Showing posts with label WEF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEF. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The real reason Sweden didn't do LOCKDOWNS? ... Because it wasn't in NATO in 2020

It doesn't stop there because, as you said, every country in the western world pretty much did the same thing except for Sweden.  Now, I asked myself for many years, for all these years, why did Sweden not do it?  Was it just because Anders Tegnell and all those people in Sweden were so smart?  Well, here is a possible answer.  It turns out that the way that The WHO, the other global governing bodies the UN, of which the WHO is a part, and their consulting bodies, like WEF, World Economic Forum, it's not a governance body but it is like a consulting body to the world governing bodies.  They were running the pandemic response.  So basically they were the ones giving the instructions.  Now, why would everybody follow, why would all the countries follow what The WHO says?  Because they invoked intelligence and military mutual defense treaties.  So the Five Eyes countries, which is the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, so all the anglosphere, except for South Africa, they have a mutual intelligence agreement.  And there was a lot of involvement of the intelligence agencies supporting each other mutually in those countries.  All of those countries also had heavy military involvement in the response.  And the same is true for all NATO countries.  Which country in Europe was not in NATO during COVID?  Sweden.  [Note:  Sweden finally joined NATO on March 7, 2024.]

Saturday, January 20, 2024

MICHAEL RECHTENWALD on how to divest from corporate ESG, WEF, and CBDC

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Gonzalo Lira, Tom Luongo, & Alex Krainer

[Davos & WEF] have been trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant  -- Tom Luongo 

10:05. The off-shore dollar markets are run by the old European banks.  They're the ones most vulnerable to rate shock.  The ECB has held interest rate or deposit rates at minus .06% for what, 8 years now?  They've destroyed the Euro as a potential reserve currency because of this.  They've punished savers.  And they forced upwards of 12, , 14, trillion dollars worth of European sovereign debt was trading at a negative yield. Then they wanted to keep it that way while they kept creating this international idea that the United States . . . 

10:48. Trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant.  Oh, this just a typical PR operation. The reality is that something is happening behind the scenes here and that it's really powerful and really simple.  Davos' plan for the central bank digital currencies is to do away with commercial banking.  You can't have technocratic, European style communism without destroying the two-tiered monetary transmission system, which goes from the central banks to the commercial banks to the retail money users.  They want to collapse that unto central banks to retail.  Well, that cuts out the commercial banks. Who does the Fed work for?  The biggest commercial banks in the world: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, City Group, and the rest. 

11:44  Who is the most powerful political lobby in the world?  The same guys.  Who controls the southern district of New York?  Same guys. Who controls Fed policy?  Same guys.  

11:55. So you're telling me . . . all I did was ask some patrons of mine who are hedge fund managers, former Wall Street insiders who were literally bankrupted by Jaime Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein [his Twitter page], and the rest of them. I said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you really see Jaime Dimon turning over the keys to JPMorgan to Klaus Schwab and a bunch of German eugenicists?"  German eugenicists, no less.  Jaime Dimon is Greek. There ain't no love lost between Germans and Greeks.  [Reference to the 2015 default on the Greek debt crisis building since 2009?]  It's like there ain't no love loss between Italians and Germans, BTW. 

12:35. Tame inflation, sure, but also stick it to the Europeans and blow their agenda off the table as it were?

12:48. The source of the World Economic Forum's real power is the ability to lever up off-shore dollars through the European and Swiss and, you know, the British off-shore Caymans, and the Hong Kong to lever those up and then to use those to buy political leverage Singapore, whatever, to buy governments, to buy budgets, and everything else. 

16:37. The energy crisis in Europe is completely self-inflicted. 

2:17:00.  Brett Harris arrives on the podcast.

2:17:30. Gonzalo points out that all these guys running the different countries from Trudeau to Biden to Olaf Schultz that they're all being run by someone else else.  Obviously and glad he said it. But this is rhetoric to direct the conversation.  He thinks of AIC's election--no political experience.  They're literally casting actors. 

Princess Diana was the daughter of Jimmy Goldsmith?  Odd.  Wikipedia says that her father was John Spencer, 8th Earl of Spencer.  

Tuesday, October 11, 2022


Be advised, too, that Tulsi is not a member of WEF, though she did attend their conference.  Attending something to learn about it, a kind of fact-finding mission, does not equate membership or commitment to cause whatsoever.  If you listen to her message, Gabbard is rejecting evil, not embracing it.  And in doing so, she is adhering to her principles.  You may not find her message strong enough, but she is a committed to public service.  Per her Wikipedia page, Gabbard (born April 12, 1981) "is an American politician," a committed one, too.  She is an "U.S. Army Reserve officer and political commentator who served as the U.S. representative for Hawaii's 2nd congressional district from 2013 to 2021."  Like her or not, that shows commitment.  She was a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination in the 2020 presidential election where she slammed Hillary Clinton, the 2016 "presumed presidential candidate."  Luongo points out that, 

The WEF keeps her image up at their site because they want to give the impression that she's one of their own.  She is not.  She is renouncing their evil.   

Luongo again, 


Here is her full presentation.  It's good.   

Friday, October 7, 2022

Adam Posen, head of the Peterson Institute at Cato and proud WEF stooge, hates working people

The fetish with manufacturing . . . ?  Yeah, these douches hate the working class, and they hate the middle class.  His name is Adam Posen and he is head of the Peterson Institute at the Cato Institute, the beltway pseudo-libertarian think tank.  It's these think tanks, their publications, and their mouthpieces that green light class violence.  And perhaps all that you need to know about him is that he is a member of the WEF, who literally hate people as free individuals.  They want to enslave all of us.  

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


Who is the ghoul, you ask?  Professor Dennis Meadows. Note the universities where he's taught.  He's not just one of these woke professors, no, he's one of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum's lieutenants.

Wow. These World Economic Forum fetid f'cks, aka, eugenicists, depopulation a'holes are not happy until you comply with their wishes by offing yourself . . . for the greater good, of course.  It's a remarkable and monstrous exploitation of religious eschatology or end times, where they seduce you into adopting the identity of your God, the aloof but personal holy spirit, the forgiving and compassionate Lord, the suffering and sacrificial lamb who died on the cross until you are transposed and become one with God, a holy being worthy of God's love to qualify for a chosen seat at His right hand.  That is what the elites want from you, that's what their propaganda campaign across 2020 and 2021 called up in you.  It's what Jim Jones did to his people, the People's Temple, a religious movement of the 1970s, who called his people to a mass suicide pact in Guyana.  The parallels are unmistakable.  Except this time, it's not led by Jim Jones, it's led by Anthony Fauci.  And it's not the People's Temple, but a secular temple called the American body politic.  It's Anthony Fauci who has called people to drink the Kool-Aid, and when there's a rustling of resistance to it, Fauci threatens more lockdowns, doubles down with the Kool-Aid injections, calling them boosters.  It's the same thing.  Same dynamic.  Similar hierarchy.  First, Jim Jones got his members to agree that they shared the same enemy: a hostile, racist society.  For Fauci, the enemy were asymptomatic carriers of a "deadly" disease.  This construct set up the fear of an unknowable but ubiquitous threat that killed the American mind more than it did any people.  Then Jones presented the solution: paradise outside of the United States, in the lush jungles of exotic Guyana. Fauci, too, presented his solution: an untested, emergency authorized vaccine that promised unheard of protection, protection so good that he had to force it on you by proxy through your employer.  For those who took the jab, it was 1978 all over again.  Just as Jim Jones exploited his People's Temple with an exclusive paradise in the jungles of South America, Fauci offered his people a rare chance at exclusive protections that if you didn't understand the science of the mRNA, you at least understood the ethics, and mindfulness, of Catholic social teaching with slogans like, "We're all in this together" and "Wear a mask to protect others, and ask your neighbor to wear one to protect you," and "Your mask protects me, and my mask protects you."  And to serve the greater good, the virtuous became Fauci's footmen.  

Monday, February 21, 2022

"the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth."

The Test for Klaus Schwab and the Economic Forum

by Jon Rappoport

February 21, 2022

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Knowing my regular readers can handle more than one major point in an article, I start with this: Justin Trudeau is not serving the interests of Canadians; he is loyal to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the brand of Globalism it represents.

Meaning: global governance; the submerging of nations in a scheme of external top-down control; the expansion of poverty; wall-to-wall surveillance; a currency reset; and other totalitarian transformations.

If you watch these two brief videos (here and here), you’ll see Klaus Schwab confirm, in Trudeau’s presence, the prime minister’s loyalty to the WEF, as well as the penetration of Trudeau’s cabinet with WEF agents.

Schwab, the head of WEF, also mentions a new dawn of entrepreneurs who lead corporations dedicated to social responsibility.

And THAT is a test for Schwab. Because he certainly backs major pharmaceutical companies. Do those businesses display social responsibility?

I’m not talking about their pricing of drugs or their equitable distribution of drugs. I’m talking about killing and maiming people with the drugs. Many people.

And so I return to citations I’ve published a number of times. By the way, virtually no one takes these devastating references and runs with them.

I can only conclude journalists and doctors who otherwise criticize medical policies don’t want to admit the medical cartel has a very long track record of destroying populations.

These journalists and doctors only want to cherry-pick their targets. In fact, they support the overall performance of the medical system. Why? You would have to ask them.

Here, I’m testing Klaus Schwab. Does he really think he can get away with his talk about “social responsibility” and his simultaneous support of Pharma?

Buckle up—

ONE: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: 

“…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as a consequence of the drugs, at home.

TWO: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.

THREE: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: 

“It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with 2 to 4 million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.

FOUR: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: 

“Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

Medical crimes.

Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, and loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.

But of course, you can believe everything the leading lights of the US medical system tell you about COVID-19.

You can believe everything the press—who buries the truth about this medical holocaust—tells you about COVID.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described in this article, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from an editor who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption")

Compare that quote with one from “the father of COVID science,” Anthony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated:

“Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

They take things so seriously, that they routinely publish glowing studies of medical drugs that are killing people in great numbers.

—So, Mr. Schwab, which is it? You support corporate social responsibility, and therefore you condemn, in the strongest possible way, the ongoing death-and-maiming count achieved by beloved pharmaceutical companies? Or you maintain your unwavering support for Pharma and admit your pose of “social responsibility” is a complete fraud.

And to journalists and doctors who refuse to pick up the citations in this article and DO something with them, I ask: what’s holding you back? What’s been holding you back? I’ve been publishing and speaking about this information for more than 10 years.

What are you afraid of? Where do YOUR loyalties lie?

Monday, February 14, 2022

SCHWAB'S AGENDA: To use health as the means to impose Marxism

Thank you to Martin Armstrong.

COMMENT:  Dear Martin,

I am writing to bring your attention to this action by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. This has been slow coming to public awareness because she very quietly published this slate of ‘regulations’ just before Christmas when everyone was involved with the holidays. She also did it without any press release. Now the 60-day comment period is coming to an end on February 14th. After the Comment Period ends, these ‘regulations’ will be voted on by the NY State Dept. of Health Public Health Council and, if passed, will become LAW without having ever gone before the NYS Legislature!

One of the ‘regulations’ will allow her to imprison ANYONE she feels is a threat to public health There is NO procedure for you to get out once you are detained. They are trying to use public health as a cover to arrest any dissenters.

The other three regulations would allow her to make face coverings permanent, not allow visits to nursing homes, give school nurses the authority to vaccinate without parental consent, and mandate the vaccine for all. The last one will be voted on by the New York State Board of Regents.

This very good video, uploaded on February 5, 2022, and titled "NY Gov. Kathy Hochul--Jail the Unvaxxed" is an interview with Alix Mayer from Children’s Health Defense, John Gilmore from Autism Action Network, and Curtis Cost from Informed African Americans which succinctly explains all of this and can be viewed at

The whole world is waking up and resisting the Covid mandates. Meanwhile, our NYS Governor is taking actions to lock up anyone they want. The only possible thing that can stop this is public exposure, hence my email to you.

Thank you! for all you are doing!  


REPLY: This has been part of Schwab’s agenda – to use health as the means to impose Marxism. In a virtual session of the World Economic Forum, Fauci said: “It’s very disturbing, I believe to all of us as public health officials and scientists, such a degree of pushback against regular, normal, easy-to-understand public health measures. Reluctance to wear masks, reluctance to promote vaccination, reluctance to do kinds of public health measures.” Fauci is a government employee who is spending more time advocating a foreign entity that has a public goal to control the world and overthrow the United States.

I really do not see where the FBI, CIA, and DOJ refuse to defend the Constitution and support this publicly stated objective and allow US officials to participate. The 14th Amendment they are so desperate to use against Trump also applies to someone like Fauci.

I am not thrilled about the flight to Florida. Now 1,300 people PER DAY are fleeing to Florida.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

"We are insane."