Saturday, April 30, 2022

"If I had my druthers, you take him and toss him across the Potomac"

Wellbutrin manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline literally pays doctors to make unproven claims about their medications.

" . . . by the time the Germans came in, their work had been done for them: Ukrainians killed the Jews to a person and looted their homes”

"I will work endlessly to make all pediatric gender clinics illegal and put harsh penalties in place who dare to mutilate children."

If only we could get consensus on climate change . . . .

You do understand, don't you, that climate change means save the red-headed tit mouse, mass murder human beings, right?  So whoever advocates for this is baying for a mountain of skulls and oceans of blood.  

Climate Change: It Means They Want to Kill You


Friday, April 29, 2022

FBI searched . . . electronic communications without a warrant on 3.4 million Americans during the runup to the 2020 election at the behest of the ACLU

PUTIN to UN SECRETARY GUTERRES: the Ukraine crisis began with an illegal coup in 2014

Neurobiological benefits from nicotinic receptors and neurotransmitters, yet Biden wants to ban menthol cigarettes

"Ethically speaking, no different than the police coming to your door, shooting you in the head, and screaming 'Safety! NHS'"


The Federal Government and Gaslighting Queens in the FDA, NIH, FBI, IRS, CDC, CIA, NSA gaslighting its citizens.  That's what they do; that's who they are. 

Her name is Nina Jankowicz.  She probably got the appointment by President Joe Biden to lead the Department of Homeland Security's Disinformation Governance Board because she's shown that she can play ball on behalf of the Biden Administration. 

Bryn Mawr graduate who worked for the National Democratic Institute, which is heavily funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, which spurred perennial controversy for interfering in foreign elections. 

She scoffed at the Hunter Biden laptop being of legitimate concern. Her appointment is a further attack on free speech. 

In October 2020, after The New York Post exposed damning emails and other information in Hunter Biden’s laptop, Jankowicz scoffed at the laptop controversy: “We should view it as a Trump campaign product.”

Julie Andrews she is not.  She's riffing on the Mary Poppins' song Supercalifragilistic expialidocious, from the 1964 Disney movie set in 1910 London.  Though I saw the movie as a kid, I didn't really know the plot except for a nanny coming into a family to help organize them.  Wikipedia explains it this way, that Mary Poppins 

visits a dysfunctional family in London and employs her unique brand of lifestyle to improve the family's dynamic. 

What is it with these federal agencies that reviving 1960s songs to hypnotize boomers into childlike complacency? Back in December 2021, former NIH Director and Catholic, Francis Collins (who cannot honor the 9th Commandment and the sanctity of truth), mocked boomers by way of parody with the 1963 song based on a children's story, "Puff, the Magic Dragon," a song about an ageless dragon.  Wikipedia provides some background on the song, 

The lyrics for "Puff, the Magic Dragon" are based on a 1959 poem by Leonard Lipton, then a 19-year-old Cornell University student.[1] Lipton was inspired by an Ogden Nash poem titled "Custard the Dragon", about a "realio, trulio little pet dragon". 

Here is what interested me. 

The lyrics tell a story of the ageless dragon Puff and his playmate, Jackie Paper, a little boy who grows up and loses interest in the imaginary adventures of childhood and leaves Puff to be with himself. The story of the song takes place "by the sea" in the fictional land of "Honah Lee".

But Collins' version does not mean he is celebrating an ageless dragon but that he is using the word and name Puff more as an incantation to give a ruse and a con the feeling of magic trick that has concludes with a "poof," a near rhyme to Puff.  There's puff (to expel and to inhale smoke), a puff piece (exaggerated praise), puff (as in "to swell").  And with the ever present MI6 in the U.S. State Department, it should come as no surprise that the government treats its people like gullible children with children's stories and song.  Nor can I ignore the near rhyme of poof.  Though the fiery dragon may be ageless, the effects of the vaccines are not.  In fact, the contents of the vaccines accelerate aging.  

Bizarre, I will admit, but at least she's better than listening to CDC Director Wolensky or scarf-wearing NIH nitwit, Debra Birx. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Greece will remove ALL entry restrictions on Sunday.

This is painfully mixed news.  First, it was countries that banned foreigners, then airlines piggybacked and said if you want to travel you need a vaccine and then a vaccine and a mask while on board the plane.  Life got devalued and the world became immunologically intolerant toward healthy people.  Then five to six months in, we began to see the aging, crippling, and lethal effects of the vaccine we were told were safe and effective.  And now we're supposed to jump for joy over a stupid popular vacation destination decides, "Oh, that shit isn't important any more"?  What an awful thing that we have to celebrate pyrrhic victories over an inch of restored freedoms.  It's slave talk.

Biden DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas: "I fully support, and have for many years, amnesty for illegal immigrants"

It doesn't hurt to listen to the following exchange from a particular context.  Hear what the Russian conservative, Vladimir Putin has to say about the west's inability to replace its own population and how free immigration on the American taxpayer's dime is no substitute.  It means we are surrendering the values that made this country great over the last 250 years.  

Tennessee Makes Ivermectin Available Without Prescription

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Putin says #Niet to #GreatReset

Here is Putin's full speech on the Donbas given on February 24, 2022.  

And here is Putin delivering that speech.  

"choline pathway is a prime part of the disease mechanism and it is a good idea to keep the physiology in good shape."

A review of how [the CDC] tasked with fighting and preventing disease has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease.”

Imagine providing public statements like these and the receiving media doesn't question, doesn't push further, or deliver devastating contradictions.  Just imagine.   

Imagine saying things like this and not having to correct or revise your statements.  Imagine saying things like and being self-deluded that your statements are a public service.  Just imagine.  Imagine the bankrupt ethics, the deliberate lies that go unchallenged.  Imagine that. 

Imagine this being standard operating procedure . . . for 20 years. 

As I have noted periodically for twenty years, and it was roundly confirmed 4 weeks ago in the NY Times, CDC spins and cherry-picks the data it presents to the public, hiding most of what it has. Then it blames its 'outdated' IT systems for the problems, if it gets caught. As the NYT noted

The C.D.C. has received more than $1 billion to modernize its systems, which may help pick up the pace, Ms. Nordlund [CDC's spokesperson] said. “We’re working on that,” she said. 

So imagine having a record like that while receiving $1 billion with a B from the taxpayer you're purported to serve.  Make no mistake, there is no purporting, no purportment going on at all.  

Some have claimed that the CDC is a vaccine company.  What?  Some have claimed that it is a PR branch for the FDA or any pharmaceutical company peddling its latest unchecked medicine.  Nass goes even further, affirming that it's a PR firm with its own TV studios replete

CDC is not a public health agency.  It is a public propaganda agency that collects a massive amount of data. CDC marshals its huge data library to create presentations that support the current administration's public health policies.  

CDC also has state-of-the-art PR staff, as well as TV studios, and produces videos, radio spots, and an enormous number of press releases that are distributed to the media.  CDC hosts many journalists at its Atlantia headquarters. Free junkets successfully cultivate US health reporters.

And finally, to end this preface,

A 2007 Senate oversight report on the CDC noted the agency spent $106 million on the Thomas R. Harkin Global Communications (and Visitor) Center, and summarized its 115 page report with the following: “A review of how an agency tasked with fighting and preventing disease has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, but cannot demonstrate it is controlling disease.”

FCC was asked to block Musk-Twitter deal. The Commissioner said it has no authority to block @elonmusk 's purchase of Twitter

"by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition"


Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish [immunity] is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is.


The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977


Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish these changes is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is. The disturbing possibility that they act in some other way than by producing a genuine immunity is suggested by the fact that the diseases in question have continued to break out even in highly immunized populations, and that in such cases the observed differences in incidence and severity between immunized and unimmunized persons have tended to be far less dramatic than expected, and in some cases, not measurably significant at all.

From Jon Rappoport's "Vaccines Beneath the Surface," April 27, 2022.

We are taught to believe that untoward reactions to vaccines are rare, and that there has never been a question about the overwhelming success of all vaccines at all times, wherever they have been used.

The recent history of vaccines, though, shows a much more spotty record than one might think. In fact, it raises very disturbing questions about what vaccines do and don’t do to the human body. Here is simply a series of excerpts from several authors on the subject. It is a quite different slant on vaccines.

"The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

“The principal evidence that… vaccines are effective actually dates from the more recent period, during which time the dreaded polio epidemics of the 1940s and 1950s have never reappeared in the developed countries; and measles, mumps and rubella, which even a generation ago were among the commonest diseases of childhood, have become far less prevalent, at least in their classic acute forms, since the triple MMR vaccine was introduced into common use.

“Yet how the vaccines actually accomplish these changes is not nearly as well understood as most people like to think it is. The disturbing possibility that they act in some other way than by producing a genuine immunity is suggested by the fact that the diseases in question have continued to break out even in highly immunized populations, and that in such cases the observed differences in incidence and severity between immunized and unimmunized persons have tended to be far less dramatic than expected, and in some cases, not measurably significant at all.

Continue reading . . .


From Jon Rappoport's "The U.S. Government Colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids," April 10, 2018.

The major pipeline for trafficking opioid drugs starts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, who are intentionally distributing opioids far beyond any legitimate need.



A significant percentage of this human carnage results from illegal distribution of opioids.

Here is the open secret:


That law is the Ensuring Patient Access and Effective Drug Enforcement Act of 2016, passed by Congress and signed by President Obama on 4/9/16.

And that is the federal government’s role in perpetuating and expanding the opioid crisis.

Honest agents inside the complacent DEA want to have the right to march into a pharmaceutical company headquarters and say, “We know you’re shipping millions of opioid pills to little pharmacies and clinics that, in turn, are selling the pills to street dealers. We’re going to freeze those shipments now, and we’re going to arrest key executives.”

But that 2016 law raises the bar so high on what the DEA can do, the whole law-enforcement effort is hamstrung, throttled, and loaded down with legal complications.

In essence, the US Congress gave drug companies a free pass.

And no one in the Congress is admitting it or talking about it.

The Washington Post, October 15, 2017, “The Drug Industry’s Triumph Over the DEA”: “In April 2016, at the height of the deadliest drug epidemic in U.S. history, Congress effectively stripped the Drug Enforcement Administration of its most potent weapon against large drug companies suspected of spilling prescription [opioid] narcotics onto the nation’s streets.”

“A handful of members of Congress, allied with the nation’s major drug distributors, prevailed upon the DEA and the Justice Department to agree to a more industry-friendly law, undermining efforts to stanch the flow of pain pills, according to an investigation by The Washington Post and ‘60 Minutes’…”

“The law was the crowning achievement of a multifaceted campaign by the drug industry to weaken aggressive DEA enforcement efforts against drug distribution companies that were supplying corrupt doctors and pharmacists who peddled [opioid] narcotics to the black market. The industry worked behind the scenes with lobbyists and key members of Congress [to pass the 2016 law], pouring more than a million dollars into their election campaigns.”

“For years, some drug distributors were fined for repeatedly ignoring warnings from the DEA to shut down suspicious sales of hundreds of millions of pills, while they racked up billions of dollars in sales.”

“The new [2016] law makes it virtually impossible for the DEA to freeze suspicious narcotic shipments from the companies, according to internal agency and Justice Department documents and an independent assessment by the DEA’s chief administrative law judge in a soon-to-be-published law review article. That powerful tool [freezing opioid shipments] had allowed the agency to immediately prevent drugs from reaching the street.”

“Besides the sponsors and co-sponsors of the bill, few lawmakers knew the true impact the law would have. It sailed through Congress and was passed by unanimous consent, a parliamentary procedure reserved for bills considered to be noncontroversial. The White House was equally unaware of the bill’s import when President Barack Obama signed it into law, according to interviews with former senior administration officials.”

“Michael Botticelli, who led the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy at the time, said neither [the Department of] Justice nor the DEA objected to the bill, removing a major obstacle to the president’s approval.”


The fact that no one is stepping up to the plate with a fast repeal is proof that multiple parts of the federal government are, in fact, tacitly supporting the opioid crisis and its devastating impacts on human life.

"Support the immune system. A quality methylated multivitamin is vital"

From Anastasia,

I’ve gotten a lot of messages on how I can’t leave without telling people how to protect themselves. I think that’s unfair. I’ve been trying to tell adults how to protect themselves for a very long time now so people can read.

However, here is what you can do for your kids:

Drucker Labs. And Isotonix. I've yet to try products from either company, since I've only just heard of these companies from this post. Bill Sardi's formula of Molecular Multi has been recommended by friends but only has one melythated product, B-12.

On the Isotronix product, one reviewer KatherineK wrote,
I'm very impressed with the ingredients in this formula. The B vitamins are methylated for maximum use by the body, which means even people with metabolic challenges can benefit from this formula. Plus, it's so easy to take!

"Musk is serious about fighting Davos"


— ussuricat (@ussuricat1) April 26, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

MISSISSIPPI: Enacts law that forbids state and local government agencies from withholding services or refusing jobs to the unvaccinated

didn’t hear any complaints about Russian soldiers. Everyone said they are polite,helpful,share food and medicines with locals

5 of 11 Twitter Board Members Are Connected to Klaus Schwab

Bret Steven Taylor.

Fei-Fei Li

Egon Pierre Durban

Robert Zoellick

Martha Baroness Lane Fox.  Where do they get their names?  

Monday, April 25, 2022


VACCINE ROLLOUT NOT QUITE GLOBAL. MOSTLY THE WEST: Australia 95% Double Vaxx'd . . . Niger ~ 8% Double Vaxx'd

What are aquaporin-4 antibodies?

Social media does get me down.  It's like everyone is trying to grab the latest headline, capturing the latest information, or finding definitive proof to what was once speculative or a developing theory.  And though I've always been the type of person who would rather know what's going on as opposed to not, and then get to work to fix things, in today's C19 vaccine world with a dozen or so mechanisms of harm, I am tiring of knowing since the remedy for the previous ailment has yet to be confirmed or whose action has proved successful definitely.

So I asked, What are aquaporin-4 antibodies

Antibodies to aquaporin-4 (called NMO-IgG or AQP4-Ab) constitute a sensitive and highly specific serum marker of neuromyelitis optica (NMO) that can facilitate the differential diagnosis of NMO and classic multiple sclerosis.

So MS is what everyone who got the vaccine has to look forward to?  I don't know.  I do know that vitamin D wonderfully keeps it in check.  So these articles are almist allergic to talking about remedies for problems they publicize.

What OPEC+ is to the oil market, Belarus and Russia are to the potash market

Our current globally integrated food supply system and mass food production cannot exist without, among other things, fertilizer.

This includes three main categories: nitrogen, potash, and phosphorus fertilizers. Potash is a potassium-rich salt fertilizer that enhances plant quality and is responsible for 20% of global fertilizer demand.

Together with Belarus, Russia has a 40% market share in global production and export of potash fertilizer. What OPEC+ is to the oil market, Belarus and Russia are to the potash market. The two monopolies in this space are Uralkali and Belaruskali, with the Belarusian Potash Company being the latter’s export arm.

With 16.5% of the nitrogen fertilizer market, Russia may not appear to be that dominant until we look at the key ingredient (ammonium nitrate) and then we realize… oh, yes it is. Why? Russia holds a whopping 66% of the global market share in the production of this chemical, and without it there’s no nitrogen fertilizer.

. . . 

Through the company Uralchem, Russia provides ammonia to Morocco, and Morocco, as it turns out, is the largest phosphate fertilizer producer in the world with 75% of phosphate reserves.

Candace Owens Condemns Bill Gates

"Siri, show me a collapsing 🇺🇦 narrative."

EFFICACIOUS: Such a big word for Anthony Fauci

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Where would you rather live: Myanmar or California?

Big Pharma’s been at the trough for 2 years, now it’s Big War’s turn again


Dr. Richard Urso

Here is his Twitter page.  He's located in Houston, Tx, and you can find his contact info here.  Troubling remarks for sure.  Because the risks occur and accumulate over months, many hold out hope that your body is doing its job to keep you alive and healthy.  But what he said at the end was chilling, "if you do a lipid nano-particle platform, you're asking for trouble.  You're asking to have an uncontrolled distribution pattern." 

"This was the largest economic act of war and no one even noticed"

Learn more about that here.   

Macron Won. One Giant Step toward World War III

Thank you to Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics.

Of course, Macron won amid allegations of vote tampering. If a ballot was torn in any way, which seems to have been those of Le Pen, they were just discarded. There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that the EU would have allowed Le Pen to win for she would have upset the EU and gone against this madness of creating a war with Russia to cover up the collapse in the monetary system thanks to 8+ years of negative interest rates.

The Die is Cast. Europe is headed into self-destruction. Meanwhile, the UK press is looking at putting on sanctions against Germany because they are still relying on Russian gas. We have the most braindead crop of world leaders in human history. Not a single one will bother to understand how world peace is actually accomplished

While Rome conquered the known world, they quickly saw the benefits of being part of the Roman Empire – free trade! The conquered lands all began to sell local products to Rome and Romans were quick to invest in the newly conquered regions. It was economics that made Rome great. That is precisely what is being torn apart here dividing the world and in the process raising the threat of war. This coin of Augustus (27BC-14AD) shows a conquered barbarian hand a child representing their nation to Augustus symbolizing their subservient posture to the Roman Empire. Cutting off Russia and hinting about sanctions against China and now against Germany for buying Russian energy is the precise way to create a world war. When there is no benefit in working together, then there is no reason for peaceful relations

NEVER in my life have I ever witnessed such stupidity among world leaders. And just for the record, Putin is by far the ONLY rational leader. Those behind him think he has been too “SOFT” or Ukraine and he should have nuked Kyiv and then pound his chest asking who is next? There are those who would not hesitate to win for they already view this as a war with NATO and the United States using Ukrainians to try to weaken Russia for the kill. Hillary has even said so much.

The Dnieper River was the border of Ukraine. It never included the east that was always Russia going back to the Russian Empire. Merely because the USSR assign that region to Kyiv for administration did not transform ethnic Russians into Ukrainians. Naturally, some people just want to blame Russia and saying they invaded without any discussion of the antics of the West or Zelensky which have deliberately provoked this war b because the financial system was collapsing thanks to negative interest rates that have wiped out the European bond markets.

This is a war simply intended to defeat Russia. Zelensky not only was elected under false pretenses, but he has even waged war on the Russian religion like Henry VIII trying to seize all churches and eliminate Moscow and the Patriarch appointing all authority to Ukraine.

For this, those writing the scripts for Biden to deliver have destroyed the world economy and reversed all the world peace efforts since Kennedy and Nixon’s effort to divide China and Russia. All for what exactly? Climate Change?

It is a shame that far too many Ukrainians are being used as pawns in this war. The more killed, the better. When the history of this period is written, we will see that the media has been creating this war just as they did create the Spanish American War. 

The father of yellow journalism, Joseph Pulitzer (1847-1911), made his fortune by creating a fake war to sell more newspapers.

Perhaps the press is desperate for the same motive. CNN+ was a disaster and is being shut down. They had less viewership than even this blog. Perhaps CNN desperately needs war with blood in the streets to regain their viewership from the days of the Gulf War?

Pulitzer made his money by spilling the blood and guts of young Americans. Perhaps he felt guilty and left his estate to create the Pulitzer Prize for honest journalism – what a joke.

I was on the water over the weekend and the number of houses flying the Ukrainian flag warns that there will be support for World War III for these people have no clue that they have been manipulated into a position to support the real agenda