Showing posts with label Tom Luongo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Luongo. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

The gist from Luongo

Ultimately, Davos cannot deviate from their Gantt chart of their takeover of the West lest they get torn apart like a narc at a biker rally (H/T Dennis Miller). This is why Mark Rutte is being moved from being PM of The Netherlands to NATO Gen. Sec. and why Jens Stoltenberg is moving to the Norwegian Central Bank.

The wildcard here is quickly becoming Nigel Farage in the UK, who could embarrass them again like he did in 2016 with Brexit. Regardless of the outcome of the elections, Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen in France and others will all be blamed for a European sov. debt crisis that was baked into the financial cake (and Gantt chart) ages ago.

The big news item for me this week all center on Europe.  U. S. domestic politics at this point are pretty much obvious.  They're trying to do everything imaginable to stop Donald Trump from becoming president and they are failing miserably. I could have just as easily put Nigel Farage up here and talked about next week's election in France and the U.K.  I was all over Twitter yesterday because Nigel Farage came out on national television and basically came out and said, "We provoked Putin into a war, and that's just the reality of it, and if you don't like it, well, you know it's the truth.  

And Farage knows what he's doing.  He's time-tested that idea for a long, long time.  I said I wouldn't talk about Farage, but here I am going on about him already.  Farage's Reform Party is making sincere strides in the polls.  I don't know if he's going to have the kind of coattails that will allow him to really upset the apple cart in the U.K., meaning the planned coronation of Keir Starmer with a massive Labor majority which he'll use to destroy what's left of the U.K. and make it subservient to Davos in Europe.  Well, that's the most likely scenario, but if Reform comes in with 150 or 200 seats, that's going to be an earthshattering result even though it will leave Starmer in a huge majority position, Nigel Farage leading the opposition Party in the U.K. government, aside from the fact that it would be hilariously entertaining, would be tremendous.  Now, at the same time, this is a lead into what's happening in NATO.  I was asked directly by people to discuss Mark Ruta

Friday, June 14, 2024

Starts with the headline that the Biden Administration leading a campaign to persuade leaders of G7 nations--UK, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan to sign off on this plan that it views as vital to to giving Ukraine a shot at turning around it's prospects against Russia.  I recently had Jim Rickards on, the author of Currency Wars, and he says that the US is set to steal Russian-owned treasury securities have to G7 which he says this theft will not only destroy the US Treasury market overnight, but potentially do far more damage.  What are your thoughts, Tom, on this US-led campaign, and do you agree with Rickards?

3:02. I frame it a more complicated way than that but I don't disagree with Jim that yes if the US were to take the catastrophic move to seize Russia's Frozen foreign exchange assets that this would be an unprecedented event change the nature of pretty much global finance and it would change the nature of pretty much of global finance.  My problem with that view is that I don't want to let Europe off the hook hear first Ursula von der Leyen and her acceptance speech, for lack of a better term, winning another term as European Commission president, effectively made it abundantly clear yes we're going to take 1.7 billion dollars from Russian foreign exchange assets this month and the next month basically they're going to use they have set up a facility I've always viewed this.  And I don't view the Biden Administration is working for the best interest of the United States I never have I never will I think there are a bunch of vandals and I think they're a bunch of vandals that take their orders from Europe.

Davos have claimed that they will be using Russian assets frozen in the United States to execute the war in Ukraine.  This theft will not only destroy the treasury overnight but potentially do far mor  

Sunday, June 2, 2024

TOM LUONGO: Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, want their colonies back [Louisiana, the United States, etc]

26:15--28:00  Davos wants control, wants to remove Israel from the scene.  Why?  Because they want to finally put to bed the remnants of the British Empire; that includes the British Empire's proxy, the United States.  

I see Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, as the primary drivers here because psychologically they map to the most aggressive and the most entitled because they've always controlled natural resources of the 3rd world.  They still see the U.S. as one of the colonies.  The French still want Louisiana back.   They still want Quebec back.  They still make a big deal to get Louisiana back [from] the United States.  They still want to rape the Sahel region of Africa for pennies on the dollar.  Same thing with the Germans.  Same thing with the British.  Same thing with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the Italians, all of them.  They all want it back the way it was before.  

Luongo cites the vitriol of Ambassador Londo Mollari from Babylon 5 as the best depiction in culture of what the Davos crowd wants, "I want it all back the way that it was."  

"You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth, yes? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"

That's why all of a sudden the world is saying, "Hey man, it's okay to hate Israel.  We're all pro-Palestine."  Everybody's like, "That doesn't make any sense.  [Then] why is Sunak pro-Palestinian?"  Because he works for Davos.  It's not that hard.  

Here is the full interview.  

37:00.  The entire city of London apparatus buying up treasuries like crazy in order to prop up the long end of the US yield curve meaning suppressed rates and hold up prices in the Bank of England has done this and all of the Bank of England's proxies by the way Bermuda the British Virgin Islands the Caymans all the offshore tax savings that are nominally under British crown control they've been buying the crap out of US Treasury so everybody's going to die yeah but the bank of England just bought $600 billion.  They are the 4th highest holder of US debt at this point total within that system, like, up from $350 billion so this is how much of other people's money they have spent to suppress the price to do yield curve control on the US yield curve in order to keep the German yield curve from exploding to the upside and collapsing all of the European Banks.  It's a game of extend and pretend.   That's EU's modus operandi.  Extend and pretend in one Arena in order to create plots and counter plots and subplots in another Arena Financial extended pretend in order to politically advance other agenda and attack another idiot the US legal system, for example, the political system for example why do we go after Donald Trump with non-crimes not because Trump isn't whatever you think of trump is irrelevant what's important is that the Fallout from this case is to destroy the concept that the United States is anything other than a mafia-narco state and that there's no rule of law left. And then if the US were to seize the Russian foreign reserves, your money is not safe there either.  Now who does s*** like this?  Why would the United States do this?  And don't give me the spinal response that's been programmed to trigger into you "Oh that the US is just trying to protect its Empire."  B*******.  That is not what's going on.  This is foreign interference in our f****** system.  So, who are the foreigners?  I happen to choose Europe.  Why? Because they're the ones with the most to f****** lose.  The Chinese aren't doing this because they have so much to lose.  All the Chinese have to do is sit back and buy the yuan and buy gold and make friends across Asia.  Same thing with the Russians.  They don't have to do anything except occasionally lob artillery at the Ukrainians and strategically take out the concentration of NATO guys that wander across the border to run the attacking systems and whatever else we put in place which is all real.  That's all the Russians have to do.  They have to do nothing.  And when the Chinese have no real need to destabilize the US that way, the Chinese would be better served not to do this because you don't want the United States to collapse as a consumer economy, as a productive economy, as an innovation economy.  You don't want that.  It's not a zero-sum game. The real game of geopolitics is a bad model because the game never ends.  It's not a game that ends.  These all people think it ends.  If I go back and watch The Watchmen again when Ozymandias turns to Doctor Manhattan and says in the end, "I did the right thing didn't I, John?"  The world just keeps going on and there's no one singular narrative.  To circle all the way back around to what you said about the people having a hard time understanding what I'm saying is because they need this prima facia evidence of the need for a singular narrative because you cannot deal with the idea that it's just a bunch of people b******* or it's foreign multiple forces competing factions doing their thing.  At the end, there's a bunch of cards on the table and somebody goes "I've got five sites.  I win. Shuffle up the deal, let's do it again."

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The plan is civil war.  The plan is secession one way or another.  The whole idea of California and Texas getting together and ousting the . . . I don't buy that, right.  California and New York would go their separate ways if Trump wins.  If Biden wins, Florida, Texas, and the South would go, yeah, we're done.  But that's the big fake out because the real target is the bond war.  The real target is the bond market.  

The way Europe survives, this is all about Europe, it's all about Davos.  Davos still exists.  We could reach peak Davos but they refuse to lose.  They're still trying to make moves.  They're making a lot of moves as a matter of fact.  And they've been making a lot of moves in the last 48 hours that had me ranting into a microphone for 45 minutes before we started here this morning. 

For Europe to survive, you have to break the U.S. financially, legally, politically, culturally, on the border, all of it.  While Europe fiscally integrates, politically integrates and will not tolerate any dissension, they're actively trying to break us apart.  Why?  If you have Janet Yellen and Joe Biden spending more than $2 trillion a year than we are bringing in, then you're just eroding the fiscal position of the United States.  You're undermining the validity of the US Treasury as a reserve asset in the world.  You can't make the Euro a reserve asset but I don't think they actually wanted the Euro to be a reserve asset otherwise it never would have gone into negative interest rates in the first place.  They've always wanted to replace the Euro because it's a faulty structure so they needed to have a new structure, a new Euro with a better structure, one that looks a lot like the United States dollar with one issue, one Central Bank; not 20 central banks issuing euros.

Friday, May 17, 2024

At the end of the day, there isn't enough money for guns and butter.  There isn't enough money for cheap housing and cheap energy.  Nothing is cheaper than Russian pipe gas.  Net Zero is not going to work.  Oil consumption in general is going to continue rising.  I think oil is already too low at $83 a barrel.  I think it's just basing.  Uranium is coming back into the mix because I have no other choice.  Copper is your canary in the coal mine.  Copper is still your leading indicator of industrial demand for electricity demand.  You want to be long uranium?  Well, you're going to need copper.  Yeah, nuclear is coming back.  Uranium prices are cheap.  

It takes a year to get an aluminum smelting pot back up and running.  That's why they call it congealed electricity. It takes a huge amount of electricity to make aluminum.

Interest rates will rise during a recession.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Today half of the world’s tax havens are linked to the UK and responsible for much of the estimated $8.7 trillion held offshore. It started with the overthrow of Mossadeq - Iran 1953.

Friday, May 3, 2024

QUINONES: Lack of engagement on your part to an incompetent government hurts them more than a hopeless revolution would.

As the days pass, it's hard to deny that it looks like what this occupied government desires is that the Right would react to their pronouncements with violence.

What they seem to not understand is that they're just creating more apathy. Lack of engagement on your part to an incompetent government hurts them more than a hopeless revolution would.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Zoltan Pozsar is going to turn out to be right about everything about Bretton Woods and the golden oil market, and treasury bonds, money in commodity-based markets, and money, it's having all sorts of effects you politically that's the 40,000 ft level overview.   

I see a lot of people talking about are Bond markets they seem to be . . . .  What's happening to the bond market?

The big question here is that we live in a central bank-dominated world.  We've now reached a moment in time where fed policy is the singularity that everybody has to go focus intensely on and we're going to go through that Singularity and come out the other side and what's that going to look like and a lot of people from my side of the board.    

The bad guys are easy: they want low interest rates and to do that they really want to keep us enmeshed in low ninterest rate environment so that when the system crashes and they take us to war, they will be able to default on all their debt and issue a new system that they'll still control.  The other side of that of course is the people who I think at the Federal Reserve and the New York banking system are like yeah that's nice but we are not down with being sacrificed on that altar so that you can win and I am specifically talking here about the city of London Frankfort Brussels that complex at the same time then you have the Russians and the Chinese and the Eurasian powers now known as the bricks block saying guys it's no longer your money our problem it's now our Commodities your problem this is going back to Zoltan Pozsar's note when he was with Credit Suisse to 2 years ago talking about that and Bretton Woods 3 and all these things so I want to highlight what he talked about 2 years ago heavy duty and all the heavy duty commentators on this myself and Solange all went crazy ZeroHedge and the rest of them talking about thinking about what Posner was writing about it then and we talked about it over time I've done on my podcast but it's right here right now Russia Ukraine the EU is pushed for war bonds the Israel Iran conflict all of this stuff comes down to the commodity producers of the world saying we are no longer going to be price takers of your s***** money.

4:13.  What that means is that when you start thinking about it in terms of the yield on sovereign debt, what it's doing is effectively exposing the crack of the old system now that system was great when we were globalizing now that we are globalizing shipping is no longer global shipping of commodities of oil, of goods from China, and everything else is no longer safe.  The Houthis are winning in the Red Sea.  And so that part of the system is what's under attack and their effect as Libertarians like to put it, is "striking the root" and saying, "Oh, by the way, this is reality and all the rest of it was great when we were at peace.  We're not at peace anymore.  Now we are at war.  And when we're at war, shit stops moving around the world.  Stuff still moves but it doesn't move with the same frictionless impetus that it had before.  Now that the financialization of these markets through the issuance of sovereign debt and more currency to keep everything liquid now carries a risk premium that hasn't been quantified before yet, hasn't been hedged, hasn't been dealt with before, so now the risk premium has to rise, i.e., interest rates have to rise.  I think the Federal Reserve understands this.  I think the BoJ over in Japan understands this.  I think the Russians explicitly understand this.  I think the Chinese are like  "Hey, let's make a deal," but nobody wants to make a deal because everybody in the West likes to be able to use that old system to determine commodity prices. That's why Janet Yellen keeps talking about putting a price cap on oil, and it doesn't work.  It's why we keep sanctioning Russia; now this week we are saying no more Russian copper, aluminum, and nickel can float through the London Metal Exchange, LME, or the Chicago Metals Exchange.  Why the CMA?  So it's not going to work because at the end of the day, we have money, they have commodities, and you're going to pay now some large amount of Premium to get that.

6:38. and we are the price makers and you are the price takers and it's always been the other way around we've always lived under the situation where we're the commodity producers and they're the price takers and we were the price makers under normally functioning markets that's the way it should be because the consumer is sovereign the consumer in this respect now is on the other side of it saying we need to commodities to live our lives but the commodity producers are saying this deal f****** sucks and we're not taking it anymore.  So take your money and shove it, invoking Johnny Paycheck, 1977.  We are not doing this anymore.  

8:10. What's your take on the 702 Surveillance Act?  

8:25. I look at it in terms of timing.  We've got this Ukraine bill that they are desperate to pass through.  You got Ukraine losing badly.  You've got all of project Europe trying to get the United States to fight World War 3 like we fought World War I and World War II on their behalf and the fights that they picked for the Russians, picked a fight with the Russians through the Germans. I look . . . . we get this FISA thing and to me, it just felt like chum.  I hate to be cynical about it, but, hey, let's throw this thing out there right now because the two most hated men in America are Jerome Powell, because he won't cut interest rates, and Mike Johnson, because he's a speaker with a one-seat majority who's trying to hold back a tidal wave of crap being thrown at him.  So I looked at the FISA thing and asked myself, " Why is everybody getting so upset about this?" like did you really think in 2024 America with Obama in charge and Davos still running around that we would give up the FISA Court at this moment in time?  No.  As Mad Max put it in Fury Road, "That's bait, that is."

That was created to make sure that Johnson was the guy who had to cast the deciding vote because there were 12 Not-presences so that we can activate Marjorie Taylor Green, who I don't trust as far as I can fucking throw her.  Or any of these other people who are . . . as far as I'm concerned I'm at the point now where Marjorie Taylor Green is AOC for MAGA-tards.  That's the way I see her straight from Central Casting a Georgia GOP that is as compromise as any state party that you could possibly imagine all run by old Guard Republicans so I look at this and I say to myself a useful idiot at the end of the day the goal here is to destroy Mike Johnson the goal here is to get rid of his speakership before the recess in August when they all leave Congress to go campaign for the fall you've got this very narrow window between April and August to get a whole bunch of stuff through to ensure that if Donald Trump does win the election and there's a Red Wave in the fall that we leave him with enough poison pills that it destroys his presidency the second time around the way they destroyed it the first time around this is nothing new we've lived through this before this happened before it'll happen again the difference is we are now at five and a half percent interest rates with the Federal Reserve and a Wall Street that has looked at all of this and said you people are crazy we are not doing this.


Monday, March 25, 2024

LUONGO: never forget that Europe was okay with the idea of fighting a war in Russia as long as we paid for it and we ultimately fought it.

Here is the interview.

7:00  Netanyahu was against it because this was a means by which Europe would get access to cheap Iranian energy.  Go back and remember that it was Total, the French state energy company that signed the first major exploration deal with Iran after the JCPOA, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action [i.e., the Iran Nuclear Deal, signed in 2015], was signed.  When you put all of that together, Varadkar maps to Davos in Europe.  Davos maps to backing Palestine, backs Palestinians against the Israelis, Netanyahu's purge of the Palestinians, whether or not Netanyahu is justified in . . . that's beyond my purview here.

8:17  Now the Biden administration has a very interesting problem, a conundrum because many issues map directly to Davos.  And on other things, it's also a nest of traditional Neoconservatives, the whole National Security Council and State Department have been staffed with the worst Clintonista Neocons--Jake Sullivan, Anthony Blinken, formerly Victoria Nuland, yada, yada, yada.  So what's going on here?  The Neocons were put in charge by Davos to run the war in Ukraine to pressure Russia.  It was their project.  They're the ones who built it.  They're the ones who built Ukraine, but never forget that Europe was okay with the idea of fighting a war in Russia as long as we paid for it and we ultimately fought it.  But the minute it became too big a cost for them, they were no longer interested in it; or, more appropriately, the minute we were no longer willing to bankrupt ourselves and commit ritualistic f*cking suicide as a country, meaning the United States, they lost their minds.  So firing Victoria Nuland from the State Department set a lot of dominoes in motion because all of a sudden Europe is left with a war they picked against Russia, they're committed to it, and the United States is like, "You know what? No."  And then the second front opens up with Israel and Palestinians in October 2023, and Davos is running that game as well, and Netanyahu is saying, "No."  So now the Biden Administration is trying to slow everyone's role in the Middle East to do what Davos wants them to do, i.e., get a ceasefire, and everybody is lined up across the board on this front because it looks bad.  It just flat-out looks bad.  Now Europe looks like the ones aggressing in Ukraine, pushing things forward; the Americans are backing away.  And they've got the Americans basically talking out both sides of their mouths in the Middle East, and now it's an untenable situation, an untenable sh*tshow for everybody, politically and reputationally around the world.  I don't know.  I'm laying aside a whole bunch of other issues, but I think Leo Varadkar stood there and said I wasn't going to bow to Joe Biden over support for Palestine, but he was on his way out the door anyway because he had already lost the confidence of his coalition.  I think that's probably as close as a good take on this as I can come up with.

Monday, March 18, 2024

LUONGO: We trade against Tether. What is Tether? It's a $100 billion U.S. Treasury slush fund and it keeps rising in value.

The hosts are Jim Iuorio on the left and Bob Iaccino on the right.

4:18  The Fed doesn't care about Bitcoin.  The Fed likes Bitcoin, I think.  But the Fed was waiting, and this is something I want to talk about the next time I have Caitlin Long [who makes some interesting comments on Bitcoin below] on my podcast because she's asked me this question a couple of times, and now I can finally answer it for her now that we've seen how the Bitcoin ETFs have worked out.  The Fed wasn't ready for her Custodia Bank and stuff like that that she's doing.  They weren't ready for that because they didn't have the rest of the infrastructure in place to allow for that to happen.  She was way ahead of the curve, and rightly so she was way ahead of the curve but providing a market service that we need just not right then.  Now that we have the structure in place, it's all going to be fine.

IUORIO, 4:55  So in a short answer, do you think we're past the point of no return for the governments to crack down and eliminate Bitcoin and all that bs?

Tom says that the threats to Bitcoin are not only done, but they were never serious, citing SHA-256.

LUONGO, 5:05  I never believed that in the first place because I never believed the DoD had the keys to SHA-256.  If they did, then we have a bigger problem than f*** Bitcoin.  The entire internet runs on SHA-256.

Luongo mentioned Tether, a market crypto currency that I'd never heard of.  What caught my ear was this, 

What liquefies the Bitcoin trade?  What do we trade Bitcoin against?  Nobody trades against the dollars.  We trade against Tether.  What is Tether?  It's a $100 billion U.S. Treasury slush fund and it keeps rising in value.  As Tether . . . Tether makes perfect sense to me now that Leticia James gave it the slap on the wrist and I think the Fed controls Tether.  I think the Fed controls Tether.  I think the Fed executed all the other stablecoins in order to have control over the Bitcoin trade in that respect and know that Tether is audited; they own a little bit of Bitcoin; they own a little bit of gold; they own about 85% in short-term treasuries.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Luongo has talked into a microphone for 5 plus hours today.  

2:53. Ukraine funding.  It looked for a while to me like it was dead in the water, that the Empire is I call it was starting to "put out the signs" that we are getting out.  And then now, it's back.  Another tens of billions of dollars.  The Senate passed it, and it comes down to this new Speaker of the House.  Is he going to hold the course?  How do you see this playing out? 

LUONGO, 3:24.  It's always been that Project Ukraine is the only thing that Davos, the old European oligarchy, and the Anglosphere, the British/American Neoconservatives, agree on, but they agree on it for different reasons.  Davos and the Neocons are not the same people; they are both globalists, but they are globalists of different stripes.  So Joe Biden is not really Joe Biden: it's obviously Barack Obama's third term.  They map to Davos.  But at the same time, the State Department has empowered the Neocons, the State Department, and National Security Council to run Project Ukraine.  Up to and including the moment where they could actually get to Russians to knuckle under, but the Russians aren't going to knuckle under.  Davos wants Ukraine and the threat of the Russians as the boogeyman to push forward their own fiscal integration their own Ukraine funding their own political integration and everything else that has to do with the EU.  That's what the article I wrote last week about the Euro bonds and all all that stuff that's what that was about "Why War Bonds Are Returning to Europe," Tom Luongo,  so what's going on in the US well the Biden Administration again the upper end of it maps to Davos the National Security Council maps to the old mom they both want the money they want some money sent to Taiwan they want the money sent to Ukraine they want Humanity humanitarian Aid sent to Ukraine like $26, $27 billion worth.  That's all money laundering to funnel liquidity into the failing German banks, like the Bundesbank is bankrupt at this point, right, the German Central Bank.  So thanks to Powell and 5.5% interest rates, you can see the old guard up on the Senate, pushing this because they were told to push this as hard as possible.  So McConnell, the last thing McConnell is going to do before he's moved out to pasture, is try to get this thing through is to cut the deal with Chuck Schumer for $95 billion that goes over to the House, and the minute they pass this thing they get Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat from New York, to float the trial balloons they were going to go around the speaker Johnson who refuses to even bring the bill to the floor.  And they were going to use some backdoor thing to go around the Speaker to force a vote on it, force it through, and Johnson said, "Ah, that's cute, two week recess."

LUONGO, 6:43. He gavels out a two-week recess.  At the same time that that happened, another GOP member of the House floated a $66 billion version that stripped out all of the humanitarian aid and it was just all the military industrial complex, which yeah, that's just classic Washington pork at that point.  It's not even Ukraine Aid at that point; it's just Washington pork.  A lot of it's going to go to Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and General Dynamics.  But none of the money needed to go to Ukraine to keep Ukraine solvent and in the fight nothing in this money is going to do it anything whatsoever other than being another kick in the can through various structures within Ukraine that are eventually going to wind up in the EU where everybody's pockets are back here, right?  

LUONGO, 7:35. Johnson is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing if you believe that he was put in place to stop this globalist wing of our old guard in our government and I believe that that's the case the people who put Johnson in power are the people who got rid of Kevin McCarthy Kevin McCarthy was put in place I mean he survived Kevin McCarthy survives 14 votes because Davos wanted him to be Speaker. And we were never going to get anything other than that, we were always going to get a traitor running the Congressional Delegation.  Well, how do we get rid of him?  How is this even going to happen, if there isn't some group of sovereigntists in the background going, "You know what, no, that's enough."  This gets back to why I believe what the FED is doing what it's doing.  The FED is trying to break the globalist class overseas by making dollars too expensive is the basic idea of the thesis.  Everything else is just the mechanics of it, but that's the basic idea.  

MULLEN, 8:48. Johnson was not the first choice of the people who wanted to get rid of McCarthy the first choice was Jim Jordan.  What's your take on Johnson because when he first got in there?  But you do believe that he's going to stand firm?

LUONGO, 9:20.  The thing is is that everybody has to do this we all get that the hour is late, Sauron's forces are moving, right, Saron is breathing Orcs and goblins High and we're all in trouble and we got two Hobbits in the ring going south this is our Hail Mary will somebody please stand up and just be a hero?  Do something.  And the reality is it's never that simple.  Like these guys are in very complicated positions where they say one thing and do something else.  Don't know them by their words, know them by their actions.  When Schumer and McConnell push this thing to Johnson's desk, and they start talking about subverting the Speaker to get the GOP delegation in the House to get rid of the Speaker, and the Speaker gavels out a two-week recess., what more do you want from the guy?  And that finally gets a meeting with Joe Biden.  It was that that got a meeting with Joe Biden?  Joe Biden wouldn't even talk to Johnson for months; they wouldn't even speak.  He couldn't get a meeting with the President, the Speaker of the House couldn't get a meeting with the president to discuss the border policy and $95 billion worth of foreign aid with a looming government shutdown and Biden wouldn't take his phone call?  What planet do you people live on?  Does Washington not function well of course you've got a whole bunch of people up on Capitol Hill taking orders at the point of a gun from a bunch of globalists overseas who always act this way.  By the way, this kind of non-negotiable behavior is the hallmark of what the EU does every freaking time.  Like you go up there you're going to talk to the European commission you make the case in front of them you show them who's in charge you do your thing the Yanis Varoufakis thing during the Greek debt crisis.  He walks in, you got a plan to get us out of debt, here's how we're going to do it, blah, blah, blah.  We worked it out, we want to work with you, we want to restructure the debt.  It's a 45-minute song and dance routine.  They're all sitting up there like the political bureau from USSR, and they go "Oh, that's nice," and then they look at you like you just sung the Swedish national anthem.  And they just talk amongst themselves and they ignore you.  This is the way our government has started acting.  "Well, they're Republicans.  We don't speak to them anymore."  It's ridiculous clearly this is the non-negotiation tactic they always pull.  "Nope we're in charge.  You're going to do what we say, and we're going to ignore you until you do what we tell you to do."  

LUONGO, 12:27. Johnson is clearly like, "Yeah, that's cute, but I'm Speaker of the House, I'm actually more powerful at this point then you are Joe Biden, because no one believes you're even freaking president.  So yeah this bill is going to die."  I don't know that it's going to die they've got to pass something the point is it's going to be a horse trade and that's fine you're not going to be able to stop it what he's trying to do is get money spent on the border anyone's $100 billion dollars in actual, honest to God, real spending cuts just to start out with.  And this is a basically just a tip moment. And everybody on Capitol Hill knows it

Friday, March 1, 2024

TOM LUONGO: the United States is now effectively for the first time ever in the history of the United States has a banking system that's independent of the city of London

the United States is now effectively for the first time ever in the history of the United States has a banking system that's independent of the city of London.  I mean this goes all the way back to the Revolutionary War, the post-revolutionary. Where we were still so dependent upon trade with Britain that they effectively controlled our monetary policy, and, you know, it stayed that way all through the 1800s, all through . . . and then into the 1900s, and then we got their Central Bank model in 1913 . . . I just don't think anybody foresaw the United States finally being able to declare independence for real . . .  --Tom Luongo

11:00. Because the minute I saw that Powell started tightening liquidity, the first thing I said was "this is going to impact disproportionately Europe, and then when the sanction packages went on and Europe decided to go along with the massive sanctions against Russia, the gut of the international standing of the euro and now the Euro does not flow around the world the Euro had a chance to Dethrone the dollar as a global Reserve currency and they chose not to do so okay now it's not my problem because the reason that Mario draghi and Christine Lagarde did what they did at the ECB and what was then done is because they always thought that they would have control ofglobalUNd by having a globalist like yelling or Bernanke running the Fed they've got power in charge of the Fed never expected to get sofa installed here in the United States and get us off of Libor never expected any of this to happen that was never part of their plan that's why they're really angry with Donald Trump and actually they're not even really angry with Donald Trump they're angry with Steve mnuchin hanning Jerome Powell to Donald Trump and Trump making him Fed Chair and then putting John Williams in at the New York Fed to implement SOFR, and now that we have a domestic get indexing rate that's not dependent upon city of London, the United States is now effectively for the first time ever in the history of the United States has a banking system that's independent of the city of London.  I mean this goes all the way back to the Revolutionary War the post-revolutionary. Where we were still so dependent upon trade with Britain that they effectively controlled our monetary policy, and, you know, it stayed that way all through the 1800s, all through . . . and then into the 1900s, and then we got their Central Bank model in 1913 and this is all part of the plan now.  I just don't think anybody foresaw the United States finally being able to declare independence for real, and that means of course that I'm implying that the people who are behind this policy are also anti-imperial and that they also want to destroy it, take down the American Empire, as well.  Now that's being fought tooth and claw by the political class.  That's the macro picture.  If you want to understand what's happening in the bond markets, in the oil markets, in the gold markets, in all of these markets, this is the fight, this is the war that's being fought over who's going to control the global financial system after the crash.  And Powell is setting things up to have the United States weather through the crash.  I don't see Christine Lagarde doing that.  I see her doubling down on the stuff that didn't work.  Why?  Because Christine Lagarde is not a banker, she's never managed money; she's a lawyer, and she's a political appointee who's been told to run the Gantt chart of the project.  She's a project manager is the best way to describe people like her and Ursula von der Leyen and the rest of them, and to a lesser extent Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell and all the rest of them here in the United States.  Just project managers and there's a big project, and it's called globalism or "Minority Report with more Germans."  It's a UN-run global government with Central Bank digital currencies, and, you know, living in pods, and all the rest of it.  That's their project.  They just get up every day and operate what's on the Gantt chart, and say, okay this is what we're supposed to do today, this is what we're supposed to say.  And when you see someone like Bruno Le Maire come out the other day and lament
"What is going on, why haven't we seized the $35 [bil lion]here the savings within Continental Europe to pay for climate change?  That was already supposed to be done by now.  Why have we not done this?"
This is the classic example of an IQ 105 midwit that was designed, that was put in power to run as a project manager and was wondering, like, "Where's the leadership?  What happened here?"  Like you can see it everywhere.  

15:15. The better metaphor is that they're the flying monkeys and the Wicked Witch of the West is now dead.  So, Kissinger's dead.  Jacob Rothschild just died this morning.  Brzezinski is dead.  The guys who built the Club of Rome, they're all dead, like everybody who put the system in place, who put this agenda in place they're all dead.  They were smart enough to build the agenda, but they put lieutenants in place that are just smart enough to run the agenda but not understand how the agenda works.  So therefore it's like a big production line that's missing critical parts, and you can't move the production line forward.  What we're seeing and the thing is lurching to a halt and what you're seeing at this point is them complaining that they don't have enough bolts to mount the doors on the truck that they're trying to build, or whatever metaphor you want to use, and they don't know what else to do.  So they get up in the morning and they keep doing what they're supposed to do:  they introduce laws and bills that are never going to be implemented; they continue to try and ban gas stoves here in the United States; they continue to push funding for Ukraine out the door, because they need to push the liquidity into the German banking system to keep it from collapsing.  These are their plans, and they still think that they can force Powell, and they try to improvise by trying to force Powell off of his "higher for longer" stance, and then the economic data keeps coming back slightly better than expected which gives Powell all the ammunition he needs to go,  "You know what?  It's still too early to talk about cutting rates."

16:57  I've now got on my board about a coin flip for a rate hike in the second half of this year, okay?  I came into this video I came into the year saying, "Yeah, probably 3 rate hikes--rate cuts in the second half of the year, one of my predictions for this year.  I was saying no recession officially until 2024, which I don't think we're going to get; there's just too much money floating around.  Joseph Wang agrees with me, and he understands the flow, the interplay of flow, far better than I do, far better than I do.  I mean I made that prediction, then I read his work, and I'm like, "Oh, cool!  Somebody else agrees with me."  I'm just saying that you know somebody who knows more of this than I do is saying the same things that I am I'm actually appealing not to my authority but to his

17:48.  And we have that, that was my one base case, and then the second base case was that I never thought that Powell was going to cut before the beginning of Q3.  

@ the 12:00 mark, Tom explains that it was Steve Mnuchin who handed Jerome Powell to Donald Trump.  Interesting.  Which pissed off the globalists

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

People aren't sheep; they've been comfortable wolves. Well, the truckers in America are pretty uncomfortable and they've reached their limit.

The circus in New York, the amount of money they're asking Donald Trump with no victim, and what this says about where our country stands right now.  

It's clearly a fraudulent case about fraud that didn't occur right?  Why did they do this?  It pushes so many little things forward the core thesis is that these people are trying to destroy all of the institutions that make up the United States, political, judicial, economic, all of it, right? But at the same time, they don't know when to stop.  The men who architected this whole idea of global governance, they're all dead now the Kissingers, the Brzezinskis, and all that's left are the IQ 105 midwits to run the system, and they're just smart enough to run machines but they're not smart enough to know how they work.  Like your average person who drives an automatic transmission but has no idea that there are gears in that transmission, or that this is how a car works, or can change a tire, or even understands that there's oil in the engine or anything along those lines.  They just do what they've been told.  The Wicked Witch of the West is dead, and the flying monkeys running around doing random stuff. I talked about this in 2018 when I wrote an article talking about the whole theme and I think it's more apropos today than it was then.  So this guy Arthur Engoron, whatever his name is, said "Hey, this is an opportunity," and Leticia James they think that this is the right thing to do.  These people don't know how to play chess.  They don't know how to think more than one move ahead.  They're not supposed to think more than one move ahead.  Even if they're not malicious, and they're being blackmailed or whatever to do what they're supposed to do.  I'm being generous here. Even if they are just coerced into acting this way, you have to ask yourself, why?  This thing is insane and it's dumb, and it'll get reversed on appeal, because immediately Kathy Hochul, the mayor of New York, comes out looking like she just saw a ghost, and says "Don't take this to heart.  We're not going to do this . . . .  This is the only . . . ."  No, you set the precedent, stupid woman.  Once you start going down that path it's not going to stop it it has to be taken care of she clearly got a call from what's left of Wall Street in New York because they're all moving to Miami and Dallas anyway because New York is literally a thing it's rapidly becoming a museum or a failed State somebody still thinks that this is a good idea this is clearly one of those things that is going to propel us towards some kind of Civil War.  And then I get a text from this friend of mine about this video from Chicago Ray, the trucker.  

Huh.  So what have I been saying for a little over a year now?  People aren't sheep; they've been comfortable wolves.  Well, the truckers in America are pretty uncomfortable and they've reached their limit.  At the end of the day, these people really think that we are all price-takers for their insanity, and we are not.  We don't have to.  The truckers are like, 

"You know what?  I got a toilet to deliver into Paducah, Iowa, or Illinois, and that guy needs a toilet.  I don't have time to go to New York."

"But we'll pay you three times the normal rate."

"I don't care. I'm delivering the toilet in an empty 18-wheeler back to that guy.

See, that's what's going to happen here.  This is the kind of soft secession, however, you want to put it, that is the best possible way to remind everybody that New York City . . . do you have any idea what kind of volume and people and freight that have to go into the city every day just to make it function?

MEL, 5:45. It's not easy to get an 18-wheeler into midtown.

LUONGO, 5:53. That's one, and then two, Chicago Ray spoke to that.  It gets even worse than that.  What are you going to do?  Let's say half of the truckers say no to delivering to New York.  The other half will sit back and say, "Cool. I can ask whatever price I want now."  Now the price of everything in New York triples.  And they say "Okay, well that's not going to work, we'll use the trains.  Do you have any idea how many people take the commuter trains?  You can either bring the people in, or you can bring the goods in on the train, but you can't bring both. So you can either have an economy to pay for the food or you can have the food but you can't have both.

MEL, 6:40. Also, during the lockdowns, people were acting like lunatics because they couldn't get food to the supermarkets.  I mean it was pandemonium.  Think about that in terms of what you've just described.  Another thing about New York City at that time, you're talking about jacking up prices, for trucks at that time if you wanted to leave New York City and get a U-Haul, there was like a 3-month wait.  And they were charging $10,000 for something that would normally cost $1,200.  So New York is uniquely vulnerable these strategic kinds of boycotts or work-outs or whatever around the country would be a great way for this to go forward. The scary part is that we have a 4th branch of the government that has no oversight is not functioning in any way or has anything to do with the Constitution or the Bill of Rights we have three branches of government but after 9/11 and the Patriot Act appears that now we have four branches of government with all these new agencies that no one should have allowed I'm a big proponent of having the Patriot Act repealed, of course, it's the worst thing that happened to our country but it appears to be double and tripled down on under Obama and it continued down the road but this branch of the government that shouldn't exist the Intel agency branch DHS, DSA, DNI, it appears that they've taken over the other three branches of government, and this to me is the most dangerous thing we have going right now.  They have no limiting principle on these agencies most of the surveillance tapes that are coming out of the January 6th trials that Obama and Eric Holder turned out to be a branch underneath a branch of Obama and Eric Holder created a National Security Division at the DoJ that nobody seems to know exist.  So what can we do on that?

LUONGO, 9:06. I get your concern.  The thing from the [Robert] Hur Report, they knew in 2017 that Joe Biden wasn't capable of being president.  So clearly our alphabet agencies decided this is who is going to be president; then they knew he was going to be president because they effectively rigged the election.  Now you're starting to ask yourself, "What country do we actually live in?"  That's the state of play, and I think we all consciously understood that that has been the state of play for quite a long time the question is not how do you stop them the bigger question is do we actually have any power left?  Their goal is to demoralize us into believing that we don't have any power and when you stop to really think about what the truckers are saying about New York City is, we do.  Mao was wrong, folks.  Political power does not end at the barrel of a gun.  It ends with the guys who make sure that the ammunition can be produced in the first place.  That's what this represents we are this system that feeds their control system we say no and now I'm going to get a little Ayn Randian on you.  If we say no, we're just not going to trade with you anymore.  We are not going to do any work for you anymore.  People forge.  The 1st Amendment is freedom of association.  People forget that freedom of association is also freedom from association. 

LUONGO, 11:07. And you'll note that at every moment when there is an opportunity for them to remind us why It is they think we cannot be free from associating with them, and they can Lord it over somebody small, like a bakery in Colorado, that they get their way because they can force, they can create an edict, or a law, or whatever, even if you don't want to, to say, you know what, you have to bake that cake for that gay couple.  

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

LUONGO: No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money. That's why Powell is at 5.5%. He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.

FERRIS  The government doesn't need to have a civil war with bullets flying because they have control of the technology.  They can literally shut off our bank accounts.  The Italian mafia was stopped by the government in the 70s and 80s.  They've got the technology.  They have unlimited amounts of cash, of money to come after you . . . 

LUONGO  No, they don't.  No, they don't have unlimited amounts of money.  That's why Powell is at 5.5%.  That's what I've been banging my shoe on the table like Krushev about for 2 years.  He's breaking the cycle of unlimited amount of money.  They are desperately trying to break the United States to [regain] control over unlimited amounts of money.  They're not going to get their CBDCs money.  They've already been tried.  They don't work.  People don't want them.  They're not going to get this stuff through.  They've already failed.  What they think now is take us to war . . . to invalidate the concepts that the old systems were built on . . .  

Haven't seen really good football for over 20 years.  

Tom references the movie, BASEbaketball, a 1998 movie that I've never seen.  

Friday, February 9, 2024

The mere fact that Biden’s handlers allowed him to do a press conference at 7:45 PM today after months of keeping him from the Press is proof that they are setting him up to fail. The rug pull is happening before your eyes. The decision has been made…he is done.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Now do Congress: "We vote on the bills that become law for the whole country." "So, you actually write the bills?" "Well, no, the lobbyists do that for us."

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Trump was sabotaged by the Deep State.  Then he said, "All right, we're leaving the troops in Syria, but we're doing it for the oil.  It has nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with freedom and democracy, we're there to take the oil.  So that seemed undiplomatic, unstateman-like, in bad taste, and everybody piled more hatred on Donald Trump.  But what he did actually is that he broke the Western European's support for the U.S. mission in Syria.  So, today, rather than the West supporting the United States and Syria where they are fighting terrorism they are on their own because they are there for the oil.  And that was very clear you know it wasn't a small thing because the CIA for many years the Brookings Institute, the Atlantic Council, they had these brainstorming sessions about how to consolidate Western European support for what the United States was doing in Syria so blowing the foundations from under that was actually a very very interesting move and a lot of the crazy stuff that Donald Trump did actually you know in retrospect he was consistently rolling back American Imperial commitments around the world when he could.  Remember that he also wanted to withdraw troops from Germany which again couldn't happen either but 

14:16. they had a war planned in Ukraine and they couldn't do that.

So I think that it created a situation that now has put the Western cabal on their back foot I don't think they have an idea of what to do and the initiative is clearly with Russia and China and this is why we see this huge delegation of Russia going to the UAE, going to Saudi Arabia, going to Iran, and they are cutting deals, and they are probably talking energy; they're talking nuclear power plants; talking defense pacts; they're talking security architecture and I think that the United States and NATO are on the slippery slope out of that region and I think that the consequences are going to be absolutely tectonic.

15:06.  There is a fundamental split between what Europe wants and what the Anglosphere wants the British American Neoconservatives want X, and it's very clear that the Europeans, Davos, want something different.  The French and German deep States want a 3rd thing: they want to replace NATO as security guarantors and the security industrial complex in Europe.  Macron has made this clearer so you've got at least three different factions now making up the West as to what's going on in the Middle East as I map all of the issues that Netanyahu has had and literally within Israeli politics.  I map at least 2 different factions for control of the Israeli government shifting back and forth between the Likud.  Israel is a British project.  It's a British American project it's not a German project it's not a French project Syria is a lost cause for all of them.  The whole goal of blowing apart Syria was that everybody was that everybody was going to get their gifts.  Turkey was going to get Idlib and the northern 30 km; the Germans and the French were going to get access to Iranian and Saudi Arabia oil.  That's what the JCPOA was about; Netanyahu hated it; the anglosphere hated it, because they wanted to sell American oil into Europe and so forth.  So you have all these competing factions and everybody was supposed to get their gifts and then they didn't get anything, because Putin moved in, brought in a bunch of Sukhoi SU-24s, and started supporting the Syrian Army by bombing territory today where the Turks are still in charge of Idlib and the Curves in American proxies the SDF are in charge of yeah bucamide border crossing between Iraq and Syria

Just to be clear . . .

Monday, September 4, 2023

In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses.

Given how health officials [I would never call them experts, nor would I call a doctor expert; no, I would call them order followers, like good little Nazis.  Seriously] had said one thing, and then changed their statements weeks or months later, then claiming that they didn't have all the science, while claiming in the other breath that we've got the science when they want you to follow them verbatim, I wouldn't trust anything that they say even if what they say lines up with your values or convictions.  What's the phrase, "Opt out"?  Do that.  But it is fun and interesting to see the crooks dance around on hot coals.  
In March of 2020, Birx and Dr. Anthony Fauci were grinning like Cheshire Cats with Duper's Delight as they laid out an unprecedented lockdown strategy which Birx later admitted they pulled out of their asses

By the way, if you're not familiar with the term Duper's Delight, here's a definition, 

Duping delight is a micro-expression that betrays a person's enjoyment of controlling and deceiving another person. It is a form of body language reserved for pathological character types such as psychopaths. Psychopaths are obsessed with control and power over others, and they often display duping delight when lying to others.0 Duping delight can manifest through subtle facial expressions, body language, or vocal cues.1 It is hard to contain duping delight, and those who feel it want to share their accomplishments with others, seeking admiration for their exploits. 

More from ZeroHedge,

Now that we're revisiting mask mandates over the latest Covid-19 surge, Birx and Fauci are seemingly on different sides of the debate.
"We don't need to mandate," Birx told Newsmax on Saturday, in response to reports that an increasing number of hospitals and businesses are now requiring masks again.
"We need to actually empower people with the information that they need for themselves and their families because every family is different," she continued. "And by the way, outside is safe, and playgrounds are safe."  How is it that each and everyone of the health officials look so ugly.  
Paul Mango looks like Lon Chaney who played the phantom in the 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera.

And Mango simply parrots what Birx said about information, but it's precisely the information that has formed the raging propaganda campaign in the war on the American people.  Again, how can anyone start to think that the information they the gov't officials have and WANT TO SHARE is of any value.  They pimped the promises of Remdesivir and others as they buried and demonized the true remedy of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, and zinc.  Yet information is still buried.  We're still being lied to.  

Friday, September 1, 2023

"Covid nonsense, the climate change hysteria, while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down. That’s the Davos crowd. The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine"

06:39. You know what matters in monetary policy collateral physical collateral kind of matters.  And BRICS just told us that physical collateral matters and Powell is saying the same thing because the US has plenty of collateral.  Or did I miss the fact that the United States is a cornucopia of tremendous amount of commodity wealth?  All the peak oil guys not withstanding, most of whom are just, you know, I would never ever accuse them of being, you know, in the league with the Davosians, the Davos crowd, but they are certainly carrying water for them.  There's plenty of energy it's plenty of oil out there we've been sitting on . . . we're tapping the upper wells, the upper layers of the Bakken Oil Fields, for example, we're tapping all that oil up there but that's the upper layer there's another big pool under the Dakotas and Montanas.  There's an unbelievable amount of oil.

07:45. And it's a misnomer to call oil fossil fuels.  I mean we're finding oil way beneath any fossil layer.  All the real evidence shows that it's abiotic and I used to get into fits with guys like Michael Rupert back in the day, before he killed himsel.  There's no such thing as peak oil.  It's not a limited thing.  It's very plentiful.  There's artificial scarcity and because they . . . the problem with peak oil guys is that they're not financially literate enough to connect the dots.  That's what I've seen to be the biggest problem.

08:17. I agree completely.  I think that some oil certainly is abiotic, but most of the fossil fuels are coal and natural gas.  They are fossil fuels, but oil, not necessarily. And I've argued with oil engineers, petroleum engineers from Exxon about this. I remember being in a Libertarian party, an annual conference, the state conference, maybe 3% of fossil fuels is abiotic. Feeling froggy?Take that 20 years later and Exxon is still drilling in places where there should be no oil.  The Russians are still pulling millions of barrels out a day from places where there should be no oil.  It's dumb.  Tom Gold's Deep Hot Biosphere blew the lid off this just through basic apriori analysis of the world, looking at the world and just building this model in his head.  And he said, look, hydrocarbons of that variety, straight chain hydrocarbons, . . . only form under heat and pressure that can come from the core and the carbon that spins out of the core of the planet is what's filling the lower crust and it's an up and that's where the upper pressure comes from that's why oil wells are pressurized.  Where is that Force coming from that pressurizes oil wells? It comes from the spinning of the planet, because angular momentum, the last I checked.  I look at coal anthracite, bituminous coal, yeah, ring systems, sure.  Ring systems are easy to form when your feedstock had ring systems in them, i.e., benzene rings. You took proteins and fats that already had Benzene rings and you just keep compressing them with heat and make bigger . . . and then you collapse molecules together and they form ring systems because those are really natural energy minima in terms of bond energy.  But then to break those ring systems down into straight chain hydrocarbons, yeah, okay, pull the other leg up and it'll play freaking "Jingle Bells."  That's not happening under these types of pressures and temperatures, it's not happening.  So then otherwise, you have to argue for some form of bacterial process that will break those down and that's possible but it can only happen at very, very deep layers and under extreme temperatures. 

21:20  It is a Rubicon moment because what they’re telling us is that if we don’t submit to their insanity, put the masks back on, believe the Covid nonsense, believe the climate change hysteria while they’re lighting forest fires everywhere that they’re just going to keep doing this until they burn the world down.  That’s the Davos crowd.  The Neocons are doing the same thing over Russia/Ukraine.  And they’re 2 different factions.  They have similar goals when it comes to Russia, but they don’t have similar goals when it comes to everything else.  Davos realizes that if they don’t get control of the United States, maintain political control over the United States, and get control over the monetary system in the U.S., they will be footnotes in the history books and they will all be frog-marched into bankruptcy because it’s very clear that the U.S. oligarchs of this particular variety are done with these friggin people and they’re cranking up the pressure on them daily.  Powell represents them.  I’m not saying that these guys were good guys.  There are no allies in geopolitics, only interests.  We have allies.  We have interests in common with New York and Wall Street and the blue striped-shirt guys with white collars that summer in the Hamptons. And I think everything changes dramatically after Labor Day.  I think as we get into the end of Q3 and everybody does some Q3 end-of-the-quarter book squaring and then October and everybody says, “You know what?” That was fun.  These markets are mispriced.  I’m shorting the bond market.  Because this stuff is insane.  It’s not just our bond market.  It’s clearly Lagarde over at the ECB is doing yield curve control.  You can draw a horizontal line through the French 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the German 10-year yield on a weekly basis, the Spanish, the Italian, all of them, draw a line, cross, that the line in the sand that Lagarde won’t let rates above that.  Most obvious one is the German 10-year yield at 2.5%.  She can only maintain that for so long until everything starts to blow apart.  That’s indicative of what is going to let loose.  I think that Powell and company can continue to put upward pressure on rates, so they are continuing to hold the long end of our yield curve down.  At some point, people are going to be looking at this and going, “These things are mispriced.”  And when that happens, the whole thing starts to go Looney Tunes.  While Powell was speaking this morning, before he started to speak, the Euro was down below $1.80.  The minute he started talking, the ECB went into overdrive to try and stop the Euro from closing below $1.80 for the next hour.  Your homework, folks: watch a 5-minute chart of the Euro.  Go to  Go to Five-minute Candlestick Patterns, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.  You’re seeing a market having a heart attack.  If it was an EKG, the patient was on its way to a dirt nap and we’re going to close the day well below a $1.08.  Powell definitely has them by the short and curlies, when you think about yield curve inversions, what’s going on, why is the U.S. yield curve inverted?  Because the market is trying to anticipate when the Fed is going to pivot and go low.  If they realize they can get 5.5% on 3-month money, but I can bid up 2-year money to 4.2% because I think in 2 years the Fed is going to be at 3.75% and I’m going to make more money on the appreciation of the bond than I bought at 4.25% while I pocket 4.25% that’s the mindset that that’s going to be better than the yield spread that I would get between the 2-year and the 3-month.  That’s why they’re doing it.  That’s what you do when you have a core economy and a monetary policy of that core economy matters.  They’re going to anticipate what the monetary policy is going to look like.  Does that happen across the world?  No, it doesn’t.  Go look at like Vietnam.  We see a frontier market trade the same way in the face of the Fed wanting . . . the markets are still pricing Europe as if it’s a developed market in a core economy when they should be pricing it as a frontier or emerging market.