Friday, October 11, 2024

JOHN BEAUDOIN: The CDC is deleting vaccines as a cause of death from the death records. That's criminal fraud; it's actually felony murder

6:55  The CDC is deleting vaccines as a cause of death from the death records.  That's criminal fraud; it's actually felony murder because it's an inherently dangerous felony that results in murder.  It's felony murder what the CDC is doing to the citizens.  And so I found the same thing in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Minnesota.  They're deleting vaccines as a cause of death where it expressly states that vaccines killed people on the death record certified by the medical examiner.  The truth is the way to solve that.  And if you study management techniques and organizational behavior and how to reset a corporate culture, it's the same for a country of, say, 5 million people.  In order to reset the culture, to trust government, you don't do it by lying to them or lying by omission because you don't think they can handle the full truth.  No, you do it with the truth.  Javier Milei knows that.  

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