Showing posts with label — Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio). Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: your child is not forced to consume Twinkies or artificial food dyes as a condition of attending school. But your child is forced to have a gazillion injections of poison as a condition of attending school

Right, because there is no problem with food.  You know why?  Because your child is not forced to consume Twinkies or artificial food dyes as a condition of attending school.  But your child is forced to have a gazillion injections of poison as a condition of attending school.  And then in some states, like in California, they will take your child away if you're not injecting them with poison.  So my position is . . . this is way more important than your fight about Fruit Loops, Calley Means.  --Sasha Latypova

This clip here

Going back to MAHA and what I immediately saw, remember when Kennedy was running his campaign first and then he joined Trump's campaign, and then Trump said, "Oh, you know we're going to put Kennedy in charge of Health," and then all of a sudden we have the Means twins appear out of nowhere.  And all the Freedom leaders and the whole Health Freedom Community is like who are you? Where did you come from? 

We found out yesterday Sasha and at Mary's interview [Mary Talley Bowden] that Calley Means was living with his sister in 2020 and writing a book during COVID-19.  I'm like okay.  I don't even know . . . like nothing to say about lockdowns.  Nothing to say about . . . .  So what are your thoughts on the Means twins?

00:54.  So the Means twins are propagandists.  They are part of the propaganda machine that's brought in to manage the message away from the truth and get back into that same framework where they need everyone, which is to be scared of viruses, and pandemics are real.  It was a public health event.  While we made some mistakes, we are going to make a [few] fixes here and there but everything is good.  So that's their brief.  That's what they are doing.  

And part of it is you need to drown the truth in a sea of irrelevance, which is all this talk about food.

Drown the truth in a sea of irrelevance which is all this talk about food.

Right, because there is no problem with food.  You know why?  Because your child is not forced to consume Twinkies or artificial food dyes as a condition of attending school.  But your child is forced to have a gazillion injections of poison as a condition of attending school.  And then in some states, like in California, they will take your child away if you're not injecting them with poison.  So my position is . . . this is way more important than your fight about Fruit Loops, Calley Means.  

Friday, December 6, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA on UNITED HEALTHCARE CEO BRIAN THOMPSON'S MURDER: My speculation on this is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of this, and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company

"My speculation on [UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson's murder] is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of [an ongoing DOJ investigation], and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company." (1/6) Retired pharma R&D executive Sasha Latypova (@sasha_latypova) speculates on a recent episode of The Shannon Joy Show () as to the real reason UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was recently murdered. Highlighting a gargantuan ransomware attack that targeted the health insurance and benefits corporation—which is a subsidiary of UnitedHealthcare Group—earlier this year, Latypova notes that "there's ongoing...litigation about that," which has already cost the company "several billion dollars"—not including whatever forthcoming settlement there may be. "[Thompson's] the CEO of the company that processes most of the Medicare and Medicaid claims, all kinds of insurance claims, in the United States," Latypova notes. "About a year ago, there was a breach of data. They got hijacked, ransomware. They had to pay a ransomware bribe and that also went sideways. There was a data breach exposed, about a hundred million Americans [had] their healthcare data, their Social Security numbers [exposed]. And so there's litigation ongoing about that. They already spent several billion dollars on that litigation, and that's before even the settlement." Latypova goes on to say that UnitedHealthcare is "also under investigation by the Department of Justice, which [is] also looking into all of this. And so [Thompson] was meeting with the investors, walked out in the morning, and then was gunned down right after that." The pharma insider adds, "My speculation on this is he was either going to testify or was compelled to testify as part of this, and it was going to bring down some very powerful individuals who are behind his company."

"Because it's such a huge company, such huge data that they're processing, they have to be connected to the same cabal...that's running this whole global thing," Latypova adds, referencing the ongoing global COVID operation (my term). 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: we've got to pay attention to the missing money because, essentially, most of this is being financed out of our pension funds and retirement funds. And if we don't address this, we won't have enough money to meet our obligations under the retirement system unless we lower life expectancy.

DEAR DOGE (): If you really want to "ensure [our] tax dollars will be spent wisely," find the $20+ TRILLION the Department of Defense has stolen from American taxpayers. (1/7) In this clip from a recent interview with Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio), investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts notes that if the incoming Trump administration "really wanted to reform the Deep State," it would start with the $21 trillion of missing taxpayer money; $20+ trillion of which has been stolen by the Department of Defense. Fitts describes a "financial coup" that began in the U.S. in 1998, when the Deep State began disappearing U.S. taxpayer money from the federal government's coffers. "In fiscal 1998 HUD was missing $59 billion dollars in the first year. And then by 9/11, the federal government, mostly DOD, was missing approximately $4 trillion dollars," the former HUD official says. "Then, when 9/11 happened, the day before 9/11, [Secretary of Defense under the George Bush administration] Donald Rumsfeld got up and confessed that the DOD was missing $2.3 trillion. And then 9/11 happened, and everybody sort of forgot about the missing money." "I kept saying," Fitts adds, "we've got to pay attention to the missing money because, essentially, most of this is being financed out of our pension funds and retirement funds. And if we don't address this, we won't have enough money to meet our obligations under the retirement system unless we lower life expectancy. And in fact, a lot of the Great Poising started at the same time." Regarding this Great Poisoning—that is, increasing environmental toxins, injecting people with toxins via "vaccines," and debasing the food supply—Fitts adds: "If you look at U.S. life expectancy, when the financial coups started, life expectancy started to fall and diverge with the other 19 industrial top industrial countries. And that accelerated with the pandemic. And what we are watching is a systematic lowering of life expectancies, which is part of dealing with this financial problem. So if you can't balance the books with full funding, you balance the books by lowering the drain that the population is taking out of the retirement system." Furthermore, Fitts notes that "[We] have not seen the new or the incoming administration talk about the money that's missing from the federal government." The investment banker also says that the quarantine camps that have been built in New York State have nothing to do with quarantining sick people, and, instead, are there to imprison anybody in finance who would dare to speak up about this multi-trillion-dollar theft and fraud by the U.S. government. Regarding that topic, Fitts says: "Well, what it's very funny when [New York State attorney] Bobbie Anne Cox told me about her litigation, I said, 'Bobbie, that has nothing to do with health. That has to do with you're the New York Fed, and you need to make sure that every financial person and hedge fund manager does what you tell them to do. And if they don't, you need to be able to kidnap them.'

"That's what that health regulation is about...You can't afford for one hedge fund manager to implode the entire international financial system. Do you really want a hedge fund manager standing up on the Solari show or The Shannon Joy show and talking about how they've just laundered out another trillion through the BIS [Bank of International Settlements] and they're stealing it?"