Saturday, September 28, 2024

GEORGE WILLIAM WINTERBURN:Acting on his [Jenner’s] suggestion, the King of Spain, in 1804, ordered all the children in the Foundling Hospital of Madrid to be vaccinated with goat-pox

The original vaccine (Vacca is Latin for cow) used “cowpox” to supposedly defeat smallpox, as the vaccine promoter Edwards Jenner claimed. It was not a nice, clean hypodermic needle after you cleaned the arm with alcohol, as you might imagine. Vaccination involved using a lancet, which was a sharp knife, to make scratches and cuts repeatedly into an arm and then insert the “vaccine virus” into those freshly made incisions. That “vaccine virus” was more often than not from someone’s arm, as arm-to-arm vaccination was practiced for 100 years. The original material could have been from a cow, horse, goat, donkey, sheep, buffalo (often used in India), or other animal, or even smallpox lesions scratched onto an animal from someone who had smallpox or from a corpse of someone who had died from smallpox. “Jenner believed that smallpox, swine-pox, cow-pox, and grease [horse-pox] were merely varieties of the same disease… He employed the grease virus (horse-pox) in a large number of cases and furnished it to other vaccinators... Acting on his [Jenner’s] suggestion, the King of Spain, in 1804, ordered all the children in the Foundling Hospital of Madrid to be vaccinated with goat-pox.” [George William Winterburn, PhD, MD, The Value of Vaccination: A Non-partisan Review of Its History and Results, 1886, F.E. Boericke, Philadelphia, pp. 36–37.] “In the report of the Local Government Board of London, Eng., for 1906, it is admitted that the virus then used was obtained from the deadhouses on the smallpox hospital ships because they found it most effective. This vaccine was called corpse virus, and it cannot be denied that it carried with it the frightful danger of inoculation with cadaveric poison, one of the most deadly toxins known to science.” [Audubon Republican, February 28, 1918.] Unsurprisingly, this mystery mixture, which was being used as the best medical “science” of the time, was inadvertently mixed with blood, fungus, and bacteria. “With the best of care, heavy bacterial contamination of vaccine lymph is inevitable during its preparation, and as many as 500 million organisms per ml. may be present…” [V. N. Krishnamurthy, “Effects of Penicillin and Streptomycin on Vaccine Lymph,” BMJ, vol. 2, no. 4687, November 4, 1950, pp. 1035–1047.] So, it’s not hard to imagine many people getting enormously sick or even dying from such a procedure. Many doctors noticed this, but they were the minority, and the mythology of “safe and effective” had already been deeply embedded and persists to this day. “Is there any wonder with such abominable fouling of the human body [vaccination], that consumption, scrofula, syphilis, cancer, and the whole vile train of skin diseases, should start up, and rage on with maddening intensity, making life miserable, swelling, to a dreadful extent, the bills of mortality, and curtailing by many years, the length of human life?” — Dr. Samuel Eadon, M. A. Gloucester, England [“Medical Opinion on Vaccination,” Journal of Hygeio-therapy, vol. II, no. 2, February 1888, p. 34.]

INSANE: The Irish government has vowed to mass arrest citizens who refuse to take the mRNA jabs during the next pandemic.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Kidnap and Kill: An FBI Terror Plot

NAOMI BROCKWELL: HIPAA is legislation that stripped individuals of the right to consent to medical data sharing

HIPAA, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.   

HIPAA doesn't protect your medical privacy at all and your medical data is being shared all over the place with millions of entities and this is explicitly permitted by the law itself.

A lot of people think that HIPAA actually protects their medical information.  It doesn't!

So this is the first video in a series that explore medical privacy and it's a doozy.  First of all it's really difficult to get any transparency into the data sharing that goes on in the medical field but I chatted with three people who have managed to get a peek behind the surgical curtain of the behemoth Health Data industry.  There's Twiler Brace, a nurse and president of a non-profit that fights for medical privacy.  There's Rob Frommer, senior attorney with a pro bono Law Firm that is currently fighting the state of New Jersey for unlawful infant Medical data collection, and Keith Smith, co-founder of the Surgery Center of Oklahoma and a practicing anesthesiologist. 

What I learned from them and from diving deep into this Rabbit Hole really blew my mind.  Essentially, the state of medical privacy is a mess.  Throughout this series we explore electronic health records, their vulnerabilities to hacking and how the they share our sensitive Health Data with government entities and all kinds of other third parties.  We uncover how medical practitioners are financially incentivized to collect excess information from you to feed this data machine.  We talk about the warehouses of baby DNA being collected at birth in almost all states in the USA without parent consent no this isn't about a conspiracy theory there have already been lawsuits against Texas Minnesota Michigan and New Jersey for this practice and in this video we'll focus on HIPAA understanding what HIPAA actually is and how it came to allow our data to be shared without us even knowing we'll specifically look at how we've been tricked into thinking we had privacy and steps we can take to reclaim control of our medical data.

So let's begin by understanding the history of how HIPAA came to be.

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.  Clinton, " it offers Opportunity by allowing people to take their health insurance from job to job."

A lot of people don't realize that HIPAA was originally created to make it easier to share medical information for the purpose of insurance.  it set the stage for the eventual digitization of Health records, creating standards for the sharing of that electronic data and expanding who is allowed to get access to information without needing patient consent. Twiler Brace, "HIPPA is permissive data sharing rule."

We can learn more about the goals of HIPAA by looking at those who were pushing for it. We'll dive into entities who stood to benefit financially from the digitization and standardization of medical data sharing in the next video.  But in this video, I want to focus on the government as an organization that played a huge role in shaping and advocating for HIPAA, like the HHS, or the Department of Health and Human Services.  You might not have heard of HHS, but it's one of the largest federal agencies and you've almost surely heard of a bunch of the agencies that fall under their purview.  For example, the CDC, or the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.  The FDA, or Food and Drug Administration, and the NIH, or National Institutes of Health all fall under the HHS.  They are also responsible for overseeing Medicare and Medicaid.  Given the extensive responsibilities of HHS, the agency has strong incentives to make it easier to collect medical data, to streamline programs, combat waste, and leverage patient information for research and analytics.  Before HIPAA, the government's ability to access medical data was more limited and fragmented due to varying State privacy laws.  HIPAA would solve this by unlocking medical data that had previously been out of their grasp.  But the reason it had previously been more difficult to share medical data was that this information was highly sensitive and personal, and being able to keep it private has long been a cultural expectation.  On top of that, it's not meant to be easy for the government to obtain your private information.  Checks and balances are essential to protect against abuse of centralized power given that HIPAA was largely undermine patient doctor confidentiality by broadening permissions for data sharing with third parties it was meant with concern and a recognition that it had to be counterbalance with some privacy protections so hit the included a provision that said Congress had three years to pass comprehensive privacy legislation and if Congress wasn't able to come to an agreement about the language of this privacy legislation in this time there was a backup plan. Twiler Brace again, "The US Department of Health and Human Services was required to write a rule if Congress did not pass a Privacy Law."  Basically, if Congress couldn't come to a bipartisan consensus on this privacy law within 3 years, then HHS were given the authority to create their own privacy standards.  Let me repeat that part.  The HHS, the Federal agency that wanted to collect people's medical data was put in charge of writing a law that would also protect people's Medical Data from collection. Isn't that a bit like asking the fox to write the rules for protecting the hen house?  We get a sense of HHS's priorities by looking at their recommendations to Congress during this 3-year period.  the priority was not privacy.  Twiler Brace, "They actually talked about the age-old rights of privacy, but then they said that we needed to move away from that to use data for publicly useful purposes.  In other words, individuals must sacrifice their privacy for what they call the "common good." Instead of letting patients decide whether their data is shared, HHS recommended doing away with patient consent and replacing it with laws that would allow certain entities to share their information automatically without needing patient approval now the deadline for passing privacy legislation eventually expired and predictably Congress was unable to agree to a Privacy Law in that time.  Twiler Brace, "So after 3 years, the US Department of Health and Human Services wrote the rule."  The regulation created by HHS, known as the HIPAA privacy Rule, went into effect in 2003 and it did include some restrictions to who could access medical data under these new permissive laws.  "Your doctor giving your boss your health records with out your permission that's a HIPAA violation."  

Rob Frommer, "What it protects from is like your medical information being given to like your employer with the idea that I might go see a shrink.  I don't want my employer to know about it."  

Indeed, the most restrictive part of HIPAA is actually the part that that a consumers themselves coming to contact with, which might explain why people think HIPAA improved their medical privacy.  I'm sure many of us have had experiences where we've tried to get access to the medical records of a family member only to be told that the the hospital can't hand over because it would violate HIPAA.

US Veteran Confronts Arizona Assembly Shutting Down Free Speech


How to make your own Beef Tallow - remove those Seed Oils for better health pic

What chemicals are in Starbucks drinks such as pumpkin spice ammonia latte?

Starbucks didn't publish the ingredients for their coffee drinks it was a mystery until I convinced a barista to show me the ingredients from the back of the bottles they were using to make their famous "Spice Lattes."  I found out that here in the United States, Starbucks was coloring their PSL with caramel coloring level 4, an ingredient made from ammonia and linked to cancer by using beta-carotene from carrots to color their drinks.  In the UK after publishing an investigation and widespread media attention, Starbucks removed caramel coloring from all of their drinks in America . . . 

Question: caramel coloring level 4 is ubiquitous in all cola and soda beverages.  Why doesn't she indict Pepsi-Co, Coca-Cola, and others?  Oh, I get it.  

As to the FDA not recognizing any harms from ammonia-sourced caramel food coloring, it's safe to assume that the FDA approves of cancer and is therefore criminally indifferent.  To be honest, the FDA has no legal contract with consumers to regulate what companies actually put in their food.  I will never forget the time that I contacted Muay, a sausage company from Texas to ask if they put MSG in their sausage, which I loved at the time.  Here was their response.  Yes, I got an actual reply: 

Why Does King Soopers Not Want to Display the Ingredients of Food Products They Sell to Buyers?


ERIC YEUNG: Trump will cut Zelenskyy off (no more unlimited USD funding Ukraine) once he wins. @TFL1728

Thank you to Tom Luongo.

Trump has agreed to meet with Zelensky just to humiliate him for being a sniveling goblin: Trump: "I also have a great relationship with Putin..." Zelensky: "I hope you have more good relations with us…"  

Trump: "Well, you know, it takes two to Tango you know…" 

OWEN BENJAMIN: a man's use is their moral strength and their ability to provide and protect and to tell the truth. That's your use. You're not beautiful. You're not to be cherished and adorned in silks.

00:36  I might reformat my view on "No victims."  I think women and children can be victims.  Women are super malleable.  There's this book out about neuroplasticity, about regenerating your brain and all that.  Women might not know right from wrong if they don't have a good male role model, and I know that might infuriate some women.  And I'm actually starting to have more compassion for lesbians, not saying it's a good move.  Not saying it should be a public display thing in front of children, but man, have men messed up some ladies!  Dude!  Researching this has sparked some stuff in my childhood.  There was a guy who did something to himself because he was facing charges . . . .  Bad dads, bad husbands, abusive men, . . . these people were branding women, selling them, getting blackmail on them, leverage, humiliation rituals, dude, it's bad.  There's something about women and children where they don't really always know.  Men always know.  Men can go through boot camp, Marines, ooh-aah, go do some crazy stuff.  We can be kind of brainwashed, but we always kind of know.  There's just something about men where we do have the ability of figuring it out.  I don't know because I've never been a woman, allegedly.  [hysterical]  But they might not know.  I see some of these women, like that "Ride or Die" thing that women have for a powerful man can really hijack, and I'm not saying that they shouldn't face prosecution for crimes but it really is the man's responsibility.  When I say there are no victims, only volunteers, I'm talking to men.  Women can be messed up by men because we do have authority over women.  That's not a chauvinism or control thing.  It's a responsibility.  And it's so true.  When I look at women who have it really well having awesome lives, and I know that they could have gone down a horrible road if they had that dedication and connection to a really bad guy.  And if you look at a lot of women in certain lifestyles, you'll see like horrific dads.  I don't mean that the dads didn't play catch with them, worked too much, or had an affair when they were a teen, I'm talking about legit psychological and physical, and sexual abuse.  It's way more common than people think.  

4:00  It really is up to the guys, so I am amending my statement.  Here's the thing I don't know: I don't know when a boy becomes a man.  I don't know.  Other cultures and tribes and groups have a thing they do, a rite of passage [a ritual?].  In 300, it was when that little dude fought the wolf.  America doesn't really have that.  We turn 18, and then we get really, really drunk.  I don't know what age, but there has to be an age where you're responsible now.  And it's not just an age, because I think it's different for everybody, but there's a time when you know right from wrong.  And so if you do something, you are not a victim.  Women, ladies, please comment on this and let me know.  Do you think you guys are as . . . I mean don't get me wrong.  An adult woman should be held accountable for her actions.  I'm not a cuck.  I'm not a white knight, but bad male leadership with a woman is crazy harmful.  Maybe they have like half the ability to discern.  Because, dude, that's why advertisers always aim at women, and they always want to feminize men, because they want to get you in that chaotic, pathological state where you'll accept any bullshit.  Men in their male state, and you can always return to that male state, don't get tricked very easily.  That's why rural American tradesmen are the most despised people by corporate America because they don't fall for stuff.  They're very simple.  They don't need to buy $300 jeans.  They just work and they see utility.  Because . . . I see women that get it completely, wise, incredible moral compass, but you always see strong men in their life--grandfathers, fathers, husbands, you always see a strong male in their life.  When you have horrible men, you'll see them getting branded, and used, and they'll carry out monstrous acts.  And then, of course, they hate men, and they become lesbians.  And it's still the men's fault.  "Oh, you're blaming men."  Dude, I'm taking authority and accountability, and I think men should or else you're effed.  Like a man's use is their moral strength and their ability to provide and protect and to tell the truth.  That's your use.  You're not beautiful.  You're not to be cherished and adorned in silks.  That's why every time I see one of these guys that are just so into their jewelry and being adorned, I don't see a guy.  Don't get me wrong.  You can have a million-dollar car and still be a good guy but it has to be because you value the engineering or that it provides something for you that another car doesn't, not just because it's like beauty, and you're a special boy.  Like that money could be spent on land or gunpowder or gold.  That's why I call it gay; yeah, gay.  

Federal Judge Rules Fluoride is a Neurotoxin in Historic Lawsuit. Only took them 100 years

Thursday, September 26, 2024

HAL CRANMER: a lady [lost] 230 lbs in 9 months. Another lady [lost] 93 lbs in 4.5 months. A gentleman [lost] 48 lbs in 3 months

JIM OSTROWSKI: a completely empty office. Not a legislator, not a staff member, not a receptionist. We rang the bell several times, nothing. Waited for ten minutes, then dumped some petitions on the desk and left

Here is Jim and allies' plea to the city of Erie and its citizens.   

At 3:25 pm we went into the Erie County Legislature to serve copies of a petition to remove the poison fluoride from the water supply of a million people. Not a soul was there, a completely empty office. Not a legislator, not a staff member, not a receptionist. We rang the bell several times, nothing. Waited for ten minutes, then dumped some petitions on the desk and left. Left a message on their phone. Still waiting for a call back. What an fn joke. This is what democracy looks like. @ErieCountyNY 


Financial analyst and former insider David Webb on US property rights

MARCUS ALLEN: FBI Whistleblower Urges Americans to Vote, Arm Yourself, Stock up 3-4 Months Supply of Food and Water, and Pray


It’s time to expose Toyota. has been one of the most trusted brands in America but they’ve gone totally woke. Here’s some of what we found: • Toyota sponsored a drag queen program at a summer camp for kids identifying as LGBTQ+. • Toyota opposes laws that ban sex changes for kids and funds groups who work to make sex changes legal for children and they worked with the to oppose these laws. • Toyota openly supports “the equality act" which would allow men into girl’s bathrooms, sports, and locker rooms. • Toyota funded the ’s Time To Thrive Summit where they worked with the largest teachers union to push gender ideology into elementary schools. • Donated to the HRC, the Trevor Project, the Dallas Resource Center, the Los Angeles LGBT Center, and the Workplace Equality Summit — All supporters of child transitions. The Trevor Project features chat rooms where adults have been caught talking to kids about sexual kinks, how to transition, masturbation, and more. They also have a quick exit feature to wipe the browser and hide the website from parents. • Funded many "all ages" pride events. • Woke DEI trainings. • LGBT Chamber of Commerce member. • Preferential treatment for "diverse" suppliers. • Hosted LGBTQ+ events at corporate. • Created custom cars with a trans flag. • ERG groups divided by race + sexual orientation. • A total commitment to DEI policies. • 100/100 CEI score from the HRC for 16 straight years which means that they pay for not only employee transitions but for children of employees to transition in states where it’s legal. To put it mildly, Toyota seems to have forgotten who their core customers are. They depend on American families and Japanese families to buy their cars. It’s time to remind them who their customers are. I don’t think the values at corporate reflect the values many Toyota/Lexus owners have (with the exception of maybe Prius owners who probably like the woke stuff). Do Toyota/Lexus owners want the money they spend with Toyota to be used later by corporate to push an ideology that’s diametrically opposed to their own values? If you think Toyota’s values don’t align with yours and you’re a customer or potential customer who wants to speak out, their contact info is ⬇️ Remember to ALWAYS BE KIND. Many in customer service agree with you. These are all publicly listed contacts: Toyota customer care: +1-800-331-4331 Specific Emails: Ed Hellwig 469-292-1165 Marissa Borjon 469-292-6395 Victor Vanov 469-292-1318 Contact them with one click: Our goal with reporting is never destruction, it’s a restoration of sanity. We do this by informing consumers about the policies companies are adopting so they can make choices about what they’re willing to support as a consumer. That’s not cancel culture, it’s capitalism. When we use our voices and wallets to vote our values, we can change the world and we can restore great companies to a culture of sanity, meritocracy, and political neutrality OR we can inspire competitors to step up to fight for our business. The customer is king and most of us just want companies we shop at to stop virtue signaling about divisive social, cultural, and political issues. Companies need to stop dividing us by injecting wokeness! If you agree then share this video and tag other accounts so they share it too. If you support our movement to expose and remove woke policies in corporate America then you can help fund our growing team by subscribing to my page for $5 a month or choose any amount once at You can become a whistleblower against a woke company at by emailing or by going to P.S. What’s sad is there’s sooooo much more we couldn’t fit in this video. Maybe we’ll do a part 2 and/or drop key nuggets of information over the next few weeks… 🤔

PETER ST ONGE: How did Boomers get so rich?

GOV'T ACCOUNTING IS A GHOST: He disclosed $175,000,000 (!!!!) of Treasury transactions late, by over 500 days. His fine for breaking the law will be $200, if he is forced to pay it.

Remember the car alarms that would go off in the middle of the night and the owner couldn't or wouldn't turn them off until 30 minutes to an hour later back in the 1990s? You can thank Darrell Issa for that.  

from the July 15, 2023, Daily Beast,

Issa’s origin story was anything but promising. In 1970, he dropped out of high school and joined the army. A member of Issa’s army unit, First Sergeant (Ret.) Jay Bergey, told a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, that Issa stole his yellow Dodge and took it to Cleveland in 1971. “I confronted Issa,” he said. “I got in his face and threatened to kill him, and magically my car reappeared the next day, abandoned on the turnpike.” Issa, who described Bergey as an alcoholic, categorically denies ever stealing his car. No charges were ever filed.

A month later (in 1971), Issa and his older brother, William, were arrested for allegedly stealing a red Maserati in Cleveland, Ohio. The case was eventually dropped. 

Seven years later—in a separate incident—the Issa brothers were indicted for grand theft. The details are confusing, and the case was also later dropped. But as the New Yorker’s, Ryan Lizza later described it, the allegation was that “the two men had conspired to fraudulently sell Darrell’s car [a Mercedes sedan] and then collect the insurance money.” The case was also later dropped.

Next, Issa started an electronics manufacturing company called Quantum Enterprises. After one of their client’s loans became delinquent, Issa orchestrated what Lizza calls a “hostile takeover” of the client’s car alarm business, Steal Stopper. According to Jack Frantz, a former employee of Steal Shopper, Issa placed a box containing a gun on his desk before firing him. Issa denies “ever pull[ing] a gun on anyone in my life.” 

Then, in 1982, Issa’s manufacturing plant mysteriously burned down. According to the Los Angeles Times, “Circumstantial evidence aroused suspicion of arson,” and the founder of Steal Stopper alleged Issa was the culprit. “Fire investigators also noted that a computer was taken off the site eight days before the fire, ‘allegedly to be reprogrammed’ by Issa’s lawyer, and that business blueprints were put away in a safe—which was ‘not previously done before,’” according to another report from the Los Angeles Times.

Investigators also noted that Issa had dramatically increased his fire insurance just weeks before the blaze occurred. As the New Yorker reported, “The Ohio state fire marshal never determined the cause of the fire and no one was ever charged with a crime. According to Issa, St. Paul [the insurer] paid Quantum twenty-five thousand dollars but refused to pay his claim for the Steal Stopper inventory. Issa sued St. Paul for a hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and the two parties eventually settled out of court for about twenty thousand dollars.”

Later, Issa sold Steal Stopper, moved to California, and started Directed Electronics, Inc. His new company produced aftermarket car security products, including the Viper car alarm, where Issa’s own voice can be heard commanding, “Please step away from the car.”

You don’t get to be worth hundreds of millions of dollars without accruing real estate and other investments. But Issa’s fortune was made in the car security business. He then used that accumulated fortune to kickstart his political career in 2000. When reporters started asking questions about his past brushes with the law, Issa responded by throwing his brother, Bill, under the Maserati. “When people ask me why I got into the car alarm business, I tell them the truth,” he said in a statement to the San Francisco Chronicle. “It was because my brother was a car thief.”

That’s right. In a story reminiscent of Frank Abagnale (portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can), Darrell Issa, one of the richest members of Congress, a man who formerly served as the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and is worth approximately $250 million, was accused of stealing cars with his brother (all formal charges against him were dropped)—before making hundreds of millions protecting cars from thieves. For whatever reason, the charges against him kept being dropped.

Never Forget How this "Intellectual" wanted the government to jab you, your family, friends, and loved ones

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

MUST READ - Bret Weinstein's brother, Eric, wrote a document for the United Nations in which he maps out how to lower wages in developed countries by bringing in economic migrants.

William Ramsey highlights one if Weinstein's economic and logical flaws. 

"The problems of “ghettoization” and issues relating to “long-term native shortages” are brought up by Weinstein as known consequences of the redistribution of income away from native populations, but at no point are these problems expressed as reasons not to force economic migration upon target populations. In this United Nations document, Eric Weinstein specifically pushes Marxist ideology concerning the redistribution of income and wealth, which benefits economic migrants at the expense of the native populations."

Mos Def on 9-11, Iraq, Terrorism, Katrina & Elections with Bill Maher

Mos Def, aka, Yasiin Bey.  

Full segment.   

Catholicism, Power and Love -

Poisoning of the population coordinated financing the invasion of migrants with the Tyson closing down plants in some areas while hiring "refugees."  I'm assuming these are sort of undocumented workers that come into the country, qualify for some reason and they're hiring them to fill these plants.  Does thar have any effect on your average consumer?  Does that have an effect on jobs and employment because it seems to me that we have people that will take those jobs and we are told that we don't have to worry about it, nobody's going to take those jobs, only refugees would take those jobs.  What are your thoughts on that subject?  

Okay, so Del Bigtree just missed Fitts' point.  They're not refugees, Del.  Catherine just said that the invasion isn't "being allowed," it's being financed.  Is he even listening to his guest or is it a case where he doesn't have enough information to revise his terms and use them accurately.  Let's call them economic mercenaries.

10:35, FITTS.  So the folks who spin this ate lying to you.  Now it's true that there are jobs where immigrants are more willing to do or could do a vetter job

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

MICHAEL EADES, MD: I can vouch for this. It was 300 mg/dl when I was in med school in the 1970s

TOBY ROGERS: Dr. Jay Varma's drug fueled orgies in NYC were not an exception, they were the whole point of COVID-19. Public health officials & pediatricians were partying like Wall Street bankers because they were the new financial elite.

PAUL SALADINO: Are fruit and honey healthy?

700 mgs of oxalates in one serving of spinach? Popeye, we hardly knew you

Dietary Oxalates and Kidney Stone Formation.  

What else is high in oxalates?  Almonds, rhubarb, turmeric, spinach, and dark chocolate.

OWEN BENJAMIN: One thing I've learned about innocence and low-trauma existence and high-honest existence is that your memory gets better

15:27. One thing I've learned about innocence and low-trauma existence and high-honest existence is that your memory gets better.  Like his memory is unbelievable.  And also, little-known fact, they actually don't fall for tricks like you think they would.  My kids can see through stuff so fast, it's so interesting like how living a an honest, simple life and having innocence, you can actually see tricks a mile away.  Like if a commercial would ever pop on, they don't watch commercials or anything, they would immediately be like, "Oh, they're being naughty," or "They're lying," or "They're tricking." Like they just can see it a mile away. And that's one thing to remember about deception, that people a lot of times want to act so innocent but what deception is praying on is your behavior, your negative behavior.  And there are some things that children can be tricked into because they just want to please their parents, or they want to please somebody, and they will bury what they know to be true but they actually have an incredible moral compass from just not being lied to.  

21:52. What is evil?  We'll look at Paradise Lost, Kafka's The Trial,  Machiavelli's The Prince, C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man, and Carl Jung's archetypes, and one story from my life of a man named Harrison Smith, who works at Infowars.  I know a lot of people have said, who the hell is Harrison Smith?  talk about people we know.  I prefer to talk about people I know.  I can verify the truth of it better and once a story starts going the level of fame or notoriety of the person doesn't really matter.  It's archetypal.  Liar Week kicked off after I spent some time as a comedian making fun of victim consciousness, and as a social commentator I'm showing the inevitable despair and failure of victim consciousness by any name the backlash was intense.  Self perceived victims don't want to let their comfortable position of victim go so it inspired me to dig deeper and the feedback has been incredible first let's take a look at a Hollywood film called The Devil's Advocate which illustrates the classic the devil can't make you do it.

24:10. So who is the devil?  I've found that many fights and disagreements come from word choices and an emotional connotations and not the meaning of what people are saying.  Defining terms is extremely important before a meaningful discussion can be had.  People in bad faith are unable to have a meaningful discussion about anything.  Sophistry and language tricks for the hidden agenda of personal ambition will always lead to endless loops and endless nonsense but for the people who actually want to exchange experience in perspective with their fellow man, defining language is very important.  Evil, Satan, the Envious One, the Nemesis, Lucifer, the Shadow, weakness, Tempter, Lookie the Trickster.  All of these words describe something similar.  It's why as a comedian I learned to look at what people do more than what they say.  I look at the fractals and the metaphors, the ratios of each group and note the pattern and similarities


NEW: Man eats 720 eggs in a single month and his cholesterol drops by 20%.

Monika Schaefer, the most honest and lovely women you'll meet, was jailed for this video.

Heather Woods and the Primal Blueprint on the Robert Scott Bell Show, 2012

HEATHER MACDONALD: “The covid response was the embodiment of the female worldview”

Well, for some, COVID-19 countermeasures did have some misanthropic targets.  Was that because of "a female worldview"?   

Heather MacDonald with Tom Woods on the topic of "When Race Trumps Merit." 

Fairhope, Alabama is a small town of 20,000 residents. 1,000 Haitians are possibly "resettling" there. A grieving mom tells the heartbreaking story of her mother-in-law being killed in a car accident by a Haitian

Fairhope, Alabama.  

Here is the story about the 2022 crash in Michigan.  

Here is Antoine Azard.