Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Israel. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

JAMES TRAFICANT: They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest. Our children are coming back in body bags. Our nation is bankrupt over these wars,

We've alienated Arabs who have no way of fighting.  So, what they've done, and I've predicted this from the house floor, is they would export violence to America, and they have.  They have no other way to fight.  --James Traficant, 2009.

James Traficant, 1941-2014,  was a Democratic representative in Ohio's 17th Congressional District, and spent 7 years in prison, 2002-2009, for taking campaign funds for personal use. 

Here are the full 9 minutes of Part I.

When you're done with the above video, check Part 2, or 2/3, then Part 3.  

But I believe that Israel has a powerful stranglehold on the American government.  They control both members of the House, the House and the Senate.  They have us involved in wars in which we have little or no interest.  Our children are coming back in body bags.  Our nation is bankrupt over these wars, and if you open your mouth you get targeted.  And if they don't beat you at the polls, they'll put you in prison.

00:26. GRETA VAN SUSTEREN.  Explain to me what you see as to why you target, or why you have a grudge you can see Israelis.

00:30.  The grudge is not necessarily a grudge.  It's an objective assessment that no one will have the courage to speak about.  They are controlling much of our foreign policy.  They're influencing much of our foreign policy.  Wolfowitz is Under Secretary of Defense manipulated President Bush, II, back into Iraq.  They pushed definitely, definitely trying to get Bush before he left to move into Iran.  We're conducting expansionist policies of Israel, and everybody is afraid to say it. They control much of the media.  They control much of the Congress and the country.  And they control powerfully both bodies of Congress.  They own the Congress.

01:18.  GRETA VAN SUSTEREN. Are you an anti-semite?

01:20.   No, I am not, and that's exactly what they're going to say, and I expect that.  What I am is an American.  You see, I think America comes first, and we have a one-sided foreign policy in the Middle East.  We've alienated Arabs who have no way of fighting.  So, what they've done, and I've predicted this from the house floor, is they would export violence to America, and they have.  They have no other way to fight.  I think President Obama knows this.  I think he sees this.  I think he wants to do something.  I think his hands are tied, and I think he's dancing between raindrops trying to figure out how I can politically machinate some scenario to mitigate these problems.  Greta, I'm saying this, America is in danger.  If America doesn't take back the government without foreign influence, interference.

Check out these two essays by Jacob Huebert, one from 2009 and the other from 2010. 

Saturday, February 8, 2025

DAVID HEARST: Trump's plan for Greater Israel is not a recipe for peace, but a recipe for California-style wildfires. It is the wind which will project devastation across a vast tinder-dry region

Thank you to David Martin @ Lew Rockwell.  The speaker's name is David Hearsteditor-in-chief of Middle East Eye.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

BILL COOPER: Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the Fulfillment of Prophecy

00:00. What role in the Middle East again does Israel play in this?

00:05, BILL COOPER Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the Fulfillment of Prophecy, a war that will be so terrible where nuclear weapons will be used so that the American citizens and the other people of the world will get down on their knees and beg for no more war.  And what is the answer to that?  They're going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of Nations and we come together as one Humanity and the One World Government.

This is why the far-right love Israel and will do anything to defend it, regardless of the genocide that it commits against the people in the region.

"Atrocity, Inc.: How Israel Sells Its Destruction of Gaza," a documentary by Max Blumenthal, 2024.  Thanks to Scott Horton.  The reports by Israeli and American reporters about the so-called invasion on October 7, 2023, was an orchestrated effort by Israel to launch Armageddon.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

MIKE ADAMS: WARNING to all food and supplement manufacturers who are currently sourcing products from Israel: You may be FINED or criminally charged by the U.S. federal government if you continue to source products from a state that is now known to surreptitiously adulterate consumer products with the intent to harm or kill

Who knew that Americans would start treating Israel like a pariah that it is fast becoming.  Yes, it is the seat of extraordinary individual rights and protections, but has their Netanyahu-led foreign policy garnered them the wrath of more conservative, American institutions?  

WARNING to all food and supplement manufacturers who are currently sourcing products from Israel: I am putting out an official announcement Thursday that details this. You may be FINED or criminally charged by the U.S. federal government if you continue to source products from a state that is now known to surreptitiously adulterate consumer products with the intent to harm or kill the end users of those products. Given that Israel has now deliberately "poisoned" consumer electronics with explosives -- and that it considers such actions to be justified even when the indiscriminate distribution of such items results in the injury and killing of innocent civilians -- it is now abundantly clear that Israel is willing to POISON food ingredients, agricultural products and supplement manufacturing ingredients that are intended for export to the United States, where Israel claims "terrorists" exist at U.S. universities. In order to kill those "terrorists," Israel has abundantly demonstrated its willingness to intercept and adulterate food and agricultural exports, poison them with the intent to harm or kill, then proceed to distribute such products to consumers in the United States. Being aware of the risk of this action on the part of Israel, all food and supplement manufacturers in the United States are quite literally REQUIRED by FDA and Homeland Security regulatory enforcement to cease using or importing such products out of an abundance of caution for the safety of U.S. consumers. Boycotting Israel's exports is not only the moral thing and right thing to do, it is [also] the LEGALLY-REQUIRED thing to do, as the risk of Israel deliberately engaging in injurious adulteration of its products is now clearly demonstrated. I will be posting my full announcement on Thursday, specifically to be on the record with the FDA and Homeland Security that we are COMPLYING with their requirements for supply chain security by boycotting all products exported from Israel. We are forced to do it, or we will face jail time or even possibly criminal prosecution if someone were to be harmed by foods or supplement products which were adulterated/poisoned by Israel. Every company distributing products made in Israel needs to immediately alert their legal department for similar action, or face potentially catastrophic regulatory, legal, or criminal ramifications in the United States. Share with anyone you know who owns a business that imports products from Israel.  Additionally, any such importer will likely have all of its insurance policies CANCELLED if they continue to import products from Israel, a nation now widely recognized as a terror state that surreptitiously adulterates consumer products intended for widespread distribution to the public. The liability risk associated with doing business with Israel at this point is off the charts. Your business will be uninsurable, and if you don't blockade Israeli-made products, and someone is injured by your product, you will be sued into oblivion. Every attorney reading this knows exactly how big of an issue this has instantly become. Israel just carried out an act of global ECONOMIC SABOTAGE, in effect, and it will negatively impact numerous industries for years to come.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

RICHARD GAGE: Israel does not want Hamas having this money or access to this gas this is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal , which would compete with the Suez Canal

This is concerning to all of us because it turns out that the Gaza attacks on October 7th, 2023 paralleled almost line for line the playbook used for 9/11. And I found 22 parallels and this is based on the excellent work of research and delivery of Kevin Ryan, originally who developed the parallels for Gaza but for COVID-19 also with 9/11.  The first one that I spent some time diving into is that they established a goal for strategic interests in another country.  They actually established these goals well ahead of these attacks so we actually know why the attacks are happening.  For instance, in Gaza, many people don't know that there's an incredible set of natural gas discoveries, deposits, outside of Israel.  But where? Outside of Gaza, immediately offshore of the Palestinian-controlled area. It's their gas, 1.2 trillion cubic feet, and oil, too, 71 million in oil and almost half a trillion in profits from these gas deposits but the Israelis and the Palestinians have been fighting over this.  Nevertheless, Israel has already signed contracts with International firms to exploit those resources and even claim as the energy answer for Israel now becoming an exporter of natural gas.  The UN has cited a report saying this is not your gas.  This belongs to the Palestinian people, and they've been deprived of these profits which could not only make them energy independent again but exporters.  So Israel does not want Hamas to have this money or access to this gas; they've been tying it up quite a bit. This is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal which would compete with the Suez Canal and this has been on the books for decades.  decades.  They would make this canal twice as wide and twice as deep, allowing for bi-directional shipping.  30% of the entire world's shipping goes through the Suez Canal.   Well, it's very expensive and it's very time-consuming because they have to line up and they can only go one way at a time through the Suez Canal.  And it's expensive because Egypt has to develop a dredge continuously the sand, and they have nationalized the canal away from the global developers and they have at times prevented Israel from even using it.  This is a problem for Israel, so they've developed this other solution.  And it's three times as long.  It's a huge $55 billion project.  The problem is they have to go around Gaza because Gaza is there.  Well, that's going to require them to go through the sandy desert which they'll have the same problems as Egypt did.  If they could go straight through Gaza, they could save a third of the length of the canal.  They could save massive costs on and the maintenance cost of that dredging . . . 

Check out the full interview here.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Are Christian conservatives about to figure out that the current Netanyahu-run government does not actually like them?

HR 6090 bill would officially define "Antisemitism" so the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses, and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law.  --Charlie Kirk

Charlie Kirk explains

In response to campus anti-Israel protests, the House is rushing to to vote on a new bill, HR 6090. This new bill would officially define "Antisemitism" so the federal government can sue, prosecute, or sanction more people, businesses, and universities for supposed violations of civil rights law. 
This bill would make it illegal to compare Israeli policies to Nazi policies. It would make it illegal to describe Israel as racist. It would make it illegal to accuse an American citizen of being more loyal to Israel than to the United States.

But I stand with @RepThomasMassie: This bill is an affront to the Constitution and must not pass.

Where do you think all of the anti-Christian hate in the U.S. and around the world comes from?  It's not the Muslim world.  Nor is it the Arab world.  

When I worked at UPS in the 1980s, I delivered to retail businesses on Wilshire between San Vicente and Fairfax.  In the afternoon on my route for pick-ups in the area, there were often bomb threats with a couple dozen employees standing on the sidewalk milling about.  This was not rare.  It seemed almost weekly to me that at one building or another just east of San Vicente a bomb threat had been declared as evidenced by the crowds on the sidewalk having recently emptied the building.  The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles was located on the north side of Wilshire, and I used to pick up from their office there.  It was on the 3rd, 4th or 6th floor.  Can't recall.  But their office had a woman stationed behind bulletproof glass.  I didn't tap on it to check; it could have been plexiglass for all I knew.  And the sight of it alarmed me to dangers that I certainly was not alert to.  But no bomb was ever detonated.  No one was ever harmed.  Traffic was inconvenienced.  Commerce came to a crawl for about 30 minutes before everybody was ordered to return to their offices.  In retrospect, was the bulletproof glass necessary?  I don't know.  I never heard of anyone going into their offices to shoot up the joint.  Were the bomb threats real?  Who knows?  The frequency of them seemed almost to send a message that the Jewish people were the persecuted tribe of Israel?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  Maybe it's just the reverse.  Maybe.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

AMAZING POLLY: This is what gatekeeping looks like, and it's blatantly obvious who Tim is gatekeeping for

The guest is Liam Cosgrove, a reporter at the Gray Zone.  

You can catch the complete segment here @ TimCast, starting @ the 55-minute mark. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

WOW. 'We have a major Tiktok problem.' Leaked audio of ADL chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt freaking out because global youth aren't buying Israel's propaganda anymore.

Citizen is always collateral damage, always in the crossfire of these British-constructed, oops, globalist battles 

Saturday, December 16, 2023

COL. DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: Iran will not stand by and allow Hezbollah to be destroyed.

Americans used to be people who'd say, "Wait a minute, what's this go to do with us?"  They don't do that anymore.  --Col. Douglas MacGregor

Iran will not stand by and allow Hezbollah to be destroyed.  --Macgregor

Netanyahu wants to expand the war.  

Israel doesn't have any friends in the Middle East, but now it has serious enemies.  And the populations are going to shape the destiny of Israel in the future.  

Is this an American national security interest, or an American domestic politics reality? 

It is a reality of domestic politics.  The American people have been conditioned for decades to see Iran exclusively as an enemy that had to be destroyed.  

I mean I could take you into WalMart or CVS, and ask somebody, "What do you think about those Iranians?"
Oh, they're bad.  They're terrible.  
It's worked.  It goes back to our discussions about why are all of these people so quick to swallow the line about Russia being evil and corrupt, dangerous, and invading everyone?  Well, you fell back on the Cold War.  There is still that underlying consciousness, and there is a willingness to accept what is being taught in academia, what comes across the airwaves on television, 

Americans used to be people who'd say, "Wait a minute, what's this go to do with us?"  They don't do that anymore.  They have been brainwashed, and conditioned.  Intellectually and socially to say, "Iran is evil and bad, therefore, get rid of it.  Now, there are younger people who don't share that assumption. And I don't think that Americans really understand what war means.  A friend of mine who fought in Vietnam was a helicopter gun pilot as a warrant officer, he's a great person and worked for years in the intelligence committee.  Worked for me when I was at the Supreme Headquarters of Light Powers Europe.  And he was telling me, you know, Americans have no idea what's going on.  We had Army groups in Europe between 1944 and 45, from June of 44 until the war ended, that sustained 756,000 casualties, more casualties more losses than we could replace.  We have forgotten that war involves a lot of killing.  The Israelis are experiencing that now, and they are not insensitive to it.  But imagine it on a regional scale and Industrial scale.  We lost 19,000 casualties a month from June of 44 until the Battle of the Bulge broke out, and then it went up to 100,000 a month.  I'm just talking about American forces in Europe, you know, but we never bring these things up.  That's war.  And we have played with this war thing and now we've watched what the Russians have done who understand war.  They have a grasp of it.  Look at what they have done; they built a force for war.  This is not some boutique, specialized army or Marine Corps designed to go into third-world countries where nobody has air defense, where nobody can defend themselves effectively, where they have very little organized military power.  That's [Russian force] a force capable of waging scientific industrial war in the 21st century.  We don't have that, and if we drag ourselves into this thing by provoking a war with Iran, this thing will spread because the Russians will not stand by and watch us destroy Iran.  China has an enormous interest in the Persian Gulf in the Arabian Peninsula.  It Imports most of its oil and gas from there. Russia has tried to make up for some of it when it could not reach it, but today it's impossible to feed the Chinese industrial machine without the Persian Gulf, without the Middle East.  They are not going to stand by and watch us annihilate Iran.  And we talked before about the Turks . . . the Turks are, you know, that nation is ready to fight.  Mr. Erdogan has talked himself into a real corner, and my judgment because people there are enraged and ready to fight, this is a large gasoline storage site that simply needs the right match at the right time at the right location and it will blow up.  That's the problem.  

25:57. I want to talk with you later in the week about Russia, Ukraine, and China before we finish today, and thank you for that superb analysis of where we stand. Here's a clip from a former colleague of yours, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who shares your views and my views on nearly all these things, being pretty critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu.  I wonder if you agree.
26:24. Since Netanyahu took over, indeed probably since Ronald Reagan had to really bash the Israelis when they went into Lebanon in 1982, but it certainly been their policy since Netanyahu took over, he is the most Draconian leader Israel has had in its short history since 1948 he is der Fuehrer.  He is der Fuehrer.
26:53. Fair?  

26:54.  That may be true but I don't think at this point it's terribly relevant, because this situation has moved well beyond Mr Netanyahu.  The forces in play now will not be easily arrested; they will not be contained.  The so-called Genie is out of the bottle.

27:12. Even if Netanyahu were to go for domestic political reasons your view is the genie STAYS out of the bottle.

27:20. Yes, I think we're in a position now that I've tried to describe in the regional sense with all of the Islamic world, and I don't see any easy way through this at this point.  If we were to stop supplying the Israelis, that might have an impact in the short term but in the long term.  Their strategic position now requires support or they will go out of existence, even with our support potentially in the next 12 months.  Given what I see emerging on the horizon, that may be very questionable. 

Friday, November 10, 2023

It's not a spiral of violence, Frau Von Der Leyen. Its genocide, openly declared and carried out by the apartheid state of Israel

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

in 2006, [Israel] did something even more unbelievable: they helped turn Hamas into a political movement, not just a terrorist movement but to mainstream them, to legitimize them, to make them a movement capable of governing Gaza.

Thank you to Mike Rivero @ What Really Happened.  

We are responsible for Hamas.  Yes, it's something that sprung up from the tragedy of the Palestinian people. When I was in the Negev at the kibbutz, we were talking about how this happened.  In 1946, there were only 500 Jews in the Negev Desert, 500.  In October of 1946, They carried out what was called the 11 Points Operation, where teams of Israeli soldiers would seize a hilltop, take control of it, then bring in pre-fabricated buildings to create this kibbutz and they'd be right next to these Arab villages.  In many of these places, overnight an Israeli settlement shows up and they'd bring in people and they're just quadrupling, tripling the Jewish population in the negative, but they were next to these Arab villages.  These Arab villages on this one hillside, the Israelis that took it over didn't have any water.  So they are there on top of the hill, they got no water, the Arabs brought water to them, and said, "Here.  Here's water. Welcome, our neighbors."  Some of them weren't happy about this, but we recognized the inevitability of this.  We welcome you.  And then as 1946 turned into 1948, it became inevitable that Israel was going to take the negative.  And so these Arabs all went to their Israeli Neighbors and said, "Hey, we're living in peace, so when this happens, please, let us stay here in our homes."  And the Israelis are all like, "Yeah, yeah yeah." Then, boom! And they wiped them all out, wiped them all out.  They went into the villages of the villagers who gave them water and they killed the men.  They drove the men into a ravine and shot them.  They went house by house by house shooting the men in there.  If this sounds a lot like what happened on Saturday, it is exactly what happened on Saturday.  But this time, it's Israelis kicking down the door, shooting the men, evicting hundreds of thousands of these people in what they call the nakba, "the catastrophe."  They put the women and children and the surviving men on trucks and shipped them to Gaza.  And then around Gaza, they built a series of kibbutzes to hold them in, to keep them prisoner there. So they created this open air concentration camp.  And the kibbutzes are there to keep the Arabs in.  That's it.  That's what happened. 

Now they had a problem here. . . .  If you study Israeli history, and I have, like I said I lived there, I worked with them, and my host was historically minded.  There's a speech.  In America, we have "The Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln's great address given in Gettysburg after the battle and signing one of the great statements of who we are as a people.  The Israelis have a similar speech, but it's a eulogy read by Moshi Dayan in 1956 for a guy named Roy Rutenberg. Roy Rutenberg was a soldier of the kibbutz.  He was in one of the kibbutzes that's now at the frontline of where some horrible things happened on Saturday and Sunday.  But he was ambushed by Arabs from Gaza and killed, and there was a lot of anger, and so Moshi Dayan came and gave a speech.  And in the speech he says, "Don't blame the Gazans because we live here on the land that we stole from their families.  We live on this land, and they stare at us with eyes of hatred, and we ignore them and we pretend they don't exist, we treat them as animals so don't blame them for coming at us because this is what we did."  And then he goes on to say, ". . . but what we did, we had to do, we had to do, and we must keep the sword in our hand to keep these people away.  That's the reality.  Israel created the problem of Gaza, created the problem of the Palestinian of the West Bank.  Then what happens in the 1980s, when Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, PLO, become very powerful and influential, the Israelis say, "How do we break them up within Gaza?" because it's very close to Egypt.  And Egypt had a movement called the Muslim Brotherhood, a very radical, violence oriented group.  And the Egyptians suppressed them, killed a lot of guys, arrested a lot of guys.  The #2 man, al-Zawahiri and Al Qaeda was a Muslim Brotherhood dude from Egypt.  But many of the Muslim Brotherhood gravitated to Gaza where they were hiding out from the Egyptians.  What the Israelis did is said, "hey why don't we empower the Muslim Brotherhood."  Why don't we help turn them into a movement that can offset Yasser Arafat's PLO?  So in the 1980s, Israel made Hamas.  Israel made Hamas. Now you already have the elements there but Israel breathed life into them.  Israel created Hamas.  In 2006, Israel helped Hamas move from being a terrorist organization that was blowing up buses when I was in Israel.  Israel made the organization that blew up a restaurant that I used to eat at when I was in Israel.  Israel made this organization and now they're at war with this organization.  And then in 2006, they did something even more unbelievable: they helped turn Hamas into a political movement, not just a terrorist movement but to mainstream them, to legitimize them, to make them a movement capable of governing Gaza.  Because the purpose was to strip Gaza away from the West Bank, from Fatah, from the PLO and they succeeded.  And now we ask what happened in this most recent go-round.  Israel has been struggling to deal with Hamas ever since.  And the current feeling is that they have succeeded in creating the conditions where Hamas will stop being a terrorist organization, whose charter by the way used to read "the destruction of Israel was their mission."  They've modified it with words that some people say, "Oh see, they're not calling for the destruction of Israel."  They really are.  They just changed the words.  That happened in 2006.  So the settlements could be withdrawn in 2005 to become a purely Palestinian land, but it's a concentration camp run by the Israelis, everything is run by the Israelis.  But they make Hamas>  Now what they said this time around was we, . . . because everybody's calling this an intelligence failure.  This is the biggest intelligence failure ever; well, it is but it's also a byproduct of something that's been biting the Israelis in the butt for decades, called the "Conception

Friday, October 20, 2023

BREAKING: Israel has just bombed the oldest Christian Church in Palestine, the Greek-Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius. 40 Christians have been killed

Thursday, October 19, 2023

GAZANS: They are literal prisoners of Israel, who want nothing more than to be free:

Friday, October 13, 2023

The Heart of Jenin (2008): Ismael Khatib, a Palestinian father, donates with his wife's consent the organs of his slain son, Ahmed, to Israeli children

The Heart of Jenin is a 2008 documentary about a Palestinian father, Ismael Khatib, whose son was shot in the head and donated, with his wife's consent, his son's organs to Israeli parents whose own children were waiting for organ transplants.  Wikipedia captures it, 

The Heart of Jenin recounts the true story of Ismael Khatib, a refugee in the Jenin refugee camp in northern West Bank. In 2005, his eleven-year-old son Ahmed suffers fatal head shots by Israeli soldiers who mistake him for an armed Palestinian due to a toy weapon. After physicians in a hospital in Haifa declare Ahmed brain-dead, Ismael has to decide if his son's organs should be donated. His decision (with his wife's consent) demonstrates humanity at the moment of his greatest sorrow. Thus, the Palestinian enables the survival of Israeli children in the midst of the Arab–Israeli conflict.

The film accompanies Ismael Khatib on his visits to the families of three children who survived thanks to Ahmed's organ donation. The different encounters – with an Orthodox Jewish, a Druze and a Bedouin family, as well as with soldiers at checkpoints – always reflect the situation in the conflict-laden region.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

VIDEO: Rand Paul Urges US To Stay Hands-Off Over Gaza Attack

Rand Paul does a good job here.  Don't run off half-cocked and promise to nuke Iran when, though it is assumed, it has yet to be proven.  And even if it is proven, that's still no reason to bomb a country to smithereens.  Look at what the U.S. did to Iraq.  And then when the U.S. left Afghanistan, it left in disaster.  Good on Rand Paul to have some composure and reflection on the conflict.  
Thank you to ZeroHedge.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022


Sunday, January 9, 2022


Does this mean that all countries where the vaccine is being implemented in lieu of more effective and less toxic substances also made deals with the different vaccine manufacturers?  I wonder when we're going to hear about the deals that Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, and others made with the United States.  Actually, the PREP Act gives total immunity to Pfizer's vaccines from any liability to vaccine damages.  Brazil and Argentina, both willing to throw their citizens under the bus, put up as collateral military bases and bank reserves.  From the Greg Reese video in the above link:

The companies would not be responsible for adverse effects, or their own negligence—fraud or malice.  Pfizer then demanded that the nation’s bank reserves, military bases, and embassy buildings as collateral against future vaccine damages.  In brazil, Pfizer asked for vast money reserves to be put into foreign bank accounts, that Pfizer be exempt from the law of the land, and be exempt from any side effects and all civil liability.  In the United States, the Public Readiness & Emergency Preparedness Act, or PREP Act, gives total immunity to Pfizer and all manufacturers of experimental jabs.  So there’s no reason to threaten any government agency in the U.S.  They always knew how dangerous the radical and experimental mRNA jabs actually are.  It’s what the science says.  The only ones who say otherwise are the bureaucrats and pop culture media agents working for Big Pharma.  By every measure, this is the greatest crime ever committed by Big Pharma out of a long list, their magnum opus for the dark arts, death, and depopulation.  And they were setting up governments to take the fall so that the bankers can have their great reset without any resistance.

If this isn't one more example of full-proof evidence that your government has never sought your best interests but only your demise on your dime and then blaming you, well, I don't know what else I can offer.  For a general warning as to what government is about, I highly recommend that you read Murray Rothbard's 1974 essay, "Anatomy of the State."  And when you finish that, get yourself a copy of R. J. Rommel's 1994, Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900.  

Christine Anderson of the European Parliament has already reminded us.  Forget no longer.  Never forget.  Never forgive.  Hold the line.   

Sunday, December 12, 2021

TAKE VITAMIN D3 CONSTANTLY: If you wait until you actually get the virus, it's already too late.

Once they have a virus, take 50 milligrams [of zinc] two times a day for one week and that hits the virus on the head within hours.

As the first line of defense, we should be dealing with people's immune systems in the safest way possible.

8:05  How much vitamin D? 50 to 100 grams/milliliter.  4,000IUs, but he did mention that people can do 50,000IUs a day for 6 months without any adverse effects.

10:40  25 milligrams of zinc is extremely safe; you can take up to 40mg a day without any ill effects in most adults.  You go above that and you reduce the absorption of copper.    How much zinc?  50mg  

11:05  You asked me about vitamin D.  4,000 units.  But people who are overweight need up to or over 8,000 to 10,000 units or more per day.

How much vitamin K2?  200mgs per day, every day.  Because vitamin D does cause the release of calcium from the bones into the blood and you want to try to avoid any deposition of that in the wrong places.  

To fight infections like COVID, you'd want to have levels of vitamin D above 50 grams.  With each higher dose of vitamin D, it triggers the protein and genetic pathways that people need to do better.

Virtually every cell in your body has vitamin D receptors.  Therefore, . . . take your vitamin D.  Your body is waiting, hungering to feel better.  A lot of vitamin D's functions are immunomodulatory that actually directs the immune system to work in a better way.  If you combine vitamin D with zinc, which has significant effects on viral infections, boosts the cells' ability to kill viruses, including cancer.

Get enough sleep.  Get outside, get some sun.  Engage in sports.  It's very much about looking after yourself.  

15:30  If you want the derided compound, Hydroxychloroquine to work, it works in combination with zinc.  It seems that that makes the difference.  You don't want a zinc deficiency.  Studies have shown that zinc does improve the immune response to viral infections.  And, I can say anecdotally, that I use it on a daily basis [as a physician] for viral infections.  Once they have a virus, take 50 milligrams two times a day for one week, and that hits the virus on the head within hours.

Cytotoxic lymphocytes need zinc to function properly.  Without Cytotoxic Lymphocytes, what viral infection--it's going to run right over you.  

Whereas zinc works straight away on a virus, vitamin D needs to be metabolized.  What does that mean?  You need at least a few days beforehand to get into your system, therefore, I just tell people to take it constantly.  You want to take it for at least a few weeks beforehand, seeing as you don't know when you're going to get CVID, you could get COVID twice easily.  If you wait until you actually get the virus, it's already too late.  Even people who've received high doses after they get the virus--they've done studies with 50,000, 200,000 units of vitamin D given as a shot at the time of admission to the hospital, it probably does have some immunomodulatory effect but it takes time to kick in.  It takes a few days, by which stage the person could be a lot farther down the illness with COVID.  They could be onto a much later stage of COVID whereby they're already ventilated.  And the whole idea of this is to prevent that.  

Yes, we know it has to be metabolized by the liver and it has to be metabolized by the kidneys.  I can remember patients with renal failure, for example, who couldn't metabolize their vitamin D.

After metabolism, you've got to make sure it has its effects on the genetics of the body, on the immune system, and that presumably takes longer.  

High doses of vitamin D.  

He neglects to mention it but for D to be absorbable, you must take magnesium.  That means you must take magnesium with vitamin D.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

ISRAEL: Brave Senior Physician Insists on Truthful Reporting of Crippling Fallout from Vaccines

Monday, October 11, 2021

Israel has volunteered its citizens to be a part of an ongoing experiment without any informed consent.

Here are the show notes.