Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2025. Show all posts

Monday, February 10, 2025

MARK MARANO: Biden Administration, "Yeah, we know this is dangerous. We don't know the effects, but darn it, people aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research . . ."

Mark Marano at  

As the Biden Administration signals its fight against global warming may actually involve blocking sunlight, the White House posting research claiming,

Solar radiation modification would enable better-informed decisions about the potential risks and benefits of SRM as a component of climate policy alongside the foundational elements of greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.

Our next guest warns this is simply government's way of controlling your weather. Mark Murano, publisher of, and he joins us now.

Okay, Mark, my take this morning was maybe this is one of those "or else."  Get on board with everything "or else" we're going to block the sun.  But I guess it's a little bit more reality than that tell us about it.

00:47.  Well, this is actually Bill Gates funding this as well through Harvard University.  This is retro 1970s.  In the 1970s, they believed that our fossil fuels were creating aerosols blocking the sun, creating man-made global cooling.  So they came up with the same kind of geoengineering solutions back then.  They wanted to put black soot on the Arctic to melt it.  There was one proposal to use nuclear energy to help loosen the Arctic ice caps because they thought they were growing too much.  And John Holdren back in the Obama Administration also supported this kind of geoengineering if you will of the climate this is radical risky unproven unknown effects.  But they're doing it as a sort of lever over us to say now in the Biden Administration kind of like, "Yeah, we know this is dangerous.  We don't know the effects, but darn it, people aren't buying electric cars fast enough, or they're not embracing Green New Deal policies so we have to risk our entire planet with this insane kind of research. It's basically whether modification.  China has been doing it for years.  That's another form of what the US government has even been doing.  ABC News meteorologists bragged about the cloud seeding they are doing to increase rain or snow or storms.  The government will control the weather, and you will be happy that seems to be the new motto.

02:05.  I was just talking to Will about cloud seeding.  He's not sure if he believes it now so . . . this is something been trying to do for a while.  But on the same topic, if they don't get to block out the sun, they're going to try other maybe more practical ways, like electric vehicles, pushing those on us.  A poll out shows 59% of Americans oppose facing out gas cars by 2035.  21% support Biden's policy on this.  What's your take on it?

02:30.  I don't think we need a poll to show us these numbers.  The American people have voted.  Less than 7% of cars are electric vehicle sales in America, and that's despite massive subsidies, massive tax credits, and mandates banning gas-powered cars led by California and 18 other states with trigger laws.  They have done everything they can to promote electric cars.  They're more expensive.  They have less range, and all they do is increase our dependence on China.  It takes fossil fuels to make a car.  It takes fossil fuels to recharge the cars.  It makes no sense.  And what they're doing is it is intentionally creating car shortages by these gas-powered car bans to force us into mass transit. 

PETER ST ONGE: Biden's final jobs report: 589,000 jobs revised into oblivion; 70% of jobs created in the government sector; 99.2% of jobs going to foreign-born workers

Still, what's more important is help is on the way.  Trump's spending cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and mass deportations will all lead to more jobs for Americans. --Peter St Onge.  

Onge is more optimistic than me.

Joe Biden's final jobs report is out, and it is a doozy, a veritable orgy of revisions kicking off with a massive Bureau of Labor Statistics revision that wiped out 589,000 imaginary jobs the Biden Administration had been propping up until the election.  Every single month of 2024 was revised down, and keep in mind this is not the whole story.  The Philly Fed thinks there's another 800,000 fake jobs lurking in these sweet nothings of Biden's finest government statisticians.  Now, Trump's new Chief Economist, Kevin Hassett, summed it up, "The Biden job market was way worse than markets thought.  There is a lot of cleaning up to do.  Democrats and Legacy Media, of course, tried to pin the whole mess on Trump, turning it as Trump's first job report when it covers the period before Trump even took office and revises numbers Biden invented. 

Even more concerning than the revisions was the job composition.  Nearly 70% of new jobs were either government workers or government-funded education social assistance, what the Wall Street Journal calls "the welfare industrial complex."  Just 45,000 jobs were created outside of government.  Out of an economy of 164 million workers that is roughly 1/3 what the economy needs just to tread water.  Note, all of those government-funded jobs will have been bought with tax dollars cuz the government, of course, creates absolutely nothing.  It only steals.  This pumps up the national debt, which we will either have to repay with higher taxes or, as Biden had been doing, with inflation.  Once again full-time jobs were replaced by part-time jobs, a theme under Biden.  Government counts both as a job, of course, but most people take part-time jobs because they can't find a full-time job, and yet they still need to eat.  Finally, the report found that precisely 99.2% of new jobs in January went to foreign-born workers.  Just 0.8% went to the native-born, who make up 4/5 of America's population, and, in theory, 90% of America's voters in case Dems wonder why they lost.

Warren Buffett famously quipped that when the tide goes out we see who's swimming without a suit.  There will be a lot more revisions as we've discovered.  Just how deep the lies and statistical manipulations went under Biden, starting with that 800,000 revision by the Philly Fed.  Still, what's more important is help is on the way.  Trump's spending cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and mass deportations will all lead to more jobs for Americans.  Yes, even for the hundreds of thousands of redundant federal workers who will go from a monkey on the back of the private sector to actually doing something useful with their lives.  So, in the coming months expect a lot of the numbers to get much worse on paper with the revisions even as our job market starts healing, reversing Biden's handlers' wholesale government takeover and freeing Americans to get back to making things again.

MOLLY DAVIS: The entire World is a potential "American".....when your country is nothing but an economic zone

WORLD HALL OF FUN: [Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan] is owned by the government of Pakistan, and the deal was part of a $1.1 billion IMF bailout package to help Pakistan avoid defaulting on their…


I wonder how many of these congresspeople were involved in or supported the J6 imprisonment.  

Is this what DOGE is shutting down?

Sunday, February 9, 2025

So far, unfortunately, only fake civil charges have been brought by the Attorney General of Texas and the Attorney General of Kansas.  They are being operated as if it's a heroic act of suing Pfizer in Kansas and Texas.  But I have written an extensive analysis of these cases.  They're just fundraising exercises the Texas one already has been dismissed and the Kansas case will be dismissed also.

00:26.  And, I think, I'm going to add to that, Sasha.  Any approach to this that does not acknowledge the public-private partnership aspect of it, if you are just going after Pfizer, or if you're just going after Fauci, then you're not actually going after the entity or the entities that were in charge, and you're actually kind of obscuring, either intentionally or not intentionally, what actually you have.

00:50.  and often helping to solidify the bad law.  Often in these, most of the cases have been going after Pfizer claiming the product a liability, claiming as if it's a regulated product.  Now, of course, the government is lying that it's saying that it's in a regulated product so you could go under this Theory but is all designed to fail and it's all designed to just solidify the fact that all of this the government has the right to do all this and they can protect Pfizer in this situation

TOM RENZ: My family uses Costco a lot and the fact that they are poisoning their “organic” beef with “vaccines” is both misleading and horrific.

United States v. Sperry Corp. (1989): The Supreme Court treated money as private property under the Takings Clause of the 5th Amendment, saying that "Money is property; it is not merely a medium of…

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Where did all the rubble go? 90% of the 22-story Marriot Hotel, Building 3, disappeared, along with 75% of Building 4.

HEATHER SCOTT, (R) IDAHO: So what that language does is capture. . . [human remains are] getting into the food sources. That's really my concern.

Conviction on a cannibalism charge is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. 

The way our society is going and the direction we're going, this is going to be normalized.  There's only one state in the union that cannibalism is illegal and that is Idaho.  It's already illegal for someone to do it to themselves but it is not illegal for them to give it to somebody unknowingly [like in the food supply?]  So what that language does is capture. . . it's getting into the food sources.  That's really my concern. 

In other states, laws target abuse or desecration of a corpose, according to Cornell Law School. 

The Representative giving testimony is Heather Scott from Blanchard, Idaho


Dr. Christine Drivdahl-Smith gave an incredible testimony before the Montana judiciary yesterday:

ALDHISSLA: Louis Pasteur drilled holes into the skulls of animals in order to “prove” rabies transmission.

This is what medical science is based on, experiments from The Island of Dr. Moreau, and yet people show up to their doctors, no, rush to their doctor's office like it's some kind of fountain of youth or where the truths of health reside.  

SENSE RECEPTOR: The media is now pushing the lie that 156 million chickens have been affected by avian flu. Tens of millions of egg-laying chickens have consequently been slaughtered unnecessarily.

Crashing the food supply? Got eggs?

Using fraudulent PCR tests to crash the food supply.  This is why the egg section in your grocery store is empty.  Got chickens?  How about a chicken coup?  You need the protein, the choline, the sulfur, the vitamin A, E, and others from eggs.  They are your daily multivitamins.   

Friday, February 7, 2025

Trump signs executive order requiring audit of every NGO which relies on federal funding, including the Red Cross

The Kindness of Others Does Exist

California Woman Confronts Chemtrail Pilots from Weather Modification International

from NeedtoKnowNews,

A woman who writes under the name ‘Kat’ in the MellowKat Newsletter recorded her encounter at the Modesto Jet Center with pilots from Weather Modification International. She says they are spraying chemtrails in her area, in or near Sonora in Central California, and are causing unhealthy conditions. She asked to speak with Jody Fischer who was unavailable and spoke with an unidentified pilot who did not deny that he was using his plane to spray substances in the sky. She has been collecting rainwater and has had it analyzed for chemicals.  

In her article, there is a bill from Weather Modification International for $81,707.00 for the month of November 2022 for “Aircraft Seeding Operations”, materials and mobilization. The bill was sent to the Turlock Irrigation District. Kat said that the Tuolumne County Supervisors are clueless about chemtrails.

If you want to follow this topic, MellowCat's newsletter is an excellent place to start.  Her name is Catherine Gardiner.  She uses the app FlightRadar24 to track the pilots spraying chemtrails in her area.

Her conversation above is with a captain.  

Her full conversation with a Modesto pilot is halfway down on this page.

The pilot she's talking to is Jody Fischer.  Fischer is an aviation professional with over 17 years of pilot experience in special missions including cloud seeding and atmospheric research aircraft operations.  

GABE K-S: There must be something like the opposite of suicide, whereby a person radically and abruptly decides to start living, or rescue their own life from destruction obscurity

PETER ST ONGE: 99.2% of new jobs last month went to foreign-born workers

since July 2018, the US labor force has added 4.6 million foreign-born workers, while the number of native-born workers has declined by nearly 700K

the only job growth in the US in the past 6 years has been for foreigners, is clearly the result of Biden's policies  --ZeroHedge

The article is titled, "Lost In Today's Job Revision Chaos: Over 1 Million Foreign-Born Workers Found A Job... And No Native Borns."

Earlier today, the BLS confirmed what we previewed last night (see "Tomorrow's Jobs Report Will Finally Capture The Surge In Illegal Aliens, Lead To Another Big Negative Payrolls Revision"), and admitted what we had been saying for much of the past 3 years -that most of the job gains in the past few years, and especially 2024, were a mirage, and following the dramatic August 2024 preliminary data revision which vaporized 818K jobs (which had never existed in the first place)

. . .   

And the reason why it won't be a problem is simple: while it won't get much discussion today, the biggest reason behind today's solid increase in the number of employed workers is the same one we have been pounding the table on since 2023. It's all foreign workers, and - as we explained recently - it is mostly all illegal aliens.

That's right, the BLS reported that in January, over a million, or 1,045,000 to be precise, foreign-born workers found a job (and as Standard Chartered explained lst June, this is largely illegal or "undocumented" aliens) compared to only 8,000 native-born workers!  

This means that while we just hit another month of record foreign-born (largely illegal alien) workers, at 31.774 million, the number of native-born workers remains unchanged over the past six years, still below levels last hit in 2019, just before the covid crisis.   

This also means that since July 2018, the US labor force has added 4.6 million foreign-born workers, while the number of native-born workers has declined by nearly 700K. 

And while this (not really) shocking increase in foreign workers, which really is just the latest in a long series of monthly reports confirming that the only job growth in the US in the past 6 years has been for foreigners, is clearly the result of Biden's policies, we would recommend that president Trump do something to urgently if not immediately address this critical topic... a topic which one year ago we correctly predicted would win Trump the 2024 election - and which if left as is, will promptly lead to the transformation of the current euphoria in Trump's presidency, with disappointment.