Tuesday, September 24, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: One thing I've learned about innocence and low-trauma existence and high-honest existence is that your memory gets better

15:27. One thing I've learned about innocence and low-trauma existence and high-honest existence is that your memory gets better.  Like his memory is unbelievable.  And also, little-known fact, they actually don't fall for tricks like you think they would.  My kids can see through stuff so fast, it's so interesting like how living a an honest, simple life and having innocence, you can actually see tricks a mile away.  Like if a commercial would ever pop on, they don't watch commercials or anything, they would immediately be like, "Oh, they're being naughty," or "They're lying," or "They're tricking." Like they just can see it a mile away. And that's one thing to remember about deception, that people a lot of times want to act so innocent but what deception is praying on is your behavior, your negative behavior.  And there are some things that children can be tricked into because they just want to please their parents, or they want to please somebody, and they will bury what they know to be true but they actually have an incredible moral compass from just not being lied to.  

21:52. What is evil?  We'll look at Paradise Lost, Kafka's The Trial,  Machiavelli's The Prince, C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man, and Carl Jung's archetypes, and one story from my life of a man named Harrison Smith, who works at Infowars.  I know a lot of people have said, who the hell is Harrison Smith?  talk about people we know.  I prefer to talk about people I know.  I can verify the truth of it better and once a story starts going the level of fame or notoriety of the person doesn't really matter.  It's archetypal.  Liar Week kicked off after I spent some time as a comedian making fun of victim consciousness, and as a social commentator I'm showing the inevitable despair and failure of victim consciousness by any name the backlash was intense.  Self perceived victims don't want to let their comfortable position of victim go so it inspired me to dig deeper and the feedback has been incredible first let's take a look at a Hollywood film called The Devil's Advocate which illustrates the classic the devil can't make you do it.

24:10. So who is the devil?  I've found that many fights and disagreements come from word choices and an emotional connotations and not the meaning of what people are saying.  Defining terms is extremely important before a meaningful discussion can be had.  People in bad faith are unable to have a meaningful discussion about anything.  Sophistry and language tricks for the hidden agenda of personal ambition will always lead to endless loops and endless nonsense but for the people who actually want to exchange experience in perspective with their fellow man, defining language is very important.  Evil, Satan, the Envious One, the Nemesis, Lucifer, the Shadow, weakness, Tempter, Lookie the Trickster.  All of these words describe something similar.  It's why as a comedian I learned to look at what people do more than what they say.  I look at the fractals and the metaphors, the ratios of each group and note the pattern and similarities

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