“I’m a scientist, a physician and a public health official,” Fauci said. The millions of Americans struggling to get their lives back might quibble with the order, and a key part of the description is missing.
Anthony Fauci earned a medical degree from Cornell University in 1966. He does not list advanced degrees in molecular biology so, strictly speaking, Anthony Fauci is not a virologist.
In 1984, a full 36 years ago, Fauci hired on with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
There Fauci made a name for himself with the claim that AIDS would ravage the heterosexual community. That turned out to be wrong and for background see The Myth of Heterosexual AIDS, by Michael Fumento, and Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter Duesberg, who is a molecular biologist.
On Fauci’s watch, NIAID became a major funder of research for what is now known as HIV/AIDS. Dr. Fauci could often be found testifying before Congress, which is where the money comes from. Lately his ability to get things wrong has been on full display.
The 2001 anthrax letter attacks in the United States killed five people and wounded dozens. They were widely blamed on extremist Muslims and their backers and used to support the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. They were also used to justify and hasten the passage of the USAPATRIOT Act, which was being presented to Congress just as the first anthrax victim grew ill. In October 2001, one of the hypotheses that gained ground was that of the Double Perpetrator, the claim that al-Qaeda was carrying out the attacks with the support of Iraq. Much evidence was put forth to support this Double Perpetrator hypothesis but independent scientists soon discovered that the anthrax spores came from a domestic lab in the U.S. serving the military and intelligence communities, not from al-Qaeda or Iraq.
2. How to Live to 100 Years Without Growing Old, Bill Sardi, 2002.
3. The Prolongation of Life: Optimistic Studies, Elie Metchnikoff, Elie and P. Chalmers Mitchell, 2015.
1. Athlete's Edge: Faster, Quicker, Stronger with Vitamin D, John Cannell, 2011. Cannell started the Vitamin D Council. For a review of Vitamin D and his Vitamin D Council, Bill Sardi writes this.
1. Silent Clots: Life's Biggest Killer, Lockstep Medicine's Conspiracy to Suppress the Test That Should Be Done in Emergency Rooms Throughout the World, Dr. James R. Privitera, 1997.
An excellent book on the effectiveness of B-17 as a cancer treatment. Griffin does an excellent job of exposing the financial, educational, and institutional controls that the pharmaceutical industry uses to interfere in the fight against cancer. He made a point that has stuck with me since--that when chemo-therapy products arrive at cancer clinics and hospitals, the individuals handling the chemicals have to wear protective gear when removing it from the trucks and then placing it in storage. And yet people, following their doctor's orders, will put chemo into their bodies.2. Cancer: Curing the Incurable Without Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiation, William Donald Kelley, 2001.
3. The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, One Solution to the Medical Enigma of Our Time, Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, and Linda L. Isaacs, MD, 2009. For a summary of Gonzalez's enzyme therapy, see this page.
4. Conquering Cancer, Volume 1: 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol, Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, 2016.
5. Conquering Cancer, Volume 2: 62 Patients on the Gonzalez Protocol, Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, 2017.
6. One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley, Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, 2010.
7. I like this Anti-Cancer Regimen.
8. The M.D. Emperor Has No Clothes: Everybody Is Sick and I know Why, ND, Dr. Peter Glidden, BS, 2012. Because of this tweet.
Extremely thought provoking and sobering… pic.twitter.com/Sgp56Nn17j
— WAKE UP #WeThePeople 💥👏 (@LetsGoBrando45) October 29, 2022
When I read Collins book ‘The language of God,’ I thought his goal was to bridge a gap between science and religion. Never imagined that the goal of bridging this gap was for him and Fauci to be viewed as Gods. They’ve done serious damage to the reputation of science imo.
— Truth Seeker 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 (@MichaelS850101) January 2, 2023
The Right Dose: How to Take Vitamins and Minerals Safely, Patricia Hausman, 1989. Bill Sardi writes that
Patricia Hausman in her book TheRight Dose explains that “the best proof of zinc deficiency is the presence of some of its typical symptoms (mental depression, fatigue, hair loss, diarrhea, reduced resistance to infection or delayed wound healing, reduced sense of taste or smell) followed by their improvement or disappearance after supplementation.
75,000 copies sold! Cell towers, Wi-fi, 5G: Electricity has shaped the modern world. But how has it affected our health and environment?
Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before―from an environmental point of view―by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet.
In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg traces the history of electricity from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization―heart disease, diabetes, and cancer―are related to electrical pollution.
2. Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It, Gary Taubes, 2011.
This will make you feel better: right now the #1 book on all of Amazon is Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History; I interviewed author @SteveDeaceShow today https://t.co/Er9H5nwfyH
— Tom Woods (@ThomasEWoods) April 1, 2021
1. Eat Bacon, Don't Jog: Get Strong. Get Lean. No Bullshit, Grant Petersen, 2014.
1. Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Way Back to Health, William Davis, MD, 2014.
2. Life Without Bread: How a Low-Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life, Christian B. Allan and Wolfgang Lutz, 2000.
3. Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal May Be Hazardous to Your Health, James Braly, Ron Hoggan, and Jonathan Wright, 2002.
4. Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers, David Perlmutter, 2013.
Bill Sardi explains that Vitamin C is excellent in treating conditions that arise from high consumption of wheat and other grains.
3. I recommend the book, The Great American Healthcare Scam: How Kickbacks, Collusion and Propaganda have Exploded Healthcare Costs in the United States by Drs. David and Paul Belk. This recommendation comes from Robert Wenzel.
1. America's Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System, Steven Brill, 2015.
2. Drug Wars: How Big Pharma Raises Prices and Keeps Generics off the Market, Robin Feldman and Evan Frondorf, 2017.
3. Stealth Euthanasia: Health Care Tyranny in America, Ron Panzer, 2011. I found this book from this article by the same author. This statement from his article shocked me
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider and 96% of its services for pregnant women are abortions.” [The author describes how a fetus, viewed on ultrasound, even in its first three months of life reacts and fights to keep from being aborted by an abortionist.]Here is another shocking sampling,
But withholding the patient’s regular medications, way before the patient reaches the end, active phase of dying, pushes the patient into a crisis. The patient then appears to be “actively dying” and is then either sedated, given morphine and other opioids, or both, and that un-needed cocktail of medications completely destabilizes the patient, who then dies. The trusting family doesn’t know what happened. Sometimes unneeded laxatives are given to promote uncontrolled diarrhea and contribute to life-threatening dehydration. [Pretty sickening.]4. Collapse of Conventional Medicine, Bill Sardi, 2002.
5. Deadly Medicines and Organized Crimes: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, Peter Gotzsche, 2013.
1. Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks...But People Do: 4th (fourth) Edition, Matthias Rath, 2004.
Given that vaccinated patients may not desire or may not be able to undergo the PULS test, this journalist calls attention to the work of Dr. Linus Pauling and Dr. Matthias Rath, who showed vitamin C is required to heal coronary arteries that feed the heart with oxygenated blood, and that a deficiency of vitamin C allows a blood protein known as lipoprotein to serve as a sticky bandage for damaged coronary arteries. However, lipoprotein may then induce blood clots due to its stickiness and may close off oxygenated blood altogether (the so-called widow-maker heart attack).
Dr. Matthias Rath went a step further and showed animals that produce vitamin C internally do not develop these rupture-type heart attacks. Dr. Rath authored a book, Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks But People Do,
Despite a new drug to lower lipoprotein now being available, it is futile to attempt to lower lipoprotein levels. Maintaining vitamin C blood levels is the most efficacious way to prevent lipoprotein induced heart attacks.
Dr. Steve Hickey of Manchester, England and author of the book, The Vitamin Cure for Heart Disease, suggests 500 milligrams of vitamin C taken 5 times throughout the day, given that vitamin C is rapidly excreted in urine.HOMOCYSTEINES
1. The Homocysteine Revolution: A Bold New Approach to the Prevention of Heart Disease, Kilmer S. McCully, M.D., 1999. Recommended by Bill Sardi in his article on "Angry Old Grandma." This point that Sardi makes about McCully caught my eye,
Forget that Dr. McCully had found the narrowing of arteries in carotid (neck) arteries that facilitate delivery of oxygen to the brain are narrowed (called carotid artery stenosis) due to elevated homocysteine. The higher the blood serum levels of homocysteine, the greater the risk for narrowing of carotid (neck) arteries.It's not that Sardi understates it, but it's more of the fact that I am shocked at how homocysteine is implicated in so many healthy or unhealthy conditions. Without it, you're in trouble with stroke or heart attack or anger issues. With it, you get to feel normal and can get locked into a productive zone. What's the cure for homocysteine levels? B vitamins.
NCBI puts it this way
Elevated homocysteine concentrations in plasma are a risk factor for prevalence of extracranial carotid-artery stenosis > or = 25% in both men and women. Prospectively elevated plasma homocysteine is associated with increased total and cardiovascular mortality, increased incidence of stroke, increased incidence of dementia and Alzheimer's disease, increased incidence of bone fracture, and higher prevalence of chronic heart failure. It was also shown that elevated plasma homocysteine is a risk factor for preeclampsia and maybe neural tube defects (NTD). This multitude of relationships between elevated plasma homocysteine and diseases that afflict the elderly, pregnant women, and the embryo points to the existence ofa common denominator which may be responsible for these diseases.IRON
1. The Iron Time Bomb: How Iron Adversely Affects Your Health, How to Use Nature's Mineral Chelator, IP6 Rice Brain Extract for Better Health, Bill Sardi, 1999.
This video by a nephrologist, Dr. Jason Fung, is easy to follow along regarding the risk of high blood sugar for kidney health and how excess protein while fine for someone with normal kidney function, may worsen the health of someone’s kidneys when there is already some loss of renal function. He does not mention the benefit or need for zinc or bitter tasting nutrients in the diet for appetite and blood sugar or kidney function, however. Those are fairly new areas of research. – Dr. Jason Fung on Diabetic Kidney Disease.
1. The Slow Poisoning of America, John E. Erb, and T. Michelle Erb, 2003.
1. Nutrition and the Autonomic Nervous System: The Scientific Foundations of the Gonzalez Protocol, Nicholas J. Gonzalez, MD, 2017.
1. Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma Has Corrupted Healthcare, Peter Gotzsche, 2013.
1. Cruel Compassion: Psychiatric Control of Society's Unwanted, Dr. Thomas S. Szasz, 1998. Here is the author's Amazon page.
2. The Manufacture of Madness: A Comparative Study of the Inquisition and the Mental Health Movement, Thomas S. Szasz, 1997.
3. Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry, Thomas S. Szasz, 1974.
4. Mass Murderers in White Coats: Psychiatric Genocide in Nazi Germany and the United States, Lenny Lapon, 1986.
Common Courage’s number one seller blows the lid off of today's multi-billion-dollar propaganda-for-hire PR industry, revealing how public relations wizards concoct and spin the news, organize phony "grassroots" front groups, spy on citizens and conspire with lobbyists and politicians.
The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads, Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell, 2021. Thanks to this Tweet.
Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, E. Richard Brown, 2016.
1. It's All in Your Head: The Link Between Mercury Amalgams and Illness, Hal Huggins, 1993.
2. Uninformed Consent: The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care, Hal A. Huggins & Dr. Thomas Levy, 1999.
Edward Jenner (1749–1823) has been lauded as a medical pioneer and saver of the lives of millions for supposedly developing the earliest crude forms of vaccination, but is he really all that? Was he even an original thinker? See for yourself.
Jenner set up practice as a “surgeon” in Berkeley in the 1700sj, but he, in fact, did not earn the title of “doctor” at all. Jenner’s history is actually quite amusing. Dr. Walter Hadwen, JP, MD, LRCP, MRCS, LSA., explained during an address in 1896:
Here is Hadwen's address:
Now this man Jenner had never passed a medical examination in his life. He belonged to the good old times when George III was King— (laughter)—when medical examinations were not compulsory. Jenner looked upon the whole thing as a superfluity, and he hung up “Surgeon, apothecary,” over his door without any of the qualifications that warranted the assumption. It was not until twenty years after he was in practice that he thought it advisable to get a few letters after his name. Consequently he then communicated with a Scotch University and obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine for the sum of £15 and nothing more. (Laughter.) It is true that a little while before, he had obtained a Fellowship of the Royal Society, but his latest biographer and apologist, Dr. Norman Moore, had to confess that it was obtained by little less than a fraud. It was obtained by writing a most extraordinary paper about a fabulous cuckoo, for the most part composed of arrant absurdities and imaginative freaks such as no ornithologist of the present day would pay the slightest heed to. A few years after this, rather dissatisfied with the only medical qualification he had obtained, Jenner communicated with the University of Oxford and asked them to grant him their honorary degree of M.D., and after a good many fruitless attempts he got it. Then he sent to the Royal College of Physicians in London to get their diploma, and even presented his Oxford degree as an argument in his favour. But they considered he had had quite enough on the cheap already, and told him distinctly that until he passed the usual examinations they were not going to give him any more.” – Dr Walter Hadwen, 1896 (emphasis added)
This may be of some interest. This too on Dr. Walter R. Hadwen.
The idea of vaccination had never
been popular with everyone and Edward Jenner himself came under the satirical
attack of Gilray in his famous cartoon The Cow Pock of 1801 [above: The Cow Pock or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation by James Gilray -
National Library of Medicine].
1. Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic: A Medical Controversy, David Kirby, 2006.
3. Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident, or Intentional, Leonard G. Horowitz and W. John Martin, 1997.John Barry, author of The Great Influenza: “When you mix politics and science, you get politics.” https://t.co/6U20cmTegU
— James Bovard (@JimBovard) September 16, 2021
2. The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, Irwin Stone, 1972. Free pdf version of Stone's book.
1. Athlete's Edge: Faster, Quicker, Stronger with Vitamin D, John Cannell, 2011. Cannell started the Vitamin D Council. For a review of Vitamin D and his Vitamin D Council, Bill Sardi writes this.
1. Dr. Wilfrid E. Shute's Complete and Updated Vitamin E Book, Dr. Wilfrid E. Shute, 1975.
Orthomolecular Medicine for Everyone: Megavitamin Therapeutics for Families and Doctors, Abraham Hoffer, MD., PhD., and Andrew W. Saul, PhD., 2008.
Even Sardi admits that zinc dosage could be different for people when considering age, condition, or health status. He writes
The recommended daily allowance for zinc is just 11 milligrams per day for adult males and 8mgs for females, but there is no RDA for seniors who typically have difficulty absorbing zinc (possibly due to prevalent H Pylori infection that shuts off stomach acid secretion).
Vegetarians, individuals with H. Pylori infection (about half of the US population) which shuts off stomach acid secretion, individuals taking zinc-depleting drugs (ACE inhibitors, histamine blockers; diuretics; beta blockers; cortisone; estrogen; steroid anti-inflammatories), alcohol, antibiotics, commonly experience a shortage of zinc.
Health-minded individuals are likely to search for zinc-rich foods, but frankly, aside from oysters (74.0 mg zinc per 3 ounces/serving), foods do not provide much zinc (meats providing the most).
Compared to other metallic minerals, zinc is relatively harmless, though it should be balanced with 1 mg of copper for every 10mgs of zinc. Daily consumption of more than 40mgs of supplemental copper is not advised.
From Page 12 of his brochure, Bill Sardi defines the supplemental ranges more specifically,
For adults, supplemental zinc should stay below 34-40mg/day to avoid side effects and not induce a zinc/copper imbalance.
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