Monday, October 7, 2024

OWEN BENJAMIN: The supply chains are always teetering. Like literally that's why they do GMOs. They do GMOs because they have to have more time in case the supply chain breaks down

I want to do a quick public service announcement about not falling into communism because I can see it creeping really fast.  The creep has become fast.  Communism is expecting the state to provide services for you.  All of this FEMA stuff, all this complaining about like we should get more money from the state, that's literally communism.  And I know this will make people furious and angry.  Communism is victim consciousness.  It's believing that you were entitled to money because you've been wronged, and the state has to provide it for you.  It's so bad, guys.  The reason America is great is because people took ownership. They want freedom.  You don't get freedom in communism.  And I know a lot of you guys, you know, I see these memes of like, "Oh, the way North Carolina can get money is to say it's Ukraine." You want to be Ukraine?  You want to be Ukraine, is that what you want?  They're dead.  They're all dead.  Guys, you don't want to expect the state to provide anything for you.  It's crazy. We have a saying up here, "Don't eat the cheese.  The mouse eats the cheese in the mouse trap . . . it's the free cheese.  If you want freedom and you want actual American existence, you do not whine to the government for more money.  And then people say well it's the taxes do you know how many people in America make $20,000 to $30,000 a year, paying nothing in taxes, and can press three buttons and a guy with a gun shows up to protect them.  It's nothing.  In Ukraine and Israel, you know what that money does?  It's to maintain our superpower status and our world reserve currency through blood and horror.  I'm not bummed.  I don't want to sound too serious I'll try to keep this light, but, like, guys, communism is horrifying.  If you want the state to provide for you, it's brutal, man.  Just be thankful if anyone gives you anything.  This whole FEMA is stopping everyone from saving people is not true,alright?  Because a guy with his son and a helicopter did a video.  Guys, they don't have guns.  They don't have enforcement.  I've made a few videos about this, and I really hope people understand this because you're begging for communism.

2:47. And watching "white Patriots" act like ghetto blacks wanting more money on the 15th of the month is absolutely insane.  Demographics get turned into communist cattle I don't want that to happen to more people in America the reason America is so rich is because we don't act like that so don't act like that this whiny, shitty, victimy, demonic shit, it's going to lead to hell, man.  When there is a natural disaster, FEMA does in any national response teams . . . get mad all you want.  The people in the comments are either liars or bots or something because if there's a giant forest fire, they won't let you in the streets.  Now if you really, really want to go you can go.  There's no way they can enforce that.  If you have a helicopter or a boat and you're actually rescuing someone, you're passionate about it, no one will stop you.  FEMA never holds a gun to anybody.  It's a liability issue for insurance.  If they let people in, if those people loot, steal, rape, or kill, or if they die, it's on them.  It's  negligence.  So they have to say that you're not allowed in there.  If you say, "Ah, shucks," then you shouldn't have gone in.  Understand?  You have this giant area . . . so if FEMA is doing so little, how are they stopping people from going in?  They're not.  That's total BS.  But like they might say don't go in but like it's an Insurance liability issue.

4:32  I'm just now believing the stuff there are now absolutely forces trying to make America communist, and this victimy, Jewy, whiny shit of like, "Oh, this is being mismanaged."  Okay, bro Weinstein, you're going to manage it better?  Who's going to manage it better, you and your brother, and Peter Thiel, and the IMF?  No, it's nuts watching this happen, man.  And people are getting so pissed off at me, "Oh, you're boot licking FEMA . . . ," "Oh, people are drowning . . . ," "Oh, immigrants, aaahhhh . . . ," dude, own it, like own it.  Like what are you going to do?  How are you going to be productive?  And these people that are bitching about it they don't even know anyone involved no one involved they're just watching Alex Jones or any of these fear p*** places and they're just getting angry and they're saying oh FEMA is trying to kill us blah blah blah FEMA is unarmed there are no weapons you're American okay dude I'm telling you it's a bad Road either people drop the victim Consciousness s***, or there's mass, mass starvation Mass.

5:47. Dude you want something to be afraid of?  No problem.  I'll tell you what to be afraid of.  Giant farms, 100 to 200,000-acre farms, are not doing well.  They're always having labor shortages.  They always have to get extra money from the government.  It's getting harder and harder to get the chemicals needed to get rid of the weeds, all the herbicides, and pesticides and all that.  The supply chains are always teetering.  Like literally that's why they do GMOs.  They do GMOs because they have to have more time in case the supply chain breaks down.  It's a giant supply chain.  You pick a blueberry, it's got to stay around for 2 months, which is unnatural, okay.  Two and a half months, they're Don even with GMOs, genetically modified, preservatives, all of that.  That's why they do it.  If you want to be a victim and say "they're poisoning me because they hate me," guys, it's fucking communism.  And I studIed this in the Czech Republic, I studied this for years.  I watched how giant groups of people can die.  You get dependent on those huge farms, and then you start taking out your own institutions because you've been fed a load of crap on tiktok or Twitter or whatever the hell it is, and you think that oh pesticide and herbicides and Monsanto is trying to kill me.  No that's all you have right now, alright?  Yeah, it causes cancer.  It's horrible.  It affects groundwater.  Might make kids trans, I don't know.  But there's no labor.  That's why they desperately try to bust in as many Mexicans and Guatemalans as they possibly can.  That's why: it's to feed you. Do you understand a failure of one of these farms?  It's unimaginable.  And then what are you going to do?  You're going to run to a camp.  Then you'll like FEMA.  They'll give you food.  They'll give you blankets, and then they'll start running out of food, and then it becomes a death camp.  You want something to be afraid of?  There you go.  There's something to get your cortisol going because that's very possible.

8:00.  Watching the attitude of Americans right now with this is insane. We are wealthy and we are capable of running the world because our ancestors were like, "It's all on me.  Rain, sleet, snow, Indian raids.  The government signs a different treaty, you got to move to Oklahoma, you got to move to Arizona; oh, you just lost your farm, you're going over here.  You survived the Dust Bowl, world wars, and all that and you just keep on working, keep on having kids, keep on crushing, but not now.  It sounds exactly like communism to me.  "Oh, why doesn't the government give us more money?  Why can't we be Ukraine?  Yeah, Ukraine is like 80% dead now.  Why can't we be more like Ukraine?  That money comes with death and blood.  It's bribes.  It's blood money, dude.  It's not what you want.  You want to be free, right?  You want to be able to be free.  And I see the crabs attacking, any crab trying to get out of the bucket.  You got five years max, if you keep that up

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