Showing posts with label Scott Ritter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Ritter. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

in 2006, [Israel] did something even more unbelievable: they helped turn Hamas into a political movement, not just a terrorist movement but to mainstream them, to legitimize them, to make them a movement capable of governing Gaza.

Thank you to Mike Rivero @ What Really Happened.  

We are responsible for Hamas.  Yes, it's something that sprung up from the tragedy of the Palestinian people. When I was in the Negev at the kibbutz, we were talking about how this happened.  In 1946, there were only 500 Jews in the Negev Desert, 500.  In October of 1946, They carried out what was called the 11 Points Operation, where teams of Israeli soldiers would seize a hilltop, take control of it, then bring in pre-fabricated buildings to create this kibbutz and they'd be right next to these Arab villages.  In many of these places, overnight an Israeli settlement shows up and they'd bring in people and they're just quadrupling, tripling the Jewish population in the negative, but they were next to these Arab villages.  These Arab villages on this one hillside, the Israelis that took it over didn't have any water.  So they are there on top of the hill, they got no water, the Arabs brought water to them, and said, "Here.  Here's water. Welcome, our neighbors."  Some of them weren't happy about this, but we recognized the inevitability of this.  We welcome you.  And then as 1946 turned into 1948, it became inevitable that Israel was going to take the negative.  And so these Arabs all went to their Israeli Neighbors and said, "Hey, we're living in peace, so when this happens, please, let us stay here in our homes."  And the Israelis are all like, "Yeah, yeah yeah." Then, boom! And they wiped them all out, wiped them all out.  They went into the villages of the villagers who gave them water and they killed the men.  They drove the men into a ravine and shot them.  They went house by house by house shooting the men in there.  If this sounds a lot like what happened on Saturday, it is exactly what happened on Saturday.  But this time, it's Israelis kicking down the door, shooting the men, evicting hundreds of thousands of these people in what they call the nakba, "the catastrophe."  They put the women and children and the surviving men on trucks and shipped them to Gaza.  And then around Gaza, they built a series of kibbutzes to hold them in, to keep them prisoner there. So they created this open air concentration camp.  And the kibbutzes are there to keep the Arabs in.  That's it.  That's what happened. 

Now they had a problem here. . . .  If you study Israeli history, and I have, like I said I lived there, I worked with them, and my host was historically minded.  There's a speech.  In America, we have "The Gettysburg Address," Abraham Lincoln's great address given in Gettysburg after the battle and signing one of the great statements of who we are as a people.  The Israelis have a similar speech, but it's a eulogy read by Moshi Dayan in 1956 for a guy named Roy Rutenberg. Roy Rutenberg was a soldier of the kibbutz.  He was in one of the kibbutzes that's now at the frontline of where some horrible things happened on Saturday and Sunday.  But he was ambushed by Arabs from Gaza and killed, and there was a lot of anger, and so Moshi Dayan came and gave a speech.  And in the speech he says, "Don't blame the Gazans because we live here on the land that we stole from their families.  We live on this land, and they stare at us with eyes of hatred, and we ignore them and we pretend they don't exist, we treat them as animals so don't blame them for coming at us because this is what we did."  And then he goes on to say, ". . . but what we did, we had to do, we had to do, and we must keep the sword in our hand to keep these people away.  That's the reality.  Israel created the problem of Gaza, created the problem of the Palestinian of the West Bank.  Then what happens in the 1980s, when Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement, PLO, become very powerful and influential, the Israelis say, "How do we break them up within Gaza?" because it's very close to Egypt.  And Egypt had a movement called the Muslim Brotherhood, a very radical, violence oriented group.  And the Egyptians suppressed them, killed a lot of guys, arrested a lot of guys.  The #2 man, al-Zawahiri and Al Qaeda was a Muslim Brotherhood dude from Egypt.  But many of the Muslim Brotherhood gravitated to Gaza where they were hiding out from the Egyptians.  What the Israelis did is said, "hey why don't we empower the Muslim Brotherhood."  Why don't we help turn them into a movement that can offset Yasser Arafat's PLO?  So in the 1980s, Israel made Hamas.  Israel made Hamas. Now you already have the elements there but Israel breathed life into them.  Israel created Hamas.  In 2006, Israel helped Hamas move from being a terrorist organization that was blowing up buses when I was in Israel.  Israel made the organization that blew up a restaurant that I used to eat at when I was in Israel.  Israel made this organization and now they're at war with this organization.  And then in 2006, they did something even more unbelievable: they helped turn Hamas into a political movement, not just a terrorist movement but to mainstream them, to legitimize them, to make them a movement capable of governing Gaza.  Because the purpose was to strip Gaza away from the West Bank, from Fatah, from the PLO and they succeeded.  And now we ask what happened in this most recent go-round.  Israel has been struggling to deal with Hamas ever since.  And the current feeling is that they have succeeded in creating the conditions where Hamas will stop being a terrorist organization, whose charter by the way used to read "the destruction of Israel was their mission."  They've modified it with words that some people say, "Oh see, they're not calling for the destruction of Israel."  They really are.  They just changed the words.  That happened in 2006.  So the settlements could be withdrawn in 2005 to become a purely Palestinian land, but it's a concentration camp run by the Israelis, everything is run by the Israelis.  But they make Hamas>  Now what they said this time around was we, . . . because everybody's calling this an intelligence failure.  This is the biggest intelligence failure ever; well, it is but it's also a byproduct of something that's been biting the Israelis in the butt for decades, called the "Conception

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

"It's not about his personal power . . . Only Russia and what will happen with Russia, because it's an enormous responsibility, and Putin takes it and carries it"

Thank you to Tom Luongo.

RITTER:  Is he a brutal dictator?  Is he a Jeffersonian Democrat? Who is Vladimir Putin?  

00:57. First of all, Putin is extremely Russian.  He is very Russian, so he's part of Russian culture, he's part of Russian people, and that's why people love him.  He hears people.  When you talk to Putin, he's extremely interested in what you have to say.  So he's not lecturing you.  He's extremely honest with you.  He's very open with you, and he hears you.  And he really wants to understand what you have to say to get deeper into your problem if there is a problem he's very professional in working with info.  He is never Russian with his decisions.  He is always calculating and he understands the responsibility that's on his shoulders.  He is definitely not even close to the definition of cruel like it's not about him.  He is definitely not even close to the definition of dictator.  Not about him at all.  Actually, vice versa.  I would say that he is far more democratic than Medvedev or Yeltsin or Gorbachev.  He admits other [people's] points of view, and he listens to them.  When you talk with Putin, it's not like, "Well, here's my opinion, and that will be it," no, no, no, no.  He wants you to understand how he comes to this opinion and why he is forced to do this or that step. He always thinks about what and how it will affect the country and the people.  He's not looking for love from his enemies.  So he's not looking for world acknowledgment, "Oh, what a great guy from United Kingdom or United States," no, no, no, no. He's not like Gorby or Yeltsin, who could be easily influenced by that.  There's only one thing that he's really interested in.  It's not about his personal power, wealth, or whatever.  It doesn't matter at all.  Only Russia and what will happen with Russia, because it's an enormous responsibility, and Putin takes it and carries it.  That's why he studies a lot of history books. He's a real fan of history. He reads a lot, and it's not science fiction, it's serious, serious studies of history.  He has his own opinion.  He has his own opinion.  He has his own opinion, but he respects other people's opinions as well. It's really fun to talk to him.

Who is Vladimir Sloviev?  He is a Russian TV presenter and political commentator.[9He has been an anchor on the television show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on Russia-1 since 2012.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Zelenskyy Is a British Asset

Play your favorite app to get the English translation of the Russian clip.  Richard Moore is head of MI6.


Give this a listen, "How Soros Became Voldemort.  Noor Bin Ladin Interviews Richard Poe."

SUMMARY: Everyone knows that criticizing George Soros can get you cancelled. In fearful whispers, we call him “Voldemort” or “He Who Cannot be Named.” Why is that? Who protects Soros? Is he really the “puppet master” pulling all the strings (as Glenn Beck famously charged)? Or is Soros just an illusion, like the Wizard of Oz? In my latest article, “How the British Invented George Soros,” I suggest that Soros is not so much a puppet master as a psyop. His real job appears to be acting as a decoy, providing cover for British regime change operations, loudly claiming credit for these operations in the media, even when his involvement is slight. The man chiefly responsible for creating the “Soros Psyop” appears to have been Lord William Rees-Mogg, former editor of The Times and former BBC vice chairman. Rees-Mogg used his influence to build up Soros’s media legend worldwide. Curiously, the same Lord Rees-Mogg also served as Chairman of Chris Ruddy’s Newsmax Media, Inc. during its formative years (2000-2006). In this podcast, I discuss with Noor Bin Ladin my 30-year journey reporting on Soros, from Moscow to New York to West Palm Beach. I explain why patriots need to study the original America First movement of 80 years ago, relearning and rediscovering why the America Firsters stood so strongly against British meddling in U.S. affairs. This podcast was taped on July 15, and livestreamed at 4:45 PM, July 18, 2021. — RICHARD POE

Saturday, June 24, 2023


Putin warning against a Moscow Maidan. 

Jacob Dreizen writes

Friday, June 16, 2023

[General Milley] would be court-martialed for being criminally negligent because what he has done is taken people that we know are insufficiently trained and we put them in combat anyways

General Milley is a liar.  He is a criminal.  He deserves to be prosecuted.  And I would hope that the Ukrainians at some point in time when this is all said and done, open up a case against him in the international criminal court.  Because to extend these Ukrainian forces into these Russian defenses with equipment they don't know how to use, with tactics they don't know how to employ with an operational doctrine that is broken because at a minimum you require a modicum of air support.  There is no air support.  The Russians are slaughtering these people.  As they get near the front line, helicopters are going up.  Do you know how many helicopters the Ukrainians have shot down in a very intensive combat zone?  Zero.  Which means they don't have air defense because the Russians have taken it apart.  This is murder.  This is mass murder.