Showing posts with label SOFR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOFR. Show all posts

Sunday, September 25, 2022

The Federal Reserve raising rates is actually maneuvering to regain sovereignty and control over the dollar.

I'm going to stop talking about the Euro Dollars, the Euro dollar market, 

I said to you the pound dropped over 3% yesterday, and you said, "Holy shit!  Look at the Euro dollars market!"  So let's just talk a little bit about that, because I don't think that people realize, or that they don't dig into, is all of this superficial stuff that the mainstream media presents 

the euro dollars are all of the off shore dollars outside the United States, and what has been happening is that Europe has been controlling the interest on the U.S. dollar because they've got all of these dollars outside the United States through LIBOR.  We've got the Federal Reserve raising rates.  They've got their own system, SOFR, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate, and what they're actually doing is out to regain sovereignty and control over the dollar.