Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sasha Latypova. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The origins of the nanotechnology narrative. by Sasha Latypova

Repetitive messaging is the only technology ever needed for mind control. Seductive sci-fi narratives are a particularly insidious version of this "technology".

Read on Substack

Debbie Lehrman's comment was very good, 
Thank you Sasha for this excellent overview of what I would describe as a "mass psychosis" phenomenon, akin to the condition we witnessed during Covid, and for the same reason: fear of death. It's all the same, whether you believe you can insert "code" into human cells that will make them do something you want them to do without bad side effects, or nonsensical ideas about loading one's "mind" (how do they even define that?) to the "cloud," and the nanobot-5G-chemtrails-internet-of-bodies thing that I can never get anyone to actually explain to me (how does it work? what are the mechanisms? what is the science? no answer!). In my experience, a lot of it has to do with little to no education in/understanding of biology, chemistry, physics nor any exploration of philosophy, literature, religion, etc.  I also agree that it seems like the vehemence with which this nonsense is being promoted on both sides (globalists vs the rest of us) feels like a psy-op. But I do not discount the mass formation tendencies we witnessed during Covid.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

If there isn't enough evidence and information surrounding the dangers and illegalities of not just the code injection but all injections that are falsely called vaccines it may be important to take a new look at the term anaphylaxis a term normally reserved for a serious allergic reaction that has a rapid onset and is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention, or so we've been told.  But hold on.  In reviewing the work of 1913 Nobel Prize winner, Charles Richet, biotech expert and analyst, Sasha Latypova, and legal expert Katherine Watt have a broader take on this condition because they believe it may be at the center of what is injuring people and killing them in this mass genocide operation.  Let's take a closer look and welcome once again to the show Sasha Latypova.  

2:25. How did you and Katherine Watt get interested to even dig into this topic, and why do you think it's important right now?

2:30.  Katherine has been working on a very large project going back through vaccine-related laws of the United States all the way back to the 1700s, so she and another collaborator are writing what she calls "a beast of a" report on how all these laws and this entire framework have been put in place and specifically looking at definitions.  As you know, definitions are very important, like what is a vaccine?  What is a virus? etc, because definitions in law are basically everything.  So that work is ongoing, and as part of this work, she came across Richet's Nobel Prize and she sent me originally his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, a lecture, which I read and I was shocked by it.  And then I decided to research it further, and I actually went into the archives and I found his book that he published in 1913, he published his book, and I provided several screenshots from it on my sub stack when I wrote about this so I read his book and I kind of understand what he did and the conclusions that he made he also sites other authors working on the same area at the same time.

4:00. Who was this guy was he a scientist was he a money guy Charles Richet?

4:07. Yeah at the turn of the 20th century I would classify him as a sort of there were a lot of these gentleman scientists so people who had independent financial means and they were interested in different topics of science so he seemed to have been very well connected of the original story says that the Prince of Monaco invited him on his yacht which was a huge ship that was traveling in the Mediterranean and he went to research the jellyfish, the Man of War, the very dangerous jellyfish and so from then on when they returned he started working with different poisons that he made from similar things so getting them out of War was kind of difficult so he created what he himself called virus of Actinaria.  Turns out, the virus of Actinaria is basically the tentacles of a sea anemone dissolved in glycerine.  At that time, the definition of "virus" was poison.  So he made poison, and he described how he made it, and he called it a virus, which was the scientific nomenclature at the time and this whole methodology this particle that infects and flies around and you get it from casual contact.  That wasn't there.  It was already well understood that that doesn't happen, and viruses are something you inject to poison.  That's what he was doing in his laboratory experiments he mostly worked on dogs he poisoned a lot of dogs and other people that he collaborated with or knew about who worked with rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, and sometimes other animals. Turns out white mice and some breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis.  Isn't it surprising that they are the staple of pharmaceutical research?

6:10. You also mentioned that he was at that turn of the century the group of eugenicists, he wasn't doing this to help mankind, or did he find out I guess, did anybody have success stories in terms of health so that those mice, the animals that do not experience that abrupt serious allergic reaction, why?  Do they have something that we don't have?

6:40. They did not know.  I think they just figured out that these breeds don't experience anaphylaxis, and said, well, we're not going to work with them because we are interested in the anaphylaxis.  In addition to his interest in anaphylaxis and vaccination or early attempts at vaccination, he was a committed eugenicist.  He thought that black people were inferior, and he was actually a president of a Eugenics Society in Europe, I think in France.  At that time, eugenics was a fashionable conservative position in high society, so almost everybody, if you read the literature which I do from the early 20th century, you will see that high society, well-to-do social economic classes are all eugenicists and this is acceptable; it's considered a proper conservative point of view.

7:38. I agree with you I've been inspired by the work of Scott Shara who's done a whole bunch of work originally to avenge his daughter's Grace's hospital murder.  But he ends up stumbling and digging into finding that this was all part of the greater eugenicist movement.  It was a very proper thing to do.  You wanted a healthier race.  People just missed that whole, they fell into it, the masses, thinking that it was going to be something good for them.  

8:10. Right it's a little bit of a digression but it's important to understand this stems from Darwinism by the way and there was a lot of scientific debate at the time it wasn't a centrally so the concern of these rich people was how do we prevent these poor classes that were dirty and inferior from overbreeding.  That was their main concern and actually, Darwin was against that not because he was some humanitarian his position was that if we prevent them from over-breeding then we don't have the competitive evolutionary selection if you read the literature at that time it's really fascinating but it shows where these ideas come from yes it came from the richer classes the more well-to-do classes, who called themselves "well-bred" from trying to limit and prevent over breeding of poor classes, which they associated with infectious diseases, epidemics, general dirty stuff, crime, that was their attempt to limit it.  So they devised all these methods and Richet was working in it although in the book at least he doesn't say explicitly his goals, he just lays out the scientific stuff.  I think they were working on how they can figure out how, we can prevent epidemics and limit the reproduction of the dirty classes.

1964, Merck produced Adjuvant 65 that contained 65% peanut oil plus Arlasel A, aluminum stearate. Beginning in the 1970s, INJECTING peanut oil became common in vaccines

“History, Stephen said, is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.”  James Joyce, Ulysses

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Dr. Wakefield on the Mumps vaccine

Another example is mumps.  Let's take mumps.  The mumps vaccine does not work.  So what we are seeing is outbreaks of mumps around the world in populations who've received two, three, four doses of the mumps vaccine.  The mumps vaccine does not work, and why it doesn't work is another issue that we can go into and how Merck acted to cover that up is an issue of current interest.  But we don't need to go into that for the moment.  Mumps was historically contracted at around the age of five to seven by children who then developed lifelong immunity.  Mumps in children is a trivial disease.  It's acknowledged to be a trivial disease, and indeed the CDC and the Department of Health in the UK determined there was no need for a mumps vaccine because it was so mild and its complications were not serious.  But nonetheless, for commercial reasons, I believe a mumps vaccine was foisted on to the population and has been made mandatory for many.  Now because the vaccine does not work in enough people or for long enough, then what we see is the re-emergence of mumps in older populations, in teenagers and college students and the problems arise because moms is a much more serious disease in, for example, post-pubertal males, where they can develop testicular inflammation, orchitis, and sterility.  So a mumps vaccine that doesn't work is not only a useless vaccine, it's a dangerous vaccine because it destroys natural herd immunity, that is the exposure of individuals when the disease is mild and displaces it up to a susceptibility to disease at a time when the disease is severe or more severe.  So not only have we destroyed natural herd immunity to the mumps with vaccination, we have made mumps a much more dangerous disease than it was historically. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

LATYPOVA: Three days after the DOD/USAMRDC announced that they began growing the stock of “covid virus”, the CDC captured 3000+ people from two cruise ships, Diamond Princess (arriving internationally) and Grand Princess (domestic travel, the ship never left CA)

Note that Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the renaming of the biological weapons program into “infectious disease research”, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program

During the presser on March 5, 2020, Col Wendy Sammonds-Jackson [director, of USAMRDC's Military Infectious Diseases Research Program, 2018-2020] announced that “we (the DOD/USAMRDC) have received the pathogen (SARS-Cov2) and we are growing it”:

Find the VIDEO after a few paragraphs.

She’s got THE SAMPLE! Yippee! We are off to the races. The DOD team stated that the alleged sample of the pathogen came from to 1 (one!) US patient from Washington state. Even if that really happened, a sample of one is absolutely meaningless for anything - diagnostic, treatment or vaccine development. I believe that 1 “sample” was only necessary to check the exemption box that allows to classify the activities that followed as “defense, infectious disease research”, rather than making of the internationally prohibited bioweapons. The production of these prohibited substances was necessary for seeding the subsequent “pandemic” and the deadly OWS EUA Countermeasures theatrics that it enabled. Prior to March 5, 2020, there had been no “COVID” disease in the US. CDC claims there were about 200 “cases” by that time, although nobody except the CDC could have tested or verified anything. Immediately after Col Wendy Sammonds-Jackson started making stocks of it (whatever “it” was) at Ft. Detrick, the “pandemic” materialized in the US:
Three days after the DOD/USAMRDC announced that they began growing the stock of “covid virus”, the CDC captured 3000+ people from two cruise ships, Diamond Princess (arriving internationally) and Grand Princess (domestic travel, the ship never left CA). The detainees were lied to, sold a sci-fi script about an asymptomatic deadly disease, and, for good measure, threatened with prosecution, and placed into a military prison (quarantine camps) at several US Air Force bases around the country with no means to appeal other than to the same people who imprisoned them, the CDC.

A quarantine order requires a sign-off by a medical doctor. The original order for all passengers on the Grand Princess was issued by Nicole Cohen, MD, on March 8, 2020.
There are several almost identical orders and re-issues in this package. They were signed by the following individuals:

All of these doctors are employed by the CDC. The justification provided by Dr. Cohen boils down to the following statements.

She issues a “professional judgment” (she is the sole judge and jury here) that the detainees are in the “qualifying stages of COVID-19”:

She says that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is defined by executive orders 13295 (2003 Bush)13375 (2005 Bush) and 13674 (2014 Obama):

Note that an executive order is a directive issued by the President of the United States that manages the operations of the federal government. It is a written and published instruction that has the force of law, typically based on existing statutory powers. Executive orders do not require Congressional approval or legislative action to take effect, and Congress cannot overturn them. Executive orders have the authority of law, binding on executive branch agencies and employees.

I am not offering any legal advice here, just pointing out that this is a circle jerk of federal government that issues directives to itself that are only “law” to itself. In this case, the federal government decided that it needed to hunt and imprison anyone with signs of seasonal cold or flu, or anyone they think MIGHT one day have signs of seasonal cold or flu. That’s called “qualifying stages of Disease X”. Whatever disease they want to claim. By these EOs, the executive branch has authorized anyone to be put in military detention on their say-so. There is no need for actual illness to be demonstrated at all. Nice that they carved out influenza separately. No test has ever been clinically validated to differentiate influenza from COVID.

Also note that the endless internet fights about “virus no isolated” are irrelevant to how the HHS announces pandemics or how CDC issues quarantine orders. No virus needs to exist at all! The pandemic illness is defined by a presidential executive order as basically fever and cough that in the sole opinion of one CDC employee can potentially be world-ending. As long as they think that and assert it in writing, no other proof is necessary. Thus, filing a thousand FOIA requests asking CDC for proof of virus is a waste of time and a distraction from what is going on in reality.

Please read Katherine Watt’s detailed historical analysis of the relevant law, going back to the 18th century:

For example, here is an act from the 51st Congress, 1890 (way before substantial body of virology was developed and way before computerized fakery such as PCR was introduced). They simply state that whenever the President thinks that cholera, smallpox, or plague exists… then the Sec of the TREASURY can make whatever rules and regulations he likes.

Incidentally, fake pandemics are still the tools of the central bankers. Listen to the clip of Catherine Austin Fitts here. Transcript and clip by Sense Receptor News:

"Bird flu has nothing to do with health. It's a tool of the central bankers...when you're printing monetary inflation you need a way to create deflation on demand."  Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report) Catherine Austin Fitts describes

At the time of the Grand Princess quarantine orders, in March 2020, the CDC (that had merged with the DOD via “the whole of government approach”) was the sole possessor of the “test” to determine if someone has “SARS-cov-2”. Therefore, they had the magic wand to wave around the quarantine ships, and, Eeny, meeny, miny, moe," into the military prison you go!

They further state that between January 2020 and March 2020, there has been sufficient “scientific” evidence collected showing that COVID-19 is SARS by the definitions of the cited EOs:

But of course! “Fever and signs of respiratory illness” is all that was needed, and the rest could be just asserted.

Next, they cite that by March 7, 2020, 200 “cases” (by CDC’s secret magic PCR wand that nobody else could scientifically check, validate, or verify) were found in the US (out of 300M+ population):

And because they found 20 “cases” on board the ship, everyone on the ship was now tagged “pre-communicable stage of COVID-19”:

The quarantine orders are basically an arrest without due process based on an imaginary cause.  In several countries, including Canada, the EU, Australia, and New Zealand, military and police-enforced quarantine was already used in 2020. The Blob is planning the next phase of global terrorism. Under a fake/PHEIC public health emergency declaration - they can round up people into indefinite detention, like they did with the cruise passengers, or shut down any city/town/community this way. 

I am publishing this material because you will not find this information in any mainstream media. Most of the “freedom community leaders” ignore this, too. Having this information and sharing with your friends and family will prepare you to face the government goons who might try to bluff their way into detaining you. Traveling and crossing international borders, especially by cruise ships, puts you in a vulnerable position. Knowledge is power.

To help you think through this matter and prepare, here is a discussion that Katherine, I, and one of our readers:

For example:

"Courts have held, however, that not all types of searches and seizures necessarily require probable cause and a warrant.

Searches and seizures conducted with the consent of an authorized person and those searches and seizures that are conducted to avert an imminent threat to health or safety do not run afoul of the Fourth Amendment even when conducted without probable cause and a warrant."

It's meant to look like a form of probable cause, warrant, due process, and judicial review, without being substantive, but instead being fake, like everything else.

After being taken into detention, a detainee can file a habeas corpus petition for judicial review under 28 USC 2241, like any other criminal, [except they haven’t been charged with a crime, but are detained for “non-law enforcement” reasons], and can also request an administrative hearing, not for constitutional or due process issues, only for medical and scientific issues. 

Katherine’s post:

On habeas corpus, probable cause, warrants, detention, and extrajudicial state killing under declared public health emergencies. by Katherine Watt

Read on Substack

From my own very simple perspective (informed by the history of totalitarianism), I can state with certainty that following the “health” commissars to the secondary crime scene (detention center) is a bad idea no matter what law you think applies. In theory, there may exist some remnants of the constitutional procedure for you to theoretically appeal your undue imprisonment. But once you are locked up by the Red Guards, do you think that the judges that have sided with the Red Guards to date will look at your case fairly and apply the Constitution? I personally would not test this theory.

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Friday, August 16, 2024

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Nobody can make viruses in the labs. This baloney narrative has been around since the 1950s, both in the US and the USSR. There is no way to make anything replicating spreadable or transmissible. All you can make is poison, but it needs to be deployed. Poisoning has been around for thousands of years. This guy is Fauci 2.0. Fear-mongering to get more money to send to the same labs so they flush it down the toilet and perform animal torture.  --Sasha Latypova

Rand Paul says, "And I don't downplay it, but . . . ." When folks use that phrase, they are deliberately downplaying, not to discount risks, but to elevate risks, to create risks where none exist.

Monday, July 22, 2024

11:45. Somebody on Substack explained this concept well.  The whole Globalist One Health is basically labeling not health as health.  For example, the energy that's not clean, or clean, depending on who is opinion it is, which is not health is now health.  Plants, which is not health, are now health.  So everything . . . war is health.  They're announcing that Ukraine is a health issue.  Yes, Ukraine is a health issue!  If you're lonely it's a health issue.  So they claim that the entire world, every aspect of living existence, is health. And these local bureaucrats that have no business and no authority to make law actually make law about your health.  So your Health Department now makes de facto law because they're going to say, "Oh, no, you need to drive on this day not on this day.  You need to go lock down here," and this is all health regulation that has nothing to do with laws but the deprivation of your rights.  That's how they are claiming the world capturing the world while everybody is talking politics and distracted.  

I will never forget the scene in the 1987 movie, Escape from Sobibor, starring Alan Arkin and Rutger Hauer, where after a trainload of Jews arrived and departed into formation, the German commander explains that typhus [at the 12:04 mark] has spread in some of the camps and that the residents will have to take showers.  So totalitarians are always using "health" to get compliance from you, and why not?  We know that health is good for us.  We know that we don't do enough for our own health.  And none of us like disease, and if disease is prevalent we want to wipe it out completely for the greater good.

13:10, BREGGIN. One of the first things I did when the whole thing started is I got a couple of textbooks on public health and one of the things that was very interesting to me who were writing the articles were for themselves planning the future of the world, each one of them.  And they would talk about how they were going to have to do this and that.  And never did these individual articles say we might run into trouble with the Supreme Court and there was a Bill of Rights that would tell us you can't do any of these things.  It's gone. It's not in their minds and they've succeeded, as you brilliantly just described, at going around the whole thing bypassing government. 

14:04. LATYPOVA. By administrative diktat, the Administrative State.  Yeah, I published on this very scary authority that they give themselves, the CDC and then down to every Health Department including in your county, they give themselves the authority to arrest anyone without any cause or due process through quarantine measures.  And they already did that in 2020 when they arrested and put into Federal detainment into military bases about 3,000 people from two cruise ships on absolutely a secret PCR test that only the CDC had in their possession at the time and didn't allow anyone to validate it.  So they secretly tested everyone, told them that they were positive or exposed to somebody who was positive based on their own hand-waving rules, and took those people and put them into military bases indefinitely.  And people could appeal their quarantine imprisonment to the same people who put them there the CDC and the medical orders for quarantine were written up by PHDs, not by MDs.  So that's how they do it and they can do it at any time there are laws in the United States that allow them to do it freely any time and there is no recourse so that's the scary part and people have no idea that this exists in your health department can do it to you.  We recently FOIA'd so I had a CHD fellow help me to get the FOIA from CDC.  They only gave us partial response but even in the partial response this is very clearly spelled out.  These are the papers that they gave to these people, and they said, "We CDC have this authority under these rules, and you must go," and people have no understanding.  Of course, they were scaring them with things like "This is a novel virus," "It's very deadly," "You might not feel anything right now, but it's very very deadly and very scary," and "You need to follow us and we'll give you the best treatment."  And then in that military detention, 10 people died.  But we don't know from what.  

16:41. I think they gave them Remdesivir, put them on ventilators, and that's how they died.  And then they called it COVID, and then disposed of the bodies, paid off the family members.  And remember, it all comes back to money. Throughout this whole time, FEMA would give $10,000 to people whose relatives were killed in the hospital as long as they called it COVID-19 and shut up about it.  Most people took the money, burial money.  I know Ernest Ramirez's son, Michael, was murdered by vaccines and he was also offered $10,000 and he refused.  And some people did refuse.   That's probably how we know about these payments.  

24:00. BREGGIN.  You said that the largest deep state agency in the world is our Department of Defense.  Is that what you said?

24:18. LATYPOVA.  Yes, the largest globalist organization is our Department of Defense because they have something like 900 military bases with weapons, serious weapons, occupying various countries. They had a number of them all over Europe, most recently Sweden and Finland, who remained for a long time independent.  Now they have signed up to a Defense Cooperation Agreement, DCA, where the US now can occupy about 15 military bases in each country.... 

25:00. BREGGIN. Now is that part of joining NATO?

25:05, LATYPOVA. Yes. 

25:06. BREGGIN.  If you join NATO, you come under our Department of Defense?

25:08. LATYPOVA.  Yes, and the US can occupy 15 military bases in Finland and in Sweden, which are small countries.  It's occupation, and occupation has been ongoing since the end of World War II.  U.S has occupied Europe and gradually pushed these countries to give up their military, to give up their own defense in exchange for protection, and this protection also is basically the role, the globalist, of the US Department of Defense is to hold guns literally to every government's head so that they accept the petro dollar, the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency.  You're right the structure is shaky and collapsing.  It's not clear how long the collapse is going to take.  But up until this point the whole point of having a globalist army enforcement via the US Department of Defense was so that everyone takes the US Petro dollars, or the reserve currency, as a main global transaction mechanism, and that's the power that the US exerts on the entire world: the power of U.S. money and forced by US military.  

Thursday, July 11, 2024

pandemic potential avian flu H5N1 virus was determined a fake promoted by WHO, CDC, Robert Koch Institute and Friedrich Loeffler Institute in 2006.

With so much gratitude to Sasha Latypova, her efforts, and intelligence.   

WHO, CDC, Robert Koch Institute (RKI), and Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) claim that H5N1 (avian flu virus) is “highly contagious”. Further, Reinhard Kurth, president of RKI, says that H5N1 “threatens potentially all six billion people on earth”.

We identified four fundamental questions underlying these claims and requested supporting studies from FLI (which according to the German Government “possesses virus isolates of H5N1”):

1. Does H5N1 exist?

2. Is it pathogenic to animals?

3. Is it transmissible and pathogenic to humans, and does it have pandemic potential?

Have other causes for observed disease been studied

FLI responded with four papers: PNAS [1], Science [2], J Virol [3] directed toward questions 1 and 2; EID [4] towards question 3; PNAS [1] towards question 4.

Question 1 (existence). FLI responded with, “H5N1/asia virus can be produced completely in vitro by using reverse genetics. The virus generated this way, also called infectious clone, cannot contain contaminants from sick animals” [translated from German]. However, PCR cannot be used to identify viruses which have not been previously sequenced [5].

The PNAS paper (as the others) does not show or reference the composition of the stock virus – nor does Subbarao et al. (referenced by the EID paper), which claims the first characterization of H5N1 disease in a human in 1997 [6]. Though the EID study failed to detect “H5N1” in several of the diseased organs, this anomaly was labeled an “enigma”, rather than a “contradiction”.

Robert Webster, corresponding author of the PNAS paper and Director of WHO’s Collaborating Center for Studies on the Ecology of Influenza in Animals and Birds, informed us that stock viruses “are classified as select agents” and “we are not at liberty to release this information”. Without verification, and without purification described in any of these papers, we cannot accept that stock virus is pure and fully characterized. Inquiries for clarification to Webster, CDC Select Agents Program, and FLI received no response.

Question 2 (animal pathogenicity). Papers describe the use of natural routes, but the disease was only achieved with extraordinary concentrations, up to 10 million EID per animal. None of the experiments used controls or blinding. The Science paper is highly abstract molecular science, employing elevated concentrations of chimeric variants.

Question 3 (human pathogenicity and pandemic potential). The EID paper is an anecdotal report of a 6-year-old boy from Thailand with severe multi-organ disease. No evidence was given for transmissibility to humans. The scientists found evidence of aspergillosis, and the boy was treated with toxic agents (broad-spectrum antimicrobial and antivirals) before he died.

Subbarao et al. (referenced by the EID paper), describe a previously healthy 3-year-old Hong Kong boy who developed flu-like symptoms on May 9, 1997, and was treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and salicylic acid, though this is commonly contraindicated. He developed Reye’s Syndrome and died eleven days later [7]. A search commenced for causation within a limited range of flu viruses. H5N1 was claimed causative, even though coronaviruses, flaviviruses, enteroviruses, other pathogens and chemicals can also cause flu symptoms. There was no confirmation of prior avian contact. Regardless, warnings of an “explosive pandemic” appeared in this early document, though FLI conceded: “There is no scientific forecasting method that can evaluate the possibility that an influenza virus induces a new pandemic.”

Question 4 (non-“H5N1” causation). Neither the Subbarao et al study nor the FLI references consider reasonable, competing theories for disease causation, e.g., environmental and pharmaceutical factors.

Our analysis shows the papers do not satisfy our four basic questions. Claims of H5N1 pathogenicity and pandemic potential need to be challenged further.


1. Hulse-Post D.J., Sturm-Ramirez K.M., Humberd J., Seiler P., Govorkova E.A., Krauss S. Role of domestic ducks in the propagation and biological evolution of highly pathogenic H5N1 influenza viruses in Asia. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2005;102(30):10682–10687. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

2. Hatta M., Gao P., Halfmann P., Kawaoka Y. Molecular basis for high virulence of Hong Kong H5N1 influenza A viruses. Science. 2001;293(5536):1840–1842. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

3. Hulse D.J., Webster R.G., Russell R.J., Perez D.R. Molecular determinants within the surface proteins involved in the pathogenicity of H5N1 influenza viruses in chickens. J Virol. 2004;78(18):9954–9964. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

4. Uiprasertkul M., Puthavathana P., Sangsiriwut K., Pooruk P., Srisook K., Peiris M. Influenza A H5N1 replication sites in humans. Emerg Infect Dis. 2005;11(7):1036–1041. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

5. Brown T.A. Genomes. 2nd ed. Bios Scientific Publishers; 2002. The polymerase chain reaction. [chapter 4.3] [Google Scholar]

6. Subbarao K., Klimov A., Katz J., Regnery H., Lim W., Hall H. Characterization of an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus isolated from a child with a fatal respiratory illness. Science. 1998;279(5349):393–396. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

7. Hurwitz E.S., Barrett M.J., Bregman D., Gunn W.J., Pinsky P., Schonberger L.B. Public Health Service study of Reye’s syndrome and medications. Report of the main study. JAMA. 1987;257(14):1905–1911. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]

As I previously reported, the “pandemic potential avian flu virus H5N1” fake narrative was re-animated in 2011 by Ron Foucher and Erasmus Medical Center (NL). They were hoping to get the fear porn going again after it was defeated in 2006. They succeeded, despite many sound journalists and scientists identifying the false narrative at the time.

Fouchier and Erasmus were not the only ones stoking fear about “highly pathogenic” bird flu, it is now standard trope of every criminal health authority and academic hanger-on worldwide.

There is no H5N1 virus, not in nature and not in the lab. Nobody can make viruses nor modify viruses in the labs. They can make a chemical soup using PCR and other fraudulent, or at a minimum, unvalidated methods and may show some lab tricks for scaremongering purposes, but none of these abracadabras survive in the open. That’s because they are a dead chemical soup to begin with and are non-compatible with living organisms. The only risk that “bioengineered pathogens” represent is poisoning. Which DOES NOT CAUSE PANDEMICS. Poisoning is always localized. The pandemics are faked by government officials, military and intelligence, academia and mainstream media, as I discussed here: