Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

MARK GRUBERT: They've made private homes illegal to build in LA County. That's against the law. You have to build multiple family dwellings now. There's an entire Marxist movement that was rooting for Malibu and Pacific Palisades to burn to the ground

They've made private homes illegal to build in LA County.  That's against the law.  You have to build multiple family dwellings now.  There's an entire Marxist movement that was rooting for Malibu and Pacific Palisades to burn to the ground.  Hundreds of fire trucks were in there repair shop.  The money that was cut by Karen Bass to the fire department, roughly $20 million, went to the public library system that was forced to do away with late fees that they claimed were racist.  So that put the public library system in the red because there were not allowed to collect late fees on books any longer.  So the money for the fire department went to the library system.  --Mark Grubert

11:53.  It was an awkward event I mean yeah go ahead 

11:55. I was just going to say that was from the visit last Friday and there was a lot of that and of course she was lying.  National Guard troops did prevent a lot of people from going back to their homes.  It was a really awkward event very tense very tense awkward because it was Trump was actually calling them out. As an La resident, how could how did you feel about that conflict?

12:14.  Well, it was great show business entertainment.  I mean Newsome had the wherewithal not to show up after meeting Trump on the tarmac in a work shirt, jeans, and boots.  I don't know where he thought he was, but he did not go into that trap that Karen Bass went into.  It was highly confrontational.  She was dancing around.  She's now saying that her health czar now said that they can't go in there because there are too much hazardous waste, so she's now deferred to Barbara Ferrar, LA's phony doctor, Director of LA County Department of Public Health official who is stopping people from going in to deal with their homes.  They also have military vehicles there to prevent people from going into deal with her homes.  Three, they are never going to get permits to deal with rebuilding their homes.  The situation, if you look at Maui, if you look at Lahaina, that has been almost 2 years, Emerald, they lost 1800 homes; we lost 18,000.  So you're looking at 10% of the total here in LA.  1800 homes in Lahaina nearly 2 years, it'll be this summer, have 36 work permits and three homes have been rebuilt.  Think about that and the model that they are using here, the eco model, that LA uses is their sister city in Maui.  So three homes built in 2 years, 1800, 36 permits.  1800 homes lost here, it's 18,000.  Do the math. Never going to happen.

13:45.  Your home, you're blessed that yours did survive the fires, right.

13:50.   Yeah I'm in Hollywood, so I evacuated during the Sunset Fire and then came back 10 days later.  And then another fire started.  They are all arson.  They arrested the arsonists in the second fire.  These are all homeless transients with meth pipes that has been pointing pointed out by Michael Schellenberger and others.  Whether Nate Hochman, the new DA, will prosecute them is up to Nate Hockman at this point. So we'll see if he means what he's been saying about prosecuting people to the fullest extent of the law for arson.  Which these are arson cases whether they are deranged or not is a matter for the courts to decide.

14:30.  As a final note, just so we can hone in on this, do you think anything has changed since Trump showed up?  Do you think it put any kind of a fire under the feet of local officials?

14:40.  No.  Absolutely not.  In fact, it probably inspired them to stall even more.  These people are not going to be able to rebuild.  The homes are super expensive. It's not about even clearing the land.  Most of them are never coming back.  I predict the government, the state government, will seize the property at some point, two, three years down the road and build low-income housing which is what they want to do.  There's a chapter in Mike Davis's book called, [Ecology of Fear, 1998, Chapter 3, titled "The Case for Letting Malibu Burn"] Burn Malibu, Burn. There are many progressive people, Marxists, in this city, who wanted Malibu to burn to the ground economically, politically, and socially, and in a Marxist way, they want to get rid of those wealthy homes there.  They've made private homes illegal to build in LA County.  That's against the law.  You have to build multiple-family dwellings now.  There's an entire Marxist movement that was rooting for Malibu and Pacific Palisades to burn to the ground.  Hundreds of fire trucks were in their repair shop.  The money that was cut by Karen Bass to the fire department, roughly $20 million, went to the public library system that was forced to do away with late fees that they claimed were racist.  So that put the public library system in the red because they were not allowed to collect late fees on books any longer.  So the money for the fire department went to the library system.

Friday, January 24, 2025

LAURA POWELL: Fauci’s $1 million per month security detail has ended

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A 1942 Map of the New World Order

Trump, Musk, and other billionaires are after trillions.  Trump criticizes Canada and makes vague economic threats against Greenland.  But in both cases, they're after those countries' natural resources.  

Friday, January 3, 2025

Friday, September 13, 2024

Will the cat meme prove the election victory for Trump?

The meme also indicts Ohio Governor, DeWhine, who has been accused, not charged, with running a Haitian child trafficking.  God, I am sick of hearing about these child trafficking rings.  It's never-ending.  And no movie by Mel Gibson or Caviezel.  Is a cat meme the only way to get people's attention about illegal immigration?

Friday, August 23, 2024

NICOLE SHANAHAN: "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault.

JUST NOW: SHANAHAN SAYS THEY ARE "HESITANT" ABOUT JOINING FORCES WITH TRUMP "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault. The vaccinations, the lockdowns letting Fauci and Francis Collins run the show, the firing of the other folks at the NIH and individuals at the CDC who were censored... There was a lot that happened under Donald Trump's watch that should not have happened and cannot happen again.

And if we are going to put our bet with him - and we haven't - we have not confirmed anything - but we need absolute assurance." 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

BLOOMBERG: Note that Trump doled out: $2.5B to Moderna; $2.5B to Sanofi & GSK; $1.95B to Pfizer

OWS released a document in mid-September outlining how it would distribute vaccine doses. It has a military tone; the title is From the Factory to the Frontlines. General Paul Ostrowski, Perna’s deputy, has said the goal is to begin delivery within 24 hours of any approval or emergency use authorization, with distribution centralized and farmed out mainly through McKesson Corp., a Texas drug distributor that had an existing contract with the CDC to deliver vaccines. To track where every dose goes, OWS is building an integrated computer system that brings in the CDC’s existing systems. OWS says it expects to have as many as 75,000 injection sites across the country. States have sent the CDC proposals for how to manage distribution locally, but in mid-October the bipartisan National Governors Association submitted a long list of questions to the Trump administration about everything from funding to storage, making it clear the states don’t see a workable federal plan in place.  

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tom's remarks about Mark Walz, Kamala Harris' new VP pick, were extremely interesting. 

33:36. And as Alexander Mercouris pointed out ages ago, he said "But then that effect of this has been to hold everything in this band and hold everything and Innovation behind the curve technology then the lack of competitive then the lack of competitiveness of German industry is exposed badly, especially with the rise of China.  So now Germany is ultimately the target.  Now you can kill the ECB, and you can kill the EU.  If you were a bunch of predatory Fed and New York and Tokyo bankers and you like more open Capital markets than the Europeans do, well then you're going to not argue; you're not going to be down there.  That's why they hate Trump who put Powell in place and they replaced Libor with Sofr.  This is the story I've been telling for 3 years.

from Luongo's Gold, Goats, and Guns:

What is SOFR? The Secured Overnight Funding Rate. It is the U.S. domestic replacement for LIBOR. SOFR is market-driven and arrived at through actual transactions in the U.S. money markets with the daily quote arrived at by real data from real US banks.

LIBOR, on the other hand, is a rate set by 17 foreign banks and 1 U.S. bank (JP Morgan Chase’s London Division). It’s still not market-driven but arrived at by consensus. Regardless of that, it represents the activity within London’s and Europe’s banking system, not the U.S.’s.

Ad therein lies the rub.

For all intents and purposes for decades, LIBOR was the mechanism by which the City of London and Europe controlled the flow of dollars into and out of their banking system. No wonder the Fed had no real control.

Broadly speaking, when the Fed raises rates and it causes a drain on the eurodollar system, it puts upward pressure on LIBOR. If Europe’s banks are more exposed to a rise in the cost of dollars then LIBOR should blow out faster than the Fed raises rates.

In past cycles, before SOFR, all US debt was indexed to LIBOR. So, it didn’t matter if the Fed raised rates domestically, our mortgages, lease rates, and credit lines blew out with LIBOR even if there was no underlying stress in these domestic markets.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Manufacturing jobs never ever made up more than 30% of all jobs.  In fact, it was always lower than that, much lower and more into the 20%, 25%, 27% range except during WWII when they were just making bombs to blow up.  Now this didn't make anybody richer; it temporarily made the people who were unemployed . . . they got money but that was all inflation and taxation.  None of this was real.  It was the same thing Hitler did.  So apart from all the death camps and all the evil crap that Hitler did, he also sent everybody to work making bombs and stuff and then claimed he had solved unemployment.  Manufacturing never made up that large of a percentage of the population.  In other words, at its very peak, manufacturing jobs, 70% of the population was doing something else.  So I think people have this idea that Trump is going to put on tariffs, and people are going to stop importing manufactured goods and like 80% of the population is going to work in manufacturing.  No.  It was never the case at the height of American manufacturing employment, and it wouldn't be the case any time no matter how many tariffs you put on.  So it really is just completely a retarded idea.  Be that as it may, he didn't even follow through on that.  Okay?  His advisors, a few of his loyal advisors, the people who really believed in him, were saying, "Don't back away," but all the other ones, whom people call RINOs, some even call Libertarians although that's kind of a laugh that anyone in Washington DC at all is a Libertarian other than Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, two of them, two people.  His advisors tell him, "We're going to have a recession, you're going to lose the next election."  So he backed off.  

16:37  He made a deal in early 2020.  It was signed, and manufacturing immediately rebounded by the way.  So if you trace the IMS Manufacturing Index to see when it was in recession and when it came back, it locks in step completely with those tariffs and their removal.  So he didn't do that.  I keep wanting to think that his supporters are really antiwar.  I actually think Trump is sincere about not fighting at least as many wars.  And I always wondered is it just because he says that that his supporters go along with that when all they really care about is immigration and tariffs?  Or is there a critical mass of people who are sick of this crap?  If there is and if the antiwar part of his message is at all part of the reason why people want to reelect him, well, he didn't do that either.  He promised in 2018 he would be out of Afghanistan with all the troops home by Christmas, and then he sent more troops, and then he never left.  Then he made some deal, "Oh, we're going to get out, but you have to elect me again first."  No.  No, sorry, Donald.  We've heard that too many times.  The fact that it was Joe Biden that got the troops out of Afghanistan is just a travesty.  As despicable a person as Joe Biden is and as warmonger as he's shown that he is and corrupt, and everything else, to allow him to be the one to end the Afghanistan War is just inexcusable to me.

18:43  He bombed Syria twice.  Now there's some murmurings that he bombed empty buildings, and if that's true, that's good, I'm glad.  That was an intentional thing, "Look, I'm going to do this bombing to get all of these people off my back, but I'm not going to kill anybody."  I hope that's the case.  And when he refused to bomb Iran over them shooting down the drone, I give him full kudos for that too.  In fact, he came out and said, "Listen, I'm not killing 150 Iranians over an unmanned drone.  I'm just not going to do it."  I don't think I've ever heard a president say in my lifetime anything that sensible.  So that's good for him.  But we got to remember that the whole Iran thing was his high-pressure campaign that he let John Bolton run.  How'd he think that was going to turn out?  He almost got us into a war while he was saying he didn't want one.  He did that and he funded Ukraine.  Now he tried to hold up the funding pending an investigation into his chief political opponent.  Boy, that was a bad precedent to set, wasn't it, Donald?  But I think he was always going to send it.  And he still talks about Putin like a Neocon now.  A lot of the foreign policy, the positive parts, have faded away during this campaign and I don't exactly know why that is.  Now, he's still saying some 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: Pharma pays for his campaign, and the DOD is likely running it

[Trump's supporters] are forced to resolve the cognitive dissonance in favor of “well, he was lied to by Fauci, so…"

from Sasha Latypova,

Trump is shilling for covid vaccines again. Pharma pays for his campaign, and the DOD is likely running it - this is obvious from his consistency and dedication to this line of messaging. It is propaganda, pure and simple - lies repeated often enough to his base, normalize the most monstrous lies. So they are forced to resolve the cognitive dissonance in favor of “well, he was lied to by Fauci, so…”  

Thursday, March 7, 2024

CORRUPTIBLE TRUMP: He's used his antiwar record to whitewash his 4th Generation warfare Operation Warp Speed that's weakened and killed millions of Americans

People liked Trump for being brutally honest with the media, Hillary, & Biden (aka, Obama's 3rd term) and people like his Borscht Belt humor. So he is entertaining. But a single man or a single one-term administration cannot sort out the mess of a bazaar of billionaires.

He likes to tout his antiwar record. I don't know. What secret wars did he fund? I don't know. There was the brazen assassination of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani in January 2020 before the rollout of the COVID hoax and scamdemic that imposed warlike restrictions, stripping of civil rights, couldn't enter a grocery without a pair of panties on your face, pulled up over your nose; couldn't walk 5 feet to a dining table in a restaurant from door to table without a mask on. But let's not exaggerate, please, this was not a war; it was an emergency. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

So was Trump really antiwar, was he really the peace-loving, pidgeon-feeding St. Francis of Assisi? I have my doubts. He sure seemed to be free and easy with taxpayers' money. Perhaps Trump didn't start any hot conventional wars, but he didn't seem to end any either. But wasn't COVID itself a war? They called nurses frontline workers, certainly a warlike term like frontline soldiers. W

Dave DeCamp illuminates his war record a bit,

President Trump almost immediately rolled over in 2017 and gave then-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis a small surge of troops in Afghanistan, bringing numbers up to around 14,000. This was small potatoes compared to 2010, when President Obama’s surge put the number over 100,000. But troop numbers aren’t everything.
In 2019, a record number of bombs were dropped on Afghanistan, the most since the US started keeping track of the number of bombs dropped by the coalition in 2006. Coalition aircraft dropped 7,423 bombs on Afghanistan in 2019, slightly higher than 2018, when 7,362 fell on the central Asian country. This was all possible due to Trump loosening the rules of engagement in Afghanistan in 2017, giving the military free rein.

We had lockdowns. People couldn't go to work. They couldn't sustain a livelihood. With his signature, Trump authorized $2.3 trillion to a 130 million Americans, effectively buying off Americans' collective fight against what was being imposed on them.

About 130 million letters signed b President Donald Trump have been mailed or are on their way to taxpayers who have received federal stimulus checks. Intended as notices to inform people about the one-time payments, the letters include Mr. Trump's distinctive signature — and effusive praise for the U.S. government's efforts to help struggling AmericansThe stimulus payments, authorized under the $2.2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, are intended to offer a financial lifeline as the U.S. reels under the impact of the pandemic. The economy shrank nearly 
But to the American people and through his Borscht Belt humor and razzmatazz, President Trump, politician Trump gaslighted Americans with a fake COVID virus and whitewash the bioweaponed vaccines that injected people with unknown, untested poisons. This was Trump executing 4th generation war on Americans that killed millions and crippled millions more.

So his antiwar record could be the worst in history, killing and maiming citizens of his own country with cancer causing toxins.

Now he's a white Knight promising to deport aliens? He's been called the most persecuted man in American politics but they are easy cases to show corruption, fall out of court, or be bogged down in courts in appeals for years without having to pay a cent in hundreds of millions in damages. All this has only increased his appeal and polished him into a Teflon Don. If he's serving the deep state rather than actually fighting it, you can bet that Trump as President again will not take revenge in the deep state but he'll go after the American worker which is gradually dying away.

Don't be fooled by Trump. That schtick on the stage with Hillary was all prescripted.  Because you've enjoyed his antics, it's going to be hard to fathom his betrayal of you.  Don't
 forget that the DoD under Donald Trump tried to kill you and other Americans from 2020 to today?  You know all of his "Oh, it's gonna be great," or "Bob is a great senator from Pennsylvania.  He's going to do wonderful things there" is insincere and poli-racketting or political grifting. True, the Trump brand is like brass.  Just know that the COVID countermeasures are still in effect until 2028.  So your beloved guy with the full force of the U.S. government has at least 3 more years to try to kill you.  Do you need evidence of that?  Will that help you press the pause button on him, protect yourself, and defend a nation that once was?  Prove it. 

Everybody loves Trump.  Trumpsters love Trump even more.  

For what, exactly?  

Did he stop the Operation Warp Speed of the vaccines that hurt and murdered millions of Americans? He won't even deny that; he'll simply call it the Wuhan virus. It's the U.S. that owns all the biolabs. 

No, Trump has done so little for Americans except for lying.  For evil to prevail requires lying.  The bigger the lie, the greater the evil.  

Here is the Austin Fitts tape with Greg Hunter where she schools him on Trump. Good that she did that to slap some seriousness back into him.

"The technocrats sunk their claws into President Donald Trump, and he rolled over."  This is from Patrick Wood at Technocracy News, and he has bullet points here with 6 different items.  

*  We have the executive order that Trump signed well before there was anybody dying, right, claiming that it was a pandemic and then it set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections.

*  [The Executive Order] turned over the design, manufacturer, and distribution to the military.

*  It set up a huge private public partnership with big Pharma and he said it set up a task force that was co-headed by the Secretary of Defense.

*  Operation Warp Speed confirmed the design, the manufacturing, and the distribution by the U.S. military, and this is in September 2019.

We just keep getting all this stuff: in September 2019 Trump signs this, does all that to set the stage for mRNA and DNA injections, and you got Fauci the next month at the Milken Institute, asking, "How do we get everybody in the world to take an untested vaccine?"

"Well, we do it with disruption from the inside." 

And we do it iteratively.  

You got Alex Azar from Eli Lilly, the biggest lobby and Trump makes him HHS secretary?  

Monday, February 20, 2023

Biden runs to Ukraine on President's Day. Trump is going to Ohio. That's all you really need to know. It's that simple.

Biden runs to Ukraine on President's Day.

A lot of people who lean right and conservative are furious that Trump endorsed the vaccines.  You may have to overlook that one particular evil if you decide on voting in 2024.  But given that Biden runs to Ukraine to avoid accounting for the files in his garage, a poor explanation for the Red Balloons across America, and now East Palestine, Ohio derailment, explosion, and poisoning of the waters, while former President, Donald J. Trump shows up to make FEMA do things right and begin to help the working families of East Palestine, this may be all you need to see Trump's value going into 2024.  If you can't recognize Trump's brand and his restorative value to the country, picture Pete Buttigieg and his WEF allies embedded deep inside the Oval Office for 4 to 8 years.

Monday, January 30, 2023

"Navarro later revealing that Trump refused to investigate Fauci and the Wuhan lab."

If he is running, or if he is endorsing another candidate, I don't see how he or his protege survives his financial collusion in censoring criticism of the vaccine manufacturers.   

Monday, November 21, 2022

Trump Signed Executive Order Authorizing Sanctions Against International Criminal Courts. Now, why would he do that?

Okay, this should put to rest the hope, the yearning that Donald Trump is the populist savior of the American people.  Should also put to rest Donald Trump's attempt to hold the U.S. government accountable, or to clean the swamp as he put it.  Just as Nancy put a fence around the Capitol, Trump signed an EO to legally protect the government from prosecution.  Thanks, Donald.  He's not one of you, or us.  

from the Executive Order:

I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the situation with respect to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its illegitimate assertions of jurisdiction over personnel of the United States and certain of its allies, including the ICC Prosecutor’s investigation into actions allegedly committed by United States military, intelligence, and other personnel in or relating to Afghanistan, threatens to subject current and former United States Government and allied officials to harassment, abuse, and possible arrest. These actions on the part of the ICC, in turn, threaten to infringe upon the sovereignty of the United States and impede the critical national security and foreign policy work of United States Government and allied officials, and thereby threaten the national security and foreign policy of the United States. 

This is one reason why the U.S. officials can never be punished for war crimes.  It's not like you're going to get a U.S. to prosecute a government official.  Only democrats can run faux impeachment theater.   

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Russiagate started off as a Clinton dirty trick to smear Trump. When he won anyway, it became an establishment scam to criminalize diplomacy with Russia.

Trump instinctively understood that Durham wasn't going anywhere (like he instinctively understood almost every issue). But he lacked the discipline . . .

John McCain, Lindsay Graham, & the Beltway class wanted Russia to war on Ukraine in 2016. But then Trump got elected, and it screwed up their plans.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

As for the antics of the Democrats sending in the FBI to raid Trump's home and busting into his safe, there has never been any such incident in the entire history of the United States

Thank you to Martin Armstrong "FBI Raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo."

We have a very serious Constitutional Crisis unfolding that is simply unprecedented. Former President Donald Trump said on Monday that FBI agents had searched his Mar-a-Lago club and residence in Palm Beach, Fla., and broke into his safe. Both the FBI and Department of Justice have refused to comment on their actions. It is the Progressive Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y who has been pushing to raid Trump's home on the claim that this is an investigation related to the possible mishandling of government secret documents. 

The ONLY reason the government pulls off a raid like this rather than issue a subpoena is when they are investigating criminal activity as PRESUME the target is guilty and will NOT turn over any incriminating evidence. This is precisely what took place. They can pretend that the purpose of the raid was, was because the National Archives wanted to corroborate whether or not Donald Trump had any documents in his possession, they are treating Trump no different than a drug dealer. Anything they discover will not be used against him even if it is not related to the National Archives. So, that may be the excuse, but anything they can find on the January 6th "insurrection" they intend to conveniently use. They can even plant child pornography and claim they found it in his safe.

For months, Trump and his lawyers have worked collaboratively with them the National Archives. That is typically the way such things are handled. In fact, Trump's lawyer has said he is totally shocked: "I have such an amazing relationship with these people, and all of a sudden, on no notice, they send 20 cars and 30 agents?"

The Democrats are desperate to win in November. Right now, the polls for the Senate are just about tied. Biden may not last his term and cyclically he can be in trouble by July 3rd, 2023. The Democrats are really in a panic mode. They know 2022 will be a tough race. They actually think that by targeting Trump they can paint all Republicans with the same brush and they hope to win in November with a stronger majority.

However, we can see that we had a Panic Cycle in politics in 2021 which indeed followed the 2020 events and we have another in 2023 which will follow the 2022 election. This does not look good for the future, I warned that this would be a Panic Cycle in politics on a global scale in 2022 and this is unfolding far worse than even I ever could speculate on. I reported that my sources in Washington relayed that they were definitely looking to criminally charge Trump with "insurrection" to prevent him from running in 2024.

In the process, the Democrats are destroying the very fabric of the United States all to ensure that they will forcefully impose their will which is being directed by the World Economic Forum. This entire Climate Change agenda is to push for one world government at the United Nations over which we will have no right to vote for anything. This latest stunt to raid Trump's home pretending to be looking for documents for the National Archives is just the cover story. Whatever they find they will use and suddenly claim - oh gee! Look what we found by mistake!

The Democrats are looking to alter America and remain in power by sheer force. Even the Spanish Civil War was very similar. The nation was evenly divided and Spain became very polarized. The resolution was that the military step in. Goya's famous painting showing how the military began just executing people is by no means out of the question because humanity never changes - obedience to authority (Stanley Milgram).

As we are approaching the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 2026, the Democrats are toying with what will most likely end in a civil war and the destruction of the United States. I have been warning that the United States will divide. Our model on the separatist movement in the United States is 19 intervals of 8.6 or 163.4 years. That means the civil war began in 1861.279 bringing us to 2024.679. In all honesty, 2024 does not look very good.

As for the antics of the Democrats sending in the FBI to raid Trump's home and busting into his safe, there has never been any such incident in the entire history of the United States. No former president has ever been indicted for any criminal conduct. This has not been because there was never such an incident. Most importantly, the historic precedent is that post-term indictment is NOT legally allowed.

Americans don’t like the idea of criminalizing politics. Just look at Ukraine. In January 2022, Ukraine’s former president, Petro Poroshenko, landed in Kyiv and was charged with Treason by Zelensky in a case that illustrates the danger of criminalizing politics. So many other banana republics do the same. Once one party gets a hold of power, they try to prosecute the opposition.

Up until now, both political parties, as well as the public, see the prospect of post-term immunity as a guarantee that the country’s politics will remain civil and that power will transition peacefully from one party to the other. All of that is now crumbling before our eyes. That very precedent is what drove President Gerald Ford to pardon Richard Nixon. It was also the reason why the Office of the Independent Counsel decided not to indict former President Bill Clinton for perjury.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump said on Monday that his Mar-A-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, was been raided by FBI agents. “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate,” Trump announced in a statement.

NEVER in the history of the United States has the FBI ever carried out such a raid. Trump publicly stated that his home was “under siege, raided, and occupied by a large group of FBI agents.” He also said that: “They even broke into my safe.”

Our computer has warned that 2022 would be a Panic Cycle in Politics and 2023 will be a violent year for civil unrest and war. The computer pinpoints these events that we cannot even begin to imagine the fundamentals behind them in advance. But the Democrats have crossed the line. They are now trying to transform the United States into a banana republic of oppression and a direct assault on the very foundation of democracy. The nation has been polarized to the extreme. This is just going to put it over the top.

I have been warning that we would have a geopolitical event in August/September which will be a Panic Cycle. The computer does not always explain in detail such events as we have just witnessed. Nevertheless, for whatever reason, they seem to unfold according to the targets provided even if we do not understand what they are in advance.

We have a Panic Cycle in two weeks and a turning point in the last week of August to the first week of September. Keep in mind that the Democrats are doing this just ahead of the election to desperately try to influence the election in November. All they will do is polarize the nation even more and with the computer targeting 2023 for civil unrest, it looks like we better stock up on food.

Friday, January 7, 2022

"The carrot that Schwab is handing out [to the different governors, prime ministers, and leaders] is the end to democracy. So they no longer have to be accountable to anybody . . . "

Thanks to Martin Armstrong.

4:00  COVID crisis really began with the Repo Crisis which began in 2019.  US banks were suddenly not willing to lend to anybody in Europe, so the Federal Reserve had to step in.  And just recently, I spoke to the top 3 major U.S. banks in New York, and they will not accept any European bond whatsoever for collateral.  It's interesting to see the capital flows, and there are people who do know what's going to happen in advance and they begin to move their money; that's what our computer picks up.

5:12  He was put into prison under civil contempt, which you're not entitled to a trial.  The statute says 18 months; they kept me for 7 years.  I was finally released only after my case got to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court ordered them to explain why I was in prison, and then they finally had to release me and said the case was moot.  That's basically the way it goes.  HSBC paid a criminal restitution of $606 million dollars.

8:30  The crisis really began when the ECB put the interest rates into negative territory; they did that in 2014.  He warned them.  Do not do this.  You're not going to get out of it.  They basically didn't listen.  I think I'm at least partly responsible for why the Federal Reserve did not go that far.  Once they went negative, nobody was going to buy their bonds.  They were forced by law to buy the pension funds, and now all of the pension funds in Europe are insoluble.  Now they have a major financial crisis.  

9:30  Governments want to default on their debt.  They can't do that because all the pension funds will be wiped out.  Depending on the country, anywhere between 70% and 100% has to be invested in government bonds.  So if you have governments default, you're going to have pension funds wiped out, then you're going to have millions of people storming their palaces with pitchforks.  You'll no longer have mortgages, student loans, car loans, etc.  

10:35  The problem that he has is that he is a die-hard Marxist for years.  The idea of Marxism worked with the Russian Revolution only because serfdom continues in Russia and it wasn't abolished until 1861, whereas serfdom ended in the 15th century in Europe.  When that ended, the people didn't own anything.  All the property, all the wealth was in the hands of the aristocrats absolutely.  They had nothing.  So Marx's idea that let's have a revolution, go get their stuff, at least made sense, in the sense that these people didn't own anything at all to begin with.  But trying to do that today is quite different: people own their own houses, their cars, they have a career, we're not starting from absolute zero, which is what made Marxism work to some degree, you know, to at least get it off the ground.  But Schwab still talks of equality and things of this nature, but that's really kind of nuts because that very idea is what brought communism down.  

12:12  How is he being so successful in convincing so many people that this is such a great idea?  Why does he have this power?  

12:21  He is a very strategic, very cunning type person.  [Aren't there other leaders with these qualities who are pro-freedom, pro-capitalism?]  He's not a frontman as some of these people think that he's just a frontman for Soros or DAVOS.  No, he has been the brainchild behind a lot of this and they have been attracted to him.  [Recall that Schwab was an acolyte of Kissinger.]  He knows how to manipulate things.  He's created this program Young Leaders for Tomorrow.  He's taking people and basically indoctrinating them to his philosophies and then puts them in various offices.  The head of the EU was on his boardThe head of the IMF was on his board.  The head of the ECB is on his board.  Tedros from the WHO, he put him in there.  The head of the United Nations was associated with the World Economic Forum.  He knows exactly what he's doing.  He's buying his way through government.  So it's more or less indoctrinating them, and the politicians really did get scared when Trump was elected.  In Washington, DC, they thought it was a fluke.  No, they voted against you.  You don't understand that.  He beat 17 career politicians.  It's not that he was the greatest white knight coming to save the world or something.  It was that the voters didn't like them [i.e., the politicians] and they didn't want to hear that.  So they would rather say it was a fluke.  And the AFT, that did a piece in 2016 when Trump was elected, and suddenly that's when democracy became populism.  Populism was bad; they just switched the words.  The main reason they were so against Trump was because they were afraid that would happen to them, that the career politicians would be simply voted out.  If you look at Schwab's 8 Points, besides his "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," he says that the U.S. will no longer be a superpower; that will be shared by the United Nations.  He has a whole bunch of things in there, in the 8 Points, that are very critical.  And one of them is that democracy will no longer exist.  They view that the people voted for Trump and are just too stupid and that we know better.    

15:30  They view that the people voted for Trump and that they [Klaus Schwab and the DAVOS crowd] know better.  If you look at the structure of Europe, the European Union, he had a hand in that.  Yes, you still have a right to vote for an MP, but an MP has no right to make a law or veto a law.  The laws are written by the European Commission which never stands for an election.  The head of the EU is appointed.  She never stands for election.  So it's completely a facade that democracy even exists.  It does not exist in Europe at all.  The people have no right to say we don't like the way this is going, we're going to overthrow the government, we're going to vote them out.  You can't vote them out.  

16:20  Well, it seems that democracy has disappeared globally.  We've been screaming from the rooftop that we don't want mandatory vaccines, we don't want . . . everything that's going on.  We've got a dictator in Victoria now that can declare there's a pandemic even if there isn't one present.  We've seen a destruction of democracy around the world.  I wonder, Martin,  

16:40  Are you aware of any of Australia's leaders, or Scott Morrison, or DAVOS clique, as Reiner Fuellmich called it?  The carrot that Schwab is handing out [to the different governors, prime ministers, and leaders] is the end to democracy.  So they think they no longer have to be accountable to anybody, so they think they're going to be able to pull this off.  The whole COVID nonsense is about control.  I can tell you absolutely that Schwab told people that the virus was coming.  I heard rumors of that as early as September 2019.  I believe not only was it deliberately created in a lab but that it was deliberately planted in China in an effort to blackmail China into joining the Great Reset.  They had to get rid of Trump to do it, and they had to get both Putin and China under their wings as well.  Marxism would have worked had they had Europe and the United States at the same time.  But it's just nonsense.  I was actually called in by China to help them become capitalists.  I flew over there and it was interesting to watch.  The Chinese were substantially different than the Russians.  The Russians basically went from communism to an oligarchy.  In China, I was impressed that they were not interfering; they were letting everything go and they were tracking it.  They were tracking 249 varieties of tea in China.  I had no clue there were that many.  They wanted me to answer why this one tea was selling for $1 here but $5 someplace else.  I asked, "Where does it come from?"  And they said here.  And I said, "Well, first you have transportation costs.  Secondly, it must be a good tea, since some people are willing to pay more than something else."  They didn't understand these things.  (I wonder what year he is talking about.)

17:00  Obedience to Authority, Stanley Milgram, 1974. Came out of the Nazis during WWII, with the "just following orders" ethic.  He discovered that if the government tells them to do something, they'll do it.  This is why you see people driving around in their car by themselves with a mask.   

Civil unrest will accelerate the crash?  Yes.  Google the papers from Amazon on how to prevent a union from forming, based on a study that created a diversity index.  The more diverse a company is, the less likely they are to form a union. From that concept, can you extrapolate what it must be like trying to form a sovereign nation with the breadth and variety of immigration into the United States?