Showing posts with label Jr.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jr.. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2025

KEVIN MCKERNAN: the hemp market is banked. The safety tested phyto-cannabinoid market is not . . .

Friday, February 21, 2025

KEVIN MCKERNAN: Glorious Let them quit in droves and cancel themselves.

 “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention killed a campaign promoting seasonal flu shots and canceled a major conference with virus experts just days after outspoken vaccine skeptic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. became the nation’s top health official.

Under Kennedy’s leadership, the CDC pulled the plug on its ‘Wild to Mild initiative’ —  which was aimed at encouraging high-risk folks to get vaxxed. On Thursday, the HHS then ordered the CDC to indefinitely postpone a meeting of its vaccine advisory committee — which Kennedy has criticized in the past — slated for Feb. 26 and Feb. 28.”

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The profits on control are so rich indeed you can buy and brainwash 75 Nobel Prize winners.

Senator Markey

"A healthy person has a thousand dreams, a sick person has only one."

from Toby Rogers

Democrats think that the key to healthcare is "access". But the proper question is "access to what?" If you have access to a doctor who is going to poison you in return for a kickback from Big Pharma, then access is worse than nothing at all. That's the system that we have now. 


I'll say this: Democratic Senators are definitely NOT shouting at the CEOs who are poisoning kids — Big Pharma, Big Pesticide, Big Food, and Big Plastic. Nope, they are shouting at the guy who is actually trying to keep toxic chemicals out of kids' bodies.


RFK Jr. said the quiet part out loud. Pharmaceutical companies own our politicians.

BOBBY: "In 2020, you were the single largest receiver of pharmaceutical money ... $1.5 million."
BERNIE: "Yeah, out of $200 million."

Thursday, November 14, 2024

SENEFF: WOW! Trump didn't renege on his promises!! Trump Picks RFK, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services

Stephanie Seneff writes,

WOW! Trump didn't renege on his promises!! 

"The HHS, created in 1979, oversees 13 separate agencies. The most well-known of these are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health." 

From the article, "Trump Picks RFK, Jr. as Secretary of Health and Human Services," Epoch Times, Austin Alonzo and Jeff Louderback, November 14, 2024.  [article is behind a paywall.]

Are statements like this a negotiating technique to get RFK, Jr. to agree to terms from the entrenched administrative state? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

THE SOLITARY REAPER: RFK Jr went quiet about vaccines after associating with Calley & Casey Means. The REAL story behind the nepo babies & their promotion by Tucker, RFK Jr, Trump

Saturday, August 24, 2024

DR. JANE RUBY: So the guy who fought against the Covid bioweapon shots and made millions on the anti-Fauci book, just endorsed the guy who gave Fauci the presidential commendation, and (still) claims the mRNA poison shots are "the greatest achievement of mankind"

Sunday, July 21, 2024

DR. PAUL HEROUX on the Harms of Electromagnetic Radiation

Everybody's on their cell phone.  These are addictive.  Only about 20% of the radiation from a cell phone goes to communication.  The rest is diffused into your body, which explains a lot of things.  Children are, of course, very vulnerable to these things because their brains are developing.  

Yeah, some cell phones are better than others.  

The Apple phones are the worst.  We need somebody like yourself to put a bit of order in the house. 

Dr. Paul Heroux is probably the top expert in the field of bioelectric physics and radio frequency.

Over 10,000 studies raised concerns about wifi radiation and showed indeed there are some miracle impacts that the cells in your body act as little antennas that regulate electric and energy currents, the flow of all of the functions of your body.  And the way that you think, the way that you feel, your immune system.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WHITNEY WEBB: The efforts to rebrand Papi Warp Speed as a vaccine skeptic rise to a new level. His VP pick invests in gene therapy and biotech companies

Sunday, July 14, 2024


From Dr. Manner's point of view, he thought breast cancer was easily the most treatable.  He treated it with vitamin A, Laetrile, and the pancreatic enzymes that help break down the tumors that are lacking.  In a lot of people who have breast cancer, their pancreas is not producing pancreatic enzymes at the proper rate, the same enzyme that digests animal protein.  So if you're trying to get the pancreatic enzymes to eat at the outer shell of the cancer so that the Laetrile can work, you want to lower your animal protein intake.  --Dr. John A. Richardson, Jr.

Death of Cancer, 1989 published by the Metabolic Research Foundation and authored by Dr. Harold Manner, 1925-1988.  Fired from Loyola University, a full professor, head of the Biology Department.  Dr. Manner focused on breast cancer.  

Why did Manner focus on breast cancer? 

Had to do with a relative of his who had breast cancer and learned of it through different seminars.  Manner got tired of seeing women get disfigured by mammograms.

From Dr. Manner's point of view, he thought breast cancer was easily the most treatable.  He treated it with vitamin A, Laetrile, and the pancreatic enzymes that help break down the tumors that are lacking.  In a lot of people who have breast cancer, their pancreas is not producing pancreatic enzymes at the proper rate, the same enzyme that digests animal protein.  

So if you're trying to get the pancreatic enzymes to eat at the outer shell of the cancer so that the Laetrile can work, you want to lower your animal protein intake.  So a keto diet, almost get rid of your animal protein.  And with breast cancer, it's one of the ones that gets quickly addressed.  And again, I can get in trouble for saying that, because you've got to listen to your doctor and do all that, listen to your doctor's advice, but these doctors are trained in using pharmaceuticals.  They're not trained in using natural things.  Dr. Manner used everything natural.  He said it was a metabolic disease.  And all cancers are a metabolic disease, not a medical disease.  

On September 10, 1977, he announced an 89% regression of breast tumors in laboratory mice through [pancreatic] enzymes (Lipase, Protease, Amylase), vitamin A, and Laetrile.  Dr. Manner, a courageous pioneer researcher says cancer is not a medical problem--it is a metabolic problem. Mastectomy may now be a thing of the past. 

9:10  What were the enzymes, John? 

9:11  The pancreatic enzymes Trypsin, Chymotrypsin,

Pro Enzymes are the most potent metabolic enzyme formula available. We have designed our product to include the most important enzymes to help your body thrive. Each capsule contains over 13 different enzymes, including Pancreatin 10X, a-Chymotrypsin, Bromelain, Trypsin, Amylase, and Rutin, each having its own purpose. Works great with Vitamin B17 (Laetrile™) and Pro B15 (Pangamic Acid)

You can pick up apricot seeds from the Richardson Nutritional Center site.

and . . . the same enzymes we sell on our website, but they're available at the local health food store, pancreatic enzymes for whatever reason, and that's the trophoblast theory which is a whole other show we can talk about how Dr. James Beard, 1857-1924, came up with the theory (Suzanne Somers' doctor, Nicolas Gonzalez, reviewed the theory and wrote about it, The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer, coauthored by Linda Isaacs, 2019) that when a pancreas starts to develop in the fetus, that's when it stops multiplying when it does indiscriminately and then becomes fingers and toes and hair when the pancreas starts to develop, more specialized under the influence of the pancreatic enzymes.  In cancer cells, these pancreatic enzymes stop the cancer from multiplying for whatever chemical reason, and that allows the Laetrile, the B-17, and the B-15 to attack it.  But you also need vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin A, all these other things.  So it's not just a silver bullet, it's a metabolic issue where if you bring your immune system up and give it the proper nutrition, you can wipe it out. 

Laetrile Case Histories; The Richardson Cancer Clinic Experience, John Richardson, 1977.  The only book on Laetrile that I read was G. Edward Griffin's book, World Without Cancer: The Story of B-17, 1974.

Friday, June 21, 2024

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR. Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.

"Do we need the hepatitis B shot in the second day of life?" - Jenny McCarthy

Jim Carrey: "Grab em & Stab em?"

When we passed the Vaccine Act of 1986 . . . when I was a kid there were only three vaccines and I was compliant.  When we passed the Vaccine Act, it made vaccines very, very valuable, and all of a sudden there was a gold rush to add a lot of new vaccines to the schedule for diseases that aren't even casually contagious, like rotavirus, like Hepatitis B.  Why are we giving the hepatitis B vaccine to a one-day-old child? The major vectors for [Hepatitis B] are sexually transmitted or by needles.  Why would you give that to a one-day-old child?  It's really a profit motive.  --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Ah, RFK, Jr. is a little short-sighted on the profit motive point.  The profit is not only the profit to the vaccine manufacturers, but it's also a drain on the family finances who have to pay for special care to their child if and when he gets autism.  So the family bleeds their money.  

Monday, March 18, 2024

ROBERT F. KENNEDY, JR.: The economy is now no longer based on industrial production or any kind of production; it's based upon speculation.

The economy is now no longer based on industrial production or any kind of production; it's based upon speculation.  So if you look at what's happening on Wall Street, they're no longer going factory by factory and saying "What's the production?  What's the efficiency?  What's the lowest cost?  What's the future?"  They're all focusing on "What's the Fed going to do this week?"  And that's what everybody bets on, and it's financialized our economy.  It sent all of [our] industry abroad.  It's destroyed the American middle class and we do that by printing dollars.  You print $34 trillion that you don't have, why would the world even value them anymore?  And the reason that they continue to value them is because we have 800 bases abroad and that kind of anchors this whole system.  And it's already destroyed our moral authority around the world.  And it now . . . our influence around the world is this big compared to when I was a kid when we had moral suasion and we also had . . . people wanted American leadership.  Now, they consider it bullying. 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Johnny Vedmore

Pottinger is being withdrawn from the top teams of the legal teams.   

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Defending the Constitution behind Enemy Lines

Here is the full episode of Robert A. Green, Jr.'s interview.  Interesting.  Every time a soldier enlists or re-enlists, he has to take the oath to protect and defend the Constitution.  It's not just a one-time thing. 

They started mandating COVID-19 diagnostic tests as a punitive measure.  One service member told him, and reported about it, that he'd been tested 103 times, forcibly tested 103 times because he refused the vaccine.  

The book is titled, Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty, Robert A. Green, Jr., 2023.

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bioweapons are a poor man's nuclear bomb

they funneled [$2 billion] through DTRA and DARPA and funneled all of that money to NIH and NIAID, which became the primary spear tip of bioweapons development so Tony Fauci became the bioweapons czar. 

In my new book, I talk about the history of the U.S. bioweapons program, and from the beginning, the CIA was running the bio-weapons program.  Why?  Because we didn't have a bioweapons program after WWII, and the CIA's first operation was called Operation Paperclip.  And it was an operation to get all the bioweapons and nuclear and chemical scientists out of Germany and Japan.  [Both] had an extensive bioweapons program.  The Japanese had a horrendous program, where they did live vivisections on 3,000 people, and they killed them all during the operation removing their infected organs while they were alive with no anesthesia and these were horrible horrible scientists the CIA elevated them, brought them over to Fort Detrick, downloaded them and made them the heads of hospitals systems and pharmaceutical companies in Japan, and continued to work with them; then they brought all the German scientists over here.  Then they did all these experiments unwittingly on the American public.  They sprayed toxins in the National Airport; they sprayed them in the Pentagon air conditioning systems; they put poison water in NIH; they put light bulbs filled with bacteria that they broke on the grates and contaminated the New York City's subway system; some of those microbes are still in the subway today.  They did aerial dosing from ships on about 60 million Americans.  They dosed San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Virginia, Norfolk, Virginia, all of the seaside towns were dosed from the air and a lot of the midwestern cities were also dosed all unwittingly.  They did 200 outdoor tests on Americans unwitting.

2:08. And they developed bioweapons, by 1969, they had a nuclear equivalent.  They could kill people at $00.29 per death, according to a CIA study, which they're bragging about.  Then in 1969, President Nixon shocked the world by going to Fort Detrick and ending the U.S. bioweapons program.  He was worried that we were creating bioweapons that could be reproduced for nothing, they were kind of a poor man's nuclear bomb.  Anybody could reproduce them once we made them, we were publishing how you did it.  So they were giving blueprints to foreign nations to create these things to be used against us, and he asked,

You know, why are we doing that? We have nuclear bombs.  We don't need these things, and we have a monopoly on nuclear bombs. Seven nations have them.  We've agreed not to give them to anybody else why are we letting these guys get weapons that are going to be turned against us?

So he shut down the whole program.  The Pentagon destroyed all of its bioweapons, but the CIA went into Fort Detrick right before the Pentagon went in there and took cultures of all the different weapons and hid them in a warehouse, a lot of them were in New York City and Washington.  We continued . . .   We signed the bioweapons treaty, which Nixon, one of the great accomplishments of Nixon, he got all the nations of the world to sign it.  We signed the Geneva Convention finally after delaying it for 50 years.  The CIA was breaking the law the entire time.  

3:49. Then in 2001, in June, the CIA sponsored the first of its pandemic simulations.  It simulates a biological attack on Washington, D.C. by Saddam Hussein.  This is in June 2001.  That simulation got international press, and a lot of the CIA people, like Judith Miller from the New York Times, were promoting it, going around doing all the talk shows, it triggered 2 Senate hearings, one by Joe Biden's Committee.  That hearing was in September 2001.  What happened in September 2001?  9/11.  So that hearing was going on during 9/11.  As soon as 9/11 happened, the NeoCons, who were working in all this stuff with the CIA, pulled out the PATRIOT Act, a 350-page statute from a shelf where it had been waiting a while, and in one week said we wanted to pass this in a week.  There was only 1 member of Congress who read it, Dennis Kucinich, and he went crazy.  He said, "You have no idea.  This is the end of the end of American democracy if you do this.  It allows the CIA to spy on Americans."  One of the things the PATRIOT Act did is that it did not get rid of the Geneva Convention or the Bioweapons Treaty, but it said that no federal official could be prosecuted for violating those two statutes.  So it reopened the bioweapons arms race globally a week after when the PATRIOT Act was being debated and it was being held up by two senators there was an Anthrax attack on the US Capitol.  It was blamed on Sodom Hussein, and the NeoCons said, "See, we were right," and the pandemic simulation where Saddam Hussein attacked us, that gets used as a justification to go to war against Saddam Hussein.  And within two days we passed the PATRIOT Act.  Who got the anthrax?  Two Senate offices: Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy, the two senators who were blocking the PATRIOT Act.  The FBI did a one-year investigation and said this anthrax was unique; it was Ames Anthrax, and there's only one place in the world it could have come from: Fort Detrick, the CIA Lab.  So we went to war.  We passed the PATRIOT Act and immediately started giving $2 billion dollars a year to bioweapons development.  The Pentagon didn't want to do it, because it was nervous about the legality because it was a death penalty to violate the Geneva Convention.  You would have been committing a war crime even if somebody told you it was okay, it wasn't, and so they funneled it through DTRA and DARPA and funneled all of that money to NIH and NIAID, which became the primary speartip of bioweapons development so Tony Fauci became the bioweapons czar.  In 2001, his budget went up $2.2 billion dollars.  He was personally given a 68% raise from the military that's why he was the highest-paid individual in the federal government because he was getting the 68% bonus every year from the military but it meant that he could not stop and the thing that the military wanted was gain of function studies

15:10. 67% of participants turned the voltage up to 250 volts, where it was marked "Potentially Fatal,"  knowing that it was lethal.  33% of the participants got up and walked out 

The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrible Bioweapons Arms Race, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., 2023.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. And now I've been now there, and I've talked to everybody down there . . . . The Mexican drug cartels are literally running U.S. immigration policy, not the President of the United States. --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

This is a heartbreaking humanitarian crisis...I was a person who ridiculed Trump's wall. And now I've been now there, and I've talked to everybody down there, and I have have a different position...We cannot survive with what's happening there now...The Mexican drug cartels are literally running U.S. immigration policy, not the President of the United States. --Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Monday, July 24, 2023


from Florida Congressman, Bill Posey, @ the 6:55 mark.

Once the vaccines became a recommended shot.  Manufacturers were protected from all accountability and liability via lawsuits.  Now they have no incentive to remove mercury.  I read over the flu vaccine package insert for the flu vaccine, and each one says it had not been tested in pregnant women.

By the way, Bernadine Healy, who is interviewed at the 8:20 mark was the Director of the NIH from April 1991 to June 1993.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

RFK blows the lid off of operation Mockingbird and how the CIA manipulates the American news media


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks about Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s covert propaganda program to manipulate the mainstream media and the American people through the use of numerous assets who. RFK Jr. brought it up during an interview with Lex Fridman who was completely clueless. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. 
THE CIA AND THE MEDIA, by Carl Bernstein How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up

1:37. The CIA is the biggest funder of Journalism around the world.  The biggest funder is through USAID. 

2:52. The CIA currently maintains a network of several hundred foreign individuals around the world who provide inteTandigence for the CIA and at times attempt to influence opinion through the use of covert propaganda.  These individuals provide the CIA with direct access to a large number of newspapers and periodicals, scores of press services and news agencies, radio and television stations, commercial book publishers, and other foreign media Outlets. 

3:19. The United States funds journalism in almost every country in the world it owns newspapers it has journalists has thousands and thousands of journalists on its payroll they're not supposed to be doing that in the United States but in 2016 President Obama changed the the law to make it legal now for the CIA to propagandize Americans . . . 

through the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act 2012 Obama needed to modernize it so that it would be fully legal for the CIA to spread fake news in American Media.

3:52. There are certain press organs that have been linked to the agency to the people who run those organs like The Daily Beast, now Rolling Stones.  The editor of Rolling Stones Noah Shachtman has deep relations with the intelligence community.  Salon, the Daily Kos . . . .

5:38. I actually think that the field of Journalism has shamed itself in recent years because the principal newspapers in this country and the television stations the Legacy Media have abandoned their tradition which was . . . 

they have abandoned all sense of integrity and morality. 

7:07.  Sadly the only time that this is ever been mentioned on Fox News was 2 years ago on Tucker Carlson's show when Glenn Greenwald said this,

If you go and Google, and I hope your viewers do, Operation Mockingbird, what you will find is that during the Cold War these agencies used to plot about how to clandestinely manipulate the news media to disseminate propaganda to the American population.  They used to try to do it secretly.  They don't even do it secretly anymore. They don't need Operation Mockingbird.  They literally put John Brennan, who works for NBC, and James Clapper, who works for CNN,  and tons of FBI agents right on on the payroll of these news organizations.  They now shape the news openly to manipulate and deceive the American population.

8:00. I'll leave a link in the description below to my previous in-depth report it's rather lengthy about RF Kennedy Jr raising the alarm of about astrazine the herbicide that is found in drinking water across the country that has been found to convert testosterone into estrogen he and many others believe may be responsible for the gender dysphoria epidemic in society and just as I predicted he mentioned that on the Jordan Peterson's podcast which has since been censored from YouTube because he was talking about vaccines then the all-knowing fact checkers claimed is atrazine in the water supply contributing to sexual dysphoria in kids well they say of course not yes I'm sure that BPA by spinal a and phthalates which are synthetic estrogen found in Plastics which are often used in food packaging toys and even clothes has nothing to do with it either right oh wait what's this a 2005 article from New Scientist magazine title gender-bending chemicals found in to feminize boys

9:00. Gender-bending chemicals mimicking the female hormone estrogen can disrupt the development of baby boys suggest the first evidence linking certain chemicals in everyday Plastics to affects in humans. The chemicals implicated are phthalates which make Plastics more pliable in many Cosmetics toys baby feeding bottles and paints and can leak into water and food. 

9:28. Then three years later, other studies confirmed these same concerns.   

Chemicals commonly found in food wrapping makeup and baby powders are having a gender-bending effect feminizing male populations of Wildlife and humans a scientific report reveals.  "Chemicals Feminizing Males, Study Suggests," Toronto Star Diana Zlomislic, December 9, 2008. 

9:45. This from 2009, "Two-Year-Olds at Risk from Gender-Bending Chemicals, Report Says," Owen Bowcott, The Guardian, November 6, 2009. You're not supposed to say anything wrong about someone with gender dysphoria.  It's an orientation.  It's no different than someone being left-handed or right-handed.