Showing posts with label — "Due Diligence and Art" (@sasha_latypova). Show all posts
Showing posts with label — "Due Diligence and Art" (@sasha_latypova). Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2025

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Nobody's talking about the stem cells that the newborn babies are born without.

The length and reach of deprivation and degradation in all American institutions is just staggering.  We hear about corrupt doctors, like pediatricians, who use the childhood vaccine schedule as their own personal grift that allows them to make an extra $250,000 a year.  We've heard about euthanasia in Canada and how that's become a viable option as a medical treatment.  It's the slow drip collapse of world civilization.   And then I hear about death doulas.

Death doulas

A death doula, also known as a death midwife, is a person who provides support to individuals who are dying and their families, helping them navigate the emotional, spiritual, and logistical aspects of the dying process. Their role can include creating death plans, offering companionship, and assisting with after-death care and memorial services.


Nobody's talking about the stem cells that the newborn babies are born without.  Nobody's talking about the fact that there are now death doulas to deliver dead babies.  Like that wasn't even a thing before.  But I've got a friend that's a midwife who tells me that they are now creating a new field which are midwives that only deliver dead babies.  They do nothing else.  They didn't need that before.  COVID-19 was an absolute nightmare in terms of obstetrics, Gynecology, labor and delivery.  A lot of midwives that got done and because they didn't get vaccinated, they don't even want to go back now that they can go back, because they don't want to have their good reputations of 100% of normal birth being dealing with what's being dealt with today in terms of the birth problems that are happening because of the actual vaccine itself.  Look, if it causes problems and blood clots in our circulation, what do you think it's going to do to a placenta that is pretty much all blood vessel.  That's all it is.  It's like a big blood vessel sandwich is what it is. 

Monday, March 24, 2025

The Hidden Hand Behind the Covid Response: NSC & the Military

The COVID-19 Dossier" . . . is a large compilation of data showing that the US Military as well as intelligence services were in charge of the response to COVID-19, and not the National Health agencies.  Also, it shows that the US military collaborated with other countries' military and secret services, also involving NATO in the collaboration. --Cornelia M. Rose

"also involving NATO in the collaboration"?  Unbelievable. 

When there is a severe flu strain, the flu comes around every year, and once in a while it's a really bad one, and a lot of people die.  So when that happens in the United States, is the National Security Council in charge of the response? 

No.  Historically at least not but my theory going forward they're going to continue to weaponize these events these natural seasonal illnesses or natural an animals and as we've seen they're going to continue weaponizing so probably now the National Security Council is probably in charge of everything.  But before, no.

00:51.  So who is usually in charge? 

00:52.  It's a public health, seasonal influenza is a public health matter, but from the point of view of obtaining statistics, accurate statistics, and figuring out when there is a severe outbreak, providing some advisory tips, like "wash your hands," "stay home if you're sick," stuff like that, this is normal Public Health Management.

01:21.  And that would be CDC.  HHS is the parent agency above the CDC.

01:29.  But measures like lockdowns closure of businesses that has never been used as public health, and, in fact, was always recognized for about a 100 years now recognizes as counterproductive and not advised as a public health measure.

01:51.  So the two of you published what you called "The COVID-19 Dossier," a record of military and intelligence coordination of the global COVID-19 event.  This is a large compilation of data showing that the US Military as well as intelligence services were in charge of the response to COVID-19, and not the National Health agencies.  Also, it shows that the US military collaborated with other countries' military and secret services, also involving NATO in the collaboration. 

02:21.  We don't show that they collaborated. We show that in every country, the military and the intelligence agencies were in charge.  So there is a parallel structure to the responses, which suggests collaboration.  So we say in the dossier, here's what happened in each country.  I don't want to overstate the facts that we have.  The facts are the facts. Every country had a military intelligence response to COVID-19, same dates, same types of governing structures, same laws that were invoked simultaneously, all over the world.  So that suggests a high level of coordination, and we surmise and suggest that these International defense treaties were utilized in order to coordinate a response.

03:25.  This covid dossier I think is really the fruit of several years of your research I mean it's digging extensive research that both of you did and we'll go into exactly what you found and what it means but tell me first of all what was your starting point to This research so where did you begin and why and when?

03:45.  The starting point for me was some time late 2020. I became suspicious of government actions nonsensical actions during the so-called COVID-19 pandemic let's say April 2020 when they started suppressing I started looking into it so I became concerned and started looking into it but I didn't start digging into actual data until later 2020 and then 2021 when these mRNA shots rolled out from then on I started investigating there's data and found that these shots were not compliant with good manufacturing practices which was shocking to me because it's a big crime

Monday, March 17, 2025

MANOOKIAN: So it's bigger than just overturning Chevron. It's all the kind of goodwill that was accorded to them during those years

09:18.  Any mandates are completely out of the scope of the EUA and the PREP Act.

09:22.  We actually sued over this.  The school district in Los Angeles mandated in March of 2021 the shots for all their employees, and we sued, and we said, "EUA, you can't do this," and they rescinded the mandate the next day. 

But then something really weird happened. I'll just say this as an aside very quickly. The case had to work its way through the court, and so it did, and in July, one week before our case went to the district court in Los Angeles, the federal court, the Office of Legal Counsel is what it's called at DOJ, issued an opinion.  They issue opinions on things, and they stated that the EUA language, which said that "recipients of the EUA product must be apprised of the risks and benefits, the risks of not using it, that those risks can include 'losing their jobs.'"  Talk about contortionism, right?  Who all was in on this, and why were they doing it?  This was a Department of Justice, the top of the Department of Justice issued this letter totally because of our lawsuit saying, "No, no, no, oh, you can just tell them that they're losing their jobs, because this would be one of the risks."

10:57. LERMAN. And if you look at the law, there's no way that the law intended that because the law did not talk about . . . the law was talking about a CBR an attack and the risks associated with that and with the countermeasures.  It wasn't risks associated with government activity or government mandates.  And now, I mean now that Chevron is gone we weren't able to question government agencies; before we weren't able to question them at all. I don't know now if we can question them on this stuff.

11:25. MANOOKIAN.  Certainly, much more.  First of all, there's something else called context, or the "Context Doctrine," basically whenever there is a confusion or question about something, then the courts are bound to look at the context and the other words surrounding those words to understand what the intent was of Congress.  And it's very clear, it's all about the health risks of either taking or refusing the product. the words are literally so twisted our attorneys were actually couldn't even believe that thing this office of legal counsel issued this opinion because it was so ridiculous so utterly ridiculous but it was intended to give the court cover and all of the employers across the country to give them cover with respect to Chevron Deference.  I don't want to talk too much, but with respect to Chevron, I will say Chevron, what happened with Chevron was that for 40 years the courts were required to defer to a government agency's interpretations of statutes whenever there was a dispute over any ambiguity in the statute.  So Chevron overturned that specific piece, but what's most important is that implied in the Chevron Doctrine that had been in place for all those years was this goodwill.  You know, "Our federal agencies wouldn't lie to us." "They wouldn't deceive us." "They wouldn't twist." They were all accorded goodwill from the courts.  And I think that has been undone by overturning Chevron, and by the incredible bad will that we've witnessed.  So it's bigger than just overturning Chevron.  It's all the kind of goodwill that was accorded to them during those years, and I think that's pretty much gone.  

Saturday, August 3, 2024

LATYPOVA: [The DoD] bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts . . . In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for [vaccines] (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment.

from Sasha Latypova,

The contract with an unnamed large US company is running until the end of 2030. The company and the type of manufacturing involved are undisclosed due to “business confidentiality.” This is interesting.

Some basic deductive reasoning leads me to believe this “US pharma company” is the US Government entity National Resilience. Previous reporting on Resilience:  

There aren’t that many US-based large pharmas with massive biologics manufacturing needs. In fact, the ONLY area of biologics that currently justifies the $1B scale is vaccines, and not because of the real demand, but because the governments are pumping money into them. Everything else in biologics is produced in much smaller volumes. The government’s obsession with poisoning as many people as quickly as possible to achieve Agenda 2030 fits both the contract end date and scale.

You may argue, but this is likely to be Pfizer or Merck or some other large US pharma outsourcing to Samsung. However, those have been disclosed. They are not secret. Samsung has deals with Baxter, Eli Lilly, Merck, Pfizer (also $1B), Moderna, Bristol Myers Squibb and GSK. Who would need the name and the purpose of the “biomanufacturing” kept secret? And who has THIS much money to throw around in the sector that has experienced an overall steep decline pre-covid with most patents expiring?


Interestingly, BARDA’s COVID-19 cash infusion, redistributing newly printed dollars to makers of the countermeasures via DOD contracts amounted to about $50 billion in the first 12-18 months and likely reached $70-100 billion by now. In other words, they bailed out their pharma cronies with giant no-bid contracts, because world-ending emergency… In context, this government spending is officially justified by the fact that there is no market for them (i.e. no need!!) and thus no private investment. This spending by now accounts for roughly 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire US pharma industry R&D. In 2020 they were desperately plugging the hole in the pharmaceutical industry, juicing the capital gains which had evaporated prior to 2020. It worked for a short time, but created no real industry growth:

Finish this brief but insight read on how the DoD is funding and building biologics or bioweapons labs around the world to bail themselves out.