Thursday, October 3, 2024

SASHA LATYPOVA: Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability

Vaccines are not regulated at all. They are fake regulated.  

As a result of the 1986 Act that President Reagan signed they no longer have any liability.

Well, starting there.  So the reason that Act went into place was because up until 1973 they were not regulated at all.  They were not even under FDA mandate, they were just cooked up by CDC these poisons.  That's what I'm saying, it's all intentional and it's been going on since like 200 years ago.  The CDC, a private corporation, was cooking them, up forcing them on everyone, and privatizing the returns.  In 1973, they came under FDA regulation mandate.  In about 5 years, I don't know how long it takes to put a new law in place, but let's say in about 5 years they realize, "Uh-oh.  If we have to comply with these things, it's not going to work."  So they introduce this law to protect themselves from liability.  Once you're protected from any liability, it's as if regulations don't exist for you because you don't have liability.  And then proceeded to remove systematically remove requirements that existed on the drug side for the vaccine side.  So nobody actually test them for anything.  For example, we uncovered an office, an office on the FDA web page, it says it's headed by Dr. Andrew Lewis, who is by our estimates at least 90 years old if he is alive.  But he is the head of this office, fake head, the office when you read the description of what they do they found that even one nanogram of DNA in a vaccine can cause cancer.  What is the FDA regulatory limit?  10 nanograms.  So, the FDA says that it's okay for you to have 10 times more material injected that we know causes cancer because . . . reasons.  Now, what, in fact, was found in COVID-19 vaccines by Kevin McKernan and his colleagues is up to 2000 nanograms, so 200 times over the regulatory limit is being injected into Pfizer jabs and has been for years now.  And all the regulators actually know about it this because everybody's been notified.  The Epoch Times interviewed them even, and they all said, "Yes, we know, and it's not a problem.  Continue injecting."  You tell me this is not intentional.

It's too big to bust because what they need is to have some [privacy?].

Every normal person listening to me is saying, "I know lady what you're saying.  I know you're not crazy, but this is just not possible.  I can't imagine the evil this big."

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