"All communications about COVID had to go through the Office of the Vice President. The Office of the Vice President is where the COVID Task Force was housed, and [it] was headed by the National Security Council. So all messaging had to go through the [NSC]."
— Sense Receptor (@SenseReceptor) February 5, 2025
Debbie Lerman, a… pic.twitter.com/EXUuUNy6eZ
And we keep telling everyone thought she was a consultant HHS was a science consultant in this arrangement the dod was the lead the dod was the chief operating officer of the operation warp speed and then you know entire response which was managed through the heads of the military and intelligence apparatus in the United States and HHS was just a consultant, so still
00:28. I'm going to add to that, Sasha, because not only were they a consultant, but they were actually the PR front. So all of the public health agencies in this country and other countries, as this dossier suggests, were a public relations front, so that they could claim that this was a public health response. And what they did, and what we show in the dossier, is that the agencies and organizations that were in charge of messaging about the pandemic were not the public health agencies. They did not come up with the messages. They disseminated the messages. There's a huge difference. So there was a plan and it was a biodefense plan, which is a military intelligence plan, and that was given to the public health agencies and they were told, okay, this is your response and now present it as a public health response. That was Fauci's job. That was the job of every Public Health agent in the United States government. Now some of them knew that it wasn't really Public Health. A lot of them didn't know. They were just told and they went along with what they were told. But we know, and the dossier shows, that in our government, for sure, starting, I don't remember exactly the dates but I think on February 27th, 2020, for sure, all communications about COVID-19 had to go through the Office of the Vice President. The Office of the Vice President is where the COVID-19 task force was housed, and the COVID-19 task force was headed by the National Security Council. So all messaging had to go through the National Security Council. The CDC, there are FOIA'd documents and emails where they say, "We tried to get this out but we had to pass it through OVP, Office of the Vice President." So there are documents that show this, and there are reports that tell us that the CDC was not allowed to have its own press conferences at all. So none of that was coming from them.