Showing posts with label DAVOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAVOS. Show all posts

Monday, June 24, 2024

The gist from Luongo

Ultimately, Davos cannot deviate from their Gantt chart of their takeover of the West lest they get torn apart like a narc at a biker rally (H/T Dennis Miller). This is why Mark Rutte is being moved from being PM of The Netherlands to NATO Gen. Sec. and why Jens Stoltenberg is moving to the Norwegian Central Bank.

The wildcard here is quickly becoming Nigel Farage in the UK, who could embarrass them again like he did in 2016 with Brexit. Regardless of the outcome of the elections, Farage, Geert Wilders, Marine Le Pen in France and others will all be blamed for a European sov. debt crisis that was baked into the financial cake (and Gantt chart) ages ago.

The big news item for me this week all center on Europe.  U. S. domestic politics at this point are pretty much obvious.  They're trying to do everything imaginable to stop Donald Trump from becoming president and they are failing miserably. I could have just as easily put Nigel Farage up here and talked about next week's election in France and the U.K.  I was all over Twitter yesterday because Nigel Farage came out on national television and basically came out and said, "We provoked Putin into a war, and that's just the reality of it, and if you don't like it, well, you know it's the truth.  

And Farage knows what he's doing.  He's time-tested that idea for a long, long time.  I said I wouldn't talk about Farage, but here I am going on about him already.  Farage's Reform Party is making sincere strides in the polls.  I don't know if he's going to have the kind of coattails that will allow him to really upset the apple cart in the U.K., meaning the planned coronation of Keir Starmer with a massive Labor majority which he'll use to destroy what's left of the U.K. and make it subservient to Davos in Europe.  Well, that's the most likely scenario, but if Reform comes in with 150 or 200 seats, that's going to be an earthshattering result even though it will leave Starmer in a huge majority position, Nigel Farage leading the opposition Party in the U.K. government, aside from the fact that it would be hilariously entertaining, would be tremendous.  Now, at the same time, this is a lead into what's happening in NATO.  I was asked directly by people to discuss Mark Ruta

Sunday, June 2, 2024

TOM LUONGO: Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, want their colonies back [Louisiana, the United States, etc]

26:15--28:00  Davos wants control, wants to remove Israel from the scene.  Why?  Because they want to finally put to bed the remnants of the British Empire; that includes the British Empire's proxy, the United States.  

I see Davos, the old colonial powers of Europe, as the primary drivers here because psychologically they map to the most aggressive and the most entitled because they've always controlled natural resources of the 3rd world.  They still see the U.S. as one of the colonies.  The French still want Louisiana back.   They still want Quebec back.  They still make a big deal to get Louisiana back [from] the United States.  They still want to rape the Sahel region of Africa for pennies on the dollar.  Same thing with the Germans.  Same thing with the British.  Same thing with the Portuguese, the Dutch, and the Italians, all of them.  They all want it back the way it was before.  

Luongo cites the vitriol of Ambassador Londo Mollari from Babylon 5 as the best depiction in culture of what the Davos crowd wants, "I want it all back the way that it was."  

"You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth, yes? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"

That's why all of a sudden the world is saying, "Hey man, it's okay to hate Israel.  We're all pro-Palestine."  Everybody's like, "That doesn't make any sense.  [Then] why is Sunak pro-Palestinian?"  Because he works for Davos.  It's not that hard.  

Here is the full interview.  

37:00.  The entire city of London apparatus buying up treasuries like crazy in order to prop up the long end of the US yield curve meaning suppressed rates and hold up prices in the Bank of England has done this and all of the Bank of England's proxies by the way Bermuda the British Virgin Islands the Caymans all the offshore tax savings that are nominally under British crown control they've been buying the crap out of US Treasury so everybody's going to die yeah but the bank of England just bought $600 billion.  They are the 4th highest holder of US debt at this point total within that system, like, up from $350 billion so this is how much of other people's money they have spent to suppress the price to do yield curve control on the US yield curve in order to keep the German yield curve from exploding to the upside and collapsing all of the European Banks.  It's a game of extend and pretend.   That's EU's modus operandi.  Extend and pretend in one Arena in order to create plots and counter plots and subplots in another Arena Financial extended pretend in order to politically advance other agenda and attack another idiot the US legal system, for example, the political system for example why do we go after Donald Trump with non-crimes not because Trump isn't whatever you think of trump is irrelevant what's important is that the Fallout from this case is to destroy the concept that the United States is anything other than a mafia-narco state and that there's no rule of law left. And then if the US were to seize the Russian foreign reserves, your money is not safe there either.  Now who does s*** like this?  Why would the United States do this?  And don't give me the spinal response that's been programmed to trigger into you "Oh that the US is just trying to protect its Empire."  B*******.  That is not what's going on.  This is foreign interference in our f****** system.  So, who are the foreigners?  I happen to choose Europe.  Why? Because they're the ones with the most to f****** lose.  The Chinese aren't doing this because they have so much to lose.  All the Chinese have to do is sit back and buy the yuan and buy gold and make friends across Asia.  Same thing with the Russians.  They don't have to do anything except occasionally lob artillery at the Ukrainians and strategically take out the concentration of NATO guys that wander across the border to run the attacking systems and whatever else we put in place which is all real.  That's all the Russians have to do.  They have to do nothing.  And when the Chinese have no real need to destabilize the US that way, the Chinese would be better served not to do this because you don't want the United States to collapse as a consumer economy, as a productive economy, as an innovation economy.  You don't want that.  It's not a zero-sum game. The real game of geopolitics is a bad model because the game never ends.  It's not a game that ends.  These all people think it ends.  If I go back and watch The Watchmen again when Ozymandias turns to Doctor Manhattan and says in the end, "I did the right thing didn't I, John?"  The world just keeps going on and there's no one singular narrative.  To circle all the way back around to what you said about the people having a hard time understanding what I'm saying is because they need this prima facia evidence of the need for a singular narrative because you cannot deal with the idea that it's just a bunch of people b******* or it's foreign multiple forces competing factions doing their thing.  At the end, there's a bunch of cards on the table and somebody goes "I've got five sites.  I win. Shuffle up the deal, let's do it again."

Saturday, May 25, 2024

The plan is civil war.  The plan is secession one way or another.  The whole idea of California and Texas getting together and ousting the . . . I don't buy that, right.  California and New York would go their separate ways if Trump wins.  If Biden wins, Florida, Texas, and the South would go, yeah, we're done.  But that's the big fake out because the real target is the bond war.  The real target is the bond market.  

The way Europe survives, this is all about Europe, it's all about Davos.  Davos still exists.  We could reach peak Davos but they refuse to lose.  They're still trying to make moves.  They're making a lot of moves as a matter of fact.  And they've been making a lot of moves in the last 48 hours that had me ranting into a microphone for 45 minutes before we started here this morning. 

For Europe to survive, you have to break the U.S. financially, legally, politically, culturally, on the border, all of it.  While Europe fiscally integrates, politically integrates and will not tolerate any dissension, they're actively trying to break us apart.  Why?  If you have Janet Yellen and Joe Biden spending more than $2 trillion a year than we are bringing in, then you're just eroding the fiscal position of the United States.  You're undermining the validity of the US Treasury as a reserve asset in the world.  You can't make the Euro a reserve asset but I don't think they actually wanted the Euro to be a reserve asset otherwise it never would have gone into negative interest rates in the first place.  They've always wanted to replace the Euro because it's a faulty structure so they needed to have a new structure, a new Euro with a better structure, one that looks a lot like the United States dollar with one issue, one Central Bank; not 20 central banks issuing euros.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly. The US government cannot do that. So what did they do? They turned it to Big Tech.

China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly.  The US government cannot do that.  The FED can't do it.  It would be an unconstitutional 4th Amendment, illegal search and seizure stuff like that.  The Constitution is negative, it's not positive.  So that's a restraint upon government.  So if you look at the 1st Amendment, it says "the government shall not pass any law," so what did they do?  They turned it to Big Tech.  You can do whatever you want.  Facebook can censor you.  YouTube can. You have no constitutional right to free speech.  That's a misnomer.  The government cannot take it away from you, but everybody else can.   --Martin Armstrong
Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Economics.


20:48.   Same thing happened in Tokyo in '89.  The yen was going up and all the capital was concentrating there, so then you get these sort of bubbles at that point.  And if you look at the three stock market indexes, the NASDAQ, the S&P 500, and the Dow, the NASDAQ is more retail; the S&P tends to be more domestic institutional type stuff, and the Dow is more of the showcase for the international.  Like we said before, when the Japanese came what did they buy?  They bought Rockefeller Center.  They don't go down and buy Mom and Pop houses for $200,000.  They buy the trophies.  When the Dow is leading that's showing you the big foreign money is still coming in.  And we've got these neocons parading war on every front possible from Asia to the Middle East to Europe.  I've had clients in Tokyo who have woken up and when you've got Korea shooting missiles off over testing they've come to the conclusion that they better have some money in the United States.  So you're seeing some real estate still rising in selected areas.  The stock market making new highs I think you're going to see a high here in January and then back off for at least a couple months.  But this is basically just showing what we're dealing with.  As things get chaotic around the world the capital runs over here.  It's hard to invade the United States.  You need a flotilla to get here, 

or an illegal immigrant Invasion, right?  

There's just a lot going on that way.  Honestly, our computer keeps projecting war but as I have said on your show before . . . long-term trends and things of this nature we published . . . back in 1987 that the 2016 election would be the first time a 3rd party could possibly win.  Well, that ended up being Trump who's neither a Republican nor a Democrat.

23:35. And then for 2024, it said that that could be the last election for the United States; nobody's going to accept it from either side.  2028 might not even take place.  Now these are forecasts that the computer put out back in 1985, so having to live through this and see how it actually unfolds is like, you know, wow.  It's not my personal opinion it's not being pro-Trump or against Trump, or anything else.  Just the way it is.  Even Nigel Farage came to speak at our 2019 convention in Rome.  He said, "Of course I'm here.  You're the only one who forecast that Brexit would win." All the polls said Brexit was going to lose, and they did the same thing with Hillary.  I mean these things are driven mostly by the combination of what's happening in the world economy, and the real issue here is they know they're going to default.  I've been warning and meeting honestly for 50 years that this is not going to work out and end well and they've always argued, "Well, we're the government, we're different."  Yeah, how governments collapse and this has been the standard model throughout centuries, and you can see it unfolding now.  You have the Neocons running off blasting China all the time.  You got generals coming out and saying we're going to be at war with China within 2 to 3 to 5 years or whatever.  Why would China then buy our debt?  They are the largest holder of US debt now; if they stopped buying right, how governments collapse is that you issue new debt and nobody buys it, so you can't pay off the old debt.  That's when it all comes crashing down, and we are coming to that area (meaning we're getting close to that time).

How close? How close are we to that? 

I would say that we are honestly it could be less than 2 years.  So what they're really looking at here . . . that's what the CBDC stuff is about.  And people have to understand, all right, China and the BRICS they're going to do a direct CBDC, so the government will actually control it directly.  The US government cannot do that.  The FED can't do it.  It would be an unconstitutional 4th Amendment, illegal search and seizure stuff like that.  So what they're doing is they're using the test model that they ran on COVID and people don't understand.  I mean if you look at a case it's Harris versus McRae, 1980, the Supreme Court case.  I suggest reading it.  A woman said "I have a right to an abortion, so the government should pay for it," and the Supreme Court said no.  The Constitution is negative, it's not positive.  So that's a restraint upon government; it's not a right that you actually have.  So if you look at the 1st Amendment, it says "the government shall not pass any law," so what did they do?  They turned it to Big Tech.  You can do whatever you want.  Facebook can censor you.  YouTube can. You have no constitutional right to free speech.  That's a misnomer.  The government cannot take it away from you, but everybody else can.  So that's what they're doing with the CBDCs. The top banks are already queuing up to create these digital dollars.  They will be the ones that actually issue the coins.  The FED will then cancel the currency, and they will be the monitors, all right, because the FED can't do it legally.  So if they see something in your account, "Oh, this looks strange," they are already required to file a "suspicious activity report."  So then they'll go to them and say, "Oh, hey, Kery Lutz just did this, and then that's the fine.  And then the government can go in.  It's a tip, but the government would have to do is issue a search warrant to go after the same thing.  That's the difference.  So the banks are doing the same thing as like Facebook, and everything else when they did with their first amendment issues.  Now the banks are going to do it with the CBDCs.  So the Fed will not be issuing a CBDC, and you have to understand this: it will be indirect, not direct.  Now once they do that like I said I've been in meetings for years and heard nothing but the same nonsense all the time and they never assume that the government is ever the problem it's always us they think that eliminating paper money and then we go to these digital dollars and whatever what happens is that will eliminate the underground economy they really think they're going to get 35% more in taxes this is the number I've been told.  There are no mirrors in Washington and Brussels; they never look at themselves, and this is what is really behind this.  I see these people out.  No, the great taking, I mean it's complete nonsense.  Really, if they took everybody's assets, okay, then you're talking about the military.  Why would the military then defend the government?
You can't do that, and it would be unconstitutional anyhow.   When they confiscated gold, it went up to the Supreme Court.  You can read those cases.  You still have the same number of dollars.  You didn't lose anything, right?  That was their interpretation.  It could have been clam shells, or gold, or whatever, but you still got the same amount of dollars in your account.  So you didn't lose anything.  So what they're going to do, in my opinion, is that they're going to be selectively defaulting.  So by starting these wars, they will just default on China.  They're not going to pay that debt, and anybody that opposes us they'll just default on it, and that's part of what they will do 

31:31. China has their debt that they defaulted on that England settled it when [1997] they negotiated the Handover of Hong Kong but we never settled it with the US.  We'll just tender our debt to we'll just cancel it out right?

31:46. Yeah this is just nonsense; you know they're not going to pay it.  I mean that's as simple as that.  China is a fool for even buying anything at this point.  Like I said, it would be like me pointing an empty gun at you and demanding you to lend me $100 so I can buy bullets to shoot you.

So then the dollar loses its Reserve currency status.  Is that what's going to happen?

32:17. The reason I'm going to the dollar as the reserve is because of nothing that the government does; it has to do really with the economy.  The US economy is a consumer-based economy, and China is trying to copy the United States.  The other type of economy is like what Germany did, it's the old Mercantile model from like the 18th century: we build stuff and sell it to everybody else that uses.  But if you look at the stats, the average German has less net worth than net worth than Italian: they keep their taxes high, etc., you know, they're more interested in building BMWs, Mercedes, and selling them to the whole world.  You know that's it.  So the US is what has made the US the major economy it's that everybody needs to sell something here.  If the Japanese need to sell the Toyotas , etc.  So what you're looking at here, once they put in the sanctions against Russia that undermined the world economy, that was the first blow because you start dividing [the world].  So China starts setting up its chip system, and then it started getting more countries to go in that lines so the dollar will not be the exclusive settling currency.  But from an economic standpoint, China really had nothing after communism finally fell. Japan was wiped out after World War II, so was Germany.  It's the people that make an economy, all right?  So Japan and Germany rose to the top.  Why? Because the people were very hard producing.  Now you know you get these people that just talk about our precious metals, that's it.  Now I'm sorry.  You look at Russia, they're the richest nation in the world from a natural resources perspective.  In 1917, they had the largest gold reserves of any country on the face of the Earth, but if they don't have an economic system that allows people freely to develop things, it doesn't matter.  That's the real thing about the United States.  Listen to the speech by the head of Argentina, Javier Milei, at Davos.  He was absolutely correct and he was trying to warn, you know, the West, "You're following the path that brought us down."  Argentina was one of the richest countries in the world at the time and they fell from the top 10 to number 140.  His speech is very, very good, and a lot of people at Davos didn't like it.


Sunday, October 9, 2022

Putin, so far, hasn't given them the casus belli they need to create a complementary coming together of the West's populations. There is still no appetite for war in the West.

And if you've got any critical thinking cajones left, check this out by Jacob Dreizin.  

Saturday, October 8, 2022

This is electioneering in the US and the Great Reset for the EU

From The Daily Wire,

The Kerch bridge, which joins the annexed peninsula to Russia, is Europe’s longest bridge. Reports said an explosion ignited fuel tanks on the strategically important bridge, and social media images showed the tanker in flames and part of the roadway had fallen into the Sea of Azov. Reports on social media claimed the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber in a truck, but that could not be confirmed.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"Biden was put in power by Davos to liquidate the US."

As to who destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines, it doesn't hurt to ask Cui bono?

And this.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

"They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground."

To all who live in the United States and beyond, please read this.  

Putin is done talking to the U.S. and the west, his enemies.  Now he's talking to everyone else to appeal to conservative convictions against the il-liberal ones.  

Russia's threat from the West is existential. Culture in Russia still means something, whereas in the West a man can become a woman, 2 + 2 = 5, justice is socialized to the whims of the 20-something #Me-Too mob, and borrowing trillions of dollars means paying down debt.  Culture is sacred.  Traditions and rituals survive hundreds if not thousands of years and you can't have a civilization reproduce itself if it surrenders its culture.  Transgender studies is not a valid body of knowledge that can sustain a people or a nation.  Neither is the destructive one-world communism.

Though you'd never know it by relying on the news media in the west, the west wants to pulverize Russia and its sphere of influence, the old Soviet blocks, into a million little atoms.  The West has been taken over by Klaus Schwab's minions and has become the New Communism.  Think of Davos and Klaus Schwab who want to kill billions, make those who survive weak, sick, and dependent on the government dole for social welfare, and turn the West and the United States into a defacto communist world.  In this coming world, you can expect the kind of monstrosity we see in North Korea, where if someone criticizes the government or the leader, that person is thrown into prison.  That's not all, however.  We learned from Michael Malice that the N. Korean government will punish you and members of your family for the next two generations.  That's how they rehabilitate you.  If Klaus Schwab gets his way and institutes across the globe the Great [Financial] Reset, you can expect a full-blown North Korean-style concentration camp.  Remember, government never limits itself.  Ever.  

Lindsey Graham’s job is to build up the propaganda war to justify NATO’s entrance into Ukraine in the next few weeks.  The current Davos crowd who has occupied the White House is seeking regime change in Russia.  The Obama 2.0 administration sought the same thing in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, and now in Russia.  Russia knows this, and Putin is prepared. 

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That speech was aimed at everyone else beyond his enemies including Americans and Europeans, “This is what they think of you. This is what they are willing to do to demand your obedience,” They will steal your money, take your children, burn your life to the ground.

Friday, January 14, 2022

"you'd get millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks."

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Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Martin Armstrong where they talk about supply chain disruption on the west coast brought on Gov. Newsome's policies and about how normal life is in Florida where the job market is off the charts.  Thanks to Martin Armstrong for the interview post.

"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you. 

12:00  Pelosi went shopping for a home in Florida because she doesn’t want to live in California where stores are closing because gangs are robbing them. 

All the blue states want to lock down their societies.  Spain, just the other day, downgraded their COVID policies to nothing more than the flu.  

14:00 Even the WHO admitted that probably 50% of all of Europe has Omicron.  COVID nonsense has been exaggerated for political gain.   

People are arguing over whether it’s a virus, where did it come from, etc.  We picked up disruptions in the capital flows in August 2019.  

14:30 Bill Gates bought the bio-net stocks in September 2019.  By December 2019, we already heard that a virus was coming.  By January 2020, Klaus Schwab was telling personal friends that a virus was coming and to sell their stocks and bonds.  The World Economic Forum, I believe, sold all its investments at that time just ahead of the COVID crash.  This has been orchestrated and as soon as this happened, they were immediately out there saying, “Oh, this is a great opportunity for the Great Reset.”  I can tell you absolutely that this Build Back Better nonsense was first floated at DAVOS in January 2019, and yet this is the first time that you see all of these world leaders all saying the same thing, “Build Back Better.”  this is a slogan that’s been made up by the World Economic Forum. 

15:35  What’s its problem here, what’s really at stake, what’s the objective?  What it is is that they (the ECB) lowered interest rates to negative in 2014.  I warned them, don’t do this.  It’s really nuts.  It’s going to completely destroy your bond market.  And here we are in 2022, interest rates are still negative.  They can’t get out of it; they've trapped themselves.  It's like we have Dumb and Dumber running countries.  You tell the pension funds, "Oh, you have to be safe and secure, so you must buy government bonds." So then you take the interest rates to negative?  Virtually all the pension funds in Europe are bankrupt.  So that's what this whole thing is about.  They know they've bankrupted everything.  It's totally screwed up in Europe.  

16:45  And you have this idea that the only thing that they can possibly do is if the government defaulted on its debt, wipe out all the pension funds, and then what you would get is millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks.  So they come up with a very clever thing, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you.  As if they're going to wipe out all your debt, your mortgage, your car loans, students, you know, you won't owe or own anything but neither will they, and they're the majority here.  

17:12  And then the guaranteed basic income will replace the pension fund that you lost.  So this is really about government and how they're getting out of this complete mess.  Since World War II, they've been borrowing year after year without absolutely no intention of ever paying anything back.  So they've kicked the can down the road as far as they can possibly go.  So that is what this is really about. 

17:45  So this COVID stuff, I think, is a crime against humanity honestly.  And it seems to be the younger ones who are getting more severely injured from the vaccines, over 300 professional athletes.  But right next door to me, the wife had COVID, I think she's 25 to 27, but they had to go on this cruise for a family reunion, and for that, they had to get a vaccine.  So they got the vaccine, and the very next day she was taken out on an ambulance and almost died.  Now they say that if you'd had COVID, the chances that you'll have a side effect that serious is 400x than if you've never had COVID before.  [So, wait, the milder symptoms related to the vaccines come only to those who've never had COVID before? Isn't that an admission that the poisons in the vaccines are, well, poison?]  If you go even to the CDC's website, and you look at the Measles vaccine, it clearly states, "Do not take the vaccine if you have this, this, this, . . ."  You go to the COVID vaccine page at the CDC and it says, "Oh, we're still working on that."