Showing posts with label polio vaccine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polio vaccine. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2025



"Salk Vaccine: Safe, Effective!"

Along Comes the first widespread vaccination campaign with the Salk vaccine.

"They were not going to let this vaccine fail all the fanfare that was going into it."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"They weren't careful about their manufacturing standards.  They weren't careful about the testing."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"The Cutter Incident was pretty much a disaster."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"The fact that they were making vaccines with monkey kidney cells they discover the presents of sv40, which is a mutation that can cause cancers in animals and humans."  Dr. Pierre Kory

"When scientists located the SV40 and we're trying to talk about it, they were threatened and harassed." Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"In the early 50s, the Salk vaccine, and the late 50s, the Sabine vaccine, and everybody got it because you know why wouldn't you?  Nobody ever heard of vaccine injuries in those things."  Dr. Meryl Nass

"Polio is caused by both the injected and the oral polio vaccine.  you could have an injection of a polio vaccine and still be a carrier and spread polio."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

"So when it comes to the definition of polio, anything that limped or had a cough or anything before the vaccines came out in the 1950s was pretty much polio.  Afterwards, the criteria changed."

"Before the vaccine, there was something called non-paralytic polio.  After the vaccine, they termed that aseptic meningitis.  No laboratory testing was required before the vaccine.  After the vaccine was released in order to make a diagnosis of polio, a lab test was required.  

For anyone who says 'My aunt had polio,' some of us have got to be willing to face the ugly truth.  Polio is one of the ugliest."

"There has been scandal.  There has been propaganda.  There has been failure, and there has been injury.  And it's been covered up."  Dr. Suzanne Humphries

03:50.  I was seeing vaccine injury in my own patients when I was 100% consultative nephrologist in the state of Maine, Maine Hospital.  What happened was I started to do a little bit of research because I was very naive at that point.  I knew there was a polio vaccine in the past, and it was wonderful and all these little crippled children their parents no longer had to fear the crippling effects of polio because of the vaccine and what a miracle it was.  Because as a doctor, I'd never seen a case of polio that I knew about.  Turns out, I'd seen plenty of polio, and more importantly I later realized that I'd seen plenty of kidney disease related to the sv40 virus.  But getting back to the question that you asked me is that every time I would make a claim to somebody who challenged me, because I was discontinuing the vaccines on patients that I was consulting on who already had acute kidney injury, and I would say, "Please don't give this vaccine," or I would research the fact that one of my patients or then two of my patients and then 10 of my patients ended up coming in and saying "You know, I was fine until I had that shot," and I thought "Well, can vaccines affect kidneys or not?"  And so I looked into it, and sure enough vaccines can profoundly affect kidneys.  Kidneys are incredibly sensitive to inflammation, probably one of the most sensitive organs to inflammation next to the brain.  And a lot of what we see is drug-induced nephropathies, and so why not a vaccine-induced nephropathy and sure enough I found plenty of medical literature after I was encountered my first patient with who claimed to have a vaccine injury.  So, instead of telling him to shut up and denying it, and acting like Paul Offit, I decided to be like a doctor and look in a few books and see if it's possible and found that it was.  So I didn't have kids.  I didn't have any history of vaccine injury that I knew of, so I was just kind of trying to find where the truth lied.  And if the truth lied in the fact that vaccines are the greatest thing ever created and that they were preventing disease, that's what I would be telling the world.  But that is absolutely not what happened with any vaccine that I researched.  

06:03.  So after I finished my research into influenza vaccines in that particular year, the H5N1 vaccine, the swine flu vaccine I'm getting all the animals confused these days so anyway they were giving two vaccines out of those days for the flu and it seemed to have more of an impact than just a previous one and so I would be talking to the chief of Medicine or I'd be talking to other doctors or even to a parent somewhere and everyone would say the same thing to me what about polio and still to this day when I have a conversation about a vaccine the first question is probably the same to you Dell well what about polio and back then I would just say what about polio and I would have a look at polio so after I finished influenza the kidney issue I delved into polio and I'll tell you I never imagined doing this in a million years I spent two years of my life after I quit my job just looking into polio and what I found it was morbidly fast was it was morbidly fascinating and at the time I couldn't get enough of it I got all the polio surveillance units documents all the scandalous medical information that was available back then I found what other doctors were saying about the testing procedure back then about the Francis trials and the propaganda about the wonderful vaccine and it was anything but what we hear over and over and over again and it very much mirrors what happened with covid and I have been screaming from the mountain tops all around the world that this is nothing new what we're seeing with covid this is an old story that pretty much mirrors what we saw back in the smallpox era as well anyway that's the long answer to your question.

07:52.  And what's amazing about your book I mean I still remember I read it several times now probably need to read it 10 more times to fully integrate all of the information in there but we act as though sort of this anti-vaccine movement if you will or even with covid we saw I think it was like I remember at one point some CDC and FDA had heads were asked during the covid epidemic how much of your staff has gotten the covid vaccine and I think one of the answers was less than half we were shocked to find a doctors weren't taking the vaccine


Thursday, December 26, 2024

Students lining up for polio vaccine shots at Kit Carson Elementary School in San Diego, 1955


1955, Students lining up for polio vaccine shots at Kit Carson Elementary School in San Diego.  Thank you to Lynn Thompson.  

On the polio vaccine, see here.

The following pics come from the Texas Medical Center Library, TMC Library

The following series is from the Victory Over Polio campaign, which set out to mass-vaccinate Harris County residents in July 1962.  It was sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce [Jaycees] and the Harris County Medical Society.

All of these are from Institutional Collection 004, the Harris County Medical Society, box 1 of the “Victory Over Polio” series.

1962, Two bureaucrats wrapped in stats printed out from the computer with a running tally of numbers scrolled on the blackboard.  How innocent.  These two don't have a clue as to the contents of the vaccine.  These would be your official liars.  And TMC Library fails to identify them.  Talk about CYA.
1962, Ah, yes, bring in your local celebrity athlete [from Houston's Colt 45s] to really sell the poisons to the community.  Not even a number on his jersey to identify him.  Perfect.
1962, This scene here is remarkable in that it takes a public health concern and turns it into a party to normalize illness.  Nice.  

1962, Vaccination stations were set up at area schools.

Monday, July 29, 2024

AARON SIRI: The first Hep A vaccine ever licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was Engerix-B, licensed for children based on a trial with 4 days of safety monitoring after injection).

Don’t be fooled by claims that earlier vaccines were licensed based on long-term placebo-controlled trials. For example: The first Hep A vaccine ever licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was Engerix-B, licensed for children based on a trial with 4 days of safety monitoring after injection). The first chickenpox vaccine licensed in the U.S. (and still used) did not use a placebo in its trial (instead, its control was an injection of neomycin, an antibiotic). Prevnar 13 was licensed for babies based on a trial in which Prevnar 7 was used as a control, and Prevnar 7 was licensed based on a trial in which another experimental vaccine, an "Investigational meningococcal group C conjugate vaccine,” was used as a control – again, not a placebo. The current polio vaccine was licensed in the U.S. without a placebo (and only three days of safety monitoring) and the very first polio vaccine (the Salk vaccine) was licensed in 1955 without a placebo. In fact, Dr. Paul Offit attacked me claiming “200,000 were inoculated with salt water” in the Salk polio vaccine trials to “prove” a placebo was used. He is wrong. The official Salk trial report, page 51, describes precisely what these 200,000 children received: an injection that included, among other things, “199 solution” (a synthetic tissue culture medium and ethanol) “phenol red,” “antibiotics,” and “formalin.” In other words, not a placebo. After being called out on the above, Dr. Offit then oddly argued a “placebo” doesn’t mean a saline injection but rather something that is “immunologically inert.” But even under Dr. Offit’s revised definition that would still mean all the controls above were not “placebos” since other vaccines or injections of antibiotics are not immunologically inert. The reality is that the trials the FDA relied upon to license a vaccine as safe are contained in Section 6.1 of the package insert for each vaccine and the hard-cold-reality is right there in black-and-white for the world to see: Join the Spaces event discussing this chart tomorrow, on Tuesday (7/30) at noon Eastern: (See chart in link above and prior Twitter/Stack exchanges with Dr. Offit for sources for all above.)

Thursday, April 13, 2023

"Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality that we saw in the first half of the 20th century"

Quote #1 

Vaccination does not account for the impressive declines in mortality that we saw in the first half of the 20th century.  Nearly 90% of the decline in infectious disease mortality among U.S. children occurred before 1940 when few antibiotics or vaccines were available.  from Pediatrics 

Quote #2 

This study shows smallpox mortality declined before the vaccine was introduced.  from NCBI.

Quote #3

Vaccine injury lawsuits.  Oral polio vaccine which was responsible for causing every domestic case of paralytic polio in the U.S. after 1979.  Even though the risk of getting polio from the vaccine had become greater than the risk from the wild virus.  And even though an alternative, inactivated polio vaccine was available, the FDA in 1984 declared that "any possible doubts, whether or not well-founded about the safety of the vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation's public health objectives." 

That reminds me of the censorship and suppression that's been going on these days.  

OMG.  Adam Schiff, pre-COVID, had written a letter to the CEOs of Facebook, Google, and Amazon, demanding that they do more to stop information that might lead parents to conclude that trickily following the CDC's schedule wasn't in the children's best interest.  So the criteria wasn't if the information isn't truthful or not, but will it help us in our policy goals or not?

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Jonas Salk vs. Albert Sabin: The War on Polio

Groubert says that the March of Dimes got its name from The March of Time, 1935-1951.  Wikipedia elaborates a bit, 

The March of Time  is an American newsreel series sponsored by Time Inc. and shown in movie theaters from 1935 to 1951. It was based on a radio news series broadcast from 1931 to 1945. The "voice" of both series was Westbrook VAn Voorhis.  Produced and written by Louis de Rochemont and his brother Richard de Rochemont, The March of Time was recognized with an Academy Honorary Award in 1937. 

Here is a 1938 The March of Time newsreel, titled, "Inside Nazi Germany."

March of Dimes wasn't in name only.  Everybody in the country mailed in millions and millions of dimes and raised over a million dollars in 1932.  This single-handedly funded the research.  

March of the Moms was where moms in the neighborhood would march around the neighborhood at night and collect the change thar families would leave out on the porch under a porch light.  

Of the 30,000 kids who were inoculated across the country, some kids began to die and the Salk vaccine national program was called to a halt and Salk was was called in to Congress.   

Sabin on Sunday where everyone in the country was given a sugar cube with the Sabin vaccine which had the live virus in it.  Salk, to his credit never gives up.  In 1954, Sabin goes before the American Medical Association in the Madison Square Gardens in front of 38,000 people and denounces Salk as a communist  

He says this is going to cause polio and he was right, the Sabin vaccine did cause polio all the way to today.  In fact, the only cause of polio in the world today is from vaccine-induced polio. 

At the 39:50-mark, Mark Groubert says "that's why the vaccine companies have immunity today." So I missed the lead in to that statement.  It's because of the Sabin vaccine lawsuit that vaccine companies have immunity today. 

The Fauci-ites hate Salk.  Sabin calls Salk nothing more than a kitchen chemist.  The refrigeration if the Albert Sabin vaccine is what kept the polio vaccine alive.  That's why you kept hearing about the polio vaccine in Africa and the polio vaccine in India.