Showing posts with label Reese Report. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reese Report. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2022

Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.

from Greg Reese @ the Reese Report.

Here is the first of four interviews that Oliver Stone did with Vladimir Putin in 2017.  Scott Horton reminds us that it was Condoleezza Rice who tore up the Anti-Ballistics Missile Treaty.  

Friday, April 22, 2022

Monday, January 17, 2022

Speechless . . .

FDA allows nanoparticles into the food supply, claiming that they are no more dangerous than their larger counterparts.  Titanium is generally safe, or GRAS, or Generally Recognized As Safe, therefore, nano-titanium must be safe.  Unknown materials can exhibit new or altered physicochemical properties at nanoscale dimensions, which can enable the development of novel products.

FDA’s Approach to Regulation of Nanotechnology Products.  In other words, the human trials for consumable nanotechnologies are currently happening in the public without their knowledge or our consent.  “Nanoparticles in your food?  You’re already eating them.”  Nanoparticles can be absorbed into our immune defense system and into our bloodstream.  And just like the FDA admits, materials at the nanoscale can cause unknown changes in a person’s biological system. 

Animal studies have proven that nanoparticles are changing the way our bodies are absorbing certain minerals, such as iron.  FDA chemist, Timothy Duncan, wrote that nanotechnology in the food supply is being held back because the food supply industry is afraid of public backlash and that nanotechnology will somehow make food healthier.  The FDA is far more concerned with pushing these nanoparticles into the food supply than they are with safety.  Like they said about giving the experimental vaccines to your kids, we’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.  At least 20 products are adding laboratory-made nanoparticles into their ingredients.  And they are getting ready to coat bananas in new nanotech. 

Here are those products: 

Dikinson Coconut Curd, Mentos Frehsmint Gum, Hostess Powdered Donette, Good and Plenty Candy, Kool-Aid Blue Raspberry, Eclipse Spearmint Gum, M&M’s Chocolate Candy, Albertson’s Vanilla Pudding,  Betty Crocker Whipped Cream, M&M’s Chocolate With Peanuts, Trident White Peppermint Gum, Jello Banana Cream Pudding, Dentyne Ice Peppermint Gum, Kook Aid Lemonade, Mother’s Oatmeal Iced Cookies,  Albertson’s Mini Marshmallows, Dentyne Fire Spicy Cinnamon, Vanilla Milkshake Pop-Tarts, Mentos Mints, & Nestle Original Coffee Cream.  

What do all of these products have in common?  They all contain titanium dioxide.  What is titanium dioxide?  


There is Nano-WHAT in My Food?  Companies are not required to disclose their nano-sized ingredients, so we don’t know how prevalent it is.  Along with being a proponent of population reduction, forced vaccinations, and genetically modified foods, Bill Gates is also the biggest private farm owner in America.  Business Insider claims he owns 242,000 acres of farmland across the United States, 

The Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates owns 242,000 acres of farmland in the US, making him the largest private-farmland owner, an analysis by The Land Report found in January

It adds that, 

The couple holds an extensive farmland portfolio stretching over 18 states, according to The Land Report. The Gates family's biggest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres), and Nebraska (20,588 acres), the report said. 

Does anyone doubt for a second that Bill Gates is allowing this dangerous nanotech the FDA is pushing for into America’s food supply?  

18 States:  Washington, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Arkansas, Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Indiana, & Ohio. 

In related news, 10 out of the 1[8] states that Bill Gates owns farmland, at least along with another ten, have recently made it legal to dispose of human bodies into the municipal water supplies using a process called, Alkaline Hydrolysis, allowing human remains to be added into bio-solid sourced fertilizer.  It’s called Alkaline Hydrolysis and is referred to in pop culture as being very, very green. 

What is Aquamation?  The green alternative to cremation chosen by Desmond Tutu.  So the Green Revolution is all about recycling human remains? 

Headline:  CREMATION: THE DENIAL OF HUMAN BODILY INTEGRITY?  Spiritual leaders have objected to Alkaline Hydrolysis because they say it is disrespectful to the human body, the vessel of a divine soul and it is understandable why they say this. 

What Happens When a Dead Body Is Dissolved in Lye?

In Alkaline Hydrolysis, the human body is liquefied with lye and poured down the sewer to mix in with the community’s excrement and if that weren’t bad enough, this bio-sludge is then collected from municipal water treatment plants and then used on so-called fertilizer on factory farms. 

HEADLINE:  Biosolids: Mix Human Waste With Toxic Chemicals, then Spread on Crops, The Guardian.  The official excuse is that it saves the government money for expensive toxic waste disposal. 

Meanwhile, we are all being sold food that has been grown with a toxic bio-sludge made up of human remains and excrement which is then loaded with new and strange nano-technology.  Interestingly, the 1973 dystopian movie, Soylent Green, took place in the year 2022. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

The mRNA vaccines train the body to produce antibodies in the blood but not in the mucous membranes that normally protect our respiratory tract

Thank you to Greg Reese of the Reese Report.

The mRNA vaccines train the body to produce antibodies in the blood but not in the mucous membranes that normally protect our respiratory tract.  The COVID-19 vaccinations are turning off lymphocyte production where they need it the most while amping it up in the bloodstream which is where it gets much worse.  For those without the vaccine, a natural infection will remain localized in the respiratory tract.  But for those who've been vaccinated, unrelated cells deep inside the body react to the respiratory infection by creating a new spike protein which then causes the cell that created it to be attacked by the immune system.  Experts warned us of this last year:

The claim that COVID vaccines will cause more severe disease through antibody-dependent enhancement, ADE, is not yet supported.


Monday, October 11, 2021

Fake Facebook Whistleblower, Frances Haugen, Accuses Facebook for Betraying Democracy While Calling for More Censorship of Conservative Views

Facebook is very much part of the system, or establishment if you prefer.  Facebook was born of the CIA's program, LifeLog.  Talk about your total surveillance software that people rush to daily.  Brother, and I am not referring to Big Brother with that exclamation.  Wikipedia explains

LifeLog aimed to compile a massive electronic database of every activity and relationship a person engages in. This was to include credit card purchases, websites visited, the content of telephone calls and e-mails sent and received, scans of faxes and postal mail sent and received, instant messages sent and received, books and magazines read, television and radio selections, physical location recorded via wearable GPS sensors, biomedical data captured through wearable sensors. The high-level goal of this data logging was to identify "preferences, plans, goals, and other markers of intentionality".[2] 

One can't help but notice that the concept for Facebook developed shortly after 9/11 [09/11/2001] and the PATRIOT Act that allowed for unwarranted surveillance of Americans.  It is the brainchild of DARPA, like all things connected to the internet.  UnlimitedHangout's article, whose title "DARPA's Data Mining for 'National Security' and to 'Humanize AI," reminds us how the intelligence community tries to humanize their surveillance of us:

In the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, DARPA, in close collaboration with the US intelligence community (specifically the CIA), began developing a “precrime” approach to combatting terrorism known as Total Information Awareness or TIA. The purpose of TIA was to develop an “all-seeing” military-surveillance apparatus. The official logic behind TIA was that invasive surveillance of the entire US population was necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, bioterrorism events, and even naturally occurring disease outbreaks. 

There was actually an office established in 2002, less than a year after 9/11, that oversaw an invasive national surveillance program called, "Total Information Awareness."  The office overseeing that program was called Information Awareness Office.  Its name sounded too sweeping to critics, so the office changed the program's name from "Total" to "Terrorism Information Awareness" to make the American public think it exclusively targeted terrorists.  Ha!  It's still about total surveillance.

Well, 2002, you say,' was such a long time ago.  I say define "a long time ago."  This program is still around, and, in fact, changes its purpose and name like any intelligence community chameleon: 

The TIA projects were not actually closed down, however, with most moved to the classified portfolios of the Pentagon and US intelligence community. Some became intelligence funded and guided private-sector endeavors, such as Peter Thiel’s Palantir, while others resurfaced years later under the guise of combatting the COVID-19 crisis. 

Surveillance is ongoing.  Facebook is a tracking system. 

Facebook is a sweeping surveillance system tool, its Wikipedia page claims that it is a cute and innocuous "student directory featuring photos and basic information."  Hardly.  The opening buzz surrounding Facebook was the quality of one's photo or self-portrait, better known playfully as a selfie as a way to humanize or disarm the true nature of intelligence community programs: government surveillance.  Americans love to indict the Soviet Union's surveillance as an appalling assault on its citizens.  But put a cutesie face on a program, called it Facebook or WeChat or Smiley Face, and you've got millions of Americans signing up and paying for every surveillance tool in the government's toolbox.  

And like too many origin stories, Facebook's origin starts with a goofy, pasty-looking college kid who spent too much time in his dorm.  "Zuckerberg told the Crimson that . . . ," "Zuckerberg intended to create a website that . . . ," "Upon finishing the site, Zuckerberg told a couple of friends that . . . ," always involving some miraculous achievement, "Within twenty-four hours, we had somewhere between 1,215 registrants . . . ," and "By December 2005, Facebook had 6 million users . . . ."  I did not know that Peter Thiel was Facebook's first Angel Investor.

In the summer of 2004, venture capitalist Peter Thiel made a $500,001 angel investment in the social network Facebook for 10.2% of the company and joined Facebook's board. This was the first outside investment in Facebook. 

But it's hard to even trust these stories about any of these high-profile techie founders since the entire industry is one big CIA, NSA, etc. network.  And with the site originally created as a network for Harvard students, called Harvard, what average-intelligence American could resist being part of a Harvard network for free?

Facebook serves this national security surveillance purpose happily, where people post what they've recently eaten for breakfast, new romances, the latest divorces, where they just returned to, and destinations for which they're making plans. 

Thank you to Greg Reese @ The Reese Report.

Books from James Bamford, whom the New Yorker called "The NSA's Chief Chronicler."