Friday, January 14, 2022

"you'd get millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks."

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson interviews Martin Armstrong where they talk about supply chain disruption on the west coast brought on Gov. Newsome's policies and about how normal life is in Florida where the job market is off the charts.  Thanks to Martin Armstrong for the interview post.

"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you. 

12:00  Pelosi went shopping for a home in Florida because she doesn’t want to live in California where stores are closing because gangs are robbing them. 

All the blue states want to lock down their societies.  Spain, just the other day, downgraded their COVID policies to nothing more than the flu.  

14:00 Even the WHO admitted that probably 50% of all of Europe has Omicron.  COVID nonsense has been exaggerated for political gain.   

People are arguing over whether it’s a virus, where did it come from, etc.  We picked up disruptions in the capital flows in August 2019.  

14:30 Bill Gates bought the bio-net stocks in September 2019.  By December 2019, we already heard that a virus was coming.  By January 2020, Klaus Schwab was telling personal friends that a virus was coming and to sell their stocks and bonds.  The World Economic Forum, I believe, sold all its investments at that time just ahead of the COVID crash.  This has been orchestrated and as soon as this happened, they were immediately out there saying, “Oh, this is a great opportunity for the Great Reset.”  I can tell you absolutely that this Build Back Better nonsense was first floated at DAVOS in January 2019, and yet this is the first time that you see all of these world leaders all saying the same thing, “Build Back Better.”  this is a slogan that’s been made up by the World Economic Forum. 

15:35  What’s its problem here, what’s really at stake, what’s the objective?  What it is is that they (the ECB) lowered interest rates to negative in 2014.  I warned them, don’t do this.  It’s really nuts.  It’s going to completely destroy your bond market.  And here we are in 2022, interest rates are still negative.  They can’t get out of it; they've trapped themselves.  It's like we have Dumb and Dumber running countries.  You tell the pension funds, "Oh, you have to be safe and secure, so you must buy government bonds." So then you take the interest rates to negative?  Virtually all the pension funds in Europe are bankrupt.  So that's what this whole thing is about.  They know they've bankrupted everything.  It's totally screwed up in Europe.  

16:45  And you have this idea that the only thing that they can possibly do is if the government defaulted on its debt, wipe out all the pension funds, and then what you would get is millions of people storming the palaces with pitchforks.  So they come up with a very clever thing, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it," making it sound as if they're doing this for you.  As if they're going to wipe out all your debt, your mortgage, your car loans, students, you know, you won't owe or own anything but neither will they, and they're the majority here.  

17:12  And then the guaranteed basic income will replace the pension fund that you lost.  So this is really about government and how they're getting out of this complete mess.  Since World War II, they've been borrowing year after year without absolutely no intention of ever paying anything back.  So they've kicked the can down the road as far as they can possibly go.  So that is what this is really about. 

17:45  So this COVID stuff, I think, is a crime against humanity honestly.  And it seems to be the younger ones who are getting more severely injured from the vaccines, over 300 professional athletes.  But right next door to me, the wife had COVID, I think she's 25 to 27, but they had to go on this cruise for a family reunion, and for that, they had to get a vaccine.  So they got the vaccine, and the very next day she was taken out on an ambulance and almost died.  Now they say that if you'd had COVID, the chances that you'll have a side effect that serious is 400x than if you've never had COVID before.  [So, wait, the milder symptoms related to the vaccines come only to those who've never had COVID before? Isn't that an admission that the poisons in the vaccines are, well, poison?]  If you go even to the CDC's website, and you look at the Measles vaccine, it clearly states, "Do not take the vaccine if you have this, this, this, . . ."  You go to the COVID vaccine page at the CDC and it says, "Oh, we're still working on that."  

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