
1.  PharmacyOnAir.  I've not ordered from this place, but it is in the United States, so the benefit there is that it won't, or it shouldn't, take a month to get your product say if you were ordering from overseas.  And here, someone [from the company] was thoughtful enough to add a review of the site.

2.  BuyIvermectinForHumans.  I am reposting that URL because it has an us. at the end.

3.  ReliableRxPharmacy.  This company is located in India, which means that it will take a minimum of 3 weeks, more commonly 4 weeks, to arrive to your mail in the U.S.  Also, their payment system does not accept your credit cards.  They have 2 forms of payment: Bitcoin and eCheck.  


Natural Flavors. What does this mean?  This site can't explain what it is.  

In some foods, natural flavors is MSG.  

In other foods, it means sugar.  

Scott Christ at the PureFoodCompany explains it this way, 

The FDA allows food companies to use the term “natural flavors” to describe any food additive that originated in nature.

"If they originated in nature, what’s the problem?" you may be asking.

According to David Andrews, Senior Scientist at the Environmental Working Group (EWG), this:

[Natural flavors] will often have some solvent and preservatives—and that makes up 80 to 90 percent of the volume. In the end product, it’s a small amount, but it still has artificial ingredients.

[bctt tweet=”Natural flavor is now the fourth most common ingredient listed on food labels! ” username=”nutritionguy”]

This is a major issue for anyone who considers themself a clean, healthy eater. 

Looks like Andrews owns a patent on one of the many types of SQUIDS.


from Dr. Joselph Mercola's review of Dr. Robert Lustig's book, Metabolical: The Lure and the Lies of Processed Food, Nutrition, and Modern Medicine, Lustig, 2021.  Mercola explains that the book 

goes deep into the details of how changes in our food supply have damaged our metabolic health. (The created term “metabolical” is actually a portmanteau of the words “metabolic” and “diabolical.”)  

Here are some interesting excerpts from Mercola's review of Lustig's book. 

“The point I make in the book is that just because they call it processed food, doesn’t make it food. Calling it a processed food suggests that it is a subset of food. Michael Pollan [calls it] palatable food-like substances. The fact of the matter is, processed food is poison. Food is medicine, but processed food is poison, and there’s no medicine that can undo the damage of processed food.”

Indeed, once you understand the molecular pathways, when you understand the transcription factors and the actual mechanisms of action of various diseases, and the various drugs used to treat them, you can easily see that they do not treat the underlying problem. And that’s why people don’t get well.

“What I’m trying to do in this book is to separate food from processed food and explaining that processed food is the problem, and we will not solve the health care crisis or the environmental crisis until we solve processed food,” 

Lustig says.



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