Showing posts with label Man in America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Man in America. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2023

"You can't talk about markets in today's world without talking about geopolitics because they are absolutely and inextricably linked."

 7:52  You can't talk about markets in today's world without talking about geopolitics because they are absolutely and inextricably linked.  We live in politically- predominant markets instead of bank-dominated markets, therefore, the incentives and the wishes of those classes of people drive not only our politics but the valuations in the marketplace.  Years of listening to Marting Armstrong complain, "The world is about capital flow."  Once Tom got that concept and he married it to geopolitics, he understood it quite easily.  It's not like he sees the code behind the matrix, but you have a better shot of decoding that code if you do that analysis as opposed to just hibing yourself off into one discipline: I'm a political analyst.  I'm an economic analyst.  I'm a finance guy.   I look at structured loan products.  No, you have to look at it all.  As Martin Armstrong said he never wanted to be a geopolitical analyst.  I never wanted to be a guy that analyzed credit spreads.  In a million years, did I ever think I'd be a guy watching credit spreads like a hawk.