Tuesday, October 15, 2024

PAUL SALADINO: avoid seed oils like the plague and eat more animal fats

Seed Oil Scout helps you find seed oil free restaurants in your neighborhood.  Seed oils, BTW, destroy your gut, tear the lining on your gut to cause leaky gut.  Once torn, repair is long and arduous if at all.

Not only do seed oils destroy your gut, but they also produce brown or bruising patches on your lower leg or even your feet, and then people look at their legs and say "What's this?" and don't make the connection to the seed oils in their meals and how they're destroying the gut lining.

Carnivore Aurelius explains that seed oils produce inflammatory linoleic acid that has been shown to block melanin synthesis, what helps you tan. Just one more way that seed oils are disrupters.

Well, what's the big deal with linoleic acid?How is it harmful? One, it's inflammatory. Two, it can lead to cancer.

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