Showing posts with label Lindsay Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay Graham. Show all posts

Sunday, October 9, 2022

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, & the Beltway class wanted Russia to war on Ukraine in 2016. But then Trump got elected, and it screwed up their plans.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

"They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground."

To all who live in the United States and beyond, please read this.  

Putin is done talking to the U.S. and the west, his enemies.  Now he's talking to everyone else to appeal to conservative convictions against the il-liberal ones.  

Russia's threat from the West is existential. Culture in Russia still means something, whereas in the West a man can become a woman, 2 + 2 = 5, justice is socialized to the whims of the 20-something #Me-Too mob, and borrowing trillions of dollars means paying down debt.  Culture is sacred.  Traditions and rituals survive hundreds if not thousands of years and you can't have a civilization reproduce itself if it surrenders its culture.  Transgender studies is not a valid body of knowledge that can sustain a people or a nation.  Neither is the destructive one-world communism.

Though you'd never know it by relying on the news media in the west, the west wants to pulverize Russia and its sphere of influence, the old Soviet blocks, into a million little atoms.  The West has been taken over by Klaus Schwab's minions and has become the New Communism.  Think of Davos and Klaus Schwab who want to kill billions, make those who survive weak, sick, and dependent on the government dole for social welfare, and turn the West and the United States into a defacto communist world.  In this coming world, you can expect the kind of monstrosity we see in North Korea, where if someone criticizes the government or the leader, that person is thrown into prison.  That's not all, however.  We learned from Michael Malice that the N. Korean government will punish you and members of your family for the next two generations.  That's how they rehabilitate you.  If Klaus Schwab gets his way and institutes across the globe the Great [Financial] Reset, you can expect a full-blown North Korean-style concentration camp.  Remember, government never limits itself.  Ever.  

Lindsey Graham’s job is to build up the propaganda war to justify NATO’s entrance into Ukraine in the next few weeks.  The current Davos crowd who has occupied the White House is seeking regime change in Russia.  The Obama 2.0 administration sought the same thing in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, and now in Russia.  Russia knows this, and Putin is prepared. 

That speech was aimed at everyone else beyond his enemies including Americans and Europeans, “This is what they think of you. This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience,” They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.