Showing posts with label Alex Krainer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Krainer. Show all posts

Saturday, January 25, 2025

ALEX KRAINER: may also explain why during the first 11 years, Theranos' board of directors consisted almost exclusively of deep state actors, but no medical doctors or healthcare experts.

In 2013, Elizabeth Holmes explained, 

We have an operational plan that will allow us to be within 5 miles from every person's home through Walgreens that we've opened and continue to open nationally.  In other words, Theranos' plan was to build out the mega-testing diagnostic infrastructure that will be needed to fight future pandemics.  The explicit purpose of this infrastructure was to enable centralizing the healthcare process so that the diagnostics, medication, and treatment could all come from the same source.  Now that kind of a thing could explain our powerbrokers' excitement about Theranos.  It would be a very powerful tool of population control in the hands of those who are lusting to wield it.  This agenda could explain the imperative of building network-connected mini-analyzers and distributing them widely so that they are available in the vicinity of every household.  It may also explain why during the first 11 years, Theranos' board of directors consisted almost exclusively of deep state actors, but no medical doctors or healthcare experts.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

P.L.O. LUMUMBA: What they’re designed to do is make sure Africa is in a perpetual state of debt—P. L. O. Lumumba.

Thanks to Alex Krainer.  

P.L.O. Lumumba

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Trump was sabotaged by the Deep State.  Then he said, "All right, we're leaving the troops in Syria, but we're doing it for the oil.  It has nothing to do with terrorism, nothing to do with freedom and democracy, we're there to take the oil.  So that seemed undiplomatic, unstateman-like, in bad taste, and everybody piled more hatred on Donald Trump.  But what he did actually is that he broke the Western European's support for the U.S. mission in Syria.  So, today, rather than the West supporting the United States and Syria where they are fighting terrorism they are on their own because they are there for the oil.  And that was very clear you know it wasn't a small thing because the CIA for many years the Brookings Institute, the Atlantic Council, they had these brainstorming sessions about how to consolidate Western European support for what the United States was doing in Syria so blowing the foundations from under that was actually a very very interesting move and a lot of the crazy stuff that Donald Trump did actually you know in retrospect he was consistently rolling back American Imperial commitments around the world when he could.  Remember that he also wanted to withdraw troops from Germany which again couldn't happen either but 

14:16. they had a war planned in Ukraine and they couldn't do that.

So I think that it created a situation that now has put the Western cabal on their back foot I don't think they have an idea of what to do and the initiative is clearly with Russia and China and this is why we see this huge delegation of Russia going to the UAE, going to Saudi Arabia, going to Iran, and they are cutting deals, and they are probably talking energy; they're talking nuclear power plants; talking defense pacts; they're talking security architecture and I think that the United States and NATO are on the slippery slope out of that region and I think that the consequences are going to be absolutely tectonic.

15:06.  There is a fundamental split between what Europe wants and what the Anglosphere wants the British American Neoconservatives want X, and it's very clear that the Europeans, Davos, want something different.  The French and German deep States want a 3rd thing: they want to replace NATO as security guarantors and the security industrial complex in Europe.  Macron has made this clearer so you've got at least three different factions now making up the West as to what's going on in the Middle East as I map all of the issues that Netanyahu has had and literally within Israeli politics.  I map at least 2 different factions for control of the Israeli government shifting back and forth between the Likud.  Israel is a British project.  It's a British American project it's not a German project it's not a French project Syria is a lost cause for all of them.  The whole goal of blowing apart Syria was that everybody was that everybody was going to get their gifts.  Turkey was going to get Idlib and the northern 30 km; the Germans and the French were going to get access to Iranian and Saudi Arabia oil.  That's what the JCPOA was about; Netanyahu hated it; the anglosphere hated it, because they wanted to sell American oil into Europe and so forth.  So you have all these competing factions and everybody was supposed to get their gifts and then they didn't get anything, because Putin moved in, brought in a bunch of Sukhoi SU-24s, and started supporting the Syrian Army by bombing territory today where the Turks are still in charge of Idlib and the Curves in American proxies the SDF are in charge of yeah bucamide border crossing between Iraq and Syria

Wednesday, June 28, 2023


Good analysis of Wagner Group commander Yevgeny Prigozhin's attempted coup on Putin and Russia.  

It failed miserably.  

Was that deliberate?  Could be.  Served two purposes.  One is to flush out Western saboteurs inside Russia who may be part of the 14 million Ukrainians who've left the Ukraine and gone into Russia.  And two, to solidify Putin's power and hold onto Russia's policy agendas and hold fast to that purpose in the Ukraine.  Alex Krainer references this discussion between Ray McGovern and Judge Andrew Napolitano, who do a great job of breaking down the details.    

11:00. Kevork, we should not underestimate the tendency and the capacity for the West to to go off the rails and be stupid on the part of the western establishment.  And we've seen this throughout history.  Already in World War II, when most militaries had machine guns yet the generals still pushed their troops into frontal assaults where they would just be mowed down.  And rather than say, "Oh, this doesn't work," they would just send more waves of soldiers even though all they did was get them killed in very large numbers.  The generals were simply stupid.  And then we saw how this works in the run-up to the war in Ukraine.  In January of last year, even before the hostilities started, when the German admiral of the Navy, Kay-Achim Schönbach was in India on a military exercise.  In a press event, he said, "The easiest and least destructive way to defuse this crisis would be to acknowledge Russia's security concerns and to give Vladimir Putin and Russia the leadership the respect that they demand and probably deserve."  That's the gist of his words. And that very day his military career ended.  He was the Vice Admiral of the German Navy and that was it. It seems that the system simply doesn't want to hear but only what it wants to believe.  And so what you get is his blind zealotry that pushes harder and harder with solutions that don't work, that don't allow rethinking, and that don't allow going back to the drawing board.  They don't allow retracting some of their strategies, and so the result ultimately is that the whole juggernaut acts like a madman, a group led by lunatics.  

14:00. ALMASSIAN.  Putin actually on the second day of the alleged coup, he met with his security officials, defense minister, the security and military personnel.  He gave a speech, and today he also gave a speech, and there is this argument that of course by the MSM that Putin is trying to prove himself now that he's this strong man of Russia.  And that Putin's Russia as we know is over, and now he will have to be dealing with this internal Russia, will have to try dealing with its internal strife with the different circles of power inside of Russia.  So the pressure on Putin by the Wagner group was actually productive.. The west believes Putin is forced to backtrack now and will be forced to negotiate with the west. 

It's another example of the west's wishful thinking.  Ray McGovern says that despite of the fact that this whole boondoggle with the Wagner group on Friday last week.  He said that the "Gang of Eight" the Congress within the Congress in the United States was briefed on it Wednesday.  So what does that tell you? It means that they were informed, they probably encouraged it and participated in it.  Prigozhin was known to have had contacts with Western intelligence.  Ukrainian leadership so they talked with themselves and they knew that this was coming.  I believe that Prigozhin led them on, that he drew them into this to believing that they get to prevail.  That maybe they get their regime change in Russia.  And then they had all these contingency plans.  They want to partition Russia.  They cannot achieve that one day to the next, but if they can eliminate Putin.  They can immediately find their own people who who's loyalty maybe they can command and get Alexei Navalny out of prison and give him power and and who knows what they plan.  Maybe this lure from Prigozhin got them all really, really excited.  Instead now they get to implement all these wonderful plans that they had.  Except I don't think that's going to happen. I think Vladimir Putin is in a stronger position today than when he was before Progozhin's stunt. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Russians and the Chinese have signaled to the nations of the global south that the new bloc will not penalize them if they defaulted on their debt obligation to their Western financial institutions.

A new currency will be announced at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum [June 14-17, 2023].  And I think the most interesting aspect of all this is that the Russians and the Chinese have signaled to the nations of the global south that the new bloc will not penalize them if they defaulted on their debt obligation to their Western financial institutions.  And that they wouldn't penalize them if they re-nationalized their domestic industries and resources.  You know, so many of these nations that find themselves squeezed and bled dry by the West, they have a choice: to simply throw off that yoke and to join the multipolar Integrations that are being led by Russia and China.  I think that would be a spectacular change even for the West because it would turn a large segment of the collateral controlled by the Western financial institutions . . . it would render it worthless, and of course, they're not going to announce it, they're not going to say that.  The last thing the bank is going to tell you is, like, "Oh by the way, we're toast, we're broke."  But the markets find out sooner or later, so I think it's going to get very, very interesting, and I think the first signs of these changes is going to happen in the capital markets in the West.  

3:40. So what does that mean for the ordinary person in the street then so if there are operating in a country with the feared currency?

3:55  I think it's going to mean a lot of inflation, not the next day, but . . . what is collateral for?  It's the value on the basis of which you can create, generate credit.  You can extend credit.  If there's no collateral, credit is no good.  I think a lot of the bank assets are going to be turning worthless and the only way to backstop all those losses is for the banks to go out of business, to fail and then take a lot of banks down with them, or for the central banking authorities to ramp up the printing presses into backstop all of those losses with freshly printed dollars Euros yens and whatever and that's going to create down the road and acceleration in inflation which means for the Ordinary People on the street the interest rates are going to go up a lot higher so getting a mortgage getting a car loan spending on credit card debt will become prohibitive and everyday goods and services are going to be a lot more expensive. 

5:15. And doesn't that from a psychological perspective lead to hyperinflation, where people are spending as soon as they get the money.  There's no saving at all, and that adds to driving the prices up?

5:24. We'll see, because, historically, inflation has tended to spend a long period of time, maybe 10 years or longer at moderate levels, accelerating very slowly, or in the case of the Weimar Republic 100 years ago and then post Soviet, after the Soviet Union collapsed, we had practically an overnight event and then prices shut up like 500% from one day to the next.  And in the Weimar Republic, the whole thing unraveled in about 9 or 10 months that the money actually became almost completely worthless.  It's impossible to predict. So I think we're just going to have to find out, you know, when it does happen. 

If the feared currencies do collapse with hyperinflation, for example, is that the perfect opportunity for cbdc's to come in?  

6:30. Maybe.  Their visions of these cbdcs is very different from what they'll be able to implement because what they have envisioned is a means of complete and total control, meaning that the currencies would be programmable and that they would be able to control your every transaction of your moves you can only get so much of this you haven't done this or we're going to switch switch you off and so on everybody already understands this requires very sophisticated very technological Foundation which is not ready and it's so extremely complex it's so far Over ambitious that it's almost certainly going to be collapsing

Friday, May 12, 2023

Ukraine didn't pick this fight.  They're not a sovereign actor.  It's never been a sovereign nation because of the ways the great powers have carved up the world. 

Someone desperately wants WWIII.  They absolutely, desperately want WWIII.  Now that we know that, and accept that, no, this is about the big collapse of the West and how to sell it to their own people.  That's what this is about, and who is going to come out on top after the war is over.  But make no mistake, the whole phrase, "Build Back Better," well, build back better after what?  Certainly wasn't COVID.  Certainly wasn't COVID.  It was a collapse of the Western financial system, the post-WWII, Bretton Woods institutions, and post-Bretton Woods governments rolled up into the post-Bretton Woods transnational institutions.  That's what they're prepping for, and they know that the only way to get through that is to send everybody to war, because what does war do?  Does war create?  No.  War destroys.  It destroys economies, it diverts capital to destructive capacities.  Oh, yeah, the GDP numbers look great, but all you're doing is aggregating spending.  So we go into deficits,  and we spend a lot of money building bombs to destroy each other.  You can play accounting tricks and bamboozle people with statistics,  

4:10  Why did Xi Jinping organize a call with Zelenskyy? It's the same reason why he's been organizing calls with everybody, which is to stop WWIII.  Because China and Russia both understand that the path to winning, not having a world war, is to draw this thing out as long as possible where they don't have to be drawn into it directly any further than they already are.  Because that's what the Russians have been doing.  This is part of the reason why the Russians have left an open area in Bakmut to allow more stuff to come in to destroy.  How do we grind up NATO's assets and give them the appearance that they have a chance at ousting us from the center of Ukraine?  Well, very simple: you make it look like you're incompetent.  Because that's the way it's been sold to the neocons.  I look at American media, and I look at American foreign policy wonks, and they all under a particular impression and that is that Russia doesn't know how to wage war in Ukraine.  Now, this is ahistorical, moronic on the face of it, then again this is what they're trying to sell to everyone.  Then there's the discord league or the new Pentagon Papers, and it's very clear what the biggest embarrassment was there.  Again, all of this is downstream from those leaks.  What did those leaks tell the world?  That the Dept. of Defense, the Pentagon, and the State Department were feeding the Foreign Policy decision-makers in the United States poorly sourced, open-sourced intelligence about the war in Ukraine.  And taking verbatim as gospel truth, handed down from the mount himself, God himself, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense.  And they're writing policy based on this, and they don't actually need or care about the truth.  They just have a policy that they're on autopilot.  What have I been saying for the last 3 years?  These people have a policy and they're on autopilot since the opening of COVID.  So why are we surprised by this?  It's a good thing that Zelenskyy actually took the call from Xi Jinping.  Because what it also signifies, last point, is that Zelenskyy is comfortable enough now in his own skin, that he can have that call and not be lynched.  Because remember, he did go through a big purge of a lot of people a few months ago.  So, yes, I think the Pentagon leaks were also --they weren't talking to us, meaning the U.S.--they were talking to the Russians and the Chinese.  The Pentagon is like "We don't want to do this.  Get in there and stop this thing." That's the big message I took away from what was leaked because 90% of it we already knew.  So, now, what does it signify?  Who is it speaking to in the game of realpolitik and, of course, across the communications gap?  

7:40, CryptoRich I wonder if some of the antiwar forces in the U.S. establishment also made it easier for Zelenskyy to have that call with China.

8:00, Krainer.  I think presumably we would have to be guessing here.  In one of Ray McGovern's interviews with Judge Andrew Napolitano, he said, "I think this is coming straight from [JCS Chairman] Mark Milley, or somebody very, very close to him."  And there was another general who was second in command at the Pentagon, unfortunately, I forget his name now, who in pretty strong terms reiterated that we don't want this to end up in a nuclear war.  Now, why is a faction of people in the West so desperate to continue down this road that is hopeless.  No one dreams any more than that they can prevail in Ukraine.  Why are they persisting?  And I think that the answer is that they are literally in the fight for their lives.  So, I always go back to what George Soros said at last year's Davos gathering when he said that this is a conflict between two government systems.  Soros said that it's between open societies versus closed societies, but it's actually the empire versus the rest of society.  And by empire, it's the imperial governance system, which is basically economic colonialism that wants to engulf the whole world.  And then you have essentially two economic-military-political powers that are capable of saying no and pushing back, which are Russia and China.  And for the empire, this could be sunset.  This could be the end of the road because they no longer have a new host.  And if China and Russia manage to maintain their alliance, then there's no way for the Western empire to prevail here.  And I believe that the alliance will preserve here because if you look at the way . . . I think Tom here was very right in saying that Ukraine didn't pick this fight.  And we mentioned Mentriarish, after the coup, 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Bill Gates & Globalists Wanted to Vaccinate 7 Billion People Worldwide. If It Weren't for the Russians, They May Might Have Achieved Their Objective.

The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda. 

Tom Luongo and Alex Krainer provide terrific insights on global players, their advantages, disadvantages, and how their respective histories play a role in how they're position themselves against their people and challengers, their competing strategies, etc.  

2:55  Alex says he doesn't know what going on with China--their lockdowns, zero COVID policies, quarantine camps, etc.--he says because he does know that the west is flush with disinformation and misinformation about China.  Says that a lot of the information is coming through the Epoch Times.  Journalists are quoting Epoch Times at face value.  Epoch times is controlled by Falun Gang, which is extremely anti-Chinese Communist Party, or CCP.  Says he can't trust them.  He's been trying to follow actual, genuine Chinese sources, and several westerners who live in China, and what I'm gathering from then is that things are not at all the way that things are being presented in the western media.  What's going on with the zero COVID policy, not sure, but the policy is stupid or it's about something else.  He was surprised to see Russia fall lockstep in line with the World Health Organization, and Bill Gates, and everybody, and take this COVID thing at face value, seriously--do the lockdowns, the masks, the vaccines, everything as the WHO dictated.  You already had the president of Belarus, Lukashenko, who said, "This is all bullshit.  We're not doing this."  At intelligence services, Russia and Belarus are quite tight.  So what was the Russian game?  It became clear the day they launched their Sputnik V vaccine, the first one to launch in the whole world.  The Russians were the first, and they made it immediately available to the whole world.  They gave other countries permission to produce it if 

5:55  The vaccines themselves are secondary.  More importantly, the vaccine was supposed to be the stepping stone toward the COVID passports, which were supposed to be universal.  Look at what Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have said.  They fully planned on having monopolies on the vaccines.  So western pharmaceutical companies were going to have a monopoly, and they were going to vaccinate 7 billion people.  Remember Bill Gates saying, "Nothing is going to return to normal until 7 billion people get vaccinated."  That would have meant 7 billion vaccine certificates linked to Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, etc.  Once you have the vaccine certificates in place, there's a whole other administration and bureaucracy, IT administration of these rules.  Monopolies over the vaccines would also give them administration over the system.  

Now, if countries adopted Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine, that completely throws a spanner into the globalists' pandemic agenda because now they either have to include Russians in the administration of this system, or they have to give up control over the countries that opt for Sputnik V.  Now, you no longer have monopoly.  What the hell do you do now?  Had the Russians not played along and taken the whole thing seriously, . . . had they said, "No, no, no, we're not buying this.  This is a hoax," then their Sputnik V vaccine wouldn't have been credible.  "Wait, you have a vaccine, but you said the whole thing was a hoax?"  So the Russians had to play along, be part of the system in order to throw a spanner [British for wrench] into it, because it's not just whether you or I couldn't get onto a plane or go into a pub or into a theater, it's much bigger than that because that system you could use to destabilize governments, to trigger social uprisings, you could use it in all kinds of nefarious ways once you have power to control whether in some countries people may travel. people may leave their homes, people may go to work, children may go to school, and so forth.  The globalists fully planned on holding all the cards and having full control over this system and the fact that the Russians played along and launched their vaccine first completely collapsed this agenda.  That's how I work out the Russian agenda.  I don't know how to work out the Chinese agenda.  It's way out there.  

10:03  Krainer thinks that the zero COVID policy in China may be a ruse to shake out foreigners out of China.  This is such heavy-handed harassment that I know people who've said, like, "Okay, enough.  We're packing up.  We're leaving China.  We're not going to live here." It's not zero COVID, because zero COVID is an impossible objective.  

11:00  When Sputnik V was announced, Tom called it the biggest geopolitical tool.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Gonzalo Lira, Tom Luongo, & Alex Krainer

[Davos & WEF] have been trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant  -- Tom Luongo 

10:05. The off-shore dollar markets are run by the old European banks.  They're the ones most vulnerable to rate shock.  The ECB has held interest rate or deposit rates at minus .06% for what, 8 years now?  They've destroyed the Euro as a potential reserve currency because of this.  They've punished savers.  And they forced upwards of 12, , 14, trillion dollars worth of European sovereign debt was trading at a negative yield. Then they wanted to keep it that way while they kept creating this international idea that the United States . . . 

10:48. Trying to create the idea that the United States was turning into a clown world, that we had political instability, cultural instability, and crime was rampant.  Oh, this just a typical PR operation. The reality is that something is happening behind the scenes here and that it's really powerful and really simple.  Davos' plan for the central bank digital currencies is to do away with commercial banking.  You can't have technocratic, European style communism without destroying the two-tiered monetary transmission system, which goes from the central banks to the commercial banks to the retail money users.  They want to collapse that unto central banks to retail.  Well, that cuts out the commercial banks. Who does the Fed work for?  The biggest commercial banks in the world: Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, City Group, and the rest. 

11:44  Who is the most powerful political lobby in the world?  The same guys.  Who controls the southern district of New York?  Same guys. Who controls Fed policy?  Same guys.  

11:55. So you're telling me . . . all I did was ask some patrons of mine who are hedge fund managers, former Wall Street insiders who were literally bankrupted by Jaime Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein [his Twitter page], and the rest of them. I said, "Correct me if I'm wrong, but do you really see Jaime Dimon turning over the keys to JPMorgan to Klaus Schwab and a bunch of German eugenicists?"  German eugenicists, no less.  Jaime Dimon is Greek. There ain't no love lost between Germans and Greeks.  [Reference to the 2015 default on the Greek debt crisis building since 2009?]  It's like there ain't no love loss between Italians and Germans, BTW. 

12:35. Tame inflation, sure, but also stick it to the Europeans and blow their agenda off the table as it were?

12:48. The source of the World Economic Forum's real power is the ability to lever up off-shore dollars through the European and Swiss and, you know, the British off-shore Caymans, and the Hong Kong to lever those up and then to use those to buy political leverage Singapore, whatever, to buy governments, to buy budgets, and everything else. 

16:37. The energy crisis in Europe is completely self-inflicted. 

2:17:00.  Brett Harris arrives on the podcast.

2:17:30. Gonzalo points out that all these guys running the different countries from Trudeau to Biden to Olaf Schultz that they're all being run by someone else else.  Obviously and glad he said it. But this is rhetoric to direct the conversation.  He thinks of AIC's election--no political experience.  They're literally casting actors. 

Princess Diana was the daughter of Jimmy Goldsmith?  Odd.  Wikipedia says that her father was John Spencer, 8th Earl of Spencer.