Showing posts with label Debbie Lerman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debbie Lerman. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

DEBBIE LERMAN: the virus did not devastate the world. The response devastated the world. Therefore, we should be looking at the origins of the response, not the origins of the virus

🔥🔥"The virus did not devastate the world—the response devastated the world. Therefore, we should be looking at the origins of the response, not the origins of the virus. So any investigation that focuses on the origins of the virus is missing the entire picture."🔥🔥 Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) and Debbie Lerman, a 2023 Brownstone (@brownstoneinst) Fellow and retired science writer, describe for Alex Newman (@ALEXNEWMAN_JOU) of The New American (@NewAmericanMag) how everyone looking for the core truth in matters regarding COVID must be focused on the origins of the "response" to the disease, not the origins of the disease itself. Lerman notes that it was the *response* that "devastated the world," not the "virus." If indeed there even was a virus. (And, of course, much evidence points to there being no SARS-2 virus.) "You need to realize the virus did not devastate the world. The response devastated the world," Lerman says. "Therefore, we should be looking at the origins of the response, not the origins of the virus. So any investigation that focuses on the origins of the virus is missing the entire picture. The origins of response is what we need to address, not the origins of the virus." Latypova goes on to describe how the idea of declaring a "pandemic" before a novel disease has run its course is fraudulent on its face: "In the past, pandemics did not exist... a pandemic is a simultaneous mass illness and death exceeding all the previous mass illnesses and deaths in human history occurring simultaneously all over the world. That does not exist, never happened. Okay? Now epidemics have been historically declared. An epidemic in a public health sense, this is non-nefarious, benign [in a] public health sense, [but still an] epidemic can only be declared retrospectively. After you've collected the data about this current season, mortality, and morbidity, and you compare it to the previous years and it exceeded certain thresholds, then you can say you had an epidemic. So [this COVID pandemic declaration is] nonsense. It's absurdity to take a code, some sort of a random code, genetic code that was uploaded on January 9th to GenBank from China and then say, 'Oh my God, this is a pandemic virus.'" Latypova adds: "I've published on this. I've read several of Ralph Baric's long reports. He co-authored a gigantic report—it's like a book on bioweapons, published by the National Academies of Science in the US. [And] there's numerous very prestigious authors of this book [as well]. They all unanimously say, 'We do not have scientific knowledge that today can predict from the genetic code how dangerous [a] virus is going to be or even if it's going to infect anyone. So how is it possible that they have a sequence that somebody uploaded? "By the way, those [SARS-2] sequences, they're not accurate. They're always consensus sequences because PCR is error-prone. So you have to do numerous runs then average it out and then say, well, sort of like this sequence. Right? But it represents nothing. It's an averaged code." Lerman adds:

"Sasha just gave you why the scientific explanation for why [COVID] could not have been innocent. The public health and national security reason is even if they thought [SARS-2] was a bioweapon that was gonna kill a lot of people, why didn't they tell us? Number one. Number two, if they knew it [was a public health emergency] on February 5th 2020, why did they only start implementing measures on March 13th or 18th or 15th depending on the country or the state? So they could not possibly have been innocent... Even if they all believed that this was a terrible bioweapon that China created at the Wuhan lab and Fauci funded it... they still didn't tell us for a month and a half." 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

DEBBIE LERMAN: What was the origin, not of the virus, what was the origin of the response, because the origin of the response is what destroyed the world.

06:26  and I'm going to jump in Sasha, because I think we might differ here.  I don't know what it was and I think the point that we're making in the dossier is that it doesn't matter . . . what the trigger was . . . so the fact that everybody's focused on whether it was from a Pangolin or a raccoon dog or the Wuhan lab, it's not beside the point, it's an interesting question, but it is not what destroyed the world.  What destroyed the world was the lockdowns and the vaccine mandates.  That's what destroyed the world, and so what we're asking people to do is re-focus.  What was the origin, not of the virus, what was the origin of the response, because the origin of the response is what destroyed the world. 

11:00.  Sasha and I agree on all of the global control issues, and I think the important thing to realize here is that, for me, it's more structural and systemic that they were trying to use COVID-19 to kill people because I think if they were trying to use COVID-19 to kill people, it didn't do that great of job, or the vaccines, or the so-called whatever, the MRNA technology was.  I don't think it did a good enough job for that to be the justification.  It might have been.  I'm open to that interpretation.  IMO, the global structures that have been put in place and that have been growing and growing and growing especially since 9/11 and since the fall of communism, which are these supranational corporate public-private Partnerships that really pretty much controlling everything right now in the world because National governments don't have too much power anymore.  And the one that is in charge of military bio defense, so responding to biological whatever, is huge.  It's an enormous International Global conglomerate that includes pharmaceutical companies, Global pharmaceutical companies and all their subsidiaries.  So just think about how many tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, of people already are just employed in that.  Then we have all the academic institutions and the journals and the governmental agencies that are in charge of those things, and it becomes a "too big to fail" entity.  That's how I think of it, it's a "too big to fail" entity, and so if there is no outbreak and there is no biowarfare bio-terrorism, they have to . . .  something has to happen to justify their existence.

12:46.  So the evidence of this consortium were included.  

Crashing the food supply? Got eggs?

Using fraudulent PCR tests to crash the food supply.  This is why the egg section in your grocery store is empty.  Got chickens?  How about a chicken coup?  You need the protein, the choline, the sulfur, the vitamin A, E, and others from eggs.  They are your daily multivitamins.   

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

DEBBIE LERMAN: The Office of the Vice President is where the COVID-19 task force was housed, and the COVID-19 task force was headed by the National Security Council. So all messaging had to go through the National Security Council

And we keep telling everyone thought she was a consultant HHS was a science consultant in this arrangement the dod was the lead the dod was the chief operating officer of the operation warp speed and then you know entire response which was managed through the heads of the military and intelligence apparatus in the United States and HHS was just a consultant, so still

00:28.  I'm going to add to that, Sasha, because not only were they a consultant, but they were actually the PR front.  So all of the public health agencies in this country and other countries, as this dossier suggests, were a public relations front, so that they could claim that this was a public health response.  And what they did, and what we show in the dossier, is that the agencies and organizations that were in charge of messaging about the pandemic were not the public health agencies.  They did not come up with the messages.  They disseminated the messages. There's a huge difference.  So there was a plan and it was a biodefense plan, which is a military intelligence plan, and that was given to the public health agencies and they were told, okay, this is your response and now present it as a public health response.  That was Fauci's job.  That was the job of every Public Health agent in the United States government.  Now some of them knew that it wasn't really Public Health.  A lot of them didn't know.  They were just told and they went along with what they were told.  But we know, and the dossier shows, that in our government, for sure, starting, I don't remember exactly the dates but I think on February 27th, 2020, for sure, all communications about COVID-19 had to go through the Office of the Vice President.  The Office of the Vice President is where the COVID-19 task force was housed, and the COVID-19 task force was headed by the National Security Council.  So all messaging had to go through the National Security Council.  The CDC, there are FOIA'd documents and emails where they say, "We tried to get this out but we had to pass it through OVP, Office of the Vice President."  So there are documents that show this, and there are reports that tell us that the CDC was not allowed to have its own press conferences at all.  So none of that was coming from them. 

Monday, December 23, 2024

DEBBIE LERMAN: A military operation is NOT a public health event

One of the most ingenious aspects of the global [COVID-19] operation is that it was so brazen, so extreme, and so inconceivable that it can actually hide behind its own implausibility. --Debbie Lerman

For those without a Twitter account, here is a link to this excellent interview with Debbie Lerman, who tracks the biodefense response to COVID-19.

Debbie Lerman's Substack

"The Catastrophic COVID Convergence," Debbie Lerman, Brownstone Institute, July 11, 2022.

Her book, The Deep State Goes Viral, goes on sale in March 2025.

from "The Catastrophic COVID Convergence," Debbie Lerman, Brownstone Institute, July 11, 2022, Dr. Kat Lindley reads,

11:15  The [COVID-19] story is so much more complicated than I initially understood it is not about a single Public Health event run by a few misguided or ill intentioned individuals.  It is not confined to anyone government, and it is not a consequence of anyone country's internal politics.  It is now, I believe, a precautionary chapter in a much larger global saga.

And then in part two, towards the end, you concluded, in this kind of struck me,

One of the most ingenious aspects of the global [COVID-19] operation is that it was so brazen, so extreme, and so inconceivable that it can actually hide behind its own implausibility. 

13:25. Coming from not a communist country and growing up and taking for granted that it was a free country, and not just that it was a free country but that people in this country, and I guess in all Western countries, valued freedom, that that was actually a value.  Also that we were sensitive to encroaching tyranny.  I actually thought that we had a sensitivity that we had learned from the 20th century, you know, totalitarian experiences both like you had in the Communist world and also early, you know, from the Nazi and fascist regimes, I thought that we kind of as a collective society had learned particularly what it means to have or be propagandized as a collective group.  And the scariest thing about [COVID-19] and part of what led to that last sentence that it was so brazen and so huge that it could hide behind its own implausibility, the reason that the [COVID-19] response could hide at all is because the global censorship and propaganda campaign that was waged against the world's population made a large proportion of the population unaware of what was happening, and not just unaware, but made them believe the opposite.  And it made them believe the opposite in a very visceral almost religious way, and that's kind of what I was talking about in that opening clip with Jan Jekielek when I was describing how people responded to me when I would question the [COVID-19] measures.  They never responded to me factually.  They only responded to me in a sort of ideological, religious, quasi-religious way, which I eventually came to understand was the result of this massive propaganda campaign.  campaign.  So what happened was the way that it started was I was questioning the measures, and nobody around me was questioning it, and so that was driving me completely insane.  I was trying to find out on a local level and banging my head against the wall a lot, trying to fight the schools and trying to fight the health commissioner and whatever.  Finally I found Brownstone.  I started writing for Brownstone and then I started really digging into governments documents to see what was happening because I thought well if we have a pandemic

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The real reason Sweden didn't do LOCKDOWNS? ... Because it wasn't in NATO in 2020

It doesn't stop there because, as you said, every country in the western world pretty much did the same thing except for Sweden.  Now, I asked myself for many years, for all these years, why did Sweden not do it?  Was it just because Anders Tegnell and all those people in Sweden were so smart?  Well, here is a possible answer.  It turns out that the way that The WHO, the other global governing bodies the UN, of which the WHO is a part, and their consulting bodies, like WEF, World Economic Forum, it's not a governance body but it is like a consulting body to the world governing bodies.  They were running the pandemic response.  So basically they were the ones giving the instructions.  Now, why would everybody follow, why would all the countries follow what The WHO says?  Because they invoked intelligence and military mutual defense treaties.  So the Five Eyes countries, which is the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, so all the anglosphere, except for South Africa, they have a mutual intelligence agreement.  And there was a lot of involvement of the intelligence agencies supporting each other mutually in those countries.  All of those countries also had heavy military involvement in the response.  And the same is true for all NATO countries.  Which country in Europe was not in NATO during COVID?  Sweden.  [Note:  Sweden finally joined NATO on March 7, 2024.]

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

DR. ROBERT MALONE was busy in 2020 writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then.

Here is the direct link to Sasha Latypova's open letter to Dr. Robert Malone.  It is so worth the read.

I never knew you were also an OTA expert! That’s good to know. It would have been even better to know this right around 2020 when you were busy writing COVID guidebooks and faking science with famotidine for $21M for DARPA. The OTA contracts for COVID countermeasures were issued by the DOD for about $50B back then. It would have been great to have you utter some mention of it on Joe Rogan’s or Dark Horse podcast or some other high-profile social media venue to mislead Americans who all thought they were getting safe regulated pharmaceutical products and not unregulated, dangerous, liability-free EUA military countermeasures. Why didn’t you say anything back then? Why didn’t you say anything in the January 16 Doc Malik interview to disprove what I said about the OTA/COVID contracts? What evidence of OTA expertise can you offer other than an angry assertion that you have it? Why did you wait to claim you have expertise in this topic until non-OTA-experts, 
Katherine Watt and I found and reviewed the relevant law and the contracts, and until Debbie Lerman, a journalist and not previously an OTA expert, figured out why and how HHS “partnered” with the DOD to circumvent their respective OTA restrictions? Turns out that was necessary to order a massive volume of “prototypes and demonstrations” (unregulated chemical poison) and pretend these were regulated medicines for military and civilians. Did you know this in 2020?

Here is the chart that shows that the DoD was in charge of Operation Warp Speed, or OWS.  At the right, it reads, "In charge: NSC, DOD, BARDA."

And here is a pic of General Gustave Perna, the Chief Operating Officer of OWS.  We may want to ask ourselves, how do we allow ourselves to be ruled by idiots?