Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MD. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

VALERIE ANNE SMITH: Food is the most powerful intervention for mental health & behavior.

The message is good and interesting, but any mention now of "seed oils" is almost a trigger to queue you into the MAHA promotional pipeline.  Oy.  

Here are the studies on which the opinion is based.   

"Beyond the Food: How Prison Nutrition Policy Contributes to Lasting Chronic Disease," BUJPH, May 2, 2023.

"Crime and Nourishment: Cause for a Rethink?" Lord David Ramsbotham, GCB, CBE, Prison Serv J. 2009, Mar 1. 

"Adolescence: Does good nutrition = Good Behavior?" Bernard Gesch, Nutr Health., 2014, Feb 4.

Sunday, February 16, 2025


Find more on Cannabinoids from Kevin McKernan here.

Willie Nelson performed Saturday night at age 91! --John Isgitt
Kevin McKernan is from Medicinal Genomics.
70% is impressive, but I can't yet speak to the 1:1 THC: CBD compared to other ratios.  Like what is the optimal ratio for any condition?

Motor neuron disease is explained here by Wikipedia, 
Motor neuron diseases or motor neurone diseases (MNDs) are a group of rare  neurodegenerative disorders that selectively affect motor neurons, the cells which control  voluntary muscles of the body. They include  amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS),  progressive bulbar palsy (PBP), pseudobulbar palsyprogressive muscular atrophy (PMA),  primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), spinal muscular atrophy  (SMA) and monomelic amyotrophy  (MMA), as well as some rarer variants resembling ALS. 
Motor neuron diseases affect both children and adults. While each motor neuron disease affects patients differently, they all cause movement-related symptoms, mainly muscle weakness.  Most of these diseases seem to occur randomly without known causes, but some forms are inherited. Studies into these inherited forms have led to discoveries of various genes  (e.g. SOD1) that are thought to be important in understanding how the disease occurs.
Check out what cannabidiol does for Epilepsy. No other epilepsy drug comes close. 

See how Cannabinoids stack up against other therapies that are heavily promoted, like Ivermectin, Fenben, and Psilocybin.  The real reason for the drug war is to bury useful natural remedies. No wonder they've worked to discredit some of the early proponents of cannabinoid therapies as fringe.  Criminal. 
Stunning.  DNA drugs, cannabinoids, and fasting unite to shut down colorectal cancer's sugar fuel.
Kevin McKernan explains that Cannabinoids are an exit drug. So for anyone with any kind of opioid addiction, Cannaboids help individuals exit from it. He adds "There are no CB1 receptors in the brain stem." Cannabidiol reverses fentanyl-induced addiction and modulates neuroinflammation.

See the graph below from the Dent Institute.  for a list of clinical conditions that Cannabinoids treat. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

A REAL CONCERN THESE DAYS: If you must have surgery, be sure to get a written guarantee from the hospital that they will not gift you with an unwanted or unconsented vaccine

Saturday, December 14, 2024

But I can tell you there are really two, two general patterns that really need to be looked at whereas a whole group is looking at what they call a vaccine there is another group looking at hospital homicides and I have to tell you unfortunately that it's both, in fact, the hospital homicides might be greater the acute renal failure so the sudden kidney failure where you didn't have a problem before and all of a sudden you have a problem seems to be occurring mostly in the hospital and it's occurring to the tune of about 100% increase and not during the year of covid but rather the when covid I should say when the  and NCTAP program kicked in that's on the web you can find it at and look for NCTAP 

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

THERESA M. LONG: throughout the history of the Army, we have had all MDs/DOs; then, under Obama, we had a nurse; under Biden we had LTG Dingle, who had a BS in SOCIOLOGY...there you have it...least medically qualified "top Army doctor" during the most consequential…

R. Scott Dingle was the Surgeon General of the United States Army from 2019-2024.  His Wikipedia page reads, 

Raymond Scott Dingle is a retired United States Army lieutenant general who served as the 45th Surgeon General of the United States Army and Commanding General, United States Army Medical Command from 2019 to 2024. Dingle graduated from Morgan State University in 1988 with a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, and has Master's degrees in Administration from Central Michigan University, Military Arts and Science from the School of Advanced Military Studies, and in National Security Strategy from the National War College. At the time of his selection, Dingle was serving as Deputy Surgeon General and Deputy Commanding General (Support) of the United States Army Medical Command in Falls Church, Virginia. 

Nadja West had a BS in engineering.  Patricia Horoho was the nurse who served as Surgeon General under Obama.  

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Oregon Harvesting and the "Brain Death" Fallacy

02:22. So when they're doing the transplantation on people they say are brain dead . . . 

02:28.  They're all alive . . . .  They give paralyzing agents when they take the organs so that they don't move and they don't squirm . . .

02:35. Oh, that's so horrible.  

02:38. And even if they don't move and don't squirm they cut on them and their heart rate goes up and their blood pressure goes up, which is the response to pain but they can't demonstrate that they have pain 

02:50.  . . . because they're paralyzed

02:51.  Because they paralyze them. 

US Healthcare, The Guardian: Kentucky man declared brain dead wakes up during organ harvesting: the case of Anthony Thomas TJ Hoover the second is under investigation by state and federal government officials.

After being taken to a hospital for a drug overdose, Anthony Hoover woke up in the middle of having surgeons cutting him open to harvest his organs. Hoover's sister noticed his eyes open and look around with emotion but she was told that it was just reflexes.  The staff told his family that Hoover had given permission for his organs to be donated and that he was declared to be "brain dead."  According to a witness, he woke up and began thrashing around, crying, and making attempts to speak, which was ignored by doctors at first.  An hour later, the doctors finally stopped because he was showing too many signs of life.  Hoover is now recovering from these wounds.

00:51.  This is not an abnormal event.

"Brain Death Is False," Paul A. Byrne, MD, Rev. George M. Rinkowski.  Dr. Byrne, a neonatologist in Toledo Ohio, is a clinical professor of pediatrics at the Medical College of Ohio.

Father Rinkowski is retired from Parish work and remains active in Consulting on moral matters as well as making himself available when a priest is needed by a critically ill patient.

In the medical industry, there is a huge demand for living organs, which is why the term "brain dead" was invented.

Dr. Byrne:  jaw-dropping discussion with one of the founders of neonatal-perinatal medicine.

The way it occurred was that Christiaan Bernard did the first heart transplant in South Africa in 1967.  Three days later, they did the second heart transplant, and you don't know where that is but I'll tell you.  It was done in Brooklyn, New York.  What they did is they cut the beating heart out of a 3-day-old baby and transplanted it into an 18-day-old baby, and at the end of their surgeries, a short time after the end of their surgeries, both of those babies were dead.  It was illegal.  It was immoral, and so they had to do something to make it legal.  And so what they did, they set up a committee at Harvard, [1968] and the committee invented "brain death."  The committee did not do studies on dogs or cats or rats.  They didn't collect data on human beings.  They just invented "brain death." It doesn't get better, it keeps getting worse after that.  A lot of people think that brain death means "flat brain waves."  They're not even required to do brain wave testing.  The way they did that, they studied 9 patients, and 2 of the nine still had brainwave activity, and then they concluded no longer is it necessary to look at brain waves.  So it's not required to look for brain wave activity.

02:22. So when they're doing the transplantation on people they say are brain dead . . . 

02:28.  They're all alive . . . .  They give paralyzing agents when they take the organs so that they don't move and they don't squirm . . .

02:35. Oh, that's so horrible.  

02:38. And even if they don't move and don't squirm they cut on them and their heart rate goes up and their blood pressure goes up, which is the response to pain but they can't demonstrate that they have pain 

02:50.  . . . because they're paralyzed

02:51.  Because they paralyze them.  So they can't respond by . . . 

that's horrible horrible horrible horrible.

03:00. It gets really bad if you pay attention to it.

0304:  apparently we are having a human organ shortage.

How do we meet the national Oregon shortage? Dr. Fairchild is collaborating with Cleveland Clinic's Transplant Center to increase the number of organs available and increase success of the transplant procedures.   The research effort is part of a system-wide initiative at Cleveland Clinic to increase successful organ transplants.  Transplant numbers overall went up 18% year over year from 2020 to 2021. 

0308:  The United States has a very severe organ shortage.

03:13.  Every year, there are over 100,000 people waiting for organs, and there's additions on a weekly basis to that list and fewer people coming off the list and so we are in this constant state of crisis trying to find an Oregon for people in need.   Emily Blumberg, MD, FIDSA, professor University of Pennsylvania.


Global Cadaver Shortage & Why Almost Half of Canadian Medical Schools Are Cutting Back

The demand for human organs is much greater than the available Supply and while we are mostly told about the lifesaving aspect of organ donation, private industry is hungry for young living bodies.

SurgiSTUD Is Addressing the Cadaver Shortage Across the Globe, MeD India: Engineering Better Health

Learning at Risk with Shortage of Donated Cadavers UBC Faculty of Medicine says, Global News

Medical research Personnel called these "beating heart cadavers."

Donated Bodies Are Powering Gene-edited Organ Research.  Why brain-dead bodies are now sought after for cross-species organ experiments, MIT Technology Review, 

Fetanyl's deadly grip on America cheap synthetic opioid flooding us street drug Supply is dragging down life expectancy turning our cities into Zombielands and killing 1500 people a week

03:51. And according to MIT technology review, donated bodies are powering Gene-edited organ research as more and more young people overdose on Fentanyl the human organ business gives thanks and unexpected silver lining to the epidemic of drug overdose deaths . . . 

Drug overdoses are now one of the leading causes of death in Oregon donors especially among young people.

Drug overdoses have spiked since the opioid epidemic started sweeping the nation and health experts say that the only silver lining has been the increase in life-saving organs for transplants.

Organ donors who have died from drug overdoses have increased 500%   --WSLS10: OPIOID NATION: AN AMERICA EPIDEMIC

04:30. 500%, that's huge.  

That's huge.

04:35. That's when they really started to notice four years ago Classen said it started in New England and spread through Appalachia then to the Upper Midwest now claiming the lives of those all across the country

Friday, September 20, 2024

DR. RUSSEL REITER: Melatonin and methylene blue belong in every emergency medical kit.

from Dr. Frank Yap, MD's "Melatonin 101: What You Need to Know, an Interview with Dr. Russel Reiter," September 15, 2024. 


1)  the most important antioxidant molecules and certainly the most ancient, as it has been part of biological life for over 3 billion years.  It's present in plants and bacteria. 

2)  In the human body — aside from having direct antioxidant effects — it also stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and other important antioxidants like superoxide dismutase and catalase 
3)  the antioxidant activity of melatonin is extremely diverse.

4)  It, in fact, is a very good radical scavenger. There are other radical scavengers — vitamin C, vitamin E, and so forth — but melatonin is superior to those 

5)  it stimulates antioxidative enzymes, especially in mitochondria. Mitochondria are small organelles in the cell that generate the bulk of the free radicals. 
6)  It also removes free radicals and prevents the degeneration of the mitochondria, and why this is so important is because mitochondria are really the center of the action within a cell. 
7)  95% of the melatonin in your body is concentrated within the mitochondria inside the cells.
8)  it appears that under stress, all cells may upregulate their ability to produce melatonin because it's so highly productive 
9)  Anytime your skin is exposed to natural sunlight, however, you can be sure you’re receiving the necessary wavelengths of near-infrared to generate melatonin in your mitochondria. 
10)  there are two types of melatonin in your body: The melatonin produced in your pineal gland, which traverses into your blood, and subcellular melatonin produced inside your mitochondria. 
11)  bright sun exposure around solar noon will indirectly help your pineal gland to produce melatonin during the night. 
12)  If you supplement with melatonin, it will get into your mitochondria and, in fact, do what melatonin does — neutralize free radicals and protect the mitochondria's function.”  
13)  we infused melatonin directly into the heart after the vessel was opened. That reduced cardiac damage by roughly 40%. 
14)  people who are potentially suffering with heart failure because of a damaged heart, they survive better and longer if they are given melatonin on a regular basis. 
15)  Reiter stresses that melatonin has no known toxic threshold, so even though we don’t know what the ideal dose is, we do know it’s safe even at high doses.  
16)  melatonin dosing should follow circadian biology, so around 10 a.m., 4 p.m., and before bed. 
17)  an emergency medical technician goes out and picks up a patient who has clearly a heart attack. I think on-site, immediately, melatonin should be given intravenously rather than orally.  
18)  Methylene blue is well-documented to be highly beneficial for reperfusion injuries. 
19) Melatonin and methylene blue belong in every emergency medical kit. 
20)  excess seed oils are the primary reason why most people are metabolically inflexible.


Melatonin is one of the most important antioxidant molecules and certainly the most ancient, as it has been part of biological life for over 3 billion years. It's present in prokaryotes, which are bacteria, and even in plants. In the human body — aside from having direct antioxidant effects — it also stimulates the synthesis of glutathione and other important antioxidants like superoxide dismutase and catalase. 

Reiter continues: 

“Melatonin has been here forever . . . and its functions have evolved. It has learned to work successfully with other molecules during this three-billion-year evolution. One of the molecules with which it collaborates is glutathione.  But the antioxidant activity of melatonin is extremely diverse.

It, in fact, is a very good radical scavenger. There are other radical scavengers — vitamin C, vitamin E, and so forth — but melatonin is superior to those. But beyond that, it stimulates antioxidative enzymes, especially in mitochondria. Mitochondria are small organelles in the cell that generate the bulk of the free radicals.
So, it's very important to have a good antioxidant at the level of the mitochondria and melatonin happens to be located and is, in fact, synthesized in the mitochondria. Melatonin scavenges radicals that are generated, but it also stimulates something called sirtuin-3, which activates or deacetylates superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a very important antioxidative enzyme. 
It also removes free radicals and prevents the degeneration of the mitochondria, and why this is so important is because mitochondria are really the center of the action within a cell. In other words, there's strong evidence that aging, frailty of aging, senescence of cells as we age, relate to molecular damage at the level of the mitochondria, and melatonin seems to be very efficient at protecting mitochondria from that damage.”
Melatonin increases glutathione through a genomic effect on the enzyme that regulates the synthesis of gamma glutamylcysteine synthase, the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione synthesis. Melatonin activates that enzyme.

Glutathione tends to be found in high concentrations in cells, although some is also found, to a lesser degree, in the extracellular space and the mitochondria. Meanwhile, 95% of the melatonin in your body is concentrated within the mitochondria inside the cells.

Its antioxidant effects are quite diverse, but include preventing free radical generation by enhancing the efficiency of the electron transport chain so fewer electrons leach onto oxygen molecules to generate superoxide antiradical. 

Related: Best Melatonin Gummies for Adults

Mitochondrial melatonin production is one of the reasons why regular sun exposure is so crucial. Most people understand that sun exposure on bare skin generates vitamin D, courtesy of UVB (ultraviolet B radiation). Few, however, understand that the near-infrared spectrum, when hitting your skin, triggers the generation of melatonin in your mitochondria. 

Reiter explains: 
“Near-infrared radiation penetrates relatively easily the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Every one of those cells contains mitochondria and it appears that near-infrared radiation that is detected, in fact, induces melatonin production. That is important because we now think that melatonin within mitochondria is inducible under a lot of stressful conditions. 
That is not definitively proven, but it appears that under stress, all cells may upregulate their ability to produce melatonin because it's so highly productive. And typically, under stress, free radicals are generated. That is emphasized by the [fact] that in plants ... that happens. 
In other words, if you expose plants to drought, heat, cold, to metal toxicity, the first thing they do is upregulate their melatonin, because all of those situations generate free radicals. And we suspect, although that has not yet been definitely proven, in animal cells as well, including human [cells].”
Identifying the specific wavelengths that trigger melatonin production can be tricky, but generally speaking, it’s likely to be the range between 800 to 1,000 nanometers (nm). This range of near-infrared is invisible and has the ability to penetrate tissue. Visible wavelengths generally do not penetrate the skin, and therefore cannot stimulate your mitochondria.

Anytime your skin is exposed to natural sunlight, however, you can be sure you’re receiving the necessary wavelengths of near-infrared to generate melatonin in your mitochondria. Conversely, when indoors under artificial lighting, you can be certain you’re not getting any. This is because most window glass is low-e and filters out a good portion of the near-infrared, so even sitting near a window is not going to provide you with this benefit.

To compensate for time spent indoors, I use a 250-watt Photo Beam near-infrared bulb from SaunaSpace in my office. I keep it lit when I'm in my office and have my shirt off.  Considering most people spend most of their days indoors, mitochondrial melatonin deficiency is likely rampant. And, since many also do not get enough sleep, they also have a deficiency in the melatonin synthesized in the pineal gland in response to darkness. 

As hinted at above, there are two types of melatonin in your body: The melatonin produced in your pineal gland, which traverses into your blood, and subcellular melatonin produced inside your mitochondria.

Importantly, the melatonin that your mitochondria produce does not escape your mitochondria. It doesn't go into your blood. So, you're not going to directly increase your blood or serum level of melatonin by sun exposure. But, bright sun exposure around solar noon will indirectly help your pineal gland to produce melatonin during the night.

It is important to understand that your blood level of melatonin is indicative of the melatonin produced in your pineal gland, and/or oral supplementation. Conversely, the melatonin produced by your pineal gland cannot enter into the mitochondria, which is why it is so important to get regular sun exposure. Reiter explains:

“In other words, if you surgically remove the pineal gland from an animal or human, blood levels of melatonin are essentially zero. Not totally zero — I think what happens is that the mitochondria in other cells continue to produce melatonin and some of that leaks out into the blood and gives you a residual — but you have no circadian rhythm.

Melatonin production in the pineal gland is highly rhythmic, depending on the light-dark cycle. This is not true for melatonin in mitochondria. It's not cyclic. It's not impacted by the light-dark environment. It may be affected by certain wavelengths of energy, but it's not affected by the light-dark environment.

So, blood levels are derived from the pineal gland, and this rhythm is very important for setting circadian rhythms. In other words, the function of that melatonin is quite different from the function of the mitochondrial-produced melatonin. It sets the rhythm. Of course, there's always some scavenging by that melatonin as well, but the real scavenging is involved with mitochondrial-produced melatonin.”

Oral supplementation, however, can enter your cells and mitochondria. This is a detail I was wrong about before, and which Reiter clarifies in this interview:
“If you supplement with melatonin, it can also enter cells and get into the mitochondria as well. And that is also very important ... As you age, mitochondrial melatonin diminishes. If you supplement with melatonin, it will get into your mitochondria and, in fact, do what melatonin does — neutralize free radicals and protect the mitochondria's function.” 


Considering melatonin’s function within your mitochondria, and the fact that mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of most chronic diseases, it makes sense that melatonin would be helpful against a number of different diseases, including the two most common — heart disease and cancer.

As explained by Reiter, one of the situations that is most devastating for the heart and brain is temporary interruption of the blood supply as a result of a cardiac arrest or stroke. This deprives the tissues of oxygen, and without oxygen, they rapidly deteriorate.

When the blood vessel reopens, which is called reperfusion, and oxygen flows back into those oxygen-deprived cells, this tends to be the time of maximum damage, as loads of free radicals are generated once the blood starts flowing again. 
“There's a large host of studies, including some in humans, where if you give melatonin to induce a heart attack in animals or an accidental heart attack in humans, you can preserve or reduce the amount of cardiac infarct, the amount of damage that occurs in the heart,” Reiter says. 
“There's a very famous cardiologist in the Canary Islands, professor Dominguez-Rodriguez, whom I worked with. And we, about three years ago, published a paper where we infused melatonin directly into the heart after the vessel was opened. That reduced cardiac damage by roughly 40%. 
The other thing that happens in a heart attack is that cardiac cells do not regenerate. Once you lose a cardiac cell, they're done ... and are replaced by fibrous tissue. Of course, fibrous tissue is not contractile, so you get heart failure. 
We just published a paper, again with this same cardiologist, showing that if people who are potentially suffering with heart failure because of a damaged heart, they survive better and longer if they are given melatonin on a regular basis. It's a small study ... but I think that would be a worthwhile field to exploit.” 


In terms of dosage, it’s difficult to translate doses used in animal studies onto human subjects. In animals, doses between 5 to 10 milligrams per kilogram of body weight are used. In humans, however, the dose is calculated on the basis of surface area rather than on body size, and that significantly reduces the amount of melatonin that you have to give.

That said, Reiter stresses that melatonin has no known toxic threshold, so even though we don’t know what the ideal dose is, we do know it’s safe even at high doses. Additionally, the timing of the dose will be important. The first dose should be taken immediately, but subsequent melatonin dosing should follow circadian biology, so around 10 a.m., 4 p.m., and before bed.
“If I had a heart attack and I had melatonin on my person, I would take melatonin,” Reiter says. “The question is how much? ... This is not a recommendation to any of your patients, but I would not be hesitant about taking 50 milligrams at the time, and some subsequently for the next 24 hours, even during the day. Because you don't want to lose any more heart cells than is absolutely necessary ...

I have suggested this a number of times. In other words, an emergency medical technician goes out, picks up a patient who has clearly a heart attack. I think on site, immediately, melatonin should be given intravenously rather than orally. It'd be difficult to give it orally. That would be my recommendation.”


In cases of an acute heart attack or stroke (which have virtually identical tissue damage mechanisms: one affects the heart and the other your brain), I would also add methylene blue. Methylene blue is well-documented to be highly beneficial for reperfusion injuries, (2) especially if you do it right at the beginning of the event, because it augments cytochromes to allow the continued production of ATP even without the use of oxygen. 

Melatonin and methylene blue belong in every emergency medical kit. In cases of an acute heart attack or stroke, melatonin can help limit the damage, while methylene blue augments cytochromes to allow the continued production of ATP even without the use of oxygen, which also helps minimize cell death and tissue damage.

So, together, methylene blue and melatonin could act as a one-two punch if you've got a stroke or heart attack. They really should be part of every emergency kit.

As an interesting side note, melatonin can also be useful in people with Type 2 diabetes. Reiter notes he has diabetic colleagues who take 1 gram of melatonin daily to counteract the free radical damage caused by hyperglycemia. Keep in mind that melatonin does not treat the cause of the diabetes. It only helps to counteract the damage being caused.

The half-life of melatonin in the blood is only about 40 minutes. Within cells, the half-life varies according to the level of oxidative stress present. If oxidative stress is high, the melatonin is destroyed much faster; if oxidative stress is low, it remains within the cell much longer.

Reiter also notes that in addition to being a free radical scavenger, all of melatonin’s metabolic kin — its active metabolites, such as N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine — are also excellent scavengers. While quickly used up in the presence of high oxidative stress, melatonin is also rapidly taken up when used orally, hence the suggestion to take multiple doses spread out.

Ideally, you’d want to use sublingual or intravenous melatonin, because it’ll enter your bloodstream much faster. Another option is to make your own rectal suppositories. If you swallow it, it needs to pass through and be metabolized by your liver.


In addition to its antioxidant potency, melatonin also has antiviral capacity. These two features combined is thought to be why it’s been so useful against COVID-19. 

“I'm going to give you a very specific example,” Reiter says. “Here's a local physician, Dr. Richard Neil, whom I have known for a number of years. When COVID-19 became common, he called me, we discussed it, he started giving 1 mg per kilogram of body weight (once a day) for about 5 days, at the time of diagnosis. He has now treated more than 2,000 patients, very successfully, with melatonin.

The importance of melatonin in reference to COVID is that it is not specifically for [the original Wuhan strain]. The variants, Delta, Omicron, they're viruses we think will respond. We currently have a paper in press where we showed that in animals, Zika virus toxicity is also prevented by melatonin, and we've checked four different coronaviruses in pigs.

That paper also shows that melatonin prevents the damage — the consequence — of those viruses.  I think [melatonin] is generally a quite good antiviral agent and should be considered useful. When President Trump was hospitalized with COVID-19, one of the molecules he was given was melatonin. Obviously, the physicians treating him knew this literature.”

So, to summarize, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, you could consider taking oral or sublingual melatonin 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime, first thing in the morning, at 10 a.m., and again at 4 p.m. You clearly want to avoid it a few hours before and after solar noon, as taking supplementation during that time will likely impair pineal nighttime melatonin secretion.

Reiter points out that slow-release melatonin has not been widely studied, and he generally doesn’t recommend it for that reason. 


Melatonin can also be useful in the prevention and treatment of cancer.  Reiter explains: 
“Cancer cells are clever. They do everything they can to permit their continued survival.  It seems counterintuitive, but what they do is prevent pyruvate from entering the mitochondria, and that reduces ATP production. But as a consequence of doing that, they accelerate something called glycolysis and that's very inefficient in producing ATP, but it does it very rapidly. So, then they have sufficient energy.

The importance of preventing pyruvate from entering the mitochondria, we now think is the fact that pyruvate is a precursor to something called acetyl coenzyme A. Acetyl coenzyme A is a cofactor for the enzyme that regulates melatonin production in the mitochondria.

So, by eliminating or preventing pyruvate from getting into the mitochondria, [the cancer cells] prevent or reduce melatonin production, because they don't allow the necessary cofactor to be produced. In other words, we predicted about four years ago that, in fact, the mitochondria of cancer cells would produce less melatonin.

We have subsequently shown that in two studies, both uterine cancers. Clearly, melatonin levels and the activity of the enzymes in the mitochondria of these types of cancer cells are at least about half what they would normally be. The prevention of pyruvate into the mitochondria, that's Warburg-type metabolism.

The other thing is the pyruvate is metabolized into lactic acid. It escapes the cell and produces an acidic environment for the cancer cell, and cancer cells like that acidic environment. So, if you can reduce the Warburg-type metabolism, you may be able to limit the growth of cancer cells and perhaps also the metastasis
 . . . 
Some cancer cells may only be part-time cancerous because [during nighttime] when they have high melatonin, then they avoid Warburg-type metabolism. The interesting thing about Warburg-type metabolism [is that] . . . many pathological cells, inflammatory cells, cells that are affected by amyloid beta in the brain, exhibit this specific type metabolism . . .

And we know that inflammatory cells — M2 and M1 inflammatory cells — can be converted back and forth by melatonin. The inflammatory cells can be prevented by giving them melatonin [because of] its effect on Warburg-type metabolism. So, Warburg type metabolism is common in many, many pathological cells.”


One of the reasons why cancer is so prevalent likely has to do with the fact that 93% of Americans are metabolically inflexible (JACC 2022) and cannot seamlessly transition between burning carbs and fats for fuel. Glucose (sugar) is one of the primary fuels that most people have. Glucose has six carbons and is metabolized into pyruvate, which is a three-carbon molecule. Pyruvate, in turn, is metabolized in the mitochondria to acetyl-CoA.

The reason the Warburg-Effect works is that pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK) inhibits the inflow of pyruvate into the mitochondria, so it cannot be converted into acetyl-CoA, and acetyl-CoA is not only needed in the production of melatonin but is also used to efficiently produce ATP in the mitochondria and is how glucose is used in the mitochondria.

Another source of acetyl-CoA is beta oxidation of fats, which breaks down the fat to the two-carbon molecule acetyl-CoA, which enters the mitochondria as an active transport molecule, courtesy of MCT (mono carboxylase transporter). My point here is that when you are metabolically inflexible, the Warburg Effect becomes massive. But if you're cardiometabolically healthy and can burn fat, you can effectively bypass that defect.

Prior to my interview with Reiter, I certainly knew that limiting carbs and preventing the Warburg effect was important in cancer treatment, but I hadn’t realized that one of the metabolic byproducts of acetyl-CoA was needed to produce melatonin. So, being metabolically flexible not only impairs the Warburg effect but also supplies melatonin to combat the excessive oxidative stress in cancer.

This is why I would strongly encourage each and every one of you to regularly engage in two activities the rest of your life. First, expose as much of your skin as you can to an hour of sunshine a day around solar noon.

Second, you have to eliminate all seed oils from your diet, as excess seed oils are the primary reason why most people are metabolically inflexible. While the average person’s consumption of these oils is around 25% to 30% of total daily calories, it should only be about 1% to 2% (mine is 1.5%).


Just be careful, though, as using high-dose melatonin long term could be a prescription for disaster. This is because doses of over 5 to 10 mg are likely to draw out heavy metals like mercury and unless you are on a good detoxification program and using a sauna regularly these heavy metals could cause biological damage.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

DR. KIMBERLY BISS: "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies.

There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. --Dr. Kimberly Biss

"The pseudouridine is...causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike a problem, and now we know there's DNA [present]. The immune system is being compromised...which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome...but also causes cancer." Dr. Kimberly Biss (@docbiss) describes during a recent VaxxCHOICE (@VaxxCHOICE) discussion the litany of—extremely serious—problems associated with the COVID-19 injections. Biss highlights the problematic use of pseudouridine and lipid nanoparticles, as well as the production of toxic spike proteins in the body. The OBGYN also notes that there is DNA adulteration in the injections and that the shots compromise the immune system, which, in turn, "induces an AIDS-like syndrome" and "causes cancer."

Furthermore, Biss highlights the problem with the injections suffering from a ribosomal frameshifting problem, which creates "Frankenstein proteins" in the body along with the already dangerous spike protein. Partial transcription of clip: "These are not vaccines. They do not confer immunity. They're genetic therapies. They're marketed as vaccines because nobody would have taken them [otherwise]. If you said, 'Hey, I got this new genetic therapy that the last 30 years we haven't been able to produce, and all the animals died in the trials, do you want it?' nobody would have taken it. They're RNA. They're injected. And, essentially, when I saw the first animated thing that they sent out to doctors on how this was going to work, I said, 'Well, that looks like an autoimmune reaction.' And what do we have now? All these women, primarily, men too, but with autoimmune reactions. "You know, antibodies are made to spike...and that's the toxin on the virus. I mean, coronaviruses have been around forever, but this was made and they added spike, and that's the toxin. There's frameshifting that occurs, which means we're making Frankenstein proteins, not just spike. There's no shutoff mechanism because there are people that have been injected three years ago and they're still producing spike. And it's probably getting reversely transcribed into our genome. And now they're finding that they're adulterated with DNA, which could be transcribed into our genome. And what does that mean as my profession for the gametes? "I mean, a female fetus developing in the womb has all the eggs she'll ever have by 22 weeks of gestation. They don't regenerate. We know this stuff goes to the babies. Could possibly be getting into her, you know, cells that are destined to be eggs And then this is gonna be a multigenerational thing like DES [presumably Biss is referencing diethylstilbestrol, a synthetic form of estrogen]. We're not gonna know for many, many years to come. All the components are causing problems. The pseudouridine is what was used to modify the RNA, and that's causing problems. The lipid nanoparticles are a problem. The spike protein obviously is a problem and now we know there's DNA there. The immune system is being compromised because of the IgG 4 overproduction, which not only induces an AIDS-like syndrome without HIV but also causes cancer. So we were flying in the plane as we were building it [and] the wings and doors were falling off."

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