Saturday, July 27, 2024

RICHARD GAGE: Israel does not want Hamas having this money or access to this gas this is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal , which would compete with the Suez Canal

This is concerning to all of us because it turns out that the Gaza attacks on October 7th, 2023 paralleled almost line for line the playbook used for 9/11. And I found 22 parallels and this is based on the excellent work of research and delivery of Kevin Ryan, originally who developed the parallels for Gaza but for COVID-19 also with 9/11.  The first one that I spent some time diving into is that they established a goal for strategic interests in another country.  They actually established these goals well ahead of these attacks so we actually know why the attacks are happening.  For instance, in Gaza, many people don't know that there's an incredible set of natural gas discoveries, deposits, outside of Israel.  But where? Outside of Gaza, immediately offshore of the Palestinian-controlled area. It's their gas, 1.2 trillion cubic feet, and oil, too, 71 million in oil and almost half a trillion in profits from these gas deposits but the Israelis and the Palestinians have been fighting over this.  Nevertheless, Israel has already signed contracts with International firms to exploit those resources and even claim as the energy answer for Israel now becoming an exporter of natural gas.  The UN has cited a report saying this is not your gas.  This belongs to the Palestinian people, and they've been deprived of these profits which could not only make them energy independent again but exporters.  So Israel does not want Hamas to have this money or access to this gas; they've been tying it up quite a bit. This is in parallel with their plan to develop the Ben Gurion Canal which would compete with the Suez Canal and this has been on the books for decades.  decades.  They would make this canal twice as wide and twice as deep, allowing for bi-directional shipping.  30% of the entire world's shipping goes through the Suez Canal.   Well, it's very expensive and it's very time-consuming because they have to line up and they can only go one way at a time through the Suez Canal.  And it's expensive because Egypt has to develop a dredge continuously the sand, and they have nationalized the canal away from the global developers and they have at times prevented Israel from even using it.  This is a problem for Israel, so they've developed this other solution.  And it's three times as long.  It's a huge $55 billion project.  The problem is they have to go around Gaza because Gaza is there.  Well, that's going to require them to go through the sandy desert which they'll have the same problems as Egypt did.  If they could go straight through Gaza, they could save a third of the length of the canal.  They could save massive costs on and the maintenance cost of that dredging . . . 

Check out the full interview here.

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