Tuesday, April 30, 2024

MAX CLELAND: The President has said that only a minority of the Commission can see a minority of the documents, and then they have to clear what they're going to say to the rest of the Commission with the White House.

The President has said that only a minority of the [911] Commission can see a minority of the documents, and then they have to clear what they're going to say to the rest of the Commission with the White House.  --Max Cleland

The Commission suspected that the Pentagon was deceiving them.  

6 out of the 10 commissioners, Kean and Hamilton, as well as Bob Carey Tim Roemer John Lehman and Max Cleland have all expressed concern that the commission was misled, stymied, hampered by conflicts of interest, and ultimately forced to participate in a politically motivated cover-up.  In their book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 911 Commission, and in press conferences and interviews at the time the report was released, Kean and Hamilton famously remarked that "the commission had been set up to fail."

Max Cleland, 1942-2021, was originally appointed to serve on the 9/11 commission but resigned shortly after having been appointed to the board of directors of the export-import Bank of the United States before his resignation he said that the Bush Administration was stonewalling and blocking the committee's access to key documents and Witnesses.

It's not "democracy" when unelected bureaucrats run our lives

Kansas passed an excellent bill called the REINS Act.

It says, get this, that lawmakers have to be the ones to pass laws and unelected bureaucrats have to have their rules and regulations reviewed by lawmakers to be constitutional. Their corrupt Democrat governor vetoed it. So much for dEmOcRaCy, right Laura? But the legislature overrode her in an iconic vote last night. TBH there are few things I love more than a veto override. Power to the people.

The REINA Act stands for "The Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS Act) is a legislative proposal aimed at increasing legislative oversight of administrative agency rulemaking by requiring legislative approval of agency regulations with certain financial or economic impacts before the regulations take effect. In effect, to rein in rubber stamping by the administrative state that wants to override and bypass elected lawmakers over a piece of legislation.

The Food Cure DOCUMENTARY - Can diet restore health and Wellness?

THE FOOD CURE 2018 Documentary 

17:06  In the U.S., doctors are not allowed to prescribe any first-time cancer treatments that have not been approved by the FDA.

The Gerson Therapy is introduced and explained at the 25:57 mark.  

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: “I hate to say this, [but] it [foreign aid] is going to depopulate the Ukraine. What I’ve said since the beginning of this is that the goal is to depopulate the Ukraine so that they can do their new thing here.”

Catherine Austin Fitts says the quiet part out loud about Ukraine “I don’t know where that money’s disappearing to... but it’s not there to fight a legitimate war.” “Ukraine is lost.” Military insiders say, “Money can’t help.” What Fitts said next was even more disturbing. “I hate to say this, [but] it [foreign aid] is going to depopulate the Ukraine. What I’ve said since the beginning of this is that the goal is to depopulate the Ukraine so that they can do their new thing here.”

Some reports suggest that 500,000 plus Ukrainian soldiers have died from the war so far. And when you add in the mass exodus out of the country because of the conflict, Fitts claims, “You’ve depopulated about eight to ten million people out of the Ukraine.” 

Here is the full interview.

Jackson, Mississippi, the City With Soul and the 3rd Highest Homicide Rate in the World

Mother Nature is taking Jackson, Mississippi back and no one has the ability to stop her.  
Even the churches are closed down here, and this is the Deep South where religion is all that a lot of these people have.  Even the foreign churches are closed.  --Nick Johnson

Observations from narrator, Nick Johnson,
"Jackson, Mississippi, the city with Soul because of the blues and gospel and folk and jazz."  Named for Andrew Jackson 
$30,000 to be a cop in Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson is  Mississippi's capital AND most populous.  "Jackson is the capital of and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Mississippi."  

Johnson again,

Jackson is 80% black, and the state legislature is mostly white. 
Jackson, Mississippi has the 3rd highest homicide rate in the world behind Tijuana, Mexico, and Caracas, Venezuela.
Abandoned retail space!  Now that's scary.  

Johnson continues,
Is desegregation to blame?  A lot of the white families took their families to the burbs. 
North Jackson is pretty nice with a commercial center called Fondren. 
North Jackson is nice, and he covers that at the 20:45 mark.  Madison, Mississippi is a very nice, upscale neighborhood. 

22:55  The narrator, Nick Johnson, concludes that Jackson, Mississippi is the worst place he's ever been, worse than Baltimore, Maryland, worse than Shreveport, Louisiana, and worse than Pine Bluff, Arkansas, and even Oakland, Califonia. 

24:00  Nick interviews Tyra, one of Jackson, Mississippi's residents.  

DR. THEY: "They don’t care if the truth comes out because the public no longer knows what is meant by the truth." ~2016 X Files Dr. They talking to Mulder

Stuart Margolin, aka, Angel from The Rockford Files, 1974-1980, plays Dr. They.  Wikipedia attempts to explain the segment by saying, "The episode focuses on the Mandela Effect and is a self-parody of the show and recurring events."  Self-parody of the show?  Ha!  Right.  Apparently, it says nothing about public institutions.  It reminded me of how CIA operations in any industry are often set up, have a physical address, even a receptionist, and then when the proverbial sh*t hits the fan the operation is taken down and offices are vacated, like you see in the 2012 movie, Erased, starring Aaron Eckhart.  So many of these movies straight out take plot structures, theme music, and even scenes from the original 2002 Bourne Identity.  

Just glad that America is not subject to any foreign influence

Monday, April 29, 2024

When people agree to lie together...the results can be impressive.

Low-carb "fatty melt" with grilled onions

Getting drones to block surveillance cameras. I sure hope this idea doesn’t spread.

DR. ALFONS WEBER: . . . emphasized that micro parasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have. And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.


The claim that cancer is some micro parasitic infection and not some random development of your body's own healthy cells actually goes back centuries and more recently to the late 1800s, when German scientist named Dr. Alfons Weber conducted experiments in the early 1860s in which he captured photos of cells being invaded by microparasites.  He also discovered that these cells were in tumor tissue and blood of all cancer patients.  Experts today will tell you that not only is cancer a micro parasitic infection but that we all have it inside of us at any given time.  Why would the allopathic system, standard medical doctors, and healthcare system hide this from us?  The current thinking says that your cells just went crazy and that the treatments, consisting of chemotherapy and radiation, both highly toxic, is a $300 billion industry, and given the revelation of the history of medicine recently in the United States how it was hijacked by the oil barons, the architects of the private inauditable Federal Reserve that is crushing our country currently, they're propensity to create the pharmaceutical industry a cash cow fed by the waste products of their oil processing plants the story actually extends to their control over what really causes disease and keeping the American public hidden causes from the real causes this was designed to maintain control over the treatment of disease as you will see you can't sell a multi-billion dollar industry if you don't control what the public thinks is the etiology and the diagnosis of the disease.  

2:55.  So take a look at slide one.  These are the two current paradigms for cancer--our genetic paradigm, meaning that our genes are turned on, oncogenes are turned on just out of nowhere, and the second is the viral paradigm.  Viral etiology is fast coming under scrutiny and being debunked after the recent COVID scam.  Countless experts now stand on the premise that cancer is caused by microparasites and that it is a microparasite infection that the stages of cancer progression are related to the lifecycle and proliferation of these microparasites and the ultimate incoming cause of cancer, a wasting disease that becomes overpowering when these microparasites are, what Dr. Lee Meritt calls them, intracellular parasites what happens when they become too prolific across the body and too powerful.  But clearly from some of the video clips I'm going to show you can see these microparasites are in and out of our various cells, including our blood cells, depending on the stage of their lifecycles can be seen, and slightly different forms of themselves.  Now these doctors go about treating cancer in a whole different way, which makes sense if you're positive that something other than viral or genetic is the cause you will approach parasitic infections, or cancer caused by parasitic infections, in a different way.  More on that in the second half of the show.

4:40. The genetic dogma is blown apart by the reality that DNA does not exist as a whole thing, only chromosomes, and chromosomes do not mutate. This is something that you can do your own research on for validation.  

On the virus paradigm related to cancer, given the modern approaches to electronic or electron microscope and its incredible magnifying capability, viruses we now know have never been isolated, or identified.  And still, to this day, they're not really well characterized, they're not measured, they are not really specifically separated as we know from the SARS-CoV-2 itself that has never been isolated in its pure and whole form from an ill individual.  Now the pictures you see in the media at all levels--mainstream media, alternative media, new media, whatever you want to call it--are all nothing more than cartoons created on a computer it now appears that viruses are only tiny protein fragments or what we are calling viruses they are only tiny protein fragments resulting from the asexual micro parasites or bacterial proliferation of themselves.  In other words, what is being called a "virus" is really a piece of dead flesh or genetic material proteins.  It's the toxins from their waste matter, as Dr. Lee Merritt has said over and over, that create illness and disease states across many different diseases.  

So you can see why, at the turn of the century, while hijacking the entire medical model to create the pharmaceutical industry, these oil baron criminals, you know, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, the Carnegies, the Warburgs, you know all their names now, these criminals buried the parasitic story in humans, and then, when you think about it, you know, you are deworming your dog regularly.   What makes you think you are not vulnerable to parasite invasion?  Well, Dr. Weber's work is based on thousands of biological in vitro and in vivo experiments with tissues and blood samples collected from cancer patients during their lives and even after their deaths.  Many experts like him have found that all these blood and tissue tests were confirmed to have microparasitic infections.  Weber also emphasized that microparasites are more pathogenic meaning disease-causing than any bacteria and fungus infection you could have.  And they are the natural causes of cancer and other chronic diseases.  This is mind-blowing. 

7:39.  Here is a slide of a human blood smear.  It shows some normal red blood cells it shows some damaged red blood cells but you also see three specific large egg sacs full of parasites these are in a mature stage called gametocytes, and these can cause a lot of human illnesses, as I said microparasites are the cause of many different human diseases.  In 2011, Alan Cantwell published a paper called "The Return of the Cancer Parasite: Bacteria and the Origin of the Cancer Cell," Alan Cantwell, October 26, 2011.  And the origin of cancer itself.  Now here are some interesting photos from his incredible collection and they're related to different types of cancers.  Now, Slide #3 is breast cancer tissue.  This section of tissue shows an intracellular round of parasitic egg sacs, magnified at 1,000x, and you can see that this is a huge egg sack.  Slide #4 is tissue from prostate cancer, and it shows a cell packed with intracellular coccoid forms which are the exacts again at 1,000x magnification

The CIA’s very first mission was to rig the Italian election using suitcases full of cash funneled through Mafia contacts to Italian politicians.

The White House Correspondents Dinner did a whole presentation on wrongfully detained journalists around the world. There was no mention of Julian Assange.

Greenwald adds, 

Assange is responsible for more major stories than every propagandist in that room combined. That's why they hate him: he doesn't only denounce the Bad Countries. Journalists who serve US power go to White House galas. Journalists who challenge US power end up as Assange has.

Assange has won major journalism awards all over the world. He has sources who provide him vital information, authenticates it, curates it, works with news outlets to report it. He's a journalist in every sense: just not the kind who talk on MSNBC.


No Wonder the Tolerant American Left Hates Putin

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Elze van Hamelen on Pharma Foods, all part of the story of controlling the food supply.  

It's an important story and it's one that I've been personally avoiding because I did a deep dive into the what was wrong with the industrial agriculture system and that was frightening enough.  This one is not going to be the most positive thing we've done.  So you read this and you think this can't ever possibly be economic.

Well that was my big question, I think, because it uses the same process as for biopharma products, but these are very high margin products . . . 

A hamburger is not a high margin product.

Even if you're able to set up this process and produce this product, which they're not really able to do yet on a high scale, why would you produce something with a margin of a hamburger?  

We talked about the universities, we talked about NASA, and the government agencies.  We've got a lot of startups and private companies and VCs.

What's important too is that after this VC Capital wave, the large corporations are investing in this too.

The conglomerates are here.

Because if you look at the structure of the food market basically every segment of the food market is dominated by an  oligopoly and sometimes there are also crossovers between these companies but our whole food system already is highly controlled, so to see these corporations are moving into this in a big way now they're calling in the government because in 2021 many governments have their own cellular meet program and you see the CEO of New Harvest she said well you have all the startups and they're not really getting off the ground they don't have an infrastructure we need an infrastructure now so they're lobbying all these governments a lot of government said have initiated this platform to help the startups get off the ground .

Why would a sane, intelligent person do this?  Why would Mr Global turn on the tap?  What are the logical reasons why this is a good idea?

That was actually a major turning point because I was reading this and I was like one thing is more insane than the other it's so insane it can be very frustrating but under what circumstances would this be rational?

Under what circumstances would you do it? 

Yes.  So there you get back to NASA like Solari published a lot about the space program and I thought okay . . . 

If you need food production on a spaceship, how you going to do it?  You can't bring cows, right?

2022: Biden sold 900,000 barrels of oil to a Chinese Government owned company that Biden indirectly had a steak in

With Joe Biden Signing The TikTok Ban Bill Due to The Threat Of China It’s Important To Remember, There’s No Threat When It Financially Benefits Him

Biden sold 900,000 barrels of oil to a Chinese Government owned company that Biden indirectly had a steak in Senator Eric Schmitt “I want to point out that around 900,000 barrels of oil were sold to Unipec America's subsidiary of the Chinese government-owned gas company Sinopec, which in turn had received billions of dollars from BHR Partners. Who is BHR Partners? BHR Partners is a private equity firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, who held a 10% stake. Were you aware that Hunter Biden's Hunter Biden benefited from the sale of our strategic petroleum reserve by an affiliated Chinese company”

Russia is not your enemy, President Putin is not your enemy!

Vladimir Putin has been good for Russia, he's been good for the Middle East, and Europe, and he's even been good for the United States.  

Dr. Patrick Quillin and [Chris Vark] discuss why nutrition is not a part of cancer treatment.

Dr. Patrick Quillin and I discuss why nutrition is not a part of cancer treatment.
Dr. Patrick Quillin is an internationally recognized expert in the area of nutrition and cancer. He has 30 years experience as a clinical nutritionist, of which 10 years were spent as the Vice President of Nutrition for Cancer Treatment Centers of America where he worked with thousands of cancer patients in a hospital setting.
My interview with Dr. Quillin is a treasure trove of valuable insight on holistic healing and cancer prevention as well as the inner workings of the pharmaceutical and cancer industries. Do not miss this one! Enjoy!

Daily users of marijuana are reshaping the consumer economy by buying more frozen food, and they’re also ordering on delivery apps such as DoorDash and Uber Eats more than average, per Bloomberg.

How does a tornado cause widespread fires that devastate mainly exclusive, high-rent districts? Asking for a friend

On the streets in West Virginia . . .

Saturday, April 27, 2024

ROBERT BARNES: "There is no Constitutional integrity without election integrity, and that is why election integrity must be a civil right"

"Election Integrity, the Civil Rights Issue of Our Time," Robert Barnes

One citizen, one vote. 

An honest vote honestly counted. 

OWEN BENJAMIN: so adversity is something really good. Someone like me matured a lot faster and I've innovated a lot more, and my life is a lot richer BECAUSE of the oppositions I've had

I can tell the despair meter and the psy-op meter is getting cranked up right now, and I genuinely do have a lot of compassion for the youth and I think my stories and my perspective may help you out a little.  

00:25. Okay so I've been posting a lot about the Baby Boomers. The Boomers!!  And people are like, "How dare you, big bear! Don't you know Tim Dylan already does all this?  He's one of the biggest comedians on Patreon.  Don't you know you're just cleaning up old Tim Dillon scraps?"  Let me tell you a story.  I was doing baby boomer jokes in 2016, 17, or 18.  I was doing the whole "Oh, we went to the moon!"  The "Duck, baby boomer!"  

The Connect with Johnny Mitchell.  I'm actually very mass demographic as the kids would say.  

Can't rent out a house on AirBnB.

It's one thing to talk trash; it's another to not let me compete.  But don't pretend that I can't compete with them.  I'm not even allowed on the platforms.  I'm not even allowed on YouTube.  And to have people say, "Oh, you're just taking Dave Chappelle's joke."  No, bitch, I did that joke 6 years ago, before Chappelle.  And being ahead of the curve with no criminal record, I'm a family man, I'm happy, I play music.  It's just not real competition.  One of the reasons I think that Timmy Dillon is allowed on, who's very funny by the way, I think he's more free than most.  He's more unique than most, is because he's fat and gay, and that plays into the depopulation agenda.  But here's my point: I'm basically a basketball player who got kicked out of the league for dunking, and now everyone dunks and they still pretend I'm crazy.  That could easily make someone bitter.  Like, imagine if you were trying to play basketball and you were not allowed to wear shoes, and your basketball was just a giant boulder.  And here's the irony.  I'm still competing.  My last special was great, and the beauty of this, and this is the advice I'm giving the youth, cream rises to the top.  

06:25  And so adversity is something really good.  Someone like me matured a lot faster and I've innovated a lot more, and my life is a lot richer BECAUSE of the oppositions I've had.  I got into farming, and I got into de-centralized comedy.  I developed a relationship with my listeners.  I tape specials in tents and it's beautiful.  And so when you're given opposition, in the comedy world, my story is crazy.  When literal criminals, murderers, drug traffickers, like disgusting people pushing gambling and sodomy and alcoholism on the youth, yet I'm not allowed on the very platforms that they are, to this day, 

God is above these wicked people. 

17:00  It's not fair that I'm not allowed to compete with these people that I was years ahead of.  But it is in the big picture.  And I've gotten better for it, I've gotten healthier for it.  If I was on the road all the time, I wouldn't have had 4 kids.  I wouldn't have been able to crush that ovulation cycle like I did, you know.  I kept my wife pregnant for 7 straight years.  You can't do that if you're on the road.  "Oh, I'm going to miss ovulation.  I'm in Cincinnati."  I wouldn't trade anything for my family.  I could sell out Madison Square Garden every day for 20 years, and I wouldn't trade that for 1 giggle with my son, for 1 day playing catch with him.  I reek of authenticity.  So keep crushing.  You're doing great kid.   


Introducing, or should I say reintroducing, Sabrina Wallace

Our eyeballs only view .0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum we live in.  Rosie Alderson explains that,
But, as I often point out when I’m teaching this topic, the human eye can only detect 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum. We term the tiny fraction that humans can see as ‘visible light’ and carry on with our lives, largely oblivious to the huge spectrum of electromagnetic waves present all around us. 
What is the electromagnetic spectrum?
Can you see the wireless waves coming from your phone?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves from your microwave?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves with your AM/FM radio?  No. 

Can you see the wireless waves when you get an X-ray at the dentist's office?  No. 

Okay.  These people that run electromagnetic warfare for 60 years on paper with jobs, they see it all.  

How much do you see?  .0035%.

How many of you were taught about that biofield? How many of you were taught how to use it?  How many of you even know it's there for real?  And when you do start talking about it, how do people around you behave?  They start acting weird, they make fun of you, they tell you it's not real, blah, blah, blah. 

Simultaneously, do you have a FitBit?  Do you have a health app on your phone?  Do you have an aura ring?  Do you have other sensate wearables, the different health apps that make your nervous system calm down automatically?  This is called the Internet of Medical Things.  It's brand new.  The Internet of Medical Things is the same system that we have been using for 60 years with the same ability to electromagnetically manipulate your body from the inside out, and from the outside in.  

Can you see your own aura?  Probably not.  When you go out among people, do you see their bio-field, formerly known as the aura?  Probably not, but these people do.  

So for the normies, the question is always the same, "What do we do?  What do we do?"

Where's your bio-field?  And when I do that, what usually ends up happening is that this is your body, it's your anatomy.  That's step one.  You have to be able to feel it, and if you can't, that's because it's a body part.  It's not 
When you can't feel it, who's in control of it? 

Yes, when you can't feel it, who's in control of it?  It's your body part.  So what I do is something called bio-field practice.  Anybody


Where did NASA fit a jeep in the Moon Lander?

The Boomer IQ Test.

How did NASA fit a jeep, or the Lunar Roving Vehicle, in the Moon Lander, otherwise known as the Lunar Module Eagle?

And could this be the coup de grace?

NOT A GOOD SIGN: Secretary of State Blinken was received at the airport by Chinese low level official and sent back to the airport by....nobody.

Blinken was received at the airport by a Chinese low-level official and sent back to the airport by....nobody. He shook the hand of the US ambassador and the embassy Kuli who held the car door open.

These were the only ones who bothered to turn up. 

The Incurious Sheep of Congress

Mew for Jaw Realignment

Susan Wiles allows big pharma Pfizer, Gilead, et al to bend Donald's ear

Susan Wiles is senior advisor of the Trump campaign and she is granting Pfizer, Gilead, and other pharma vaccine companies access to Donald Trump.  

victims talk about the need for a real investigation that explores the use of explosives at the WTC

Friday, April 26, 2024

PAUL SALADINO: Here is why I only use metal or wood spatulas

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

FRANCES SHURE: When we hear information that contradicts our worldview, social psychologists call the resulting insecurity "cognitive dissonance"

MARTI HOPPER, 00:42. As we know, the horrors of what happened on 9/11 were televised all over the world; they were televised, in fact, live.  We witnessed the deaths of almost 3,000 of our fellow Americans.  We know this had a very severe and traumatic impact on a large majority of the population at this point.  We have 9 years of hard scientific evidence that disproves the government theory about what happened on September 11th, and yet people continue to be either oblivious to the fact that this information exists, or completely resistant to looking at this information.  So the question becomes why? Why is it that people have so much trouble hearing this information?  For my work, I think we would be remiss not to look at the impact of trauma.

ROBERT HOPPER, 01:37. Many people respond to these truths in a very deep way some have a visceral reaction like they've been punched in the stomach to begin to accept the possibility that the government was involved is like opening Pandora's Box.  If you open the lid and peek in a little bit, it's going to challenge some of your fundamental beliefs about the world.

DOROTHY LORIG, 02:04.  If we can think of our worldview as being sort of our mental and emotional home I think all of us will do just about anything to defend our homes to defend our families and so I see that with people and I saw that with myself when my brother tried to talk to me about it don't mess with me don't mess with my home don't mess with my comfort of how things are about a week later I read a lengthy article by professor David Ray Griffin why he believes the official account about 9/11 cannot be true and it was a very well researched article and it was in my office at the time I sat there I felt my stomach churning and I thought maybe I was going to be sick and I leaped out of my chair and I ran out the door and took a long walk around the block around several blocks and just broke down I understand now that what was happening was my worldview about my government being in some way my protector almost like a parent had been dashed and it was like being cast out into the wilderness I think is the closest way to describe that feeling and I sobbed and I sobbed, felt like the ground had completely disappeared from beneath my feet and I knew at some point during the walk that I knew that I was going to have to become active in educating other people about this that for me to retain any sense of integrity I was going to have to take some action I couldn't just let something like this go.

FRANCES SHURE, 3:41. When we hear information that contradicts our worldview, social psychologists call the resulting insecurity "cognitive dissonance." For example, with 9/11 we have one cognition, which is what the official story of 9/11, what our government told us, and what our media repeated to us over and over, that 19 Muslims attacked us.  On the other hand, we have what scientists, researchers, architects, and engineers are now beginning to tell us which is that there is evidence that shows that the official story cannot be true.  So, now we've lost our sense of security.  We are starting to feel vulnerable.  Now we're confused.

ROBERT HOPPER, 4:28.  9/11 truth challenges the beliefs that our country protects us and keeps us safe and that America is the good guy.  When your beliefs are challenged, fear and anxiety are created.  In response to that, our psychological defenses kick in and they protect us from these emotions.  Denial, which is probably the most primitive psychological defense, is the one most likely to kick in when our beliefs are challenged.

DANIELLE DUPERRET, 4:57. It's a very very uncomfortable state to be in, and actually our mind shuts off just like a computer is overloaded our minds get overloaded we can't handle it anymore and we shut down.

FRANCES SHURE5:11. And what some of us will tend to do is deny the evidence that's coming our way and stick to the original story, the official story, and to try to regain our equilibrium in that way another thing that we can do is decide to look at the conflicting evidence and be sincere and be open-minded and look at both sides of the issue and then make up our own minds about what reality is

KIM DOTCOM: 27m Soviets died in WW2. Despite of this loss Russia chose to be our partner, removed its troops from East Germany and gave us reunification. Then we broke our promises . . .

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment was done under the guise of receiving free healthcare from the United States government

DR. SHAWN BAKER: If you eat a lot of fiber much more of your nutrition just ends up in the toilet

OWEN BENJAMIN: There are no victims only volunteers

Thursday, April 25, 2024

JOSE VEGA: $61 billion for what was {called} “money for Ukrainian freedom.” In reality, this money goes to the military-industrial complex of the United States, not to Ukraine

MARGULIS: So the preconceived notion of NIST is that there's no evidence of explosives so there's no point in looking. That is the most unscientific thing that you could possibly think of. Not to look because you don't expect to find evidence . . .

I'm Withdrawing Cash in Australia, and the Banks Want to Know Why

WHY THE FxxK DO I NEED A LAW TO EAT??? I don't derive my rights from the law, fake politicians, or corporations masquerading as governments!

🇺🇸 Freshman legislator, Representative Kim Coates, has introduced HB467, a bill that allows for the sale of raw milk! This is a liberty issue: should you have the freedom to choose to buy this product or not? We think you do! Just as with raw oysters, consumers should have the right to purchase raw milk. As important, our dairy farmers have the right to profit from the fruits of their labor. Many Louisianans drive to Texas to purchase raw milk - let’s bring that money home to Louisiana! This bill is being heard in committee TODAY! Send a statement of support to the committee NOW! 👇👇  
