2/ not interested in a discussion on this - immediately shuts her down - but cannot believe her results.... a big shout out to @MsPinkest1968 who I will be forever in her debt!
— Barbter (@Barbter1) May 23, 2024
Friday, March 21, 2025
BARBTER: she's doing "unbelievably well" (hospital words) - Garlic/ginger/cumin/lions mane mushrooms/smoothy etc
Saturday, March 8, 2025
HLTH CODE: “Ketones provide a ‘cleaner’ source of energy for neurons, generating less oxidative stress and reducing inflammation in brain cells.”
Absolutely! https://t.co/vduWZItWuD
— Michael Eades, M.D.🏹 (@DrEades) November 5, 2024
"Beyond Weight Loss: The Brain Benefits (and more) of Keto," HLTH CODE TEAM, November 2024.
GEORGIA EDE, MD: A teenage boy with epilepsy and autism . . . switched to a ketogenic diet. Seizures stopped, and autism behaviors improved within weeks.
A teenage boy with epilepsy and autism behaviors switched to a ketogenic diet and saw life-changing results. Seizures stopped, and autism behaviors improved within weeks. Inspired, psychiatrist Dr. Albert Danan offered the diet to 31 patients with chronic, severe,… pic.twitter.com/4blq3zpbOY
— Georgia Ede MD (@GeorgiaEdeMD) November 22, 2024
A teenage boy with epilepsy and autism behaviors switched to a ketogenic diet and saw life-changing results. Seizures stopped, and autism behaviors improved within weeks. Inspired, psychiatrist Dr. Albert Danan offered the diet to 31 patients with chronic, severe, "treatment-resistant" mental illnesses.
The results? Extraordinary.
100% of patients who stuck to the plan improved.
43% achieved full remission.
64% discharged on less psychiatric medication.
Weight loss and metabolic health improvements across the board, despite antipsychotic medications.
These outcomes were so unexpected that Dr. Danan and I collaborated with Duke University obesity medicine researcher
and University of Michigan behavioral medicine researcher Dr. Laura Saslow to publish them in June of 2022. As a co‑author of this paper, naturally, I view its findings in a positive light, but having practiced psychiatry for more than 25 year,s I can tell you that we never see results like this with standard psychiatric treatments. Clinical remission is rare, most people leave psychiatric hospitals on more medication, and metabolic side effects such as weight gain are common. In this case, the remission rate was high, and instead of side effects, people were enjoying side benefits: healthy reductions in weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, liver enzymes, and triglycerides. This wasn’t a randomized controlled trial, so we can’t be certain that the #ketogenic diet itself was responsible for the unprecedented improvements we reported. However, we believe it contributed considerably to these outcomes, as they would otherwise be difficult to explain. These patients had previously benefited very little from attentive outpatient care, multiple medications, and psychiatric hospitalization— the only difference between this hospitalization and previous hospitalizations was the ketogenic diet. These observations offer tremendous hope, because they suggest that a ketogenic diet could bring significant relief to people with serious mental illnesses, regardless of the nature or duration of their symptoms. Ready to learn more? My new CME course on metabolic #psychiatry is now available for FREE and is accredited for physicians, nurses, and psychologists, all thanks to
JORDAN PETERSON: So can you run on protein metabolism? Yes. Does your brain prefer it? Yes. Does it reduce seizure activity? That's been known for a century.
— Michael Eades, M.D.🏹 (@DrEades) December 2, 2024
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
OMEGA6: taking her to sea level, we've SIGNIFICANTLY improved her lung and heart function
This was interesting. Being at sea level, you can increase the oxygen levels in your blood, effectively lowering any risks associated with hypoxia.
Healthy folks can become hypoxic at lower altitudes than you'd think. Unpressurized aircraft we really start checking on people at 6500ft+.
— John C. Barry (@ShrinkGov) February 10, 2024
Monday, March 3, 2025
SENSE RECEPTOR: Debbie Lerman describes how Calley/Casey Means are the new Deborah Birx—they're here to corral us into the idea COVID was a public health response & mRNA jabs aren't the problem, the "chronic disease epidemic" is.
Debbie Lerman describes how Calley/Casey Means are the new Deborah Birx—they're here to corral us into the idea COVID was a public health response & mRNA jabs aren't the problem, the "chronic disease epidemic" is.
— Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) March 3, 2025
She notes their relationship w/ RFK Jr. is a huge red flag🚩🚩🚩… pic.twitter.com/pJPlsDwFAN
Here is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s speech where he declares his intention to join the Trump campaign in August 2024.
Watch RFK Jr.'s Historic Endorsement Of President Trump Where He Lays Out His Vision To Save The Children & Stop WWIII — FULL SPEECH pic.twitter.com/Nj3BpO9bUK
— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) August 23, 2024
And the same way that I had a jaw-dropping moment with Deborah Birx when I started reading her book, and I realized that she was covering all this stuff up, I had a jaw-dropping moment when I listened to RFK, Jr.'s speech which I had never heard before that he had given, because in that speech he spends half of the speech, it's a 50-minute speech, he spends literally exactly 25 minutes talking about what he really cares about, about the Ukraine, about his uncle and his father, the state of democracy, censorship, all the things that he wants to change in this country. Minute 25, all of a sudden, he says, "On the night of July 13th when Trump was almost assassinated, I got a call from Calley Means. He mentions him by name. Very strange. This guy never, nobody ever heard about. He's nobody. Why would he be mentioned in this historic speech? Then he says, "Calley Means is the, probably the most prominent advocate for food safety, soil regeneration, and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is devastating this country, and I thought, "THE leading advocate" for these things, the leading . . . ? I've never heard of him. No, how is he the leading activist for these things? That was jaw-dropping. So, RFK, in this major speech, is saying something that is false, right? Why would he do that? Then he proceeds to say I highly recommend that you watch the Tucker Carlson interview with Kelly and where's Kelly and Casey Means. Again, this is a huge speech, probably the most important speech of his life because he like put everything he had into running for president; that's probably the biggest effort he made in his life. Now he's dropping out of that effort, and in the speech, he says, "Listen to a Tucker Carlson podcast"?! Like, are you kidding me? That, that's just mind-boggling weird. I've never heard a big political speech where somebody all of a sudden like recommends a particular podcast with particular names of people that nobody's ever even heard of. So that was a fall-off-my-chair moment. Then he says, "And Casey Means was the top graduate of her medical school class from Stanford." Also false. I don't have definitive proof because I asked Stanford to fact-check, and they never got back to me. But nothing on her, even on her LinkedIn, on her resume, like she never mentions that she was a top graduate. She wasn't the top graduate. She, she doesn't even have any awards from her medical school year. She had a few awards from when she was an undergraduate at Stanford, that's it. So two things he said that were, you know, at best inaccurate about these two individuals; at, at worst they were, you know, intentional falsehoods. Two people we've never heard of, major speech, listen to the Tucker Carlson podcast. I was like, okay, well, something's obviously going on with these people. It's another Debra Birx moment.
03:14. Now, what's important about Debra Birx is that she was put in to change the narrative or to control the narrative, to say that the COVID-19 response was a public health response. So her job was to come for the National Security side of things that was running the pandemic and to represent it to the public as if it was a public health event that was her job so to turn it from bio defense, you know, intelligence military into public health.
What Calley and Casey's job is is to take people like me and people in the medical freedom movement who now realize that it was a military intelligence operation and that the vaccines were the unregulated countermeasures that have killed and injured lots of people all over the world right that's what we've been fighting about, one of the things. And to take us and turn us back from that realization into channel us back into the channel of Public Health. So she tried to divert us and so Debra Birx . . . I see them as two sides of the same operation. So the operation starts with the military-industrial complex saying, okay, we need to convince everybody that this is Public Health. They try to convince us it is Public Health. Most people are convinced. Some, there's a little bit of a resistance, and we aren't convinced. Now, Calley and Casey have to take those of us who weren't convinced and shove us into the public health bubble that everybody else has already been shoved into. So that's what I mean when I say both sides. So once I was already in the bubble that said, "Oh, this is Public Health, and it was just Public Health measures," we said, "No, it's not Public Health. We don't believe that." We know it's military. We know it's intelligence. We know it's biodefense. We know it's unregulated, and we know that it's killing and injuring lots of people, and so now we need other handlers, Casey and Calley Means, for example, to take us and handle us and put us into the public health bubble that we refused to get into. We refused to be shoved into the public health bubble because we understood that it wasn't public health during COVID-19, and now they're shoving us into the public health bubble and saying, "Oh, it's the 'chronic disease epidemic.'"
Sunday, March 2, 2025
7SEES: Elon and co aren't importing immigrants to take YOUR job, they're hoping to automate your job, and have an employee they can pay pennies to clear error codes and write scripts.
— 7SEES (@7SEES_) December 28, 2024
Elon and co aren't importing immigrants to take YOUR job, they're hoping to automate your job, and have an employee they can pay pennies to clear error codes and write scripts.
Google, Amazon, Microsoft, BlackRock,… pic.twitter.com/SV0EAC7SKZ
Monday, February 24, 2025
Hypothalamus is the organ that regulates your body's temperature
The hypothalamus is the brain's command center for all hormones—affecting mood, energy, appetite, metabolism, body composition, stress response & more.
— Jack (@jack_schroder_) December 21, 2024
When it’s off, so is your health. You need to address it from the top-down, & the hypothalamus is at the top of the hierarchy.… pic.twitter.com/wiox8Rjrgp
Saturday, February 8, 2025
KEVIN MCKERNAN: Cannabidiol reverses Fentanyl-induced addiction and modulates neuroinflammation
Here is the article.I was once accused by a grade A moonbat that my work in the cannabis space contributed to their childs fentanyl overdose.
— Kevin McKernan (@Kevin_McKernan) July 29, 2024
They were unresponsive to literature I forwarded them demonstrating cannabinoids are an exit drug.
There are no CB1 receptors in the brain stem.… pic.twitter.com/WrfG5Y45uI
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
DAVE COLLUM: Want to topple the U.S.? @DavidBCollum says forget battleships and missiles. The real threat? Infect society with chaos. No borders, identity confusion, and divisive agendas
Want to topple the U.S.? @DavidBCollum says forget battleships and missiles. The real threat? Infect society with chaos. No borders, identity confusion, and divisive agendas - it's all part of the plan.
— Chris Martenson (@chrismartenson) December 31, 2024
Full interview: https://t.co/hSqN1iyosx pic.twitter.com/EqG3ri03w0
If you wanted to take down the US . . . who are the biggest nationalists in the world? Name the three biggest nationalists leaders that you can think of. What's it going to be? It's going to be, first of all, Trump; second of all, Putin; third of all, Victor Orban. These are the three guys drawing fire, right? Milei, Bitcoin guy down in . . . Max Kaiser's buddy. And these are the guys that globalists want gone. Now if you were going to take down the United States, you're not going to pull battleships up to the shore, you're not going to shoot ICBMs, you're not going to do any of that crap. You're going to lose big if you try to do that. What you're going to do is you're just going to totally infect society . . .
No borders, transgenderism,
Hate each other, hate each other . . .
00:54. John Kerry you remember the videos of him testifying to Congress in his fatigues about the atrocities that he witnessed in Vietnam, right. I mean what are the odds of John Kerry all of a sudden finds himself as a relative of youngsters testifying to Congress ends up being a presidential candidate. And then you go back and you go, "Oh wait a minute, there he is sitting in Prep School sitting right next to Bob Mueller," right. What are the odds of all this happening, right? And some Rooskie said, if you listen to Kerry's speech, you realize it was almost verbatim what we were planting in the heads of people, almost verbum.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
CELL RESEARCH: Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine Is Highly Effective in Treating Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus Infection in an Animal Model
More you know.. pic.twitter.com/oUE7zBqIBv
— Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) December 31, 2024
I can't even imagine that there is such a pathogen called H1N1 or H5N1, that it isn't any more virulent than the flu or cold. However, the gain-of-function feature could make it more contagious, but more contagious is no guarantee that you'll contract it. Just take more vitamin D3 and zinc during the winter.
"Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine Is Highly Effective in Treating Avian Influenza A H5N1 Virus Infection in an Animal Model," Yiwu Yan, et al, Cell Research, December 4, 2012.
Monday, December 30, 2024
PETER ST ONGE: 17 million were deported under Clinton and Obama, but media will pretend it's some barbaric medieval practice cooked up by Donald Trump.
17 million were deported under Clinton and Obama, but media will pretend it's some barbaric medieval practice cooked up by Donald Trump. https://t.co/qAe2Um7G5x
— Peter St Onge, Ph.D. (@profstonge) December 30, 2024
"GOP Senator Slams Dems' Hypocrisy: Clinton and Obama Deported 17 Million Illegals," Luis Cornelio via Headline USA, December 30, 2024.
Schmitt aimed his remarks at Sen. Alex Padilla, D-Calif., who during a Senate hearing, claimed that deporting illegal aliens involves “higher prices” and “forceful removal of millions of hard-working community members.”
In response to these claims, Schmitt said, “The idea of deporting people who are here illegally is not a new concept. In fact, the policy and the law of the United States of America for 200 years is if you come here illegally you are detained.”
He added,
If you don’t have a valid reason, either by asylum - by the way, 9 out of 10 asylum claims are bogus - then you are deported. That is how we have always operated.
Schmitt accused Biden of attempting to shift attitudes towards deporting individuals without legitimate reasons for remaining in the U.S.
These people do not believe in borders. They think they are arbitrary lines on a map [and] that we are all world citizens and everyone should be able to come here, he continued.
The senator criticized the left for making American taxpayers cover the expenses for the luxury hotels of foreign nationals while looking the “other way when an illegal immigrant sets a woman on fire on a subway.”
Schmitt referenced the case of Sebastian Zapeta-Calil, a 33-year-old illegal alien accused of setting a woman on fire inside a New York City subway train. Zapeta-Calil had previously been deported in 2018 but returned to the United States.
JESSICA ROJAS: Mumps is B vitamin deficient. Measles is A vitamin deficient. Chicken pox and shingles are A and D deficient. Polio is B's and A deficient.
Mumps is B vitamin deficient. Measles is A vitamin deficient. Rubella is A vitamin deficient. Chicken pox and shingles are A and D deficient. Polio is B's and A deficient. Rotavirus is D and A deficient. Pneumonia and Pneumococcal are A and D deficient. Diphtheria is C deficient. Tetanus is A deficient. Pertussis is D (although it is treated with high C therapy) deficient. Strep is A deficient. Flu is D deficient. Meningitis (both forms) are combo C and D deficient diseases. HPV is B's, C, and zinc deficient.Mumps is B vitamin deficient.
— Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪 (@catsscareme2021) December 30, 2024
Measles is A vitamin deficient.
Rubella is A vitamin deficient.
Chicken pox and shingles are A and D deficient.
Polio is B's and A deficient.
Rotavirus is D and A deficient.
Pneumonia and Pneumococcal are A and D deficient.
Diphtheria is C…
Basically, most diseases have a corresponding nutritional deficiency.
Yea, that never made sense to me, among so many other ridiculous "science" that was pushed over the past 4 years. Glad I never took a test.
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) December 30, 2024
Dr. Lorraine Day explains what the tests were really for and it wasn't testing for a "virus". https://t.co/eN1s5S3opW pic.twitter.com/I5KB3nJGb6
Do you believe that this mRNA vaccine is going genetically modified getting it?
Yes, it will. The MRNA will actually take a piece of your DNA out. It will replace it with a synthetic one, a synthetic piece. So, you know, who knows what they're going to modify about you, but that also makes you patentable.
But that also makes you patentable. They can own you.
They can own you. And let me tell you, they've already started the vaccinations. They've already started them.
You can't patent natural corn but you can patent genetically modified corn the same goes with humans.
00:33. They started them a long time ago because the test vaccinates you. This article right here in front of me, and here's what it says,
Yes, they can vaccinate us through the nasal test swabs and target the brain.
Now here's the thing. As a doctor, I said this is crazy because you see you're wearing the mask to cover your [mouth]. Now they would hate it they would not allow you into a store if you just wear a mask over your nose you got to wear it over your mouth because supposedly COVID-19 is in your saliva well if it's in your saliva then all they have to do is swab the inside of your mouth like they do for a DNA test. But no, they take these long Q-tips and they stick them all the way back almost into your brain. They stick them back to the back of the nasal sinuses and then they twist them all right here's what they're doing first of all there is a very thin plate of bone that covers the brain between the brain and the nasal sinus and it's called the cribriform plate and every doctor knows about the cribriform plate, all right. Now the cribriform plate has some openings in it where olfactory nerves, nerves from the nose, go through that plate into the brain and this kind of bone in the cribriform plate is porous anyway, so substances can go through it. So when they take that swab and they put it back there and twist it, what they're doing is depositing things back there this you can't see this but this shows that they have nanoparticles that are actually on the ends of the Q-tips that they're putting in there that can get into your brain. They can be hooked up to the cloud. So they are already vaccinating you with the test. When you go to get tested, you are actually being vaccinated and implanted with nanoparticles.
WILLIAM MAKIS, MD: Sometimes less is more. Took 12mg of Ivermectin, 5 days a week, for about 5 months and the tumor disappeared. Nothing more. No Fenbendazole. No Mebendazole. Simple, yet effective
NEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN Testimonial with Follicular Thyroid Cancer - sometimes less is more - when a slow-growing tumor disappears with a low dose of Ivermectin alone! Sometimes the shortest stories can be the most impactful. Follicular thyroid cancer patient with a stable biopsy confirmed tumor. Took 12mg of Ivermectin, 5 days a week, for about 5 months and the tumor disappeared. Nothing more. No Fenbendazole. No Mebendazole. Simple, yet effective This is anecdotal evidence in support of a cancer prophylaxis dose of 12mg for Ivermectin (it seems even at that low dose, Ivermectin exerts a substantial anti-cancer effect). There is the additional possibility that benign tumors or very slowly growing low-grade malignant tumors can also be sufficiently and successfully treated with a low dose of Ivermectin There is only one place in the world where you will find success stories like this posted almost daily. Article Link in the photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the 1st photo at the top, into your browser to accessNEW ARTICLE: IVERMECTIN Testimonial with Follicular Thyroid Cancer - sometimes less is more - when a slow growing tumor disappears with a low dose of Ivermectin alone!
— William Makis MD (@MakisMD) December 30, 2024
Sometimes the shortest stories can be the most impactful.
Follicular thyroid cancer patient with a stable… pic.twitter.com/3DPLKQGZtK
CHRIS FERNANDEZ: When you prioritize the fans, the loyalty follows.
$2 hot dogs from $9.
— Chris Fernandez (@FernOnX) December 30, 2024
$2 water from $8.50.
The Phoenix Suns didn’t just lower prices
they raised the bar.
When you prioritize the fans, the loyalty follows.
Every team should take notes.
Its also a violation of the 5th & 14th Amendments (Due Process of Law) because vaccination without consent causes assault and battery, whilst terminating a contract using unlawful means (threatening assault and battery as a condition of employment) causes the tort of… https://t.co/KA3LH0TPBs
— Weston A. Price Foundation, London Chapter (@WAPFLondon) December 30, 2024
Brian Ward explains that,
. . . not even Pfizer agrees with Eastside Fire that Comirnaty was "indisputably" available to Plaintiffs, which if true, means Pfizer will have to answer to the incoming attorney general for the crime of the century along with many members of the current administration.
The shedding individual could
— Weston A. Price Foundation, London Chapter (@WAPFLondon) December 30, 2024
potentially be sued for public and or private nuisance and assault and battery with the vaccinator and manufacturer being joint tortfeasors who the shedder could counter-sue.
JOHNNY VEDMORE: Elon Musk is fully trained in selling out other peoples democracies. “Yay! We’re going to Mars! Let’s forget they’re destroying our society.”
Getting Americans to concentrate on BS fantasy stops them from complaining about Technocrats flooding the US with low skilled migrants.
— Johnny Vedmore (@JohnnyVedmore) December 30, 2024
Elon Musk is fully trained in selling out other peoples democracies.
“Yay! We’re going to Mars! Let’s forget they’re destroying our society.” https://t.co/qP9OYeivPP
— DR JANE RUBY™️ (@RealDrJaneRuby) December 30, 2024
War criminal @DrLeanaWen is trying to restart the Covid scam with bird flu H5N1 - with mRNA bioweapon shots pic.twitter.com/ZBKJAu8ZJt
Sunday, December 29, 2024
🚨#BREAKING: The non-profit, Beloved Asheville, has confirmed they have purchased 9 acres of land in the heart of Swannanoa NC.
🚨#BREAKING: The non-profit, Beloved Asheville, has confirmed they have purchased 9 acres of land in the heart of Swannanoa NC.
— Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) December 29, 2024
Beloved will be building dozens of homes for families who lost theirs during Hurricane Helene.
Every single home will be gifted to families for free. pic.twitter.com/Tbq4af2TKT