provinces in Canada have trade barriers among each other. That would be illegal under US law, and Canada’s economy would be much better off. In addition, the mortgage market would change overnight. Where Canadians cannot get long-term mortgages, then they could, and they would be cheaper. --Martin Armstrong
Monday, February 10, 2025
ARMSTRONG: The idea of merging the US with Canada has been around since the American Revolution.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
"Kids for Cash," 2009
Joe Biden granted Pennsylvania Judge Michael Conahan clemency. The kids did not receive the same sympathy. --Martin Armstrong
Former judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan arrived at the federal courthouse . . .
Prosecutors accused them of sending juveniles to a privately run Detention Center
The evidence against the former judges was compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation . . .
In a scandal known as "Kids for Cash," . . .
A "Kids for Cash" scheme . . .
Don't cheat judges are getting a payback from the private sector.
$2.6 million dollars in kickbacks
In return for sentencing kids to juvenile detention . . . . Folks, that's not a bribe. I call that a Justice bonus.
Young offenders often with no prior record were brought before these judges for charges as minor as writing prank notes.
I don't deserve this. I mean I'm not a criminal.
These people are wolves and sheep's clothing because the kids trust these people. The people in this County trusted this guy.
10:30. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania January 2009.
11:12. We'd interviewed Judge Ciavarella a number of times back in 2004 when we first started looking into what was happening in juvenile court. We had actually gone to one of the schools while he was giving a presentation there because that was one of his big things. He went to every school, every year, and told them, "If you commit an offense in school, I'm going to put you away," and that was his justification. So that when they appeared before him, it didn't matter what the charge was, he'd ask them, "Were you there when I gave the speech?"
"Did you hear what I said?"
"What did I say?"
You said you would put me away.
"So what do you think is going to happen now?"
You're going to put me away.
"You're right. Take him out of here."
11:50. I'm very shy but once someone does get to know me, they find out that I don't shut up. And I'm really loud and I'm extremely cynical and snarky and sarcastic and just like I've made it my goal to be the funny guy. My girlfriends and I, we started talking about how funny it would be if we made like a fake Myspace page about my vice principal, and then it was decided that it had to be made and it was going to be hilarious.
11:33. The police officer said he was charging her with abuse of the internet, terrorism, and stalking, one of which was a federal crime, and I'm like, "Oh my, God," like I'm kind of freaking out. I told the officer that he was not speaking to my daughter without an attorney, and that's when he started yelling, telling me that parents like me trying to get our children off, and that's why they're bad kids. And as soon as I said no lawyer, he backed off. He said, if you're going to be cooperative, you'll get instructions in the mail. And I was like, he's telling us be cooperative and everything will be fine." When I came off the elevators, there were tables, and the woman slid a paper, a form but it was blank, and she said, "Do you have an attorney?" and I said, no, and she said, sign here. Okay, so I sign here. We were briskly brought into the courtroom. The judge leaned across the table and yelled "What makes you think you can do this kind of crap!" And I have my hand on Hillary's shoulder, so I could feel her backing up, and I just whispered in her ear "It's okay, it's okay."
13:47. Things went very quick in the courtroom. About 60 seconds, and while I was being handcuffed I could hear my mother wailing right next to me. And the woman who is cuffing me goes, "Look what you did to your mother," and I was just like I was completely confused.
Monday, November 18, 2024
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: The federal courts are STATUTORY, not Constitutional. The president can shut down all the federal courts. Only court he cannot shut down is the Supreme Court
As I laid out in this report, Creating World War III, martial law was declared once in the United States during the 20th century. Because the president never challenged and endorsed it, it was in place for several years. I have also reviewed the Supreme Court decisions on this subject, and shockingly, martial law is valid if you also close down the courts.
Most people do not know the legal system very well since they are not taught the details in school, other than law school, to a minimal extent. The federal courts are STATUTORY, not Constitutional. The president can shut down all the federal courts. The ONLY court created by the Constitution that the president cannot shut down is the Supreme Court. All other courts exist at the PLEASURE of the government.
Okay, so I wished that Martin could parse out the differences in courts here. I will try my best after searching the internet, noooooooooooooo!!!
Okay, So I found this,
It’s essential to understand how constitutional vs statutory law underscores the significance of these principles. While statutory laws are created by legislative bodies, they can never contravene the established constitutional mandates. This interaction reveals the balance of power and the role of the constitution in safeguarding individual rights.
And there's this,
Statutory law refers to the body of law created by legislative bodies through the enactment of statutes. Unlike constitutional law, which derives its authority from constitutions, statutory law is rooted in the laws passed by legislative entities, such as Congress at the federal level or state legislatures at the state level. Understanding this process is vital for distinguishing between the realms of constitutional vs statutory law.
Okay, so statutory refers to laws generated by legislative bodies, but they can never "contravene the established constitutional mandates." Statutory law is rooted in the laws passed by legislative entities, such as Congress at the federal level or state legislatures at the state level.
from Legal Insight USA,
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: one of the most impressive traits Trump displayed to me was empathy. When I went to visit Mar-a-Lago in 2020, Trump said he was tired of calling mothers to tell them that their sons died fighting in the Middle East. It was the first time I heard a politician actually discuss the citizens on the battlefield who are sent off to die in these neocon war games.
WHY would Putin ever agree to any agreement with Ukraine when they NEVER comply with what they agree to.
Another stipulation is that Ukraine may never join NATO. Russia has repeatedly stated that it is not battling Ukraine but the NATO alliance that has them cornered. NATO has become the aggressor in this conflict that has grown to such proportions that admitting Ukraine would instantly lead to World War III under Article V that demands all NATO members attack in unison.
--Martin Armstrong
Thursday, October 24, 2024
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: American taxpayers are now on the hook for three ongoing wars, over 21 million migrants, and countless spending packages.
Former President Bill Clinton approved the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) that prevented illegals from accessing Medicaid and other federally funded benefits. The loophole here is that they are able to access Medicaid for “emergency” situations and then are provided a minimum 90-day grace period, thanks to Biden and Harris. --Martin Armstrong.
Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have declared that illegal migrants may have access to Medicaid in a move that will cost billions. Individual state rights are coming into play once again, but how do individual states manage a federally funded program? Estimates believe over 21 million people have entered the United States since 2022, but no one knows the true figure. The Foundation for Government Accountability has produced a new study that indicates a major catastrophe ahead for Medicaid as millions of people who have never paid into the fund are receiving access.
Arizona, Kentucky, Missouri, Texas, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have reported a 500% increase in Medicaid usage since 2019 due to migrants. The states required to provide financial transparency revealed that the cost of Medicaid to taxpayers has increased by 550%. Hospitals allegedly check to see if a patient is a US citizen, but even if they are unable to provide proof, they are still legally required to treat them. Patients unable to provide proof of citizenship are given a 90-day grace period to show documents but states are now extending that period or simply asking for proof of citizenship.
Blue states like New York, Oregon, and California want to expand Medicaid coverage to illegal migrants regardless of citizenship status. In New York, anyone over 65 may enroll, so long as they reach the low to no income requirement. California and Oregon have already begun providing migrants with full Medicaid benefits. The Foundation for Government Accountability believes that taxpayers in California alone are now paying an additional $4 billion annually to cover these costs.
“Nationwide, taxpayers could soon be paying tens of billions of dollars on health care for people who have no right to our safety net—including those who have no right to be in the country,” says Hayden Dublois, analytics director at the Foundation for Government Accountability. “All of health care will suffer, too,” Dublois says. “Medicaid pays much less than private insurance, so burdening hospitals with illegal aliens will lead to mounting red ink. Some hospitals have already closed, especially in states that expanded Medicaid under Obamacare, and covering illegal aliens will likely cause more to follow suit.”
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) believes that US taxpayers have already footed a $16.2 BILLION bill to provide emergency Medicaid care to illegal immigrants since the beginning of the Biden-Harris Administration, marking a 124% increase since the Trump Administration. “With over $16.2 billion flowing from federal and state governments’ coffers to pay for emergency services for illegal aliens, it is clear that Open Border Czar Vice President Harris’s failed border policies remain the greatest threat to both the United States’s national security and our economic standing,” the CBO reported.
This was never a partisan issue. Former President Bill Clinton approved the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) that prevented illegals from accessing Medicaid and other federally funded benefits. The loophole here is that they are able to access Medicaid for “emergency” situations and then are provided a minimum 90-day grace period, thanks to Biden and Harris.
Kamala Harris recently voiced her support for migrants over taxpaying citizens. “Health care is a basic human right,” Harris said. “No one should be denied medical attention because of their status.”
Countless people are continuing to flock to the United States as our borders remain open. Every payroll you can see the amount paid into Medicaid by people who may never have access to this service. American taxpayers are now on the hook for three ongoing wars, over 21 million migrants, and countless spending packages. Yet people are cheering that we can't turn back the page to 3.5 years ago when NONE of these issues existed.
Monday, September 23, 2024
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: if Trump gets in, the Neocons are out. Victorian Nuland was thrown out of Trump's Administration. She has been in every Administration but Trump's
Gold has got nothing to do with inflation. Gold goes up basically when you're questioning the future, who is going to survive? Gold goes up generally when there is a collapse in confidence in government, and that typically centers around war. --Martin Armstrong
"That was basically caused by OPEC raising the price of oil dramatically and that created a cost-push inflation. So everybody's costs were rising dramatically. Anything that had to do with plastic, went up dramatically and that created eventually the inflationary boom between 1976 going into 1980. As for gold rose to $875, etc...I think gold was about a $100 in 1976 and it rose to about $400 but that was by December 1979, the last six weeks of the rally, which peaked in 1980 on January 21st. So from December to January 21st, that's when Russia invaded Afghanistan. So it was the geopolitical stuff that took gold from $400 to $875. So it's important to understand inflation is not the major driving power but inflation when war is around – that's what broke Bretton was the Vietnam War."
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
ARMSTRONG: This is a continuation of a coup, which is getting serious.
This is NOT a Democrat vs Republican election. This is Neocons vs American People. --Martin Armstrong
“For twenty-three years, it was the most influential, and often the most interesting, publication of the American right, championing a less dreary and more adventurous conservatism, one that insisted that Washington was the center of human events.”
Has Russia stationed its nuclear subs around Britain and the USA? Yes.
If the Russian Neocons remove Putin, then our Neocons will get their wish – World War III. The question is, will they survive? They could take out London and Washington in a matter of minutes. --Martin Armstrong
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
QUESTION: Has Russia stationed its nuclear subs around Britain and the USA? DF
ANSWER: Yes. In response to handing long-range missiles to Ukraine, on September 12th, Russia deployed its Project 885 “Yasen” Class subs with Zircon Hypersonic Missiles. As I have said, I have met with members of Congress and they said the risk of war was with China – not Russia. I have explained that they are being pointed in the opposite direction so the Neocons have free reign.
I do not think that the press is telling the full story here and how the West is pushing Russia to war. Putin has been the ONLY adult in the room. He has been patient. I fear that our model on Russian Revolutions will turn in October. If the Russian Neocons remove Putin, then our Neocons will get their wish – World War III. The question is, will they survive? They could take out London and Washington in a matter of minutes.
Will our Politicians Ever Wake Up? Who does this war benefit? They Never Tell the Truth.
Monday, August 26, 2024
MARTIN ARMSTRONG: anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries
In Europe, with France arresting the CEO of Telegram warns the world that anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries, including here in the United States for daring to tell the truth. This is how desperate things are becoming in Europe.
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
Be mindful that we may see even gold make a high as we head into the first week of September. There appear to be disturbing signs in many markets as we head into the week of September 2nd. We have governments realizing that they are losing power, and as they do, they will get NASTY, to put it mildly. The American Neocons (The Rise of the Neocons) are in a desperate position. Now that RFK has joined with Trump because they are both anti-war, I fear that they are going to get desperate. The Democrats have already torched America by flooding the country with illegals to vote for them against Americans, and they denied the American people any right to even vote for a candidate of their choice. This will be the last election for the US and will most likely split in the year ahead before 2028. I fear that people will either still attempt to kill Trump, perhaps attributing it to bird flu or monkeypox. If they cannot pull that off, they will start World War III ASAP to try to trap Trump and RFK into war. They do not care about anything but their own power.
In Europe, with France arresting the CEO of Telegram warns the world that anyone who has any position that is independent should NOT TRAVEL TO EUROPE from here on out. It is NO LONGER SAFE to travel to Europe! Britain is trying to extradite people from other countries, including here in the United States for daring to tell the truth. This is how desperate things are becoming in Europe.
For our European clients, you should begin to move assets out of Europe, and that is for the EU and Britain. They will eventually turn to capital control to prevent capital from moving to retain power. This is just how all governments respond when they are in their death throes. We had a Double Directional Change in the British pound in 2024. This has picked the dramatic political shift in Britain, and this is a HARD LEFT turn that will terminate the once great foundation of Britain.
Peter Hitchins is one of the top half-dozen journalists in the UK.
Friday, August 23, 2024
ARMSTRONG: BLS Admits Biden-Harris Did NOT Create New Jobs
Over 1.2 million American citizens lost their livelihoods last year while 1.3 million migrants found work. Replacement theory is not a conspiracy. In terms of sectors, the professional and business services saw the most significant downgrade with a loss of 358,000 jobs. Leisure and hospitality shed 150,000 positions, while trade, transportation, and utilities lost 104,000. Important to note: manufacturing declined by 115,000 positions. This is the primary sector that the Biden-Harris Administration has been honing in on. They promised to create 1 million new manufacturing jobs but businesses are fleeing overseas. --Martin Armstrong
ARMSTRONG: In Las Vegas, you have a 1 in 28 chance of becoming a victim of crime. Violent crime in Vegas has reached 40.9%, which is far beyond the national rate of 22.7%
“We’re not bringing in the best and the brightest in many cases to the state of Illinois; we’re actually pushing them out of the state with horrible policies and we’re backfilling it with folks that want services,” State Sen. Andrew Chesney, R-Freeport reported, as 177,000 new incomers entered the state while 264,000 abandoned it during the same period of 2021 to 2022.
Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "The Cities with the Highest Unemployment Rate in America," @ Armstrong Economics.
The Democratic National Convention occurring in Chicago is touting the importance of defeating Trump, climate change, gun control, and abortion. These are the ONLY talking points that the Democrats harp on while ignoring the REAL issues plaguing the nation. It was revealed earlier this week that the Biden-Harris Administration completely failed to create new jobs outside of the public sector. As the elite sit behind armored walls, the people of Chicago are suffering under blue policies. In fact, Chicago now ties with Las Vegas for the highest unemployment rate in the nation.