Friday, November 19, 2021

"They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt."

"I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe."

Klaus Schwab, his wife, Hilde Schwab, and Markus Soeder.

Martin Armstrong writes

Sources in Germany are all warning that the government intends to impose mandatory vaccines following the ruthless actions of  Austra. The Governor of Bavaria, Germany, Markus Soeder, is also for mandatory vaccinations. I have been warning that Schwab is in control of Europe. The central bank is trapped and cannot escape its negative interest rates and the government really can no longer function because its borrowing capacity has been destroyed. They are using this COVID to prevent a civil uprising for they will move to a digital currency ASAP, cancel paper currency, and in 2022 they are looking to default on all debt. The EU is up against the wall and that is why they have even listened to Schwab and his Marxist Wonderland.

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