Friday, October 11, 2024

48 Laws of Power, a Communist screed?

It's good to understand the laws of power because people do use them, manipulations.  It's like understanding how to interact with someone who is in that world is important.  You know, like sometimes it is to understand a person like how the other guy sees the world.  But just understand who wrote The 48 Laws of Power.  I've listened to this guy, it's fascinating.  It's written by Robert Greene, and here's Robert Greene here, okay.  He's like . . . like I can't imagine ending up like that.  No family.  Looks like that.  He had a heart attack, and a stroke and his girlfriend . . . like a mess, but yet he's the master of power.  He's probably worth a hundred million dollars, friends with all the kings, but do you really want that life?  One reason I'm doing the stream is I don't think some people have like, sat down and thought, "Do I really want that life?"  And then it's almost like you're so far in, that once you start playing the game and you're motivated by the points score, that's retarded, you feel like you can't get out, but you end up miserable.  That's why these guys are such absolute degenerates.  And he talks weird.

00:51. Okay, "Never outshine the master," law number one.  And this is absolutely true in the world of power now is that true in my world not even close like imagine if I was like that with mountain bear or Hometown bear or anchor bear imagine if I saw a work they did and it was so good I was like no sorry this thing you must you just made it might be funnier than me so I'm now going to start a rumor that you're trans and guys that is how that world works if you're funnier that's why Joe Rogan surrounds himself by s*** comedians have you guys seen any of tires. Horrible.   Because communism breeds mediocrity.   Because "Never outshine your master" is all about ego for these people.  people.  It's not about finding the truth.  If I had someone on my team that was out shining me and was funnier then me, I would be like, you gotta make more, you need to do more, like you are inspiring me I now want to do better because my master is never a man, you know, it's greatness itself, it's like the art, the craft.  Only a fucking fool would want to sabotage your most talented people out of ego.

01:50. "Never put too much trust in friends; learn how to use enemies."  

Again, I put like, you know, all my trust in friends, and I don't want anything to do with enemies.  You see what I mean?  I'm just not the guy for Laws of Power, but I understand what that means.  

"Friends will likely be envious of you and betray you."  Yes.  I've had that happen to degrees that are unbelievable.  I can't believe those people exist but they do.  But they were never your friends, right?  This is all inverted.  

"Never put too much trust in friends."  They weren't your friends.  Like in the world of the inverted, in the world of the power hungry, you know, like a cartel, no one is friends.  You're all just playing off each other. That's why they call each other comrade or ally.  So I put all my trust in my friends.  

"Learn how to use enemies.  The best thing is to hire your enemy as they will try to prove they are trustworthy."   No.  No.  

"Conceal your intentions."  I think that's like a form of theft.  You know, I go out of my way to try to explain my intentions because I think that . . . I'll explain why I've been hammering Fuentes the way I have.  I'm not speaking to the normal people, okay?  Because there's a lot of normal people that will hear a little bit of a Fuentes and think "it's about time someone acknowledges Catholicism isn't as bad as people think, and these Jews are a bit sneaky."  It looks like the youth are listening to this guy. That's good.  All right, back to my life.  Didn't know much about him.  So then you see me like doing montages to the song "Bitch," and you're like that isn't going to work on these people.  You just look a little obsessed or you look like . . . why are you focusing [on him] so much?  Most people don't even know who this guy is.  So I'll explain my intention completely.  It's like more of a way to shame, mock, and weaken the groyper, like the revolutionaries, right?  So every revolutionary has his minions, and the minions are basically inverted, like real villainous types.  Truth doesn't appeal to them.  Honor doesn't appeal to them.  Production doesn't appeal to them, like the Normie. What appeals to them is humiliation.  Like if you make them feel stupid or you make them feel like people are laughing at them, they will be less effective.  And so a talentless, power hungry guy . . .  well, no he has humor, I mean he's funny.  But like someone like Fuentes needs his minions, they need their Bolsheviks.  They need their guard because those are the ones that go out and shame people, because shame and humiliation works on a lot of people, you know, they don't want a swarm of groypers shaming them every time they criticize or point out something about Fuentes, so you create this false illusion, this perception that he doesn't have these issues, so that vanguard, that inner, you know, Bolshevik group, is the group.  Russia had 20 guys, and Stalin had them all killed because they're just scum.  And so what I like to do is I create a culture where those guys hesitate because they feel like they look stupid, okay?  And that's what people do to the Bears, like what Jim Bob did, "Oh, he's trying to use shame to get people to not support me," like to get highly productive type of bear to not want to be associated.  But see how it all works, how it's all fair?  It only works on people who suck.  You see why it's great, it's why everything's f*king fair?  If people were like, "Yeah, you know, I know it's an animal, and it's like the Chicago Bears and the Russian bear, I know it's not just fat gay guys.  But the last thing I want is that Tina at work who I really want to f***, the last thing I want her to think is that I'm a fat gay guy."  I'm like, you're 150 lb.  "I know, but this anonymous guy said so."  I'm like f*ck off.  You know, they try to ridicule.  Yeah, ridicule doesn't work on me or a lot of you guys, but it works on the week.  

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