Showing posts with label — Peter St Onge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Peter St Onge. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

PETER ST ONGE: Without USAID money, rent-a-mobs just aren't what they used to be

Saturday, February 15, 2025

DC Homes Tanking 15%?

Monday, February 10, 2025

PETER ST ONGE: Biden's final jobs report: 589,000 jobs revised into oblivion; 70% of jobs created in the government sector; 99.2% of jobs going to foreign-born workers

Still, what's more important is help is on the way.  Trump's spending cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and mass deportations will all lead to more jobs for Americans. --Peter St Onge.  

Onge is more optimistic than me.

Joe Biden's final jobs report is out, and it is a doozy, a veritable orgy of revisions kicking off with a massive Bureau of Labor Statistics revision that wiped out 589,000 imaginary jobs the Biden Administration had been propping up until the election.  Every single month of 2024 was revised down, and keep in mind this is not the whole story.  The Philly Fed thinks there's another 800,000 fake jobs lurking in these sweet nothings of Biden's finest government statisticians.  Now, Trump's new Chief Economist, Kevin Hassett, summed it up, "The Biden job market was way worse than markets thought.  There is a lot of cleaning up to do.  Democrats and Legacy Media, of course, tried to pin the whole mess on Trump, turning it as Trump's first job report when it covers the period before Trump even took office and revises numbers Biden invented. 

Even more concerning than the revisions was the job composition.  Nearly 70% of new jobs were either government workers or government-funded education social assistance, what the Wall Street Journal calls "the welfare industrial complex."  Just 45,000 jobs were created outside of government.  Out of an economy of 164 million workers that is roughly 1/3 what the economy needs just to tread water.  Note, all of those government-funded jobs will have been bought with tax dollars cuz the government, of course, creates absolutely nothing.  It only steals.  This pumps up the national debt, which we will either have to repay with higher taxes or, as Biden had been doing, with inflation.  Once again full-time jobs were replaced by part-time jobs, a theme under Biden.  Government counts both as a job, of course, but most people take part-time jobs because they can't find a full-time job, and yet they still need to eat.  Finally, the report found that precisely 99.2% of new jobs in January went to foreign-born workers.  Just 0.8% went to the native-born, who make up 4/5 of America's population, and, in theory, 90% of America's voters in case Dems wonder why they lost.

Warren Buffett famously quipped that when the tide goes out we see who's swimming without a suit.  There will be a lot more revisions as we've discovered.  Just how deep the lies and statistical manipulations went under Biden, starting with that 800,000 revision by the Philly Fed.  Still, what's more important is help is on the way.  Trump's spending cuts, tax cuts, regulatory cuts, and mass deportations will all lead to more jobs for Americans.  Yes, even for the hundreds of thousands of redundant federal workers who will go from a monkey on the back of the private sector to actually doing something useful with their lives.  So, in the coming months expect a lot of the numbers to get much worse on paper with the revisions even as our job market starts healing, reversing Biden's handlers' wholesale government takeover and freeing Americans to get back to making things again.

Friday, February 7, 2025

PETER ST ONGE: 99.2% of new jobs last month went to foreign-born workers

since July 2018, the US labor force has added 4.6 million foreign-born workers, while the number of native-born workers has declined by nearly 700K

the only job growth in the US in the past 6 years has been for foreigners, is clearly the result of Biden's policies  --ZeroHedge

The article is titled, "Lost In Today's Job Revision Chaos: Over 1 Million Foreign-Born Workers Found A Job... And No Native Borns."

Earlier today, the BLS confirmed what we previewed last night (see "Tomorrow's Jobs Report Will Finally Capture The Surge In Illegal Aliens, Lead To Another Big Negative Payrolls Revision"), and admitted what we had been saying for much of the past 3 years -that most of the job gains in the past few years, and especially 2024, were a mirage, and following the dramatic August 2024 preliminary data revision which vaporized 818K jobs (which had never existed in the first place)

. . .   

And the reason why it won't be a problem is simple: while it won't get much discussion today, the biggest reason behind today's solid increase in the number of employed workers is the same one we have been pounding the table on since 2023. It's all foreign workers, and - as we explained recently - it is mostly all illegal aliens.

That's right, the BLS reported that in January, over a million, or 1,045,000 to be precise, foreign-born workers found a job (and as Standard Chartered explained lst June, this is largely illegal or "undocumented" aliens) compared to only 8,000 native-born workers!  

This means that while we just hit another month of record foreign-born (largely illegal alien) workers, at 31.774 million, the number of native-born workers remains unchanged over the past six years, still below levels last hit in 2019, just before the covid crisis.   

This also means that since July 2018, the US labor force has added 4.6 million foreign-born workers, while the number of native-born workers has declined by nearly 700K. 

And while this (not really) shocking increase in foreign workers, which really is just the latest in a long series of monthly reports confirming that the only job growth in the US in the past 6 years has been for foreigners, is clearly the result of Biden's policies, we would recommend that president Trump do something to urgently if not immediately address this critical topic... a topic which one year ago we correctly predicted would win Trump the 2024 election - and which if left as is, will promptly lead to the transformation of the current euphoria in Trump's presidency, with disappointment. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Joe Biden's handlers are looting the Treasury on the way out.  Now granted it's it is very normal for deposed dictators to fly out pallets of cash as they scamper off to Moscow or Dubai or Delaware.  In Joe's case, he's in line to push $2 trillion dollars out the door before Trump takes office on January 20th $800 [billion] of which will be deficit.  Now $2 trillion is over 30% of the annual budget, meaning Trump will have to trim spending for the rest of the year just to break even.  Now lower spending mechanically subtracts from reported GDP which makes Trump look bad in fact it could knock almost 2% off GDP growth 

Friday, January 10, 2025

Young adults Gen Z is hitting midlife crisis in the their twenties.  As it turns out, participation trophies do not, in fact, pay the bills.  That's according to a new study by Behavior researcher, Vitality, which finds that 38% of Gen Z adults, that is ages 18 to 27, report experiencing what they themselves describe as a midlife crisis, driven by financial instability, mental health issues, and career uncertainty.  Gen Z workers were almost 2.5 times more likely to experience depression compared to older colleagues, which is pretty rough when you're in your twenties.  A separate study by Arta Finance found that 30% of Gen Z report financial issues is their primary sources, trust beating out mental health at a robust 25% and dead end careers at 23%. Together these have given Gen Z a growing sense of crisis.  Now what's driving it, of course, is high inflation and slow growth of the Biden years which means wages that have not kept up with inflation add in houses that are out of reach until you make six figures.  So much for young families, plus, a job market that's being revised into recession territory now that the election has passed, driving those who can find a job into anything they can find even a job they hate.  And then finally millions of illegal immigrants who minimum wage every starter job this side of only fans gen Z's response is increasingly self-destructive sorry so called Doom spending where they splurge on trips to the Caribbean or $300 shoes which does dull the pain today but pretty much ends any dream of owning a house or starting a family.

NYU Professor, Scott Galloway, recently highlighted how Gen Z is the first generation in American history to make less than their parents as in for 200 years our economy was working making every generation richer.  Now it broke.  This contributes to rising anxiety and depression, obesity and addiction, over medication, even incarceration and suicide as the future fades out of sight.  The population Reference Bureau found that suicide rate among Gen Z women and girls is almost twice as for men.  One study found that 1 in 3 Gen Z men have not had sex in the past year as they withdraw into a cocoon of gaming and Reddit.  Cause and effect being what it is, just 27% of 30 to 40 year-olds have kids, compared to 60% in 1990.  One recent study pronounced Gen X the loneliest generation, finding that 80% of Gen Z men say they're often lonely and have few or no close friends.  They are shutting in.

We raised an entire generation in an education system that prioritized obedience and self-esteem over excellence, hard work, and grit.  Then we dumped them into a failing economy that is deeply unforgiving of the soft.  Raising the next generation will take root and branch reform of government schools, ideally simply replacing them with vouchers.  As for the generation we've got, the best medicine is jobs that are plentiful and that pay enough to actually build a future.  It's going to be a long road and voters will have to demand reforms on both education and economy.  Government will not fix itself.  Happily we know how to fix it.  Our economy worked for 200 years, and our schools didn't used to be this bad.  But like all government reform, it will be trench warfare.

Read the rest 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

PETER ST ONGE: [shoplifting craze] can set off a so-called Urban Doom Loop, where first residents with jobs flee, then tax revenue plunges, and then the city cannot afford police or even street cleaning

A new study says shoplifting has soared 93% compared to pre-COVID even as left-wing media swears up and down that locked-up toothbrushes at CVS are figments of your imagination.  The numbers come from a new study by the National Retail Federation who surveyed 164 retail brands making up $1.5 trillion in sales on what the industry calls shrinkage, and the rest of us call shoplifting, boosting jack-packing five-finger discounts.  

What's driving it of course is the effective legalization of shoplifting in blue cities and states including California and New York.  To give a flavor, before Old Navy exited its San Francisco hometown, one store manager said he was getting hit 14 times a day.  Indeed, in California you got a ticket up to $950 stolen shoplifters would literally keep a running tally.  In Philly, you'd also catch a fine albeit at a less generous $150.  In New York City bail reform meant you walk free up to $1,000 stolen.  

The problem is these policies have generated a nationwide industry of stolen goods.  Unlike the old days where junkies would sell for pennies on the dollar, these organized gangs ship right back into the supply chain which makes it all much more profitable.  Throw in millions of unskilled migrants who face deportation instead of jail time and revolving door deportation at that, and you've got the supply and the demand.  This has taken American shoplifting to a whole other level.  In California, they are boosting entire trains.  New York has migrant shoplifting gangs with dozens of individuals.  One gang in California had 117 shoplifters which would make it a medium-sized business, according to the SBA.  So as the profits go up, the gangs have gotten more violent.  According to that Retail Federation study, 91% of retailers say that shoplifters are more violent and aggressive compared to pre-pandemic.  73% say they're getting more violent in the past year alone.  

Now, in theory we have an FBI to go after Interstate organized crime.  Of course, in reality, the FBI does not have time for organized crime or Jeffrey Epstein or P Diddy for that matter, because they are busy chasing down grandmothers for protesting on January 6th.

Shoplifting raises prices because paying customers have to absorb the theft, but more important it puts retailers out of business.  In San Francisco, Portland, or Chicago entire zones are now empty of commercial.  At some point, people wonder why they are paying $5,000 a month to live in a board-up canyon infested with junkies.  This can set off a so-called Urban Doom Loop, where first residents with jobs flee, then tax revenue plunges, and then the city cannot afford police or even street cleaning.  You end up like Detroit or Baltimore. 

Now thankfully help is on the way, partly because even the Bluest voters have finally had enough.  So a recent California referendum re-criminalized shoplifting but most important because Trump actually intends to deport the hundreds of thousands of criminal migrants making up the gangs.  Perhaps even New Yorkers can someday buy a toothbrush that is not locked in a cage.

Monday, December 30, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: 17 million were deported under Clinton and Obama, but media will pretend it's some barbaric medieval practice cooked up by Donald Trump.

"GOP Senator Slams Dems' Hypocrisy: Clinton and Obama Deported 17 Million Illegals," Luis Cornelio via Headline USA, December 30, 2024.

Schmitt aimed his remarks at Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., who during a Senate hearing, claimed that deporting illegal aliens involves “higher prices” and “forceful removal of millions of hard-working community members.” 

In response to these claims, Schmitt said, “The idea of deporting people who are here illegally is not a new concept. In fact, the policy and the law of the United States of America for 200 years is if you come here illegally you are detained.” 

He added, 

If you don’t have a valid reason, either by asylum - by the way, 9 out of 10 asylum claims are bogus - then you are deported. That is how we have always operated.

Schmitt accused Biden of attempting to shift attitudes towards deporting individuals without legitimate reasons for remaining in the U.S. 

These people do not believe in borders. They think they are arbitrary lines on a map [and] that we are all world citizens and everyone should be able to come here, he continued. 

The senator criticized the left for making American taxpayers cover the expenses for the luxury hotels of foreign nationals while looking the “other way when an illegal immigrant sets a woman on fire on a subway.” 

Schmitt referenced the case of Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, a 33-year-old illegal alien accused of setting a woman on fire inside a New York City subway train. Zapeta-Calil had previously been deported in 2018 but returned to the United States. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: Trump lowering taxes and regulations or imposing tariffs would open a floodgate of European companies fleeing their sinking ship for safer shores in America.

"Europe's economic apocalypse is now," so says Politico in a panicked Jeremiad that European socialism is failing and the European Union just like it did in the Soviet Union.  The article blames Donald Trump's tariff threats, which are indeed panicking Europe Incorporated and the bureaucrats who feed off them like ticks.  But Europe's implosion is self-induced and long predates Trump's victory.  In short, what's killing Europe is what is killing the American economy but double time.  So, over-taxing over-regulating, green unicorn farts, and a government that has cannibalized the private sector, draining it of talent, opportunity, and innovation. So consider that Europe has not one major company in any technology invented in the past 40 years.  Has no internet company, no AI company. Europe doesn't have a single entry among the top 15 best-selling electric vehicles despite eye-watering green subsidies.  In fact, it's hard to think of anything Europe hasn't invented since, oh, 1910.  The problem is Europe's slow death turned into a fast death during COVID-19, which sent government spending in the EU 52% of GDP, a fatal tipping point.  I've mentioned in previous videos how it isn't necessarily the money the government spends, it's what they do with that money.  So the regulators paid to prey upon small businesses, the central planners who soak big business and subsidies so upstarts cannot compete.  The tax-funded activists who throw soup on Picassos and then shut down power plants.  In Europe's case, all that money bought all of it.  So we can take Germany, formerly the engine room of the European economy has been in recession for 2 years, layoffs are soaring, bankruptcies are rising double digits, and the main employment index just hit its COVID lows.  In U.S. terms, Germany is losing a million jobs per year.  The crown jewel of the German economy, automakers, are currently mass announcing layoffs that come to 1 in 10 workers in the entire industry.  It is imploding before our eyes.  That Germany's flailing companies are up against regulation that makes producing in Germany uncompetitive.  They're up against labor costs, which are driven by labor regulations, and energy costs which are driven by Germany's out-of-control Greens, who shuttered coal, shuttered nuclear, and are now trying to run the country by grinding up trees, so-called biomass, while begging for top-dollar energy from its neighbors.   To give a flavor, Germany recently jacked energy prices tenfold because it was cloudy and the wind was not blowing.  Try running a steel mill on that.  Even in normal times, industrial energy costs over twice what it does in US states like Pennsylvania or Ohio, who can still use coal.  

As Politico puts it, if Europe remains on its current trajectory, its future will be a decaying open-air museum for American and Chinese tourists.  What Europe needs is to radically shrink its governments, national, regional, and the federal oligarchy in Brussels.  At the moment, they are miles from that, instead focused on yet more stimulus packages for big business and of course locking out populists.  Still, change is coming because Europe's hospice economy is about to get a major shot from Donald Trump.  So Trump lowering taxes and regulations or imposing tariffs would open a floodgate of European companies fleeing their sinking ship for safer shores in America.  That would leave millions of layoffs behind that could turn Europe into a political tinder box.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: New York rents out entire migrant Hotel [the Roosevelt] to bailout Pakistan

The city of New York pays $220 million to rent the entire Roosevelt Hotel in Manhattan to house illegal migrants. The hotel is owned by the government of Pakistan, and the deal was part of a $1.1 billion IMF bailout package to help Pakistan avoid defaulting on its international debt. Prior to this sweetheart deal, the hotel had been closed since 2020, having long struggled with occupancy and in dire need of renovation.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: if we're talking 7 million illegals, there are at least 16 million Americans under the age of 35 who are out of the workforce


Left wing media, or is it left over media, is in full blown panic over mass deportation which is overwhelmingly supported by voters and therefore will happen.  Government funded NPR warns deportation will destroy the construction industry.  Fast Company says it will cripple California, which is already crippled in many ways.  The New York Times conjures a dystopia of Americans being forced to mow their own lawn and, brace yourself clean your own house.  So, is it true, will we have to clean our own hotel rooms?  Now nobody actually knows how many illegal workers there are.  That's kind of the point of being undocumented.  But the doom porn industry is clustering around an estimate of 6 million from a 2022 study.  Add at least another million or two, courtesy of Brandon.  Breaking it down, they estimate about a quarter to about a million and a half work in construction; another quarter in manufacturing, warehousing; yet another quarter in restaurant, retail, and hotels; and the final quarter in services from landscaping to picking fruit to janitors.  Note what all these jobs have in common is they are overwhelming lilo killed they take months or even a week to master.  This is not engineers and doctors.  This matters because even if we're talking 7 million illegals, there are at least 16 million Americans under the age of 35 who are out of the workforce.  They're not working.  They're not going to school. They're not doing anything.  Many are on government benefits.  Many others live with their parents.  According to the US Census Bureau, the percent of Americans who are 18 to 35 living with their parents just hit the highest since the Great Depression.  So why are they living with Mom and Dad at 30? Because entry level jobs pay peanuts when you are competing with illegals.  One large study in California found the average hourly pay is $30 for native born Americans.  For legal immigrants, it's $28 an hour, almost as good.  For green card holders, it's $24 an hour, and for illegals, it is $16 an hour, which just so happens to be California's minimum wage.  So why are illegals so cheap?  Because the vast majority are unskilled or even illiterate; that's why they could not get in legally.  Also because many are not paying taxes; they're undocumented after all.  Either way they bring the wages to the floor.  In other words, it's not that Americans won't do these jobs, it's that they won't do these jobs for minimum wage.  Keep in mind a lot of these jobs are hard work, so picking fruit in the hot sun, carrying slabs of sods sweating in a factory for minimum wage, there's no way to tempt basement dwelling 25-year-olds into the labor force.  Going back to the Doom p*** nobody is crippled because we don't lose the work the fruit is still picked the factory is still humming the hotel rooms Sparkle we simply do it with American workers who would otherwise be idle.  

The leftover media will keep pumping out deportation fear p*** and the economy will be just fine.  Blue collars will just have jobs that actually pay.  Yes, this will boost costs, but in return houses get cheaper.  Empty houses lower prices.  You'll be able to go to the hospital or find a specialist without waiting in line behind and illegal who has never paid a dime into Medicaid.  And, of course, government spending plunges as millions of welfare cases go home while millions  more get off Mom and Dad's couch and go to work.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: That means DOGE and Trump are simply enacting the will of the Supreme Court, which the Rogue Biden Administration ignored.

The Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE, is going straight for the jugular for the exhaust ports on the Death Star. Last week, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy co-wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal laying out their strategy for radically shrinking the federal government, the unelected occupying Army that Lords over our Fair Republic.  Beyond auditing the $500 billion in pure waste and fraud, there are two key parts.  First is two recent Supreme Court decisions that invalidated nearly the entire administrative state because it was not, in fact, passed by Congress, who is supposed to write all the laws not just the fun ones.  The second is the long-established precedent that the president can get rid of government workers who are not needed, a so-called "reduction in force."  Put them together and you get a beautiful three-step process: first, get rid of the unconstitutional regulation that renders the bureaucrats redundant so assess minimum Staffing needs and force reduce away then the leftover money reverts to Treasury to cancel out the leftover deficit, or dare we dream pay down debt if greedy Congress things can keep their paws to themselves.  I covered in a recent video how the Loper-Bright decision alone renders nearly every single Federal Regulation unconstitutional since just 50 of the tens of thousands of rules passed per year are actually authorized by Congress despite having the force of law.  The other 99% are unconstitutional.  That means DOGE and Trump are simply enacting the will of the Supreme Court, which the Rogue Biden Administration ignored.  So concretely how will this play out?  So DOGE will present Trump a list of regulations that overstep Congressional authority, meaning ones that involve major policy decisions without explicit Congressional authorization.  Trump can then instantly pause enforcement effectively nullifying the rule and then do a full review for formal rescission, getting rid of the rule, at which point if Congress really wants the rules, they are free to pass them in a law which they will not do for the same reason they never passed [it] in the first place.  So nullifying thousands of rules would Rocket Fuel the economy but it would also automatically render tens of thousands of bureaucrats redundant.  Trump being a good steward of the Treasury can then fire them, and given the federal workers earn six figures with gold-plated benefits twice the tax-paying plebs, that alone returns billions to taxpayers.  But that is just the beginning because the problem isn't the salaries; the problem is the regulations themselves and the control it gives.

So I've covered how regulations massively increase the cost of everything you buy.  To illustrate, Biden was proposing rules that would increase the cost of a washing machine by $200, a furnace by $500, an air conditioner by $1,000.  They've been piling this crap on for 40 years.  One study estimated regulations add $10,000 to the price of a car.  Gets worse.  A study by the National Association of Manufacturers estimated regulations add $30,000 to the cost of hiring a manufacturing worker.  They add $50,000 a year for small manufacturers.  So not only does that mean little guys cannot compete, it drives all of them to China.  All of that gone with the swipe of a pen.  

Historically waste and fraud efforts get bogged down in the details and end up cutting a few embarrassing programs and then they peter out.  This time looks very different.  Elon and Vivek have correctly identified the thermal exhaust ports of the Death Star and they are going in.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: Why yes, the CDC was planning concentration camps for the unvaxxed

Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps.  --Jeffrey Tucker

from the Brownstone Institute

No matter how bad you think Covid policies were, they were intended to be worse. 

Consider the vaccine passports alone. Six cities were locked down to include only the vaccinated in public indoor places. They were New York City, Boston, Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and Seattle. The plan was to enforce this with a vaccine passport. It broke. Once the news leaked that the shot didn’t stop infection or transmission, the planners lost public support and the scheme collapsed. 

It was undoubtedly planned to be permanent and nationwide if not worldwide. Instead, the scheme had to be dialed back. 

Features of the CDC’s edicts did incredible damage. It imposed the rent moratorium. It decreed the ridiculous “six feet of distance” and mask mandates. It forced Plexiglas as the interface for commercial transactions. It implied that mail-in balloting must be the norm, which probably flipped the election. It delayed the reopening as long as possible. It was sadistic. 

Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide quarantine camps. People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. The plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel. 

The plan’s authors were unnamed but included 26 footnotes. It was completely official. The document was only removed on about March 26, 2023. During the entire intervening time, the plan survived on the CDC’s public site with little to no public notice or controversy. 

It was called “Interim Operational Considerations for Implementing the Shielding Approach to Prevent COVID-19 Infections in Humanitarian Settings.” 

Continue reading this chilling tale

Sunday, November 3, 2024

MURRAY ROTHBARD, 1992: New Jersey Health Department (a state where only 15% of the population is fluoridated) shows that the bone cancer rate among young males is no less than 6 times higher in fluoridated than in non-fluoridated areas

"Fluoridation Revisited," Murray Rothbard, 1992. 

The ALAR Scare, 1989.

from the Rothbard article, 

The official drive began abruptly just before the end of World War II, pushed by the U.S. Public Health Service, then in the Treasury Department. In 1945, the federal government selected two Michigan cities to conduct an official "15-year" study; one city, Grand Rapids, was fluoridated, a control city was left unfluoridated. (I am indebted to a recent revisionist article on fluoridation by the medical writer Joel Griffiths, in the left-wing muckraking journal Covert Action Information Bulletin: "Fluoride: Commie Plot or Capitalist Ploy?" [Fall 1992], pp. 26–28, 63–66.) Yet, before five years were up, the government killed its own "scientific study," by fluoridating the water in the second city in Michigan. Why? Under the excuse that its action was caused by "popular demand" for fluoridation; as we shall see, the "popular demand" was generated by the government and the Establishment itself. Indeed, as early as 1946, under the federal campaign, six American cities fluoridated their water, and 87 more joined the bandwagon by 1950. 

A key figure in the successful drive for fluoridation was Oscar R. Ewing, who was appointed by President Truman in 1947 as head of the Federal Security Agency, which encompassed the Public Health Service (PHS), and which later blossomed into our beloved Cabinet office of Health, Education, and Welfare. One reason for the left's backing of fluoridation – in addition to its being socialized medicine and mass medication, for them a good in itself – was that Ewing was a certified Truman Fair Dealer and leftist, and avowed proponent of socialized medicine, a high official in the then-powerful Americans for Democratic Action, the nation's central organization of "antiCommunist liberals" (read: Social Democrats or Mensheviks). Ewing mobilized not only the respectable left but also the Establishment Center. The powerful drive for compulsory fluoridation was spearheaded by the PHS, which soon mobilized the nation's establishment organizations of dentists and physicians. 

The mobilization, the national clamor for fluoridation, and the stamping of opponents with the right-wing kook image, was all generated by the public relations man hired by Oscar Ewing to direct the drive. For Ewing hired none other than Edward L. Bernays, the man with the dubious honor of being called the "father of public relations." Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, was called "The Original Spin Doctor" in an admiring article in the Washington Post on the occasion of the old manipulator's 100th birthday in late 1991. The fact that right-wing groups such as the John Birch Society correctly called fluoridation "creeping socialism" and blamed Soviet Communism as the source of the fluoridation campaign (no, not Bolsheviks, guys: but a Menshevik-State Capitalist alliance, see below) was used by the Bernaysians to discredit all the opposition. 

As a retrospective scientific article pointed out about the fluoridation movement, one of its widely distributed dossiers listed opponents of fluoridation "in alphabetical order reputable scientists, convicted felons, food faddists, scientific organizations, and the Ku Klux Klan." (Bette Hileman, "Fluoridation of Water," Chemical and Engineering News 66 [August 1, 1988], p. 37; quoted in Griffiths, p. 63) In his 1928 book Propaganda, Bernays laid bare the devices he would use: Speaking of the "mechanism which controls the public mind," which people like himself could manipulate, Bernays added that "Those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country...our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of..." And the process of manipulating leaders of groups, "either with or without thei rconscious cooperation," will "automatically influence" the members of such groups. 

Fluoride causes bone fractures and cancer.  So look to fluoride as one of the causes of hip fractures in the elderly; it's not just a "sedentary lifestyle."

In addition to the bone cancer studies for the late 1980s, evidence is piling up that fluorides lead to bone fractures. In the past two years, no less than eight epidemiological studies have indicated the fluoridation has increased the rate of bone fractures in males and females of all ages. Indeed, since 1957, the bone fracture rate among male youth has increased sharply in the United States, and the U.S. hip fracture rate is now the highest in the world. In fact, a study in the traditionally profluoride Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), August 12, 1992, found that even "low levels of fluoride may increase the risk of hip fracture in the elderly." JAMA concluded that "it is now appropriate to revisit the issue of water fluoridation."  . . .

Despite the Young whitewash, doubts are piling up even within the federal government. James Huff, a director of the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, concluded in 1992 that animals in the government's study developed cancer, especially bone cancer from being given fluoride – and there was nothing "equivocal" about his conclusion. 

Various scientists for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have turned to anti-fluoridation toxicologist William Marcus's warning that fluoride causes not just cancer, but also bone fractures, arthritis, and other disease. Marcus mentions, too, that an unreleased study by the New Jersey Health Department (a state where only 15 percent of the population is fluoridated) shows that the bone cancer rate among young males is no less than six times higher in fluoridated than in non-fluoridated areas. 

Ed.: See also, from 2005, Fluoride Follies by Donald W. Miller, MD. 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: How did Boomers get so rich?

Monday, September 23, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: Bankruptcies are up 61% for business — and up 15% for individuals — as millions of Americans unburden their life savings

Thursday, September 19, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: Many more suits are coming, perhaps tens of thousands given there are roughly half a million federal regulations almost none of which were actually authorized by Congress.

Some rare good news as left-wing mouthpiece, Politico, worries a recent Supreme Court decision will be "abused" to erase the "legacy of the Biden Harris nightmare."  The decision in question of course is June's Loper v. Bright case that gutted Chevron Deference, as it said that major regulations actually have to be passed by Congress, not by unelected Deep State bureaucrats.  This is because the Constitution very clearly states that Congress, who works for the people in theory, is supposed to make laws, not random bureaucrats who indisputably work for themselves.  

Source: Article I, Section I of the U.S. Constitution.

Loper Bright gutted a "cornerstone of progressive policymaking their ability to sneak laws in through the administrative state and running voters," which, fun fact, converts democracy into tyranny.  So what's upsetting Politico is that if Congress is supposed to make the rules, it turns out the vast majority of rules in existence at the moment were not made by Congress.  They just sort of spawned from the moist bowels of the deep state.  Politico is upset that "small government conservatives are suing to eliminate these apparently unconstitutional mandates." Worse for them, in a separate Supreme Court case Corner Post said that "there is no statute of limitations to challenging unconstitutional regulations," meaning they're all at risk even the old ones.  So which moist spawnings in particular are at risk?  Well, we're only two and a half months into Loper Bright and such things do move slowly, but we've already seen a Mississippi judge void transgender mandates; a Texas judge block an unconstitutional non-compete ban; and an Ohio appeals court block a rule regulating internet companies.  Another Texas judge struck down so-called "parole in place" that puts illegals on a path to citizenship.  They struck it down specifically because the rule "illegally bypassed Congress."  Others involve former mandates, small business mandates, manufacturing, abortion benefits, price controls, and, of course, the Biden-Harris student loan bailouts that would make blue collars pay for other people's gender degrees.  None of these were actually voted by Congress, meaning they are all gloriously unconstitutional.  In theory, Congress could turn around and actually pass the rules, replacing bureaucratic diktat with clean law.  In reality, almost no federal rules are actually popular; that's why Congress passes the buck in the first place.  So in all likelihood, the vast majority of mandates that are struck down will stay down.  Democrats know this and being the party of the administrative state they realize that even if cackles gets the White House they are losing the game.  The activist industrial complex is being dethroned. Some major suits have already been filed, one to dismantle a massive market surveillance system run by the SEC.  Other challenges a raft of "conservation measures on small farms that would drive them out of business."  Many more suits are coming, perhaps tens of thousands given there are roughly half a million federal regulations almost none of which were actually authorized by Congress.  As each mandate melts away, the economy gets stronger and the space for Liberty expands how you run your farm, how you run your business, earn a living, and how you educate your children.  It may not feel like it, but we are winning.  Thanks to the Constitution, things will get worse before they get better but we're turning the corner thanks to some very brave men 200 years ago and the greatest constitution in history that they left us.