Sunday, April 7, 2024

Reversing mRNA Damage: Canceling the Spike Protein, Blood Clotting with Ozone Therapy

“Hello everyone. I am a retired RN that now spends my days cleaning blood. This is what I regularly see in vaccinated blood. Notice the darkness of the veinous blood, the frothy white clumping as well as the sediment. Blood contamination is contributing to many health issues. 

We are a team of Drs and nurses that stood up in 2020 against lockdowns and masking, we lost our positions in 2021 for saying no to an untested injection and have come together to find solutions. One very important service we offer is to clean and filter 3.5 litres of blood in one treatment using a treatment called EBOO.  Extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation in which anything larger than 0.2 microns is filtered out of the blood, oxygenated, ozonated then returned to circulation. 

PLEASE BE ENCOURAGED THAT THERE ARE PROFESSIONALS OUT THERE THAT CARE AND ARE SEEKING SOLUTIONS! As a team of health care professionals, it has been devastating seeing the effects of experimental modifying Ribonucleic acid injections. It is time for our world to heal!”
Anonymous Poster:

Saturday, April 6, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: Yeah, the “opioid crisis” pushed by the Sackler family in America (Jewish) killed tons and tons and tons of young people. They claimed it was nonaddictive. They were sued but are still billionaires. The dead youth were then replaced by waves of migrants brought in by NGOs run by people like George Soros

Yeah, the “opioid crisis” pushed by the Sackler family in America (Jewish) killed tons and tons and tons of young people [650k are now dead. 80k last year]. They claimed it was nonaddictive. They were sued but are still billionaires.
In 2022 the [Sackler] family agreed to pay $6bn (£4.5bn) to address opioid addiction, after admitting to its role in selling OxyContin, a drug it knew to be addictive and widely misused. 
In return, a bankruptcy court gave the family immunity in all civil cases.

The dead youth were then replaced by waves of migrants brought in by NGOs run by people like George Soros (Jewish).

These are the actual roots of “anti-semitic conspiracy theories.”
And then when someone points it out, they’re called insane and hateful.
Over the years, I’ve learned blame doesn’t help. It’s just up to us to resist and prosper, even with institutional persecution by media, banking, and political funding.
I’ve been through the dark night of the soul and that’s what I learned. Keep your humor, stay grateful, live clean, and grow what you love. And none of the rest matters. Our sustainer is God not any of these people. But yes, what was done to “working-class” Americans was horrible and evil. And so many of those men who joined the military to defend their heritage died for banking rivalries.  

And “facts don’t care about your feelings.” 

Stage 4 rare, aggressive breast cancer that metastasized into major bones and lungs. IP6 7 capsules 4x a day. 9 months later I was cancer free

Be very, very afraid of pink eye, I mean, Avian Flu.

[Roberto] Speranza has been charged with murder in Italy for covering up the side effects of the COVID vaccines and forcing them on the country regardless.