Sunday, March 16, 2025

ZOWE SMITH: They modeled how many people they would have to scare in order to make it look like pandemic

The *most plausible explanation* for the COVID-19 "pandemic" explained: ➡️Not a "virus" release; a deployment of a chemical weapon ➡️The *non-lethal* chem weapon was used to seed "sentinel cases" and stir fear ➡️"Worried well" convinced themselves they were sick ➡️Excess deaths—prior to the release of the COVID bioweapon injections—were driven by hospital slaughter protocols (including ventilators, remdesivir, isolation, etc.) and, to a lesser extent, the shutdown of society This model, described here in part in a recent discussion between Zowe Smith () and Sasha Latypova (), accounts for many disparate pieces of evidence, IMO. Yes, we've had frontline workers report people developing strange symptoms—e.g., "happy hypoxia"—so *something* novel was introduced. However, no "virus" was ever isolated, including for the CDC's own PCR "test." Whatever was released was not lethal (or, essentially, non-lethal), as we now know 90%+ of excess deaths were due to lethal hospital protocols (including remdesivir/ventilation/isolation/etc). I base the above 90% figure on the work John Beaudoin has done looking at death certificates; plus the fact that we have myriad medical whistleblowers who have stepped forward and said that it hasn't been "COVID" killing people, it has been **the COVID protocols themselves.** Furthermore, as Latypova notes elsewhere in this discussion, "lab leaks" happen all the time—if they could result in "pandemics," we'd be getting a lot more of them. In this clip, Smith also shows footage of Dr. James Giordano, PhD, a former US Naval officer and the Pellegrino Center Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry at Georgetown University Medical Center, who was a member of the Neuroethics, Legal, and Social Issues Advisory Panel at DARPA. Giordano, who has become internet-famous (infamous?) for his talks on various brain-hacking and biotech devices, describes (in essence) a pandemic scare using the deployment of "high-morbidity neural microbiologic agents" or "neural bugs." (Note: "high-morbidity" not "high-mortality.") While Giordano explains using, in essence, a gain-of-function "bug" to produce "sentinel cases" for a pandemic scare, note that Latypova says that "most of the things he mention[s] [are] intoxication agents or chemicals." The pharma insider adds, "chemical attacks...are more reliable than biologics attacks...[and] all these [naturally occurring biological agents] no matter what you do with them in the labs...quickly denature outside; or even indoors, exposed to air, and normal circulation and so forth." Note that this is supported by the work of none other than Ralph Baric. Baric, for example, concluded in a now-infamous paper published in 2016, dubbed "SARS-like WIV1-CoV poised for human emergence," that: "Focusing on the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-like viruses, the results indicate that the WIV1-coronavirus (CoV) cluster has the ability to directly infect and may undergo limited transmission in human populations. However, in vivo attenuation suggests additional adaptation is required for epidemic disease." In other words, Baric et al., tried to make a GOF virus, but it petered out too quickly to qualify for "epidemic disease" potential. Furthermore, note that Giordano doesn't describe a real "pandemic" or even epidemic—he only describes introducing "sentinel cases" at "key sites" (like Des Moines, Seattle, Houston, etc.) and then "[rippling] the sheets of the worried well" in order to "get every hypochondriac running to their physician." Also, perhaps the most salient point: If the intention behind the COVID scam was to maim/slaughter/sterilize humanity en masse (and of course it was), why rely on a worldwide "vaccination" campaign if massive damage was doable with a GOF "virus"?  
The injections are bioweapons. The GOF "virus" is the scary narrative (seeded with a chemical weapons release) that got people to line up and stick the poison needles in their arms. 

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