Showing posts with label DARPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DARPA. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2023


This is something.  Brian Shilhavy has written a summary, of sorts, of Karen's report.

Also, I was critical of Dr. Robert Malone, because Dr. Glenn Beck confessed that mRNA injections are the gateway into transhumanism.  So, what is transhumanism? Malone explained it by making biological changes to the human body and also integrating it with the digital realm.  So the biological changes are non-human DNA, and you can read Dr. Malone's patent from 1996 which is "Expression from Exogenous DNA in Mammal Cells," 1996. So in that patent, he was experimenting with a 

She references James Giordano early. 

Because she outed and criticized Dr. Robert Malone, in large part because Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has said that Malone will be his consultant.  Ah, big problem there.  Malone is completely and totally deep state, even admitted as much, "I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense."  

Ernest Luque is a bodyguard, but she shared with viewers that Luqe is from the Obama administration and is known from the Clinton administration.  I mean just wow.  Stunning.  She posted a worrisome message on her Substack on August 6, 2023.  

1982, in Chicago, 7 people died from Tylenol poisoning and a 12-year-old girl.  And the mother went down to the police and said you need to seize the Tylenol.  And the Deputy Chief said, "I can't do that," and she said, "Yes, you can." 

In Florida, Surgeon General Ladapo identified 16,000 Floridians that died from cardiac complications within 6 months.  3,500 within 1 month after getting the nanoparticle technology injections or what they're calling "the vaccines."  Why hasn't the Sheriff halted these shots?  Why are they going along with this plan?  We know that the World Health Organization [owned by the CCP apparently],

Uniform Code of Military Justice, it is the military's job to defend America.  She's right.  Soldiers can disobey the law.  FindLaw explains,

So, can a person in the military simply refuse to follow an order if they don't like it?

The answer is yes — if they consider the order itself to be illegal or unconstitutional.

It's generally called a "duty to disobey," and is empowered by the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

The UCMJ is more concerned about the need to obey orders, but specifies the conditions when military personnel may feel justified in not following them: 
If the order is "contrary to the constitution" or "the laws of the United States."  
If the order is "patently illegal, ... such as one that directs the commission of a crime."  

If the military seizes the weapons, meaning the bioweapons of the vaccines, we won't have to be afraid of the next attack.  They can aerosolize the vaccines or put something on your skin, like a patch, and call it "Data Vaccine."  Reading patents and military documents, when they use weapons of biowarfare,  they call it immunization.  So if they want to use these lipid nanoparticles to create CNS disability or "to express diseases," they just say "We immunize them."  Now, if they use it on their enemies, they'll say "We used it to kill them and take them out.

5th Generation Warfare

James Corbett explains that

The gist of it is this: Fifth-generation warfare is an all-out war that is being waged against all of us by our governments and the international organizations to which they belong. It is being waged against each and every one of us right now, and it is a battle for full-spectrum dominance over every single aspect of your life: your movements and interactions, your transactions, even your innermost thoughts and feelings and desires. Governments the world over are working with corporations to leverage technology to control you down to the genomic level, and they will not stop until each and every person who resists them is subdued or eliminated. 

The most incredible part of all of this is that so few know that the war is even taking place, let alone that they are a combatant in it.

James Giordano, "The best war field is a friendly field.  What does that mean?  It means you get your enemy to agree to what is being done to you.  So you have a friendly battlefield.  And there's no conflict.  So if we know that mRNA technologies are harmful, Dr. Malone said as much, but he also said there's nothing that you can do to get them removed immediately because they're killing people, well, now, they have a friendly battlefield because we aren't fighting back.  How great is that?  Many of our leaders are saying ridiculous things, things, like "This is exclusively a DoD contract and Pfizer just slapped their logo on it."  That is not what the DoD contract says.  Read 3 Trillion Dollar Substack on "How to Destroy Pfizer in Court," March 5, 2023.  The contract says Pfizer is operating completely independent of the U.S. Military and worked directly with the FDA.  They say they own the shot, they own the intellectual property, they own the inventory.  So we can do something to go after Pfizer, and we can do something to seize these shots, whether it's Pfizer or Mdoerna, out of our communities.  But again, when you talk about a friendly battlefield, how would that happen?  Well, you would have people working for the enemy infiltrate those who want to push back and say "We want to seize these shots, we want to sue Pfizer, we want to see Albert Bourla in jail."  So what do you do?  You have people who work for the enemy come into the movement and act like they're our friends, act like they're on our side.  I said on Stew Peters, I think, September, October, one of the first times that I was on there, 2021, I am sorry that people don't understand sociopathy.  I'm sorry people don't understand that there's evil in the world.  But if someone has sociopathy and they have ill intentions for you, they want to harm you, they don't tell you that they plan on harming you.  They tell you whatever it is you need to hear so that you trust them.  So when people come forward and say that we shouldn't inject children, and now because I put so much pressure on people they're calling it the bioweapon.  But our leaders . . . I was the one who had to keep blowing the whistle and not stop to give Americans and global citizens the words to articulate the crime that was done against them and that there was something that they can do.  Now, the problem is that none of our leaders are doing anything that can immediately stop this attack.  I am, and that's why I am being hunted down today, or the last couple of weeks.  I have not been in contact with any friends, or any family, for their own safety.  This is the first time that I've turned my cell phone on in 2 weeks.  So it's for my safety, and for your safety.  But I want you guys to know that I am being hunted down.  And I would ask that Dr. Robert Malone, you're friends with people in the CIA, for the love of humanity, call off your friends at the CIA.  This is who is hunting me down, and they're doing this to intimidate people.  I was set up to be poisoned by that Florida rental.  I forgive my friends who set me up there.  I know that you were threatened.  And people are saying, "Well, Karen, why are you still doing this?  And this may be the last time you guys ever see me."  I knew what I signed up for.  I chose to sacrifice instead of suffer.  So when you sacrifice, you give everything, including your life, right, for the greater good?  I chose to do that instead of suffer.  People going along with the plan out of intimidation, or for whatever reason, they're suffering, right, because when you suffer you're not willing to give up whatever you're afraid to lose.  You're afraid to lose stuff, so you suffer through the slings and arrows, and for me, I gave everything up to God.  I shouldn't be here today.  I am protected because of God.  I know the CIA, the FBI, the Clintons, and Obama apparently are like, "What the hell is she doing still being alive?"  And I just praise God.  I've been reading Psalms every day read by King David, and I've been praying over and over it.  And again, if you're wondering where I am, I am in Barcelo Maya, Mexico 

because I was not safe in the United States because of all of those cameras throughout Southern California and Collier County in Florida.  It's ridiculous.  You're tracked everywhere.  So I came somewhere I thought I was safe, but I am not safe anywhere.  People know where I am.  Again, my room gets sprayed, my water gets contaminated, and my food does as well.  I don't know.  Miki Willis, if you're listening . . . ?  Steve Kirsch . . . ?  Mike Adams, please talk to Dr. Malone to call off the CIA.  He's friends with them.  Call off the CIA from hunting her down for the love of humanity, and I'd like to know who told the CIA to me?  I'll never find out, but I would like to know who said "She's a threat to our objectives, make her go away."  I did do an interview with Bobby Kennedy on November 3, 2022.

No one was told they were being injected with nanoparticle technologies.  They thought it was a biological agent.  And the FDA classifies these technologies as electromagnetic devices.  No one was told they were being injected with electromagnetic devices. 

After her appearance on the Stew Peters Show, Mikki Willis tells her to stop criticizing the FDA approval of happened . . . and stop criticizing Dr. Robert Malone.  What, is he above criticism?  I'm not criticizing him.  I was criticizing his interpretation, which was a false, reckless interpretation of contracts and the law.  Willis told her that if she doesn't stop criticizing Malone that she won't be part of this team anymore.  And then Mike Adams, so nice, such a sweet guy, called me and told me that I need to stop criticizing Dr. Malone because Dr. Malone may sue her.  To that, she says that she hasn't said anything that she merely repeats what he said, things he said on Joe Rogan.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Why COVID-19 Mass Vaccination is a Military Operation . . . Run by the DOD

Talk about your betrayal.   

from NewsWars

Because the US Department of Defense, under the Emergency Use Authorization countermeasures program, is the ”developer” of the vaccines, there is a complex array of biological defense contractors that make the components of the vaccines. 

By the way, Sasha Latypova explains that countermeasures are weapons, writing, "BTW, these vaccines are classified as "Countermeasures."  [Okay, what does that mean?] Countermeasures is a euphemism for weapons.  So the Department of Defense has the right to order these countermeasures, meaning weapons, from private manufacturers, meaning Pfizer, Moderna, and a whole bunch of their suppliers, there's like hundreds of companies that make this." 

Specifically, private contractors do the fill-and-finish manufacturing, and the DOD or its designees has material possession of the products until delivery at a vaccine center. So what are the roles of Pfizer and Moderna?

At this stage, they are essentially marketing shields or the corporate “face” of the military program. But [Sasha] Latypova is clear, by the US EUA regulations, COVID-19 mass vaccination is a DOD operation, and the signal to “go” is given by the US Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Under Trump, it was Alex Azar, and now with Biden, it’s Xavier Becerra. 

I do find it amazing what we're learning.  Attorney Warner Mendenhall says that Pfizer is now a Defense Department contractor.  Get that?  They're making and marketing vaccines for a mass vaccination program by the U.S. military, specifically the Department of Defense.  The DOD has declared war on the American people.  Mendenhall says that 

This is all being managed by the Dept. of Defense, and they're doing it under the Prep Act, which is for military preparedness.

Monday, October 11, 2021

"Concerns about the safety and efficacy of [Moderna's] products . . . evaporated in the wave of panic surrounding COVID-19 . . ."

A few highlights from the damning article on Moderna. 

As STAT noted in 2016, the people who were tasked with making “the science work” were those who most frequently resigned, which led to Moderna losing two heads of chemistry within a single year, followed shortly by losing its chief scientific officer and its head of manufacturing. Many top executives, including the heads of its cancer research and rare disease research branches, ended up lasting fewer than eighteen months in their respective positions. The abrupt resignations weren’t exclusive to Moderna’s science-focused executive positions either, as the chief information officer and top financial executive roles were also affected. Bancel ultimately sought advice from the human resources departments of Facebook, Google, and Netflix on employee retention. 

It looks like all of these biotech companies are overvalued, and so find some way to connect themselves with military intelligence for a Hail Mary rescue.  And clearly, the last thing on the minds of these corporate assholes is the well-being of those receiving their toxic products.  

Arguably, the most critical difference between Moderna and Theranos is that Moderna, whose numerous issues and challenges only came to light after the collapse of Theranos had begun, has never faced the same degree of scrutiny from the US government or mainstream investigative journalists. There are many possible reasons for this, including Moderna’s close relationship with the US Department of Defense through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), or concern that its exposure post-Theranos would bring scrutiny to any company existing at the intersection of Silicon Valley and the health-care industry. However, such a reckoning would likely have been inevitable for Moderna had it not been for the COVID-19 crisis, which could not have come at a more convenient time for the company.  

Anytime you see a company joining forces with the military, think of democide.  Given how Americans are in love with their military and fawn over the image of one of their soldiers, dead or alive, it's hard for Americans to perceive contradictions, a conflict of interest, or something more sinister.  It's apple pie, hotdogs, and Chevrolet.   


Many of the problems with Moderna that Garde identified in 2016 continued to plague the company right up until the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis. Chief among these was Moderna’s struggle to prove that its technology worked and that it was safe. Concerns about the safety and efficacy of the company’s products, which were publicly reported beginning in 2017, evaporated in the wave of panic surrounding COVID-19 and the simultaneous “Warp Speed” race for a vaccine that would “end the pandemic.” Yet, there is little, if any, evidence that these once-well-recognized concerns were addressed prior to the US government’s emergency use authorization of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine and its now widespread use in many countries around the world. To the contrary, there is evidence that these concerns were covered up both prior to and during the development of its vaccine. 

I just don't see how this can be good for the American consumer. 

A few weeks later, Moderna’s Bancel  attended the World Economic Forum’s 2019 annual meeting alongside Johnson & Johnson executive Paul Stoffels and other pharmaceutical and biotech leaders in order to “rub elbows with world leaders and one-percenters—and talk about the future of healthcare.” Other healthcare figures in attendance included the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and “global health philanthropist” Bill Gates, whose foundation entered into “a global health project frameworkwith Moderna in 2016 to “advance mRNA-based development projects for various infectious diseases.” The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the only foundation listed as a strategic collaborator on the Moderna website. Other “strategic collaborators” include the US government’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), the US military’s DARPA, and pharmaceutical giants AstraZeneca and Merck.

It should be noted that John Hopkins University is integrally involved in the great vaccine rollout, running cover for and with DARPA.  Unlimited Hangout explains it thus:

The simulation was a collaborative effort led by the John Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (part of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security) in collaboration with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Analytic Services (ANSER) Institute for Homeland Security and the Oklahoma National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism. The concept, design and script of the simulation were created by Tara O’Toole and Thomas Inglesby of the Johns Hopkins Center along with Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of ANSER. The full script of the exercise can be read here

What this tells me is that John Hopkins has been involved in military biowarfare since at least 9/11.  The planes crashing into the Twin Towers is the least of our worries, if you have all these american institutions coordinating an effort to poison millions of Americans.  And to what end?  Some have argued that just as the Nazis backpacked through Europe stealing the wealth of its citizens there, that the military intelligence assets are trying to steal the assets of Americans.