Using fraudulent PCR tests to crash the food supply. This is why the egg section in your grocery store is empty. Got chickens? How about a chicken coup? You need the protein, the choline, the sulfur, the vitamin A, E, and others from eggs. They are your daily multivitamins.
Yes!! But I keep mine fenced off my porch. I was on that barefoot. Everyone who has room and can handle caring for chickens SHOULD have them. They are awesome and WAY easier than you think. I have 20. Best decision ever. Look at my sweet Roo!!
Cynic that I am, I conclude that all possible efforts are being made to impoverish and so destroy once and for all that upstart, aspirational middling class its very existence so infuriates today's rulers. --Neil Oliver
5:05 For the crime of having been born in the home of the industrial revolution that changed the world for the better and lifted billions of people out of poverty this latest generation of British people is to be punished, diminished, made dependent upon a state that openly despises us and treats us with contempt. Setting aside, for example, the fact that China has pumped out more pollution in the last 8 years than Britain managed in the 220 years since the Industrial Revolution began. More of the taxes paid by British people might be handed to the developing world, perhaps China included. Who knows? as our penance for making it possible for 8 billion people to be alive in the world at the same time courtesy of cheap, efficient energy, plentiful food and all the benefits born of the modern medicine and technology our ancestors efforts made possible. The fire kindled here more than 200 years ago made life better, made life possible for billions, and in returned we are to be mugged in broad daylight, our wallets emptied, and our hard-earned cashed handed to anyone around the world who wants it.
6:19 A good whack of China's CO2 output came from burning coal to make our wind turbines and the rest of the vanity projects that let our remotely controlled leaders spout lies about cutting emissions, but hey ho, never let the facts get in the way of a good global scam. Back to the point, British money earned by hard-working and struggling British people is being funneled out of Britain and into the wider world as fast as the leaders can make it flow. Cynic that I am, I conclude that all possible efforts are being made to impoverish and so destroy once and for all that upstart, aspirational middling class its very existence so infuriates today's rulers.
6:58 Natural law is summarized in three words: do not steal. It underpins all lawful behavior.