Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vladimir Putin. Show all posts

Friday, May 3, 2024

THE UKRAINE: A 10-year fight between George Soros and Vladimir Putin?

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Russia is not your enemy, President Putin is not your enemy!

Vladimir Putin has been good for Russia, he's been good for the Middle East, and Europe, and he's even been good for the United States.  

Monday, April 1, 2024

PUTIN: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish

Here Putin tells a group of Jewish Rabbis that 80-85% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish and behind the largest genocide in history.

No wonder Hollywood, mainstream media, and our corrupt political leaders say that "Putin is worse than Hitler." They are terrified of collective punishment, a classic example of "projection". Lucky for the Jews, and deservedly so for all the innocent Jews, Putin is an Orthodox Christian, so his faith is based on love, compassion, forgiveness, truth, and due process, i.e., only the guilty can be punished. Collective punishment of all Jews is NOT a Christian thing to do.

That, on the other hand, has been the Global Order since the genocide of German civilians from 1945 to 1949 when 15 million mainly innocent German civilians were genocided [by] the Morgenthau Plan, the Hooton Plan [another replacement plan], the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Theodore Kauffman's book, Germany Must Perish, 1941, What to do with Germany, 1944, by Louis Nizer, and many other Jewish genocidal plans of collective punishment of unruly Goyims. Meanwhile, not a single genocidal German plan has been found, not even a single statement from a German politician or scholar that all Jews should be genocided. [That statement needs to be fact-checked.] Another example of projection, maybe the biggest example in human history and certainly the most successful one, that's managed to traumatize millions of white Christian people to accept being discriminated against in their own countries.

We have seen Collective Punishment play out in every war since the Talmud followers took charge of the USA in 1945.
We have seen it in the war against North Korea where every major city was totally leveled like all major cities were in Germany.
We have seen collective punishment of civilians in Vietnam with Agent Orange and in multiple other countries.
"We came. We saw. He died," said Hillary Clinton mockingly about the bestial murder of the beloved Gaddafi in Libya.
"There is 90% collateral damage," said Obama about the percentage of civilian casualties in their carpet bombing campaigns against Israel's perceived enemies.
On a 60 Minutes segment aired on May 12, 1996, titled "Punishing Saddam," Leslie Stahl, a Jew, asked U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a Jew, "We have heard that half a million Iraqi children have died. I mean that's more than children than when . . . in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?

Albright's response?

I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.

Let me say that this post is an indictment against the globalist Jews, the Zionists, not your coworkers, your working-class Jewish friends and allies, not your neighbors, nor your neighborhood rabbis. This is not a hate-filled screed, but rather some sorely needed historical revision.

All global policies are based on collective punishment "for the greater good" of course, backed up by "narratives," meaning momentous lies spewed out by our corrupt media and repeated ad nauseam by our politicians and "experts."
You all have to wear a mask so as not to kill Grandma. You all have to take the vax to not kill Grandma. You all have to pay the Globalists $50 trillion, so they somehow can "save the planet". They will then use that money to enrich themselves while paying out a tiny fraction to their deeply corrupt political leaders, journalists, and "experts" lying through their teeth. You have to spend your taxes and money creation on wars against Israel's enemies; otherwise, the terrorists will come and get you. They then use the war to launder money and traffic children.

And lastly, if anyone is in ANY doubt, that the world is run by Satan-worshipping Talmud followers who believe in hate, revenge, and "narratives" instead of truth . . . , then all you have to do is watch what they are doing to the Palestinian people in Gaza, based on a false-flag operation October 7th, 2023, where they had foreknowledge of the attack, opened the borders at 15 places, stood down for 7 hours, then invoked the Hannibal Directive and shot to kill everyone, Israeli hostage or Palestinian alike, then told lies about 40 beheaded babies and rapes, none of which, none, have been corroborated by actual evidence.
It is such a horrendous collective punishment taking place in Gaza, where people are murdered on an industrial scale, including killing babies in incubators (literally), that even the globalist-controlled and corrupt UN and ICJ have to come out reluctantly and admit that Israel is conducting a genocide.
Now it is time for action from the UN, ICJ the global community, and the people.
No more Talmud World Order. We need a Christian World in the Christian nations, likewise, a Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist in their countries based on love, compassion, forgiveness, truth, and due process. We Will Win 110 will happen for sure Palestine will be free. Palestine will be a country without apartheid. And once the Palestinians have defeated the Talmud-following government presently in Israel, the Talmud-following World Order will totally collapse worldwide. All thanks to the heroes in Palestine. May their God Bless them.


Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Putin dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."

Putin is asked what his expectations are for Trump and the US election. He says it doesn't matter, as "there will be no fundamental change in US policy." He dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"It's not about his personal power . . . Only Russia and what will happen with Russia, because it's an enormous responsibility, and Putin takes it and carries it"

Thank you to Tom Luongo.

RITTER:  Is he a brutal dictator?  Is he a Jeffersonian Democrat? Who is Vladimir Putin?  

00:57. First of all, Putin is extremely Russian.  He is very Russian, so he's part of Russian culture, he's part of Russian people, and that's why people love him.  He hears people.  When you talk to Putin, he's extremely interested in what you have to say.  So he's not lecturing you.  He's extremely honest with you.  He's very open with you, and he hears you.  And he really wants to understand what you have to say to get deeper into your problem if there is a problem he's very professional in working with info.  He is never Russian with his decisions.  He is always calculating and he understands the responsibility that's on his shoulders.  He is definitely not even close to the definition of cruel like it's not about him.  He is definitely not even close to the definition of dictator.  Not about him at all.  Actually, vice versa.  I would say that he is far more democratic than Medvedev or Yeltsin or Gorbachev.  He admits other [people's] points of view, and he listens to them.  When you talk with Putin, it's not like, "Well, here's my opinion, and that will be it," no, no, no, no.  He wants you to understand how he comes to this opinion and why he is forced to do this or that step. He always thinks about what and how it will affect the country and the people.  He's not looking for love from his enemies.  So he's not looking for world acknowledgment, "Oh, what a great guy from United Kingdom or United States," no, no, no, no. He's not like Gorby or Yeltsin, who could be easily influenced by that.  There's only one thing that he's really interested in.  It's not about his personal power, wealth, or whatever.  It doesn't matter at all.  Only Russia and what will happen with Russia, because it's an enormous responsibility, and Putin takes it and carries it.  That's why he studies a lot of history books. He's a real fan of history. He reads a lot, and it's not science fiction, it's serious, serious studies of history.  He has his own opinion.  He has his own opinion.  He has his own opinion, but he respects other people's opinions as well. It's really fun to talk to him.

Who is Vladimir Sloviev?  He is a Russian TV presenter and political commentator.[9He has been an anchor on the television show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on Russia-1 since 2012.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Who and What Is Victoria Nuland?

Sherwin B. Nuland, Victoria's father,

46:18. She would have known how  sensitive the Russians, be they Imperial Russians or Soviet Russia or the Russian Federation, would be to NATO encroachment.  And yet she was the one pushing it.  She pushed for this kind of encroachment.  And it started, of course, with her old boss from the very beginning, Strobe Talbot, who also was a man who hated Russia for reasons of his own that aren't important for this conversation.  But what happened was that she saw how Russia was getting up and how it was evolving and pulling away from the good old days of the 90s, the good old days for the rapacious financiers and oligarchs and riff raff and evil people who had been in Russia during the 90s but which had destroyed Russia.  Well Putin was resurrecting Russia and improving the standard of living of the people between 1999 and 2013 in Russia which rose phenomenally.  The whole country became much, much more successful and better off.  And you compare the fate of Russia during those 14 years and the fate of, say, Ukraine in those 14 years, it's night and dayh, because there was no one to halt the Western corruption.  That's the difference and that's the fundamental problem because Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan, and that whole cabal in the U.S. State Department in the foreign policy establishment they want a broken Russia.  They cannot stand the fact, and it's because of number one, arrogance,  because they insist that America has to be not only the biggest and strongest country, but far and away the most powerful; you know, they want to maintain the power imbalance like the Americans had after the second World War.  That's number one.  And number two, and this is something that is very disturbing to people you have to face it, there are long-standing ethno-religious hatreds towards Russia.  They hate Russia with a passion.  They would be happiest if Russia were obliterated in a mushroom cloud and that's a fact.  They hate it with a passion for the psychological reasons that I've explained before because you have to understand that all the people who are running American foreign policy are the children of Jews who made it in America but the grandchildren of Jews who fled programs in Russia in Russia or Belarus or wherever in Eastern Europe.  And that kind of generational trauma it . . . expresses itself and resentment and rage toward the source of that ancient ancestral trauma.  You have to look at the facts.  And if somebody wants to say that, you know, "Oh man, you're being anti-Semitic" or some s*** like that, listen, I descend from a man named Jose Miguel Cabrera, and he was betrayed by a man named Bernardo Higgins. And I was taught to spit at the name of Bernardo Higgins and you know that all happened 200 years ago and I'm not kidding he was assassinated basically in 1821 and 200 years later here we are and my family still hates his guts.  Ancestral hatreds you know they ripple, they ripple down into the future.  There is that famous line from William Faulkner "The past is never over, it's never even the past."  Very true many Americans want to wake up and think that you're a blank slate.  These tight-knit families tell stories of generations before I know stories of my own family growing up in Latin America you know every Sunday sitting around my grandmother's dining room table and she would tell me stories of her mother and her grandmother and her great-grandmother stories of how our family had come from Germany how my great-great-grandmother as a young 16-year-old girl had convinced her spinster older sister to leave Celesteville Holstein and chase after this handsome German naval officer who had stopped at the Port that they were living in and she had fallen desperately and married him.  51:38

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Friday, February 24, 2023

Vlad and Xi Break Bread.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

VLADIMIR PUTIN: In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany.

We shouldn't let any politician be "our leader."  Good, moral teachers are your leaders with common sense as our first language.  Having said that, after listening to Putin here, I can't help but make comparisons between him and Biden.  When Biden talks history, he's either shaming you for not being black enough or for being too white, offering up some argument that Black Lives Matter, Project 1619, or Juneteenth to pass as some historical argument.  But here you have Putin having more of a discussion about history with his audience, a relevant discussion, not one where you feel like you're being had with every phrase and ice cream cone. 

In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany.  And today, they began to make Ukraine anti-Russia.  This is not really a new project.  People who are at least a little immersed in history know very well that this project has its roots back in the 19th century.  It was cultivated in the Austro-Hungarian empire, and in Poland, and in other countries with one goal--to tear these historical territories, which are now called Ukraine, from our country.  That's what the goal is. 

JIMMY DORE: Putin isn't the bad guy . . . he's acting rationally

Thursday, January 12, 2023

"if Putin does not become more aggressive, [the Russian hardliners] may indeed replace him [with a coup] by May and then holy hell will break loose."

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.   

Washington is wielding its own array of pressures to paint Putin as a loser as Octavian did to Mark Antony. 

If the US hands Zelensky long-range missiles, he will use them to attack mainland Russia and that will begin World War. 

I kept thinking that the war in Ukraine would simply end and the country would be divided.  But it looks like NATO, i.e, the United States, wants war with Russia.  In fact, they want the war to conquer Russia.  Talk about your existential battles.  Martin Armstrong explains.

Russian Navy ships and submarines have suddenly left their base at Novorossiysk, in the Black Sea, en-masse.

This is highly unusual and many fear that this is a change in tactics. The Western Press keeps trying to paint Russia as losing the war so, quite frankly, they can get more people to volunteer to join the military if they think they are on the winning side.  There is no question that the US and Russia are waging the most intense confrontation since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Our model on that confrontation aligned with our major war model showing that 2014 was the end of that period and the beginning of this new period as we head into World War III.

The hardliners are not happy in Russia and President Vladimir Putin is being pushed into a corner. Either he gets more aggressive, or there could be a coup by May. The hardliners are using nuclear threats and other escalations in what they know is now really a proxy war of the USA and NATO against Russia using Ukraine as the pawn they are willing to sacrifice. NATO troops will not venture in until the last Ukrainian dies on the battlefield.

Washington is wielding its own array of pressures to paint Putin as a loser as Octavian did to Mark Antony. The good news is that, so far, both strategies have been very carefully calibrated. The bad news is that America and Russia are still on a collision course because the end goal is actually to conquer Russia.

Sweden has now escalated its draft. Poland is building its army of up to 250,000 men. All of this is based on the expectation that Ukraine can reduce the Russian army and that will make it a cakewalk to invade Russia and drive tanks from Poland right into Moscow

Sweden was preparing by boosting military spending by around 40% over the five years from 2016 and doubling the numbers conscripted into the armed forces as it looks to beef up its defence amid growing tensions with Russia post-2014. Meanwhile, France, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania scrapped conscription as they concluded that large-scale defence was no longer necessary before 2014, but now they have all reversed policies.

The Joe Biden administration pledged to defend “every inch” of Nato territory. That has complicated matters for Putin to interfere with Ukraine’s supply lines through Romania and Poland. The Western Press keeps pitching the same propaganda that Putin is spiralling toward defeat in Ukraine and may not survive that outcome politically. Yet I know that the hardliners are there and if Putin does not become more aggressive, they may indeed replace him by May and then holy hell will break loose.

Putin is warning Washington as well as Kyiv that attacks on those territories are tantamount to attacks on Russia itself. The Biden administration has opted not to listen to anything from Putin and only seeks war instructing Zelensky to sacrifice his own people and to reject any peace talks whatsoever. If the US hands Zelensky long-range missiles, he will use them to attack mainland Russia and that will begin World War.

EVERY President throughout my entire life has always sought peace. The Biden Administration and NATO only talk about pushing war. NEVER have I ever witnessed such irresponsible leadership for . . .  "Climate Change."

Friday, December 30, 2022

Vladimir Putin Addresses the Russian Defense Ministry Board Dec 21, 2022 – English Subtitles


Dear Fellow Colleagues, 

It is well known that the military potential and capabilities of almost all major NATO countries are being widely used against us.  Still, our soldiers, sergeants, and officers are fighting for Russia with courage and fortitude and are fulfilling their tasks with confidence step by step.  Without a doubt, these tasks will be fulfilled in all territories of the Russian Federation, including the new territories, and a safe life for all of our citizens will be ensured.  Our armed forces' combat capabilities s is increasing day by day, and we will certainly step this process up.  I would like once again to thank everyone who is fulfilling their combat duty today, including tank crews, paratroopers, artillerymen, motor riflemen, sappers, signalmen, pilots, special operations forces, air defense troops, sailors, military topographers, logistics support specialists, National Guard personnel and other formations for the way that you are fighting.

[Could you imagine General Milley making these remarks in front of his generals?  I can't.  He'd say something like I want to know "white rage" [see 5:40]  Douche.]

Monday, November 7, 2022


Vladimir Putin has already addressed his concerns with the cultural destruction of the United States and the west back in March of this year.

Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.

from Greg Reese @ the Reese Report.

Here is the first of four interviews that Oliver Stone did with Vladimir Putin in 2017.  Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.  

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics 

I feel sorry for you for those who believe the propaganda put out to justify a war that Putin is this madman. Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably think the government really cares about you and your future. You probably still wear masks driving alone, or even when you sleep, and possibly a condom just in case for good measure.

There are those of us who have REAL contacts and who understand REAL geopolitics and the way governments create wars by filling the minds of their people that there are weapons of mass destruction. Now even a former MI6 agent has come out and said the same thing. You better be careful what you wish for. Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. Yeltsin was under siege from the communists who did want to resurrect the USSR and the oligarchs who wanted to strip mine Russia for themselves. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.

I have all the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration that CONFIRM that Putin was nothing that the propaganda is all about. He NEVER sought to resurrect the USSR. As far as the KGB, he was never high-ranking and quit in 1991 as soon as Russia fell. All of the comments put out there by John McCain were outright lies. I have the security briefing he read and said the opposite because he was a Neocon who just wanted endless wars.

So you can believe all the BS. They need you to do that to wage war and offer your life on their altar of political agendas. If you think you will be an armchair general and watch this war on CNN, sorry. It will come to a neighborhood near you. I just thank God I am not 18. The future these people want is total insanity. The Weimar Republic in Germany took place because it was a revolution against the imperial government that always waged war. We face the same fate when the people realize this has been a mountain of lies for a political agenda. When Zelensky came to power, he promised peace. He was then instructed by the West that was not acceptable. The West promoted the civil war in Ukraine.

It is the hardliners putting pressure on Putin because he has been “too soft” on Ukraine. Replace Putin and we will get World War III. Zelensky better pack his high-heels in an emergency exit bag. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

PUTIN: “Why would I blow up my own pipes? I could simply shut them off..."

It is hard to make a lot of these details up.   

Thursday, September 22, 2022

The Plot to Seize Russia, War Propaganda, and More

Maria Zeee is the host, and Martin Armstrong is the guest. Here is her summary of the show:

World renowned economist Martin Armstrong joins us to break the story of the several-decade long plan to seize Russia, detailing how he has obtained declassified documents from the Clinton Administration, and how he was previously targeted for possessing this knowledge - which he is finally able to release.

Martin takes us through his encounter with an alleged terrorist from 9/11 while he served in prison, who was actually a Pakistani Christian that was framed by the US Government. We also discuss world events, war propaganda, and Martin's insight into where we are heading.

You can follow Martin's work via his website:

My Notes:

From the very beginning, the interview takes off.  

The Plot to Seize Russia provides the back story on why Martin went to prison and why he was persecuted, the ways in which he was persecuted, and the plot to seize Russia.

I managed to get a hold of documents from the Clinton Administration that have been declassified.  So I've got all the phone calls now between Yeltsin. And the Clintons, and it's really quite eye-opening.
Omitted from the history books is in 1991 when Russia collapsed, NATO actually asked Russia to join.  And that was what sparked the coup against Gorbachev because the hardliners looked at it as surrendering Russia to America.  So they staged a coup, and that's when Yeltsin ended up standing on the tank.  That's the backdrop which history books apparently have omitted.  

Declassified documents from the Clintons about NATO inviting Russia to join.  

The real person who was trying to grab Russia was Russian oligarch, Boris Berezovsky.  He and his 7 oligarchs were actually trying to take over Russia.  And I've got the documents . . . at first he was pitching it that the west should absorb Russia like they did their former enemies, Japan and Germany.  And he said, look, we'll take over the country.  We're not military, we're just businessmen.  That's where it kind of starts.  It wasn't working out well for them at that stage, so then they try blackmailing Yeltsin.  And that's when they staged thus whole thing.  Money was stolen from the IMF and it was all routed through the Bank of New York.  [3:26] And then Edmond Safra, of Republic National Bank was the one that was in league with Berezovsky, and he ran to the Feds and said Bank of New York just did a $7 billion-dollar money laundering.  And so the Feds run in there and it was all set up, and they were blackmailing Yeltsin in July 1999 that he should step down, otherwise, all this was going to come out.  That's when he turned to Putin.  You have to understand all if what was going on at the time.  Yeltsin was being attacked from two sides: one, the hardline communists who filed a motion to impeach him over this Bank of New York and corruption issues that came out.  And they were trying to take back Russia and turn it into the USSR.  On the opposite side, you had the oligarchs who were blackmailing him.  So he turned to Putin.  At the time, nobody knew who Putin was.  He was an unknown.  He wasn't a member of the oligarchs and he wasn't a communist. So Yeltsin appointed him August 9, 1991.  At that stage of the game, the world was like what's going on, what's happening?  First, they thought that he was just going to be another one of these Prime Ministers that's pushed out.  At that stage of the game, what had happened was that in the 1998 Financial Crisis in Russia, apparently, Safra had lost about 50% of his net worth and was putting the bank [Republic National Bank] up for sale with HSBC.  He saw an opportunity, and he stole $1 billion dollars from my accounts.  [5:50]  And on August 27, when that takes place, I call and ask, "What the heck is going on here?"  And the head of the HSBC bank, George Wendler, 1944-2018, gave me the reply, "I'm just the messenger."  Whoa.  Now when you're talking to the head of the bank, and he says he's just the messenger, the only person higher than him was Edmond [Safra]. 

So I said, "You tell Edmond that I'll hop on a plane and I'll be in Geneva in the morning."  

He said, "You can't go there.  He's not in Geneva.  He left for Monaco for security reasons."  So that starts the whole thing going.  So I had assumed that once Putin was installed that that was the sign that the oligarchs were dead, and Safra being involved in the conspiracy, he fled to Monaco, which was like a fortress.  But somebody from the inside left the doors open and they went in.  I knew Dominick Dunne, who wrote the article, "The Death in Monaco," 2000, for Vanity Fair.  [7:07]  Also not reported, Dominick told me, "Look, there were two bullets in his body."  It's an interesting play here, but at the time I thought that Putin killed him.  I was just believing what the Russian press was saying, and it's just not true.  Most of these assassinations had nothing to do with Putin.  This was Berezovsky taking out people that were going to rat on him or one thing or another.  Even when Berezovsky had written a letter to Putin,