world needs merely vassals. 

From a historical perspective, such a unipolar world (of the U.S.) would mean the surrender of one’s own identity of God-created diversity. 



Thursday, March 10, 2022


1:09:00  Biden, or whoever represents Biden--it's Obama, Susan Rice, and the rest of them--they are in charge of policy, and the Federal Reserve is on the outside looking in being forced into a subordinate role, and while all of my Austrian brethren would think that that's a very good thing, that is exactly what you don't want.  And right, and I've been literally saying this for 8 months, and I never thought that these words would come out of my mouth, but as far as I am concerned if I'm right with my read, Jerome Powell is the best ally we have right now.  Jerome Powell on the one side, Putin's army on the other, you can wipe out Davos; you can wipe out the European Union.  And you could force a restructuring of Europe that would be good for Europe in the long run and would be good for humanity overall.  And I'm dead serious when I say that, and unfortunately, it's going to take a war to do it but hopefully, it will be as little war as possible, and as few people will be killed as possible.  I hope that the people who are in the State Department telling President Zelensky of Ukraine, "Don't surrender.  Don't surrender.  Don't surrender," meaning Anthony Blinken, they need to stop.  And they need to realize that they're going to hang from lampposts when this is all over.  Because that's what's going to happen.  Because they're going to be tried, they're going to be convicted because the political backlash is coming in a way that it's going to be ugly, and I don't want it to be ugly.  the righteous amount of anger that we're just starting to see from the Russians, and the way that they're telling us that they're going to scratch, is here.  They have plenty of tools, plenty of weapons at their disposal which has nothing to do with them launching nukes at anybody, or invading Poland or Romania, and anything like that.  The bigger question has to do with the people who are losing decide to take that choice away from them.  It'll cost people some time.  It'll costs people a couple of years of privation and hardship.  And what I see in the future is bad. It's all bad. It's going to be bad or it'll be worse; I'd rather have it be bad than worse. And bad is food shortages, basic breakdown of spare parts, all of this stuff.  We all worry about what the world looks like at $200 a barrel of oil.  But no one's really contemplated what the world looks like at $500/pound aluminum.  And that's what we have . . . when aluminum is supposed to be trading at $.85. And it's trading at $5, guys.  Nickel is trading at like whatever . . . yes.

1:12:00  I was doing an interview this morning.  Nickel is up 33%. 

Right, and we're going to take Norilsk Nickel off the market, one of the biggest nickel producers in the world.  How are we going to produce stainless steel or for anything else that we use stainless steel for, which is pretty much the entire world?  You realize that, right, I mean I did 5 years in the palladium industry . . . in metallurgy.  I know my steel compounds.  We need chromium.  We need nickel.  We need Molly [short for Molybdenum]  We need Vanadium.  We need Yttrium.  We need all these metals.  Where are you going to get them?  And you're going to take the Russians out of the market, what are you nuts! 

1:12:40  It's not just that.  How are you going to refine oil when you can't get the flange to replace the one that broke on the distillation column?  This is basic stuff here or the rubber gaskets that used to cost a penny that we can't even get now because Thailand and Malaysia's rubber industry has collapsed because of capital flight.  And everybody is starving because the rice patties are empty.  This is what they're doing to the world.  And Putin is the enemy?  

1:13:20  Economics is not dry stuff like we discuss numbers on a page.  Economics is blood.  Every day all I see are dead people.  All I see are children going without because some stupid government bureaucrat doesn't know the basics of the laws of diminishing marginal utility. Like it's not even hard.  Can I teach it to these people?  It's 5 minutes, now shut up and think about it for a minute.  Blood and trade-offs.