Monday, October 14, 2024

Los Angeles, CA Council Soiling Their Shorts to Become the First "smart city/surveillance city/communist mecca". Soon to be cancer mecca

Is this your punishment for not building a farm in the country or outside the state? 

I've complained to friends and family about the extremely bright street lights on most major streets and boulevards in Los Angeles and how bright the street lights are.   I had read in 2009 that companies installing new street lighting also installed audio, in other words, microphones at the lamp sight of the lights.  People laughed at me.  Now, you've got evidence. Anything else I can get for you?

They have over 2,675 G devices attached to street lights nationwide. I'll talk about the street lights. That's major. That is a ton of 5G devices, you guys. --Attorney Greg Glaser

Here is Dr. Sharon Goldberg

L.A. is quickly becoming a smart city/surveillance city/communist mecca thanks to the adoption of the UN sustainable development goals and tech like "Amazon Sidewalks," 5G streetlights, and facial recognition tech that monitors people in their own homes. Attorney Greg Glaser describes for Dr. Lee Merritt (@themedicalrebel) how Los Angeles, California is becoming the ultimate "smart city" hellhole (my term) using a broad range of surveillance technologies. The Los Angeles City Council has also adopted the United Nations' (UN) "sustainable development goals." "This is the...plan for total smart-meter surveillance in 2028 concurrent with the Internet of Things," Glaser tells Merritt, showing slides from a presentation on this topic. "This means that the city and its official partners such as Amazon, they're gonna be doing real-time monitoring of what's in your home, your electricity usage, your Wi-Fi,  your the devices in your home. And they call it part of the UN sustainable development goals." Glaser notes, however, that it's actually "communism." "L.A. is leading the charge for this. L.A. ... city council went out of their way to pass the UN sustainable development goals," Glaser adds. "L.A. didn't have to do that, but they wanted to. That's how committed they are to the UN initiatives to track you, surveil you, and so forth." Glaser even says that the government in Los Angeles thinks "it's a good idea to monitor people's faces 24/7 in their own home so that if you look dehydrated, then the city can send you a text message to check on you, [saying,] 'Oh, you look dehydrated. Are you doing okay?'" He adds, however, that the facial recognition system will not be used to identify if someone is dehydrated. Rather, it will be used to identify "if you're...engaged in wrong think or engaged in wrong behavior." Partial transcription of clip: "This is the LA, the surveillance city, smart city, publishing it's plan for total smart meter surveillance in 2028 concurrent with the Internet of Things. That you know, that's when your dishwasher is talking to your phone, your fridge is telling you what to order next. That's called the Internet of Things, and it's where you're just drowned in a soup of Wi-Fi, which is called radio frequency, which is very dangerous for you. "One of the great doctors, who explains this is doctor Goldberg, doctor Sharon Goldberg. This means that the city and its official partners such as Amazon, they're gonna be doing real-time monitoring of what's in your home, your electricity usage, your Wi-Fi,  your the devices in your home. And they call it part of the UN sustainable development goals. It's communism, folks. Well, what it is is they're trying to limit your electricity usage, limit your Wi-Fi, making sure you're not using your Wi-Fi to go to to websites that teach hate. Right? "And they define what hate is, and they define what misinformation is. So LA is leading the charge for this. LA went they went out of their way. The city council went out of their to pass the UN sustainable development goals. LA didn't have to do that, but they wanted to. That's how committed they are to the UN initiatives to track you, surveil you, and so forth. "And LA is on track to become the first 5G city in the entire nation. They have over 2,675 G devices attached to street lights nationwide. I'll talk about the street lights. That's major. That is a ton of 5G devices, you guys. Amazon Sidewalk, they've integrated facial recognition technology so that officials so if someone's suspicious on camera so that you're walking down the street, maybe you're a little bit suspicious. You look shady. Whatever. Facial recognition technology picks you up, runs through Amazon servers, gets to the PD, and then through sophisticated algorithms, [Amazon] Sidewalk makes inferences about your behaviors and interests. "This is, this is a document we uncovered in our litigation or actually our pre-litigation. And the city's top contractor called Gartner, they're huge. They're like a multi they might be billion at this point. they're like Boeing is to the army as Gartner is to the city of LA. Huge contractor. So this is one of their documents.
And in this document, they say they think it's a good idea to monitor people's faces 24/7 in their own home so that if you look dehydrated, then the city can send you a text message to check on you. Oh, you look dehydrated. Are you doing okay? "That's their claim. Like, they they basically, what happened is these people, they try to think of, like, the nicest way they could put it. Like, okay. We're gonna spy on you all the time. But it's like, if you're dehydrated. Right? But, no, it's not if you're dehydrated. It's if you're, you know, engaged in wrong think or engaged in wrong behavior."

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