She breaks it down perfectly and in under 2 minutes.
— Jessica Rojas πΊπΈπͺ (@catsscareme2021) July 29, 2024
Monday, July 29, 2024
BRICS countries, Western countries all on board for Agenda 2030. The people in charge of climate finance for the UN: Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire, and Mark Carney
Friday, April 22, 2022
Sunday, March 20, 2022
"They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground."
To all who live in the United States and beyond, please read
Putin is done talking to the U.S. and the west, his
enemies. Now he's talking to everyone else to appeal to conservative
convictions against the il-liberal ones.
Russia's threat from the West is existential. Culture in Russia still means something, whereas in the West a man can become a woman, 2 + 2 = 5, justice is socialized to the whims of the 20-something #Me-Too mob, and borrowing trillions of dollars means paying down debt. Culture is sacred. Traditions and rituals survive hundreds if not thousands of years and you can't have a civilization reproduce itself if it surrenders its culture. Transgender studies is not a valid body of knowledge that can sustain a people or a nation. Neither is the destructive one-world communism.
Putin: Destined to Hang or Drown?
— Tom Luongo (Mr. Ungovernable) (@TFL1728) March 18, 2022
Though you'd never know it by relying on the news media in the west, the west wants to pulverize Russia and its sphere of influence, the old Soviet blocks, into a million little atoms. The West has been taken over by Klaus Schwab's minions and has become the New Communism. Think of Davos and Klaus Schwab who want to kill billions, make those who survive weak, sick, and dependent on the government dole for social welfare, and turn the West and the United States into a defacto communist world. In this coming world, you can expect the kind of monstrosity we see in North Korea, where if someone criticizes the government or the leader, that person is thrown into prison. That's not all, however. We learned from Michael Malice that the N. Korean government will punish you and members of your family for the next two generations. That's how they rehabilitate you. If Klaus Schwab gets his way and institutes across the globe the Great [Financial] Reset, you can expect a full-blown North Korean-style concentration camp. Remember, government never limits itself. Ever.
Lindsey Graham’s job is to build up the propaganda war to justify NATO’s entrance into Ukraine in the next few weeks. The current Davos crowd who has occupied the White House is seeking regime change in Russia. The Obama 2.0 administration sought the same thing in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, and now in Russia. Russia knows this, and Putin is prepared.
That speech was aimed at everyone else beyond
his enemies including Americans and Europeans, “This is what they think of you.
This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience,” They will steal
your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Open up this link [which is behind a paywall], to find Episode #20, dated June 17, 2021, titled "Is There a COVID Cabal?" Eugenics is a field in which Gates has been involved for decades. If anybody would know how to render a population sterile, it would be Bill Gates. Gates supports death panels. It's a return to the divine right of kings. Eugenics is at the heart of COVID Cabal.
You need fear to get people to forfeit liberties. Where the state is the solution as security to achieve certain objectives. What did Gates start talking about a decade ago when he launched the Decade of Vaccines? "Great, great concern about a coming pandemic and how we need to be prepared for that pandemic. We need to be prepared to use unique medicines we've never used before in terms of population and social controls and need to have quickly available vaccines that have complete indemnification from liability in case they turn out to be complete crap as other prior rushed vaccines have been." Co-sponsor was the World Economic Forum, WEF's Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset. He has promoted Bill Gates quite heavily. Soros & Bloomberg are part of this cabal too. But Gates was clearly chosen to run and head this cabal, to be its lead advocate, proponent, and participant. Eugenics has been rebranded as Transhumanism to use artificial intelligence and gene editing for enhanced breeding for select people. Somebody else that Gates was attached to: Jeffrey Epstein. Epstein's main obsession was not sex, it was technology. He was backed by certain MIT scientist connected to Gates. One of Gates' immunological scientists would be the back-up executor of Epstein's estate. That's how deep these connections go. He was building a ranch in Arizona where he wanted to impregnate 20 women a day and wanted the gene editing to go with it to enhance a genetically superior species. His sex powers and trafficking were the result of elite power ideologies that are deeply dangerous to us as a society. Communism is just another expression of an elite few who think the world is better off if they run our lives and deprive us of core freedoms and liberties and are always often obsessed with control: control over the population. That's what the COVID cabal is really about. That meeting in 2009 that was leaked to a small Irish publication--by maybe a maid, maybe a janitor, these are the heroes of the world--who leaked out that this meeting took place, what was discussed, and what it was about, who was there, and where it was going. If you followed it and tracked it, you could've known what COVID was about from the moment it came on the scene. And that's the enemy and adversary that needs to be faced, just another version of the Nazi face but with a big tech nerd smile than with a German accent. So if you listen to Klaus Schwab you still get the German accent part if you want that too. So there truly is evidence of a COVID cabal.
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
"It would undermine the indiscriminate vaccine, vaccination policy for every single human being, including extremely low-risk people"
Vaccines the Question Nobody Wants to Answer
— Mike Walgenbach (@mwalgen44) January 27, 2022
Fauci is an out-and-out criminal. Check this out,
Fauci has been desperate to even confiscate Ivermectin shipment into the USA because his only solution is not treatment, but vaccination. Ivermectin is being used outside the USA and the studies are positive. Numerous doctors have been calling for real studies on this drug. New research out of Israel has found that administering the anti-parasite drug ivermectin to COVID19 patients may help to drastically reduce the duration of infections – and all for less than $1 a day.
My personal skepticism derives not from vaccines, I had my children vaccinated. My concern is (1) I know that Klaus Schwab told people a virus was coming in advance, and I was given the very code used to justify lockdowns and the computer program was a joke. Bill Gates-funded that code. In fact, not a single program funded by Bill Gates which made these dire forecasts was ever correct. Once governments were BRIBED by lobbyists to mandate vaccines around the world, and the media has joined in along with people like Howard Stern and Neil Young, I cannot see where any rational person would trust Big Pharma or government. Now that the politicians got involved, they are putting everyone’s life at risk because politicians will NEVER admit they EVER made a mistake.
Friday, January 14, 2022
"you'd get millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks."
Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Martin Armstrong where they talk about
supply chain disruption on the west coast brought on Gov. Newsome's policies
and about how normal life is in Florida where the job market is off the charts. Thanks to Martin Armstrong for the interview post.
"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you.
12:00 Pelosi went shopping for a home in Florida
because she doesn’t want to live in California where stores are closing because
gangs are robbing them.
All the blue states want to lock down their societies. Spain, just
the other day, downgraded their COVID policies to nothing more than the flu.
14:00 Even the WHO admitted that
probably 50% of all of Europe has Omicron.
COVID nonsense has been exaggerated for political gain.
People are arguing over whether it’s a virus, where did it come from, etc. We picked up disruptions in the capital flows in August 2019.
14:30 Bill Gates bought the bio-net stocks in
September 2019. By December 2019, we
already heard that a virus was coming. By
January 2020, Klaus Schwab was telling personal friends that a virus was coming
and to sell their stocks and bonds. The
World Economic Forum, I believe, sold all its investments at that time just
ahead of the COVID crash. This has been
orchestrated and as soon as this happened, they were immediately out there
saying, “Oh, this is a great opportunity for the Great Reset.” I can tell you absolutely that this Build
Back Better nonsense was first floated at DAVOS in January 2019, and yet this
is the first time that you see all of these world leaders all saying the same
thing, “Build Back Better.” this is a
slogan that’s been made up by the World Economic Forum.
15:35 What’s its problem here, what’s really at stake, what’s the objective? What it is is that they (the ECB) lowered interest rates to negative in 2014. I warned them, don’t do this. It’s really nuts. It’s going to completely destroy your bond market. And here we are in 2022, interest rates are still negative. They can’t get out of it; they've trapped themselves. It's like we have Dumb and Dumber running countries. You tell the pension funds, "Oh, you have to be safe and secure, so you must buy government bonds." So then you take the interest rates to negative? Virtually all the pension funds in Europe are bankrupt. So that's what this whole thing is about. They know they've bankrupted everything. It's totally screwed up in Europe.
16:45 And you have this idea that the only thing that they can possibly do is if the government defaulted on its debt, wipe out all the pension funds, and then what you would get is millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks. So they come up with a very clever thing, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you. As if they're going to wipe out all your debt, your mortgage, your car loans, students, you know, you won't owe or own anything but neither will they, and they're the majority here.
17:12 And then the guaranteed basic income will replace the pension fund that you lost. So this is really about government and how they're getting out of this complete mess. Since World War II, they've been borrowing year after year without absolutely no intention of ever paying anything back. So they've kicked the can down the road as far as they can possibly go. So that is what this is really about.
17:45 So this COVID stuff, I think, is a crime against humanity honestly. And it seems to be the younger ones who are getting more severely injured from the vaccines, over 300 professional athletes. But right next door to me, the wife had COVID, I think she's 25 to 27, but they had to go on this cruise for a family reunion, and for that, they had to get a vaccine. So they got the vaccine, and the very next day she was taken out on an ambulance and almost died. Now they say that if you'd had COVID, the chances that you'll have a side effect that serious is 400x than if you've never had COVID before. [So, wait, the milder symptoms related to the vaccines come only to those who've never had COVID before? Isn't that an admission that the poisons in the vaccines are, well, poison?] If you go even to the CDC's website, and you look at the Measles vaccine, it clearly states, "Do not take the vaccine if you have this, this, this, . . ." You go to the COVID vaccine page at the CDC and it says, "Oh, we're still working on that."
Friday, January 7, 2022
"The carrot that Schwab is handing out [to the different governors, prime ministers, and leaders] is the end to democracy. So they no longer have to be accountable to anybody . . . "
4:00 COVID crisis really began with the Repo Crisis which began in 2019. US banks were suddenly not willing to lend to anybody in Europe, so the Federal Reserve had to step in. And just recently, I spoke to the top 3 major U.S. banks in New York, and they will not accept any European bond whatsoever for collateral. It's interesting to see the capital flows, and there are people who do know what's going to happen in advance and they begin to move their money; that's what our computer picks up.
5:12 He was put into prison under civil contempt, which you're not entitled to a trial. The statute says 18 months; they kept me for 7 years. I was finally released only after my case got to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court ordered them to explain why I was in prison, and then they finally had to release me and said the case was moot. That's basically the way it goes. HSBC paid a criminal restitution of $606 million dollars.
8:30 The crisis really began when the ECB put the interest rates into negative territory; they did that in 2014. He warned them. Do not do this. You're not going to get out of it. They basically didn't listen. I think I'm at least partly responsible for why the Federal Reserve did not go that far. Once they went negative, nobody was going to buy their bonds. They were forced by law to buy the pension funds, and now all of the pension funds in Europe are insoluble. Now they have a major financial crisis.
9:30 Governments want to default on their debt. They can't do that because all the pension funds will be wiped out. Depending on the country, anywhere between 70% and 100% has to be invested in government bonds. So if you have governments default, you're going to have pension funds wiped out, then you're going to have millions of people storming their palaces with pitchforks. You'll no longer have mortgages, student loans, car loans, etc.
10:35 The problem that he has is that he is a die-hard Marxist for years. The idea of Marxism worked with the Russian Revolution only because serfdom continues in Russia and it wasn't abolished until 1861, whereas serfdom ended in the 15th century in Europe. When that ended, the people didn't own anything. All the property, all the wealth was in the hands of the aristocrats absolutely. They had nothing. So Marx's idea that let's have a revolution, go get their stuff, at least made sense, in the sense that these people didn't own anything at all to begin with. But trying to do that today is quite different: people own their own houses, their cars, they have a career, we're not starting from absolute zero, which is what made Marxism work to some degree, you know, to at least get it off the ground. But Schwab still talks of equality and things of this nature, but that's really kind of nuts because that very idea is what brought communism down.
12:12 How is he being so successful in convincing so many people that this is such a great idea? Why does he have this power?
12:21 He is a very strategic, very cunning type person. [Aren't there other leaders with these qualities who are pro-freedom, pro-capitalism?] He's not a frontman as some of these people think that he's just a frontman for Soros or DAVOS. No, he has been the brainchild behind a lot of this and they have been attracted to him. [Recall that Schwab was an acolyte of Kissinger.] He knows how to manipulate things. He's created this program Young Leaders for Tomorrow. He's taking people and basically indoctrinating them to his philosophies and then puts them in various offices. The head of the EU was on his board. The head of the IMF was on his board. The head of the ECB is on his board. Tedros from the WHO, he put him in there. The head of the United Nations was associated with the World Economic Forum. He knows exactly what he's doing. He's buying his way through government. So it's more or less indoctrinating them, and the politicians really did get scared when Trump was elected. In Washington, DC, they thought it was a fluke. No, they voted against you. You don't understand that. He beat 17 career politicians. It's not that he was the greatest white knight coming to save the world or something. It was that the voters didn't like them [i.e., the politicians] and they didn't want to hear that. So they would rather say it was a fluke. And the AFT, that did a piece in 2016 when Trump was elected, and suddenly that's when democracy became populism. Populism was bad; they just switched the words. The main reason they were so against Trump was because they were afraid that would happen to them, that the career politicians would be simply voted out. If you look at Schwab's 8 Points, besides his "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," he says that the U.S. will no longer be a superpower; that will be shared by the United Nations. He has a whole bunch of things in there, in the 8 Points, that are very critical. And one of them is that democracy will no longer exist. They view that the people voted for Trump and are just too stupid and that we know better.
15:30 They view that the people voted for Trump and that they [Klaus Schwab and the DAVOS crowd] know better. If you look at the structure of Europe, the European Union, he had a hand in that. Yes, you still have a right to vote for an MP, but an MP has no right to make a law or veto a law. The laws are written by the European Commission which never stands for an election. The head of the EU is appointed. She never stands for election. So it's completely a facade that democracy even exists. It does not exist in Europe at all. The people have no right to say we don't like the way this is going, we're going to overthrow the government, we're going to vote them out. You can't vote them out.
16:20 Well, it seems that democracy has disappeared globally. We've been screaming from the rooftop that we don't want mandatory vaccines, we don't want . . . everything that's going on. We've got a dictator in Victoria now that can declare there's a pandemic even if there isn't one present. We've seen a destruction of democracy around the world. I wonder, Martin,
16:40 Are you aware of any of Australia's leaders, or Scott Morrison, or DAVOS clique, as Reiner Fuellmich called it? The carrot that Schwab is handing out [to the different governors, prime ministers, and leaders] is the end to democracy. So they think they no longer have to be accountable to anybody, so they think they're going to be able to pull this off. The whole COVID nonsense is about control. I can tell you absolutely that Schwab told people that the virus was coming. I heard rumors of that as early as September 2019. I believe not only was it deliberately created in a lab but that it was deliberately planted in China in an effort to blackmail China into joining the Great Reset. They had to get rid of Trump to do it, and they had to get both Putin and China under their wings as well. Marxism would have worked had they had Europe and the United States at the same time. But it's just nonsense. I was actually called in by China to help them become capitalists. I flew over there and it was interesting to watch. The Chinese were substantially different than the Russians. The Russians basically went from communism to an oligarchy. In China, I was impressed that they were not interfering; they were letting everything go and they were tracking it. They were tracking 249 varieties of tea in China. I had no clue there were that many. They wanted me to answer why this one tea was selling for $1 here but $5 someplace else. I asked, "Where does it come from?" And they said here. And I said, "Well, first you have transportation costs. Secondly, it must be a good tea, since some people are willing to pay more than something else." They didn't understand these things. (I wonder what year he is talking about.)
17:00 Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram, 1974. Came out of the Nazis during WWII, with the "just following orders" ethic. He discovered that if the government tells them to do something, they'll do it. This is why you see people driving around in their car by themselves with a mask.
Civil unrest will accelerate the crash? Yes. Google the papers from Amazon on how to prevent a union from forming, based on a study that created a diversity index. The more diverse a company is, the less likely they are to form a union. From that concept, can you extrapolate what it must be like trying to form a sovereign nation with the breadth and variety of immigration into the United States?
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
Macron Pushing France to Revolution
Thank you to Martin Armstrong's "Macron Pushing France to Revolution."
French President Emmanuel Macron and World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab.
I really want to piss them off, and we’ll carry on doing this – to the end.
For a head of state to address the nation in this manner is unimaginable. Mandatory vaccinations are the brainchild of the World Economic Forum to crush society in order to Build Back Better. The vaccines are already being addressed that you will need boosters every 3 to 6 months to retain any rights. They do not prevent COVID, but they are effective as a tool to manipulate and divide society. With elections coming up in April, he is clearly counting on dividing the country and trying to turn the vaccinated into the oppressors of the unvaccinated.
Vaccines are being introduced in several European countries, with Austria leading the way. That was the trial balloon and the people complied and did not storm the palaces and drag the politicians out as they have done in Brazil. Germany is moving forward with the same plan, and our staff in Germany have now left the country to protect their children. Italy’s government is considering a compulsory vaccine pass for at least anyone over 60.
Macron in his interview with Le Parisien used the vulgar term emmerder to say how he wanted to stir up the unvaccinated. He would not “vaccinate by force” the remaining five million, but said he was “limiting as much as possible their access to activities in social life.”
He continued: “I won’t send [unvaccinated people] to prison.” Nevertheless, he said: “so we need to tell them, from 15 January, you will no longer be able to go to the restaurant. You will no longer be able to go for a coffee, you will no longer be able to go to the theatre. You will no longer be able to go to the cinema.”
Reports from France say that politicians are
starting to get death threats. Schwab had to cancel Davos because of all the
death threats. History warns that this is the inevitable end result. There will
be revolutions and they will drag politicians out of their ivory towers — they
will be killed in the streets. Over 200 million people died the last time they
tried to impose Marxism. It was a blood bath. This is the reality of Schwab’s
dream. History will indeed repeat and this is building to violence in Europe
very rapidly. The people may have been denied guns, but they can use old-fashioned resistance with bows and arrows and sling-shots.

The Romans made slingshot bullets that came at you with such force they could knock you out or even kill you. They were typically almond-shaped to increase the velocity. It will be interesting to see if people who are denied guns can still resort to ancient-style weapons for a revolution. Unfortunately, people like Macron are in charge and they are providing the very incentive for revolution as the worst tyrants in history. In the US, fortunately, our political structure denied the head of state the powers being exercised in Europe. In the USA, it is state by state.
Friday, November 19, 2021
"They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt."
"I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe."
Klaus Schwab, his wife, Hilde Schwab, and Markus Soeder.
Sources in Germany are all warning that the government intends to impose mandatory vaccines following the ruthless actions of Austra. The Governor of Bavaria, Germany, Markus Soeder, is also for mandatory vaccinations. I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe. The central bank is trapped and cannot escape its negative interest rates and the government really can no longer function because its borrowing capacity has been destroyed. They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt. The EU is up against the wall and that is why they have even listened to Schwab and his Marxist Wonderland.
Saturday, November 13, 2021
leaders exploit the pandemic to crash national economies and introduce a global digital currency.
One for the historical record of why the world rejected science and turned totalitarian - pareto principle - rack and stack the primary root causes - here's one:
— Ivor Cummins (@FatEmperor) November 13, 2021
from RAIR, Rise Align, Ignite, Reclaim
Graduates from the Young Global Leaders school, and Global Leaders for Tomorrow before them, find themselves very well-situated given that they then have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually.
More than likely, this is the group that is responsible for dividing academic departments in American high schools into academies, like STEM, Global Studies, Career & College Readiness, Arts & Humanities Prep, and others.