On Croatian Television, channel 4, Vladimir Putin was allowed to speak. He addressed the Europeans: "Russia has never been and will never be your enemy! We do not want European raw materials and wealth; we have our own raw materials and wealth, and we absolutely do not need your raw materials. Russia is the richest country in the world in terms of raw materials. We do not want your land or your territory. Look at how wide Russia is on the map. Russia is twice the size of the whole of Europe in one place. What would we need your land for, what do we do with it? Why do you think Russia is an enemy of Europe? What damage has Russia done to you? Have we sold you gas and raw materials at lower prices than the prices at which your "friends" are currently selling you? YES Did Russia sacrifice 20 million people in World War II to get rid of the Nazis? YES Was Russia the first country to help Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic? YES Did we help Europe when there were fires and natural disasters? YES What has Russia done to you that you hate it so much? Russia is not your enemy; your real enemies are your leaders, those who lead you!”The Real War is People vs. their Governments. https://t.co/pHJMapf8AK https://t.co/g6mDXj77pe
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) March 8, 2025
Saturday, March 8, 2025
It is laughable to think that England, France, Europe, or the European Union thinks that Russia is an actual threat that might invade Europe. Categorically ludicrous
Sunday, September 29, 2024
JOE LAURIA: [Putin] restored the sovereignty of this country, the dignity of Russia, and that pissed off a lot of people on Wall Street and in Washington
[Putin] restored the sovereignty of this country, the dignity of Russia, and that pissed off a lot of people on Wall Street and in Washington. --Joe Lauria
@NakedHedgie, @TFL1728, You of course know this, but a good tidbit it is, anyway.. https://t.co/i7XJeOb5ue
— Jan F. Solvberg (@JanFSolvberg) September 29, 2024
The speaker is Joe Lauria, a contributor to Consortium News.
00:00. And now we see a revival of that because the Neocons are pushing to send missiles deep into Russia which could cause a nuclear exchange. So they are then infused with this idea that they could use nukes, we can do it, the same sick world-dominating mentality. Before this event, we were having a chat, we did a round table, and Scott was saying that the US is the rabid dog in the world. The United States is seen by us . . . it's very hard for people to realize that we could be the bad guys, that our government is bad, and that gives a lot of advantage to the government. And through the media pushing their public or noble lie that we are special people, we are exceptional, we bring democracy to everyone, we only care and only want to do good in the world that's only those bad guys, those Russians, those Iranians. What a coincidence that those are the really ugly countries, the ones that the US wants to get out of the way for various reasons. Because Russia, if you see, and I'll get to this . . . . In 1948, the US made a deal with Mikola Lebed, a right-hand man of Stefan Bandera, who was the fascist Ukrainian leader during the war. He killed thousands of Poles and Jews. They brought him to New York City, and they set him up in an office in 1948, a year after the CIA was born, and they put him in that office. Then they sent him to Ukraine for sabotage and propaganda operations. Now Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, of course, so they went to Soviet Ukraine to work to undermine the Soviet Union. They wouldn't touch Bandera by the way. The British did, and MI6 worked with Bandera and, of course, the KGB finally assassinated him in 1959. But the Americans worked with this guy, Lebed, until 1991, until Independence in Ukraine when the Soviet Union collapsed. And when the Soviet Union collapsed, Wall Street rushed in and saw an incredible country. The resources of Russia were beyond any other country, the territories large with gold, gas, oil, and all kinds of other minerals there. This is a prize, and they went in there and they acid-stripped a formerly state-controlled and state-owned economy and then enriched themselves unbelievably in the process, created this oligarchy class and impoverished the Russian people. I went to Moscow in 1995 under Yeltsin. I couldn't believe what I saw, a Wild West. Hundreds of people living in front of the train stations burning fires trying to survive outside. Cops taking bribes right in front of me on a cab that I was in from the cab driver, they didn't care. Two guys saw my camera, and they came running after me. I had to ditch them in the Moscow Metro. Wild scenes. Exactly 20 years later, that was October 1995; in October 2015, I went back again to Moscow. It was a complete coincidence, that exactly 10 years later, I'd left Berlin and I thought I was still in Western Europe. Clean, orderly. Why? What happened? This is not the crazy country that I . . . . Putin, who we don't have any real right to say whether he should rule this country or not; that's up to the Russian people. [Putin] restored the sovereignty of this country, the dignity of Russia, and that pissed off a lot of people on Wall Street and in Washington. His 2006 Munich Security Conference speech, listen to that. He says, "they [the U.S.] were not supposed to expand NATO, and now you're expanding NATO. You're just playing us for fools. We're not going to take it anymore." And guess what? From 2006 to 2022, 16 years, he did take it, but he didn't take it anymore. And that's what led us to this invasion, the overthrow of [Viktor] Yanukovych, and then the launching of a civil war against Russian speakers in the east of Ukraine, who were defending democracy. They had voted for Yanukovych, and it was overthrown in a coup. [The West] called it a revolution. Tell me one revolution where a democratic-elected government was overthrown. Revolutions [war against] kings and dictators. This was a coup that the US organized. Why? Because Yanukovych decided he was going to take a Russian economic package and not the EU one, so they overthrew him and then a Civil War was launched. Thousands of people were killed over 8 years in Donbass that was launched with U.S. help, and they were training Ukraine forces; NATO was training the Ukrainian forces, arming them. It was a defacto NATO State already. And we then learn from Angela Merkel after she left office, the German Chancellor, that they purposely did not implement a deal that the Russians worked very hard with the Germans and the French to sign, which was the Minsk Accords. The UN Security Council endorsed it unanimously. The US voted for it. This was supposed to allow eastern Ukraine to remain inside Ukraine [and] have autonomy, and Merkel admitted that they never took that seriously for a minute. They used the time. They were buying time to arm Ukraine. Then in 2021, of course, in December, the Russians offered a treaty to NATO, and a treaty to the United States to create a new security architecture in Europe. [The Russians] couldn't put up with this anymore. They tried that in 2008. It failed. They repeatedly tried this, and now, after that failure, Putin said "If you don't take these deals or negotiate these deals, we will take military-technical measures." What does that mean? They wanted, the US wanted this invasion. Biden needed it, he said so in Poland. The aim here is to overthrow Putin. Lloyd Austin also said it's to weaken Russia. They needed to do this through an economic war and an information war and a ground proxy war. They're losing all three. Only people in the United States and Western Europe believed any of the crap about Ukraine, sorry. And why? Because the history is not there. It's being excised, it's being taken out, and the Russian point of view is being removed they are de-fanging journalism on purpose because we are meddling with the state narrative, the noble lie. Speaking of which, I invited Howard Zinn, the Great American historian, late now, great historian, to the UN to address UN correspondents, and I asked him then, what is the American Noble lie? Without any hesitation, he said Democracy.
Friday, May 3, 2024
THE UKRAINE: A 10-year fight between George Soros and Vladimir Putin?
George Soros’s financial empire is built on foreign investments secured by drafting off the Blob’s maximalist war & intervention policies. Trump’s détente w/ Eurasia threatened to crumble Soros’s financial empire.
— Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) May 3, 2024
That’s why it matters that all the prosecutors are Soros-funded. https://t.co/dDGIQylx2Q pic.twitter.com/H4U25pvd1L
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Russia is not your enemy, President Putin is not your enemy!
🙏 Thank you guys for 10k followers. This account is my hobby, where I am talking about the facts:
— 🇷🇺Russia is not Enemy (@RussiaIsntEnemy) April 28, 2024
Russia is not your enemy,
President Putin is not your enemy!
Special thanks to @NoMoreNATO @Blackrussiantv for your support.
I love you guys! pic.twitter.com/vl2oHarK6k
Vladimir Putin has been good for Russia, he's been good for the Middle East, and Europe, and he's even been good for the United States.
Monday, April 1, 2024
PUTIN: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish
He certainly knows what he is talking about, too. https://t.co/sBUeBQLlwb
— Dylan Griffith (@LivingDadJoke) April 1, 2024
Here Putin tells a group of Jewish Rabbis that 80-85% of the Bolsheviks were Jewish and behind the largest genocide in history.
No wonder Hollywood, mainstream media, and our corrupt political leaders say that "Putin is worse than Hitler." They are terrified of collective punishment, a classic example of "projection". Lucky for the Jews, and deservedly so for all the innocent Jews, Putin is an Orthodox Christian, so his faith is based on love, compassion, forgiveness, truth, and due process, i.e., only the guilty can be punished. Collective punishment of all Jews is NOT a Christian thing to do."We came. We saw. He died," said Hillary Clinton mockingly about the bestial murder of the beloved Gaddafi in Libya.
"There is 90% collateral damage," said Obama about the percentage of civilian casualties in their carpet bombing campaigns against Israel's perceived enemies.
On a 60 Minutes segment aired on May 12, 1996, titled "Punishing Saddam," Leslie Stahl, a Jew, asked U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, a Jew, "We have heard that half a million Iraqi children have died. I mean that's more than children than when . . . in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?
Albright's response?
I think this is a very hard choice, but the price, we think, the price is worth it.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
This is the kind of isolation I could only dream of
Do not believe your lying eyes! Russia is isolated. Putin is a pariah! Support the current thing! https://t.co/suoAU0ffhs
— Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie) December 6, 2023
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
VLADIMIR PUTIN ON MIDDLE EAST CONFLICT: The U.S. pursued their own ideas about how this should be done and pressured both sides without considering the fundamental interests of the Palestinian people
Listen and read carefully about what Putin says about the Israeli Palestinian conflict.
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) October 11, 2023
Putin is not a Zionist, which is why he is at war with the Khazarian Mafia. pic.twitter.com/4v7Ozrpzrr
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Putin dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."
Putin is asked what his expectations are for Trump and the US election. He says it doesn't matter, as "there will be no fundamental change in US policy." He dismisses the idea of Trump and Russia having "special ties," as Trump "imposed the greatest number of sanctions on Russia."
Reminder: the Russiagate "scandal" promoted by liberals, neocons, & many progressives was not only a moronic conspiracy theory, but a dangerous one. It criminalized diplomacy; emboldened Trump's neocon cabinet to escalate; & incentivized Russiagate dupes to look the other way. https://t.co/OzQTJPCFwE
— Aaron Maté (@aaronjmate) September 12, 2023
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
"It's not about his personal power . . . Only Russia and what will happen with Russia, because it's an enormous responsibility, and Putin takes it and carries it"
Putin can be all the things that Soloviev says here and still be a gangster operationally. Also, this is one of Russia’s harshest critics of Putin… so salt to taste, draw tour own conclusions, but be honest and not reactionary…. https://t.co/lSSerYlbDq
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) August 22, 2023
Sunday, August 13, 2023
Who and What Is Victoria Nuland?
On @SystemUpdate_ tomorrow night, live at 7pm ET, we'll devote a special episode to exploring:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) August 13, 2023
"Who and What is Victoria Nuland"?
There's an enormous amount of blood on this neocon's hands, but the only times she left government is under Trump. pic.twitter.com/NO65b3rVL3
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
The strategic bravery and leadership that can best prevent war and ensure Europe's security is in the Russian Federation, not in US/UK warmongering on Russia's borders and adjacent regions.
Very deft use our history as a guide to our behavior towards Russia. Extermination or submission. Those are the options. Russia chooses otherwise. He will bleed us out if need be. https://t.co/PtYqpJa5fm
— Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) July 12, 2023
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Vladimir Putin, George W Bush, and Prigozhin, 2006
What does it mean?
Vladimir Putin, George W Bush, and Prigozhin, 2006 pic.twitter.com/Rwg2WmK862
— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) June 26, 2023
Friday, February 24, 2023
Vlad and Xi Break Bread.
Ukraine's billionaire comedian, Vlodymyr Zelensky, stated earlier this week: "If China allies itself with Russia, there will be a world war."
— Mark Alan Pearce (@PearceAlan1962) February 23, 2023
Xi and Vlad always make pancakes before they go out clubbing together. pic.twitter.com/o1tpc2GCpn
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
VLADIMIR PUTIN: In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany.
We shouldn't let any politician be "our leader." Good, moral teachers are your leaders with common sense as our first language. Having said that, after listening to Putin here, I can't help but make comparisons between him and Biden. When Biden talks history, he's either shaming you for not being black enough or for being too white, offering up some argument that Black Lives Matter, Project 1619, or Juneteenth to pass as some historical argument. But here you have Putin having more of a discussion about history with his audience, a relevant discussion, not one where you feel like you're being had with every phrase and ice cream cone.
In the 1930s, the West actually opened the way to power for the Nazis in Germany. And today, they began to make Ukraine anti-Russia. This is not really a new project. People who are at least a little immersed in history know very well that this project has its roots back in the 19th century. It was cultivated in the Austro-Hungarian empire, and in Poland, and in other countries with one goal--to tear these historical territories, which are now called Ukraine, from our country. That's what the goal is.
Putin: “Now we are not at war with the people of Ukraine…this is something I’ve said many times. The people of Ukraine are now hostages to the Kiev regime and their western masters who have effectively occupied the country in the political, military and economic sense.” pic.twitter.com/LMZ4wsLNWq
— The Convo Couch (@theconvocouch) February 21, 2023
JIMMY DORE: Putin isn't the bad guy . . . he's acting rationally
Jimmy Dore says that Putin isn't the bad guy and that he's acting rationally, that the invasion was provoked by NATO and the West, Russia wants peace but Ukraine and NATO don't, and that Ukraine has killed 15,000 people in the Donbas because they identified more with Russia. pic.twitter.com/6RqPLpNQOX
— Post-Left Watch (@PostLeftWatch) February 20, 2023
Thursday, January 12, 2023
"if Putin does not become more aggressive, [the Russian hardliners] may indeed replace him [with a coup] by May and then holy hell will break loose."
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
Washington is wielding its own array of pressures to paint Putin as a loser as Octavian did to Mark Antony.
If the US hands Zelensky long-range missiles, he will use them to attack mainland Russia and that will begin World War.
I kept thinking that the war in Ukraine would simply end and the country would be divided. But it looks like NATO, i.e, the United States, wants war with Russia. In fact, they want the war to conquer Russia. Talk about your existential battles. Martin Armstrong explains.
Russian Navy ships and submarines have suddenly left their base at Novorossiysk, in the Black Sea, en-masse.
This is highly unusual and many fear that this is a change in tactics. The Western Press keeps trying to paint Russia as losing the war so, quite frankly, they can get more people to volunteer to join the military if they think they are on the winning side. There is no question that the US and Russia are waging the most intense confrontation since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Our model on that confrontation aligned with our major war model showing that 2014 was the end of that period and the beginning of this new period as we head into World War III.
The hardliners are not happy in Russia and President Vladimir Putin is being pushed into a corner. Either he gets more aggressive, or there could be a coup by May. The hardliners are using nuclear threats and other escalations in what they know is now really a proxy war of the USA and NATO against Russia using Ukraine as the pawn they are willing to sacrifice. NATO troops will not venture in until the last Ukrainian dies on the battlefield.
Washington is wielding its own array of pressures to paint Putin as a loser as Octavian did to Mark Antony. The good news is that, so far, both strategies have been very carefully calibrated. The bad news is that America and Russia are still on a collision course because the end goal is actually to conquer Russia.
Sweden has now escalated its draft. Poland is building its army of up to 250,000 men. All of this is based on the expectation that Ukraine can reduce the Russian army and that will make it a cakewalk to invade Russia and drive tanks from Poland right into Moscow
Sweden was preparing by boosting military spending by around 40% over the five years from 2016 and doubling the numbers conscripted into the armed forces as it looks to beef up its defence amid growing tensions with Russia post-2014. Meanwhile, France, Italy, Latvia and Lithuania scrapped conscription as they concluded that large-scale defence was no longer necessary before 2014, but now they have all reversed policies.
The Joe Biden administration pledged to defend “every inch” of Nato territory. That has complicated matters for Putin to interfere with Ukraine’s supply lines through Romania and Poland. The Western Press keeps pitching the same propaganda that Putin is spiralling toward defeat in Ukraine and may not survive that outcome politically. Yet I know that the hardliners are there and if Putin does not become more aggressive, they may indeed replace him by May and then holy hell will break loose.
Putin is warning Washington as well as Kyiv that attacks on those territories are tantamount to attacks on Russia itself. The Biden administration has opted not to listen to anything from Putin and only seeks war instructing Zelensky to sacrifice his own people and to reject any peace talks whatsoever. If the US hands Zelensky long-range missiles, he will use them to attack mainland Russia and that will begin World War.
EVERY President throughout my entire life has always sought peace. The Biden Administration and NATO only talk about pushing war. NEVER have I ever witnessed such irresponsible leadership for . . . "Climate Change."
Friday, December 30, 2022
Vladimir Putin Addresses the Russian Defense Ministry Board Dec 21, 2022 – English Subtitles
Monday, November 7, 2022
Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.
I feel sorry for you for those who believe the propaganda put out to justify a war that Putin is this madman. Be careful what you believe and wish for. You probably think the government really cares about you and your future. You probably still wear masks driving alone, or even when you sleep, and possibly a condom just in case for good measure.
There are those of us who have REAL contacts and who understand REAL geopolitics and the way governments create wars by filling the minds of their people that there are weapons of mass destruction. Now even a former MI6 agent has come out and said the same thing. You better be careful what you wish for. Putin was selected by Yeltsin BECAUSE he was not a Communist and was moderate. Yeltsin was under siege from the communists who did want to resurrect the USSR and the oligarchs who wanted to strip mine Russia for themselves. If Putin was a communist, Yeltsin and his family would have been in prison.
I have all the declassified documents from the Clinton Administration that CONFIRM that Putin was nothing that the propaganda is all about. He NEVER sought to resurrect the USSR. As far as the KGB, he was never high-ranking and quit in 1991 as soon as Russia fell. All of the comments put out there by John McCain were outright lies. I have the security briefing he read and said the opposite because he was a Neocon who just wanted endless wars.
So you can believe all the BS. They need you to do that to wage war and offer your life on their altar of political agendas. If you think you will be an armchair general and watch this war on CNN, sorry. It will come to a neighborhood near you. I just thank God I am not 18. The future these people want is total insanity. The Weimar Republic in Germany took place because it was a revolution against the imperial government that always waged war. We face the same fate when the people realize this has been a mountain of lies for a political agenda. When Zelensky came to power, he promised peace. He was then instructed by the West that was not acceptable. The West promoted the civil war in Ukraine.
It is the hardliners putting pressure on Putin because he has been “too soft” on Ukraine. Replace Putin and we will get World War III. Zelensky better pack his high-heels in an emergency exit bag.