Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2023. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

So viruses are known oftentimes to integrate into your genome and disrupt it, which can lead to this genome instability that can then create a cell line that kind of grows out of control. --Kevin McKernan

00:00. How could something like this be cancer-causing, and it's precisely the fact that it can actually get into the cells in the first place.  So can you explain that process, what would make this cancer-causing, if indeed it were found to be, because, for example, we are seeing this higher incidence of the so-called turbo cancers and rare cancers appearing in people post-rollout of these genetic vaccines?  There's a signal there that people are wondering about.

00:33.  So Bob Weinberg does a lot of work in this space.  [See a list below.]  He's kind of written the book on viral integration into the genome causing cancer.  Many tumors, will actually, if you survey their sequence, you will find SV40 DNA sequence in there, from SV40 viruses and also from other viruses.  So viruses are known oftentimes to integrate into your genome and disrupt it, which can lead to this genome instability that can then create a cell line that kind of grows out of control.  The concern here is if this DNA integrates into the genome, one portion of the SV40 sequence that's in there is an SV40 promoter, it's a very strong promoter, which means it drives transcription wherever it lands in the genome, if this happens to drop itself in front of a proto-oncogene and drives a lot of expression of a gene that's known to, if you hyper express it, turn the cell cancerous, then we have a concern that that DNA is, in fact, doing that.  So there are two concerns: there are promoters in this vaccine from SV40 and there is a 72 Ace Cash

The Biology of Cancer, Robert A. Weinberg, 2023.

Genes and the Biology of Cancer (Scientific American American Library Series, No. 42), Harold Vamus and Robert A. Weinberg, 1993. 

Molecular Oncology (Scientific American Introduction to Molecular Medicine), J. Michael Bishop and Robert A. Weinberg, 1996.

Racing to the Beginning of the Road: The Search for the Origin of Cancer, Robert A. Weinberg, 1996.  

One Renegade Cell: How Cancer Begins (Science Masters Series), Robert A. Weinberg, 1999.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason

afterward in most societies that [umbilical] cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  --Suzanne Humphries

00:08. What is your opinion on vitamin K being administered to newborns?  

00:14. My opinion is that the more I read about vitamin K, the more I can't believe that it is injected into newborn infants.  My scientific endeavors have really shown me that by and large nature overall didn't make mistakes like this.  Nature didn't leave out vitamin K from babies, and that until babies are 6 months old they're not actually having a full coagulation, normal coagulation, so there's a reason . . . just like babies are programmed to be anti-inflammatory, I believe that babies are programmed to not have numerously higher levels of coagulation than adults.  If you look at the coagulation, the supposed deficits, that a baby has, it's not just the vitamin K factors.  So I would suggest that you read a lot about it and consider . . . if you feel better about giving it, then only give the drops.  But most people I know, who understand the difference, don't give any at all.  And if you do give it, maybe it would just be maybe if there was an extremely traumatic birth. 

01:34.  But you have to understand some of the things that medical interventions do at birth.  For instance, when the baby is born what happens is that it's a very tight passageway, as we all know, and so the baby is squeezed very tightly.  The brain, I'm sorry, the cranium is made so that it can compact in on itself.  The brain is squeezed.  There's trauma all throughout the body.  About 30% of babies will have micro hemorrhages from a normal delivery.  Now afterward in most societies that cord is clamped right away, which is a problem because you're not only leaving behind up to 40% of that baby's blood that belongs to that baby, but you're also leaving behind stem cells, which have the potential to go in and clear up any of the problems that happened in the brain or elsewhere.  Now if you thicken the blood, what is it, 2000 times more or something like that, then how is that going to affect the ability for those stem cells to go where they need to go?  When you have these vitamin K factors, those areas that bleed tend to clot and it's a little harder to clear that out than if you just leave it that way.  The concern is always the minority, this vastly small percentage of children who can develop an inter-cranial hemorrhage and it can be problematic.  We are now treating everybody for this problem.  So I think it's important to understand the full spectrum before agreeing to the injection, and it should be your personal decision that you feel comfortable with AFTER knowing what there is to be known about vitamin K, which I believe in the USA has been given since 1970s something like that, but before that, we weren't giving it.  

03:29. The other thing is that if the baby's clotting is not full until 6 months of age, how long is your injection going to work for?  So it's not completely logical [to give] a huge injection on the first day of life.  Is it going to protect them over the long term?  But I think that it's always a good idea for mothers to consume lots of greens during, the entire pregnancy if possible, because not only do you get vitamin K that can be delivered to the baby in normal amounts if they need it, but you're also getting folic acid, magnesium, and lots of other minerals that are required to build a baby.  

Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History, Suzanne Humphries MD (Author), Roman Bystrianyk (Author), 2013.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

NATURAL IMMUNITY FTW: When they gave a Massive dose of Melatonin to Newborns w/Sepsis.. results were ZERO % mortality rate (usually 30%) & no side effects.

You can get pure melatonin powder online at PureBulk or Bulk Supplements. High dose/1000mg also works Amazingly for COVID-19 (& more)! I've found a 200 mg dose, but have not tried this brand. I have taken over 100mg of Melatonin from Swanson, which I liked.

Melatonin also comes in suppositories.

More on Melatonin for Cancer.  
Here's a (affiliate) link for 10% off at PureBulk:  

Frank Shallenberger is excellent here where he talks about his discoveries on the power of Melatonin.  
Here is the PowerPoint of Shallenberger's presentation.  Dr. Walter Pierpaoli is mentioned on Slide 1 of the presentation.  His product site reads
Dr. Walter Pierpaoli is one of the world’s premier doctors and scientists behind the research and clinical programs utilizing melatonin. In fact, he has published more than 140 articles on this subject.  

Sunday, December 15, 2024

DR. GUSTAVO AGUIRRE-CHANG: From herbs or supplements the most recommended for Long COVID are: Gromwell or Tollovid, Baicalin, Serrapeptase+Nattokinase, EGCG, Nigella sativa, & Rutin

Friday, November 22, 2024

LINUS EKENSTAM: [all major stores] use in-store, online, cell-tower, and more to keep track of everything… everything. Cambridge analytics is a joke in comparison

LINUS EKENSTAM: Here [2023] masks are required, if an employee takes the mask off, their manager will know.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

TOM HOMAN: "I promised President Trump, if he goes back, I go back, and I’m going to run the biggest deportation operation this country has ever seen.”

I have my doubts.  No way this turns into anything legitimate.  And could even cause more trouble than it remedies. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Remember Dr. Rima E. Laibow and that interview she had with Jesse Ventura in the early 2000’s? She warned everyone, she said that a forced vaccination program was coming and that she was leaving the USA

Now she's warning about the threats from the recently approved FDA vaccine for monkeypox.   

Monday, September 9, 2024

NUTRITION DOC: Skin tags are not to be ignored. It's your body shouting it needs diet & lifestyle changes. Mostly, skin tags are a sign of underlying insulin resistance, characterized by high insulin resistance & impaired carbohydrate metabolism

AN and skin tags should be considered clinical markers of hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic, obese patients.  -- A. Plascencia Gómez, et al. 

The solution?  Fix the diet with carnivore.

The Chief Herbalist recommends the pencil plant to eliminate skin tags, comparing skin tags to warts.  If skin tags are the equivalent of warts, why not use Compound W on them?  Chief Herbalist doesn't provide any proof that the pencil plant is the remedy.  I would say that the insulin resistance theory best accords with their presence.  

The Nutrition Doc at least provides an argument, something to sink your exploratory teeth into in an article titled, "Skin Disorders in Overweight and Obese Patients and Their Relationship with Insulin," A.  Plascencia Gómez, M.E. Vega Memije, M. Torres Tamayo,  A.A. Rodríguez Carreón, Science Direct, March 2014.


In total, 109 patients (95 adults and 13 children, 83.5% female) were studied. The mean (SD) age was 38 (14) years and the mean body mass index was 39.6 ± 8 kg/m2. The skin conditions observed were acanthosis nigricans (AN) (in 97% of patients), skin tags (77%), keratosis pilaris (42%), and plantar hyperkeratosis (38%). Statistically significant associations were found between degree of obesity and AN (P = .003), skin tags (P = .001), and plantar hyperkeratosis. Number of skin tags, AN neck severity score, and AN distribution were significantly and independently associated with insulin levels.


AN and skin tags should be considered clinical markers of hyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic, obese patients.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The language of medicine is the language of the gulag

It is amazing how young couples when first starting out in their respective careers, that one of the perks they love to brag about is the benefit package from their company.  "Oh, we've got 100% coverage.  No deductibles."  I mean this is more important than the salaries in a lot of cases.  And I get it.  Most young people go without insurance with the exception maybe of emergency care, and they're so glad that they finally get to be tested for that minor but aching and nagging problem they had in their foot.  So they go to the doctor, they get tested, the doctor recommends procedures, and the young person doesn't know how to negotiate their own healthcare.  They learn of course, but at what cost?  

What people do learn is that the industry does not have your best health in mind.  Ever.  Hospitals are like abattoirs, where the very young and very old go to die.  Yet, parents will take their very young and their very old parents to the hospital . . . to die.  As an industry, we've not come very far from the 19th and 18th century gruesome experiments.  Part of that has to do with censorship.  One example is the germ versus the terrain theory.  All of modern medicine operates on the germ theory, that viruses are contagious.  

But what about vaccination history, from flu shots to polio shots to tetanus shots.  How could it be that we view remnants of a dead virus as some kind of mystical miracle of healing?  Easy, treat all of medicine as mystical and incomprehensible.  What we get in our benefits package is an invitation to a witch doctor, oh, witch doctors with tons of confidence because of the low liability on their part that comes with the monetary rewards from the same companies, the insurance companies.  We are living under a 3rd Reich of medicine.

Doctors rely on what scientists play with or discover or don't discover and then cover it with some kind of crazy theory.  And doctors follow whatever scientists advance.  In 1911, scientists tried proving the contagion theory of viruses by injecting the blood of a diseased monkey into healthy monkeys.  But the monkey would not develop the same disease.  Yes, they'd develop a fever and inflammation, which is an immune response to a foreign protein, but they would not develop the disease.  Yet we've been made to believe for decades if not centuries that if we're around someone with a cold we too will get that cold.  But immune systems are different, some are stronger than others.  This is why a medical card should be shown to people important to you.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

OXALATES: Plants make it for their own survival. We have a great faith in plants being safe to eat. Plants are trying to kill you.

Almonds, potatoes, carrots, beets, cashews, and chocolates.  Oxalic acid.  Plants make it for their own survival.  We have a great faith in plants being safe to eat.  Plants are trying to kill you.  

When I learned about the Wise Traditions Diet, I knew that they say "everything can be on the table" when it's properly prepared.  So I think some of the ways our ancestors would prepare foods by soaking or sprouting or fermenting, don't those neutralize some of these toxins, like the oxalates or the phytic acid and doesn't that make the nutrients more bioavailable and the foods themselves better for us?
The hazard: oxalic acid and phytic acid block the absorption of magnesium.
Comprehensive list from Wejolyn who writes, 
Oxalic acid found in rhubarb, spinach, chard and phytic acid found in cereal grains, seeds, legumes and soy block absorption of magnesium.

Find other tips on oxalates here.

4:58.  That's a really complicated question that needs to be examined because a lot of the foods that are high in oxalic acid are not traditional whatsoever, and nobody that he studied ate them.  So Western Price technology is based on Western Price research based on foods that people ate and they didn't eat these foods.  So you can't grandfather in modern foods that came after Western Price's time or just weren't considered real regular foods that people ate routinely and give them a pass "so as long as we ferment them or soak them then they're fine."  That's ridiculous, and oxalates are quite different than phytics, lectins, and many of the other nasty chemicals in plants that are not easily disarmed or de-fanged at all through these preparation methods?  Yes we need to cook we need to know traditional preparation we need to know what sourdough is and what traditional ingredients are and know how to safely soak them without creating more mold on your nuts or whatever and safely prepare things at home but that does not mean that we give the peanut butter and holy toast a pass.

6:31. Is the people who were eating potatoes which is Peru primarily.  Historically, the rest of Europe and the rest of the world didn't adopt potatoes they didn't come to Europeans until about 400 years ago and really didn't become a daily food until certain parts of England adopted them as a dinner food.  And then in the modern centuries, we created things like French Fries, potato chips, Tater Tots, and all kinds of potato derivatives.  And some of that came out of the world wars because we needed a cheap way to feed soldiers overseas, so we just started dehydrating potatoes making mashed potato flakes so soldiers came back expecting mashed potatoes with dinner because that's what they got while they were fighting with their buddies.  So a lot of the stuff is more modern than we realize, including potatoes and the use of them in the way we use them now is anything but these clay-soaked, year old shriveled rotten potatoes in the ground that's nothing like what we're eating now. 

9:00. So this chemical is a chelator, oxalic acid is in the plant foods that we eat, like the nuts, the spinach, and the chocolate, and it's also in crystalline form because it chelates minerals it forms what's called a salt chemically, and these can what we call precipitate out and form particles called nanocrystals and micro crystals.  You can eat oxalic acid and oxalates in multiple forms in foods and they are quite irritating to the whole body, including your mouth, your teeth, your guts, and then it's the acid is what gets into your bloodstream and starts causing more systemic problems for the body.  


9:37. Which could be anything from issues with SIGHT that Bill was having to JOINT PAIN to what else . . . ?

Kidney stones, Interstitial cystitis, fatigue, arthritis, and weakness, vascular problems, inflammatory conditions, autoimmune conditions, connective tissue weakness, osteoporosis, strokes, and heart attacks maybe cancer.  The list is pretty much anything that's horrible, modern, and happens with old age.  This is the kind of stuff that . . .  oxalic acid is creating stress for all the cells it encounters and then cellular damage, both of which turns on inflammation and then creating deposits in the body which turns on a chronic problem of contamination and inflammation that can last for a long time.  And then once you've filled up your body with toxic nanocrystals, your thyroid glands, your ovaries, your pancreas, your bones, your bone marrow, you've got real problems because it's affecting the quality of your immune cells that are trying to help you and it's affecting the quality of the white blood cells, also the red blood cells, and end up with anemia and all kinds of metabolic problems as well. 

Problems from oxalic Acid accumulate and becomes increasingly problematic for the body and our health.

11:00. Right it can silently accumulate. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus: 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom.

There's a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose - it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.

There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom. 🤯 Did your Dr. "forget" to tell you?! The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus. P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer). It works for Cancer likely via by boosting the immune system, so that the body can "take care of" the cancer on its own. • CASE REPORT 1: a 79-year-old man had advanced LIVER CANCER with multiple Lung Tumors that "spontaneously regressed" after taking Phellinus Linteus (Mesima) mushroom. He was on NO other treatment. After 6 months, the "tumors appeared to be in complete regression" & remained in regression. Advanced Liver Cancer is "incurable." 🤯 • CASE REPORT 2: A 68-yr-old man w/aggressive PROSTATE CANCER & multiple tumors in his bone & bladder began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima) after his doctors had exhausted all other options. "Suddenly" he experienced "DRAMATIC REMISSION" of his cancer. Afterward, he remained healthy, w/normal PSA readings. Advanced Prostate Cancer is "incurable." 😯 • CASE REPORT 3: A 65-yr-old man, who had drank at least 7 drinks of alcohol per day alcohol for 30 years, had tumors on his liver & a Huge BRAIN TUMOR. The man "refused all recommended treatment & was discharged." He wasn't expected to survive. He began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima). After 10 months he felt very well & a scan revealed ALL of his tumors had shrunk Dramatically. Without treatment, his type of cancer is usually "fatal within a few months." ❗️ Some sources report that about 35 years ago, Phellinus Linteus mushroom was studied in Japan & it was reported that "it had the HIGHEST ANTI-TUMOR EFFECT AMONG ALL MUSHROOMS." The mushroom has also Dramatically reduced Many types of tumors in vivo in animal studies. In vitro & animal studies have shown P. Linteus has strong activity against: breast, colon, liver, lung, oral, prostate, & skin cancers. It's also been shown to help human pancreatic cancer patients. 🤯 Amazingly, Phellinus Linteus mushroom has additionally been shown to have POWERFUL antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits, with impressive effects on diseases such as: • Diabetes • Rheumatoid Arthritis • Allergies • Even H5N1 influenza virus! 🤯 Incredible Safety Profile: animal studies suggest the mushroom is likely to be extremely safe, even at massive doses. Human studies have also shown it to be very safe & usually without side effects. 😯 In short, Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) has AMAZING potential for Cancer, & much more! In case the news keeps on "forgetting" to share this info...LET PEOPLE KNOW!

Friday, March 22, 2024

WEJOLYN: we all suffer physical, emotional, and mental stress every day, and every bit of it drains magnesium.

Friday, February 16, 2024

In my Federal lawsuit Ayyadurai v. Twitter, et al., - in SEP 2020 - I uncovered the entire GOVT & #BigTech Censorship Infrastructure

3:30  In May, I discovered what are called playbooks, detailed manuals created at Harvard, originally created in Britain which lay out the step-by-step way how the government will surveil U.S. citizens, nay, for citizens anywhere in the world that has a methodology for rating them as high, medium, and low severity and then de-platforming them and then continually surveilling them

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

 On January 24th 2023 a press conference took place discussing the ongoing military deployment of bioweapons.  One of the attendees was Katherine Watt, a Pennsylvania paralegal and law researcher. Here are her findings in her own words.

00:19. The basic idea is that public health has been militarized where the military has been turned into a public health front or a Potemkin Village such that they're using public health law to carry out a military campaign.  I would not call them DOD vaccines.  I would call them DOD weapons.

They call it the kill box because the first lady that I had was Todd calendar January 30th 2020 to interview on Elizabeth leave leads podcast called Truth for health and he described it as a killbox I looked that up and it turns out that it's a military term for establishing a geographic space or three dimensional area for a military attack by air and by surface to kill the people who are in it and dismantle the kind of framework and move on to the next campaign and what the dod and the World Health Organization intend to do and have gotten quite far in doing but not completely accomplishing.  

Their goal is to set up the entire world as the geographic terrain.

Their target population: all the people in the world.

The duration of their campaigns: permanent.

The weapons they are using are informational: the propaganda piece and the censorship piece;

Psychological: that's the fear and terrorism piece, telling people that they need to be afraid all the time and they need to listen to the government;

The third piece is the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapon, which are called in their campaign "pharmaceuticals" and "vaccines" but are actually toxins and pathogens.  

After I heard that interview, I'd already been wondering what was going on but I started trying to track down some of the things Todd Callendar talked about in his interview and figure out what the legal frameworks were and how they were set up and what the financial coercion mechanisms were.  My finding, which many other people have found from various other angles, was that this project has been going on for centuries.  It's basically globalist Central bankers and lots of related organizations trying to get complete control of human beings through Banking and programs and Military programs and they kicked it into higher gear in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act and they and then they kicked the public health aspect of it into higher gear starting in the 1930s and 40s before the 1960s they mostly did it through orchestrated armed conflicts and financial depressions and Wars which are very loud messy and destructive to infrastructure and it makes it difficult for them to have probable deniability and legal impunity for what they are doing so in the mid 60s they got much better at inducing suicide homicide by fraudulently labeling poisons as medicines or as vaccines or as prophylactics and telling people that submitting to that poisoning process was their civic duty we saw that in covid with the shorthand for do this or you're going to kill your grandma or we're all in this together and the way that the pharmaceutical method primarily is primarily useful to them is plausible deniability as much easier and legal impunity is a lot easier to achieve the same goal like genocide is killing a lot of people without their fingerprints being all over it.

4:00  I looked into the coercion Cascades mostly Financial not going to go into a lot of detail with that but it starts at the top with the bank for international settlement and they can use their control of other Federal central banks access to financial systems and then all the way down through state governments National governments local municipal School District's hospitals everything.  If you comply with what they're telling you to do as far as masking, testing, isolating yourself, taking injections, then you will get the financial access you need to run your business or to have a job.  And if you don't comply, they can cut you off from those services.  That is one of the main mechanisms through which the whole thing was carried out.

4:52. And then on the legal side at my website I do trace it back farther but I'm going to start at 1969 just for the sake of starting somewhere.  The US Congress passed the law to set up the chemical and biological warfare program and in that log which is 50 USC chapter 32 there are very important key terms including protective prophylactic and defensive which is how they Justified doing it they were using those words because the international community of ordinary non-insane people were concerned about biological and chemical weapons and they were working on International treaties to prohibit them.  And so they needed to build in loopholes, and the loopholes they built in were not going to do biological and chemical research weapons development except for "protective" or "prophylactic" or "defensive" purposes.  And that's a false characterization because all biologically active products are intrinsically aggressive, toxic, and lethal, and that's where we get disciplines that's the thing that disciplines like to xicology pharmacokinetics genotoxicity drug drug interactions all related to that fact of the things that go into the human body has or any living body has some effects which can be toxic so that was the way they tried to get around that threat


Friday, February 9, 2024

Libya was once the most prosperous country in all of Africa. Not after October 2011

Currie Dobson wrote

Libya was once the most prosperous country in all of Africa. After you and Obama bombed the hell out of it warlords and Jihadists took control and humans are sold in open air slave markets.

Muammar Gaddafi's dates are 1942-2011.

Three reasons why Gaddafi had to die are given by the speaker above. And among the three reasons, none of them have to do with him killing his own people.

1. Gaddafi is the only one who gave the opportunity for an African satellite for communication. It was in 1992 that 45 countries in Africa [there are a total of 54] decided that they wanted to have their own satellite. This will cover internet and telephone communication, but the problem was finding money for this project. Where did they get the money from? They decided to go to the IMF. However, the IMF knew that sponsoring this would be more dangerous for Western countries. How? Because Western countries were making $500 million per year for all telecommunications in Africa. $500 million per year, and that includes interest. So it is in 2007, Gaddafi will come up with most of the money. It will only cost African countries $400 million, only one payment of $400 million to make this happen. Now you can imagine the financial threat to Europe if Africa, er, ah Gaddafi were to build its own satellites. $500 million per year that Gaddafi made them lose by sponsoring this satellite. Just Gaddafi himself comes up with $300 million while other countries pitched in the rest.

2. Gaddafi and other African countries decide to create three major banks in Africa. One is the AMF, African Monetary Fund. The AMF would headquarter in Cameroon, Yarunid. This was to be created in 2011, this year. With the African Monetary Fund, African countries would no longer need to go to the IMF.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Duper's Delight, Psychopath's Signature?

Diane Downs, an American from Oregon.  

They're giddy because they've got you participating in their con in which you're at an informational disadvantage.   

Matt Hancock.  His giggling starts at the 5:30 mark.  William Shakespeare is not a reference to the playwright; it refers to the elderly gentleman in the convalescent home who received a vaccine.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

[Ted Hall] reached the decision at the tender age of 18, right before his 19th birthday, that the only thing that would work to prevent what he saw as a terrifying catastrophe of the U.S. having a monopoly on the bomb after the war would be for another country to have the bomb that could stop the U.S. from using it and so that’s what he did.  --David Lindorff

The movie is called A Compassionate Spy, 2023,