Showing posts with label — Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Alex (Sasha) Krainer (@NakedHedgie). Show all posts

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Lower Manhattan, 1930s

Saturday, March 23, 2024

5:00  Krainer, the oligarchs who are lionized in the West who are transforming Russia from the rotten communist system to the wonderful capitalist system were actually what 100 years ago in the United States called the Robber Barons, and Mikhail Korokofsky was probably a murderer.  He probably ordered people killed.  Practically a forgone conclusion, but he was actually busted for tax evasion, which was good enough to put him away for 9 years.  Nothing really changed.  Everybody knew Putin was going to win the elections because he's extraordinarily popular.  He has been extraordinarily successful as the leader of Russia, both in terms of the living conditions for ordinary Russians, improving the Russian economy, diversifying it, and returning Russia to the system of law and order, which it wasn't when he came to power in 2,000.  In the end, defending Russia against terrorism.  We have to remember that Russia fought 2 wars in Chechnya, both orchestrated by the CIA through Chechnyan and Daghistani terrorists, many of whom were recruited in Afghanistan by Osama bin Laden.  Then he also successfully intervened in Syria which is strategically of great importance to Russia as well.  And now his military is prevailing in Ukraine.  So, very little . . . for anybody who pays attention to the truth of the matter rather than the mainstream news in the western media

The court system in the U.S. is what they're trying to destroy globally.  

Monday, January 22, 2024

00:00. So what are you going to do? You're going to get squeezed out because you have no chance at all to maintain your order.  What does that mean? That means the Western financial institutions--JP Morgan, City Group, Goldman Sachs, European banks are going to lose control of all that collateral, which is massive, and that's, I think, only a question of time.  I mean it's not a question of whether, it's just a question of when, and I think we're not looking at a 10-year thing; I think we're looking at the next year or two.

00:33. And I'm telling you that the people who don't have any collateral are the ones who are trying to keep the collateral as cheap as possible for their banks because it's they're banks that are underwater, and it's not JP Morgan; it's not Goldman Sachs; it's not Morgan Stanley.  Sorry.  It's Commerce Bank.  It's Barclay's.  It's Credit Agricola. it's Intesa Sanpaolo.  It's these banks.

Part I


00:00. They are going to continue to escalate; they need a war somewhere, and they're desperately lashing out across all the theaters--the Middle East, the Ukraine, China. 

00:10. Pakistan and Iran this morning are getting ready to restore diplomatic ties.  " but I thought last week they were going to war because they sent missiles at each other?"

03:45. Davos this week is hilarious because two years ago it was "Build Back Better," and now it's "Rebuilding Trust" because you broke everything on purpose and now have the temerity to stand there and say,  "Oh, it's your fault."  This was the best part about this.  Did you listen to Klaus Schwab's speech? Did you listen to Ursula von der Leyen's speech?  What you heard from them was "It's your fault you lost faith in us."  But we're like, "You broke the world on purpose to abuse us into going along with your insane, stupid plans, and they're like, "It's still your fault."

04:18. Because with narcissists the victim is always to blame.  The pathology here is very clear.  We've all grown up in homes or had friends do this to us.  And this tracks on the global as well. The rules of reading charts, no matter what the time frame, one minute, 5 minute, one day, one month, one year, the rules are the same.  Doesn't matter the time frame; it matters the scale.  The same thing with psychology. Human psychology also scales from the individual to the to the group. 

05:15. Basically their message is "Look what you made us do."

05:21. Or they grab for the belt and they start beating you, "Why are you making me beat you!"

Part II

Friday, January 12, 2024

Zelensky & Biden Regimes Murdered American Journalist, Gonzalo Lira. Only 55 Years Old

BigNewsNetwork reports

"I cannot accept the way my son has died. He was tortured, extorted, and incommunicado for 8 months and 11 days and the US Embassy did nothing to help my son. The responsibility of this tragedy is the dictator Zelensky with the concurrence of a senile American President, Joe Biden," his father Gonzalo Lira Sr. wrote in a note published by The Grayzone. 

He was definitely one of my favorite reporters.  RIP, Gonzalo.


Friday, August 25, 2023

Did not know that "only donors got tickets in 2016 primary debates"

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Now we'll know the proportion of idiots in our midst. Folks, it’s this simple. If Covid vaccines worked, they would have worked. We wouldn’t be talking about any of this. It all would have ended two years ago.

My message to everybody is don't comply.  If you're asked to wear a mask to get food, to use a bathroom, to get on a flight, don't comply.  Don't just resist, but make a scene.  Make a big, bad scene.  We get the government that we put up with.  Put a dent in the pocketbook of any store or airline or restaurant.  Don't comply.  Do without.  Go without.  Just as companies have policies, so do you, don't you?  When they claim, "Oh, Sir, we have a policy," reply, "Oh, good.  So do I."  Use the "I."  Make it stand up.  It'll help you stand for yourself.  Use "I."  I refuse.  I find your policy appalling.  I find your policy criminal.  And then write a letter describing the incident to the manager if the person who denied you your God-given rights, protected by law, were taken from you.  Don't let people take things from you anymore.  Please.  Those whom you love need you to fight.  We're not all in this together.  It's only your loved ones that matter.  if you get injured, is the "we" going to come to your rescue?  No.  Is the governor of your state?  No.  Is the sick-looking public health officer going to come and help you?  Ha!  Don't make me laugh.  No.  Throw off that promise that complying is you doing something good for society.  Society is not going to reward you.  To the collective, no good deed goes unpunished.  Don't do it, or don't do anything for the greater good.  There is no greater good than your life, and your health, than the role you play to your loved ones.  Be a strong friend and resist.  Be an example.  Be that ally.  Be a sister on behalf of your older sister or brother.  Be a mother that your sons can respect.  Defend your rights.  Because the government will not do that.  Look at what's happened in Maui.  Look at what's happened in Palestine, Ohio.  Look at what is happening with the price of everything.  You've got to stop obeying the tyrannical government.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Property rights: the reality vs. the ideology of it

Here is the article by the same name by Alex Krainer, "Property Rights: The Reality vs. the Ideology of It," Alex Krainer, April 22, 2023. 

Croatia has no property taxes.  

Today, American taxpayers pay more taxes than medieval serfs and work a lot harder than medieval serfs.

Krainer is not supporting the communist system of private property.

Huge difference between ideology and actual practice.  

What's on the brochure doesn't correspond with the actual practice.  The West supports private property rights, and habeas corpus but in practice, the government will give itself a lot of leeway in how it executes its principles.  

Governments invoke emergencies in order to sidestep the legal strictures that protect the people from the government.  People say, "Oh, well, we can understand it because there was this emergency," well then the government can always invent emergencies in order to sidestep the legal strictures, and then people will little by little get used to more and more infringements upon their civil liberties and their rights, and then you find yourself a couple of generations down the road rather than paying zero income tax, you're paying 35 to 40%.  In Europe, it's close to 50%.  In some countries, it's more than that.  You find yourself paying property taxes on property that is supposedly your own.  And people don't question this as they should, because if you're obliged to pay property taxes on property that is supposedly yours, what happens, if for some reason, you're unable to meet the property taxes, you can't pay 

10:40  That happens all the time here in the United States.  Old people lose their 

10:50  People lose their houses, their land, and their houses.  Sometimes they lose houses owned by their family for generations.  And because their ability to pay taxes can't keep up with the pride bubbles, then they lose their property.  So what does this imply?  It implies that it was never yours.  You only enjoyed it with the indulgence of the government provided that you paid the tax.  

11:11  Paul Fitzgerald and Liz Gould, coming on my live show this Friday, they support Henry George's theory which is that there should be only 1 tax.  And that should be on land, and it should not go up [in price] with the improvement so that the value of the land itself with no improvements should be taxed and the only tax that anybody ever pays, saying that this would optimize economic performance.  

12:00  I don't know, but I think that income taxes and property taxes should be zero as they have been through most of human history.  I'm in Croatia now, but I normally reside in Monaco, and in Monaco there is no income tax.  I've lived in Monaco for 27 years.  I haven't declared my income even once in my life and nobody ever asked me how much money I make or I never had to sweat waiting for my tax returns.  

12:40  It's nobody's business really, is it?  That's the worst thing.  The worst thing about taxes is the violation of privacy.  The government claims the right to examine every single penny that's passed through everybody's hands because what I'm spending is income to somebody else.  So essentially the government demands the right to surveil every single economic transaction so they can tax it.  

13:05  Yes, it's absurd, because they kind of got the people to acquiesce to think, "Wow if we didn't have income taxes, how could the government even function?  How could they even make their money?"  Well, in Monaco, the government collects no income tax.  They tax businesses, and they tax them based on their profits.  It used to be in the United States as well.  And then, you know, if you look historically, personal income taxes even when they were introduced were a minuscule portion of the government tax receipts.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Making war on China is a secondary concern. The primary concern is war on the people of the United States

the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, . . . 

10:30  I think things are not meant to be improving; I think things are meant to be disimproving.

Published an article on the coming war on China, and this has nothing to do with China.  Making war on China is a secondary concern.  The primary concern is war on the people of the United States as well as the people of the collective West in general because it's very clear that there is no way and there can't be any rational reason to go to war on China because they can't prevail.  So it would be like me trash-talking Mike Tyson and then challenging him to a fight in the ring knowing that he's going to kill me straight away.  Why would I do that?  I think that the reason that the Biden Administration is on this war escalator is that they want to spring the trap door shut on the American people, and once you have the war, once you have the big emergency, it allows you to excuse away all the crises at home . . . no food in the supermarket, we're at war.  You're not getting your pension, blame the Chinese.  Can't get a bed in a hospital . . . shared sacrifice . . . .  And it also provides you with the smokescreen to deal with the opposition and dissident the quick and easy way.  You kind of usher in totalitarianism.  And people, even if they hate their leadership when there's a major war going on, they kind of close ranks behind the leadership.  And then if you have a different point to make, then you're immediately suspected of not being sufficiently patriotic.  You get accused of being an enemy sympathizer, and people in power get to consolidate that power and pretty much do away with anybody who is a potential obstacle to them.

13:13  I agree completely, Alex.  Davos has been setting up the United States to isolate us and to become the new Nazi Party.  The United States is going to become the new Nazi Party.  It's coming.   We're going to be the bad guys.  We're going to be the committers of all the war atrocities.  We're the only people trying to go to war.  We've installed these scratch-and-dent Neocons in order to provoke a war we can't win.  And then look at the way that we are portrayed in the media around the world.  We are portrayed as a country descending quickly into anarchy, all of our institutions are being undermined legally, economically, and politically.  We have octogenarian morons walking us, like the walking dead, toward war with Russia and China, which the American people do not want.  Why is all of this happening if these people are actually American patriots?  They're not.  I've been saying since the day after the Biden Administration took office, these people are vandals.  Their goal is to destroy the United States because you've not had any examples of classical liberalism surviving in a world where they want fucking total control because they're communists!  It's not fucking hard!  It's not. 

14:42  And further proof that this is the case, imagine if you were really serious about challenging China militarily . . . insanity . . . but that's completely inconsistent with the net-zero policy that they're pushing because if you're going to go to war, you're gonna have to ramp up your steel furnaces, going to have to develop your steel industry because no steel furnaces, no weapons.  You're not going to make tanks and Howitzers with solar panels and windmills, right?  Uncontrolled migrations, and the demoralizing attacks on the American people from all sides--the Antifas, the Black Lives Matter, the gender dysphoria, these crazed, violent LBGT people who suddenly decided that not only do you have to tolerate them but you have to celebrate them, or else we will hurt you.  And so, if you wanted to win the war, you wouldn't be demoralizing your own population in such heavy-handed ways across the spectrum.  And then if you look at what's happening in the streets of American cities--Oakland, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, wherever you look, people doing drugs on the street.  It's awful.  And then when these reporters go there and talk to them, what do they say?  They ask them, "What's the solution?  How do we get out of this?"  And the people say, "The only solution is for the military to be on the streets.  Bring military to the streets."  So people . . . they're setting the stage to demoralize the people so badly that they say, "Give me a military dictatorship over this.  I'm all in for it."  So this is what they're doing.  They're not worried about the Chinese invading the United States.  They want to bring in a totalitarian dictatorship and take away all your freedoms, force you to use CBDCs, force you to have these vaccine passports, or whatever, and have absolutely no choice but to have 1 party in charge.  They're Bolsheviks.  They're total Bolsheviks, and this is what they're doing.  

17:35  On this side [Canada], I can't see past the Alberta election coming up, roughly May 29, Daniel Smith running against . . . .  I saw RFK is going to run against Biden.  Do you put any hope that he can defeat Biden?

18:20  The presidential election is not going to happen in any substantive manner.  We'll have a replay of 2016.  If there's a populous insurgent, he will be knee-capped by the party structure.  There's clearly a war going on between the Clinton wing and the Obama wing in the Democratic party.  That's about the only hope I really see.  Because they clearly don't want Kamala Harris.  That's evidence that Hillary Clinton is not going away, and other things like them getting rid of Marc Elias, that the DNC is no longer the lead counsel because Elias' last name might as well be Clinton.  So Clinton, so clearly, there's some kind of war going on there as well.  But again, Obama has always hated the United States, always.  He's always worked to destroy the United States.  Eight years that he's been in power, now 10 years that he's been in power, so I don't know.  More and more and more, same thing Alex just said, the time, now they're going after Jaime Dimond.  They can't go after Jerome Powell because he's ensconced until 2026.  The only way to get rid of Powell is to change the Fed's charter and bring it back under the auspices of the Treasury.  So who do you go after next?  You go after the most powerful banker that would be backing Powell's play.  This nuts and sluts campaign by tying Dimon to Epstein is clear that we're watching the Fed versus Davos, and seeing which banks in the United States are saying, "You know what?  That's enough. We may be evil, but fuck you, people.  You people are sick."  And to watch the Freedom Caucus or the alternative media spaces in this country NOT get this after 2 years, and just say, "No, they're corrupt, no, it's all one big club.  No, it's the Rothschilds."  NO!  It's all right there in front of you.  You're so gaslit by morons that you can't see it, and now you're going to carry water for the very people you say that you're fighting. And you're going to turn the Ron Paul wing of the Republican Party and of the Libertarian Freedom Caucus in the United States into the guys who are going to scream the hardest, "End the Fed!"  It's brilliant.  If I were