Showing posts with label — Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) April 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Tom Luongo (Head Sneetch) (@TFL1728) April 4. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2024

DONALD TRUMP, JR.: They know that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will immediately trigger World War 3 with Russia - Which is what Joe Biden and the establishment have always wanted.

Oh, God.   

LUONGO: [Mike] Johnson is doing the job he was put in place to do... slow/stop the roll towards WWIII by stopping aid to Ukraine.

So much to say here:
1) Johnson is doing the job he was put in place to do... slow/stop the roll towards WWIII by stopping aid to Ukraine.
2) He has a steadily weakening position as his majority in the House has eroded from 4 seats to 1, through lawfare and resignations.
3) is fronting for her boyfriend McCarthy and the Neocon lobby by going after Johnson on the budget. She's scum.
4) Until they can end-run Johnson and force a vote, nothing happens. Hence, why MTG called for a vacate vote on his Speakership.
5) Expect even more intensity on this as we push towards the convention. The goal is to leave Trump with no options but war if he makes it to the WH in 2025.
6) Rick Wilson and company are now openly calling for Trump to be assassinated lest he stop the march to war per .