Showing posts sorted by relevance for query immigration. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query immigration. Sort by date Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

JAIME DIMON: We have to control the borders. We need more merit-based immigration.

We are screwing up tons of other things, including immigration.  But life isn't either or, so when your kids say we'll do this or that . . .  You know, you're dealt the hand you're dealt, and you got to deal with it.  So we should be very clear about helping the lower-income population.  Every country has to control the borders, and we have to control the borders.  So they're all important.

00:22  Would you take the deal that the Republicans put on the table, which is we want this border and immigration policy as we've laid out, and then we'll fund the rest.  Would you take that than neither?

00:32  I have not read that deal in total, but I probably would take it.  We have to control the borders.  We need more merit-based immigration.  We need more seasoned immigration.  [seasoned?  You mean of a certain age?]  We need DACA to have a place here.  We need a path to citizenship.  If you do not control the borders, you are going to destroy our country.  And so I think the people who think that somehow it's okay, well now that they're sending the migrants into New York and stuff like that . . . so to all of my super liberal friends, now they realize what a problem it is.  Did it have to be that?  So we want to have a big heart for the world, but we have to control [the border and immigration].

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Ireland immigration statistics: 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase over 2000. 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase over 1995, . . .

Thank you to Lew Rockwell.  The immigration in Ireland has been building for 20-plus years and has recently turned into chaos.

Writes Tim McGraw:

Recent riots in Dublin after a migrant stabbed children and adults on Parnell Street are in the news. Lots of blah-blah-blah. But what are the numbers? Why would the Irish be upset about migrants seeking to migrate to Ireland?

Ireland’s population is a bit above 5 million.

Here are the migrant numbers:

  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2015 was 746,260.00, a 2.15% increase from 2010.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2010 was 730,542.00, a 24.02% increase from 2005.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2005 was 589,046.00, a 68.03% increase from 2000.
  • Ireland immigration statistics for 2000 was 350,552.00, a 54.5% increase from 1995.

The numbers for 2020 aren’t even listed. But the numbers above add up to around 2.3 million.

So HALF of Ireland’s population is foreign born? Is that true? Is Ireland even a country anymore?

In 2021, 27% of California’s population was foreign-born.

These are huge migrations of people and changes in demographics. There’s bound to be some friction.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts

00:58. And I'm going to be the bad guy now, you know, Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the things because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  I hate to say it . . . if you look at who Trump put into the cabinet, you know, he put into the Cabinet a lot of people who were basically part of the Syndicate that's trying to build the control grid.  So before you get enthusiastic about the Republicans, you got to hold their feet to the fire that they better, they better reverse the control grid.  Demand that they reverse the control grid.  Demand it. 

Monday, September 13, 2021

"The Eugenics era court that authored Jacobson also approved racial segregation, praised monopolies, cheered child labor, imprisoned people for speeches, . . ."

A few historical events from the Eugenics era: 

Three generations of imbeciles are enough, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

This is stunning to me.  A supreme court justice, men who interpret the law of the land, calling for eugenics programs with this statement.  

Then there's the exclusionary 1924 Immigration Act

COHEN: Yeah, so the 1924 law really changed American immigration dramatically whereas in the old days, people would pretty much just show up at Ellis Island. The people who supported the Immigration Act of 1924 wanted to maintain the racial composition of the United States, so they imposed national quotas, which actually set the immigration from different countries on what that country's percentage of the population was in 1890. And the idea was that was a time when there were a lot of, you know, so-called Nordics in the United States. 

Half of all U.S. sterilizations were conducted in California.  

Armed with seemingly scientific and medical explanations, eugenicists wanted to make sterilization legal. By 1910, genetic statutes had been enacted in Washington, California, and Connecticut, and by the end of the 1920s, twenty-four states had passed involuntary sterilization laws.7 A major force behind this increase in eugenics legislation was Harry Laughlin, superintendent of the Eugenics Record Office (ERO). In 1922, Laughlin authored a model sterilization law that became the prototype for similar laws enacted in The United States. By January 1935, approximately 20,000 involuntary eugenic sterilizations had been performed in the United States, half of which were conducted in California.8

High unemployment and poverty rates contributed to the public's tolerance for eugenic sterilization.

Another major motivation for eugenics was the heavy immigration—and its attendant xenophia—that the United States experienced around the turn of the century. Many psychiatrists warned that if better medical inspections of immigrants were not performed, the consequences would be deportation or sterilization. Eugenicists’ testimony before Congress helped pass the exclusionary 1924 Immigration Act. The economic depression of the 1920s and 1930s, with its high unemployment and poverty rates, further contributed to the public’s tolerance for eugenic sterilization. 

The guy who influenced the Eugenics movement in Congress was Harry H. Laughlin, 1880-1943.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

"permissive immigration. . . sent an incentive to people of the world that they can now come [to the U.S. and] abuse asylum laws"

You know they're not refugees, because, where are the women? 

The full 3-hour and 42-minute interview is here.  Rogan hosts Coleman Hughes.

The full unfolding of it goes back to the 1930s.  New York State made a constitutional amendment to the state constitution that required the state to provide housing for the homeless.  It was vaguely worded, so in the 80s and 90s, the courts in New York began interpreting that law more and more strictly.  Almost no other state I'm not sure if other states have something in its state constitution requiring that kind of a thing . . . .  The original purpose of this was for citizens of New Yorker state, but the judges began interpreting it so strictly that when the Republican governors in Texas and Florida begin sending a few thousand migrants up to New York City as kind of an f*ck you to liberal cities that have declared themselves sanctuary cities without actually having to actually deal with the border crisis does that Texas does.  The first few thousand found that legally New York had to house them.  And then word got down to Mexico that if you make it to New York City, you will not be turned away.  Legally, you don't even have to be a citizen before the state amendment to apply to you.  So what began as a few . . . let's say 10 or 15,000 were sent by the Republican Governors as a kind of political tactic has now become tens and tens and tens of thousands coming of their volition to New York City, and it's the only state in the country that mayor Adams has no legal recourse to send people elsewhere he actually cannot do it he's tried to do executive orders but he legally can't because it's in the state constitution.  It's above his power.  And now it's taken on a life of its own way over and above what the Republican governors started so this is why he's going to the National media and literally saying you know I can't do anything about this I'm trying to do something about this but I can't and we are putting people up in Airbnbs for $100 a night years if we don't find a solution to this.   

I was looking at a video of the Roosevelt Hotel which is no longer a hotel.  The state has essentially said that this is now a center for housing migrants, and they've said the restaurant is no longer a restaurant.  Sorry, that's just how it is now.  What do you do if you own the Roosevelt Hotel and you just want it to be a hotel and now the state just says nope?

3:33. Look, I don't blame any of these people.  If I was born in Mexico, . . . and we'd all be doing the same thing.  It's the smart thing to do from their perspective, but that doesn't mean from our perspective that we should just put out the bat signal to the whole world and say you can come to New York City and we have no legal recourse to move you anywhere else.

3:57. It's not just New York City, it's other parts of the world.  It's strange that recently it's become this crisis where migrants are coming en mass to these places and just letting them.  Is this orchestrated?  Is this just the fact that they found out that they can do it and it's better than where they are, and if they go there these places that are charitably minded, who want a house people who are down their luck, but now people are taking advantage and just swarming?  

4:33. I think that's what it is I think the whole Western world has become much more open to immigration recently.  Obviously, America was open to immigration in the 19th century, but we were the outlier.  In all the other countries in the world, the default was that they had closed borders.  So I think the whole world out of empathy for the poor and struggling has wanted to have more permissive immigration but that sent an incentive to people of the world that they can now come that they can abuse asylum laws and again I don't even blame people for doing this because it's exactly what I would do if I were born in Guatemala or Syria this is my story and I would probably lie about it in order to get a better life than the one I had.  These are just a side effect of these compassionate laws.  People abuse them.  You get immigration pools that are vastly proportionately male, which is how you know that they're not refugees because, you know, where are the women?  It's a side effect of the intended compassionate immigration policy.  That's how this works.  Thomas Sowell's great quote, "There are no solutions, only trade-offs." It's more compassionate, but it also leads to, in the case of New York, what could be a serious fiscal crisis. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Reporter: “Harris said that the border is closed. Is the border closed?” Illegal Immigrant: “The border is open…everybody believes that the border is open

TODD:  Would you call the border secure? 

She can't answer that. 

HARRIS:  I think that there is no question that we have to do what the president and I asked what the Congress to do . . . the first request we made: pass . . . a bill to create a pathway to citizenship.  The border is secure, but we also have a broken immigration system, particularly over the last four years before we came in and it needs to be fixed.

TODD:  We're going to have 2 million people cross this border for the first time ever.  You're confident this border is secure? 

HARRIS:  We have a secure border in that that is a priority for any nation, including ours and our administration.  But there are still a lot of problems that we are trying to fix, given the deterioration that happened over the last 4 years. 

So, in less than one minute, Kamala Harris was able, with the help of Chuck Todd, to blame Donald Trump for a broken immigration system.  I don't think that takes only 4 years, sister.  Democrats have been in charge of voting, education, immigration, and a host of other federal services.  Stop lying, Ms. Harris.   

What's that phrase?  Oh, yeah, straight from the horse's mouth. 

We can't house everyone here that lives here and works here.  Huh.  Hasn't this been the whole point with regard to immigration and illegal immigration for decades?  But our complaint has fallen on a deaf ear.   

Monday, September 25, 2023

CBP One app allows migrants to take commercial passenger flights from foreign countries straight to their American cities of choice, flying right over the border—and even over Mexico,”

I used to joke about this.  Turns out it's been Biden's immigration policy all along.

Not all illegal aliens are entering the U.S. along the southern or northern border, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.  

Over the past year, “more than 200,000 people from four countries” used a direct-flight parole program to enter the United States illegally, says Todd Bensman, a senior national security fellow at the Washington-based think tank devoted to researching immigration issues.  

Those 221,456 illegal aliens are from Haiti, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, Bensman writes in a report published Thursday.

Through a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA, Bensman says, he learned of the federal government’s “CBP One” mobile application parole program, which “permits inadmissible aliens to make an appointment to fly directly to airports in the interior of the United States, bypassing the border altogether.”  

The Biden administration introduced the CBP One mobile app to illegal aliens as a way to schedule an appointment at a port of entry and be paroled into the interior of the United States. (The acronym CBP refers to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security.)

President Joe Biden said the program was part of an effort to form “lawful pathways” for illegal aliens to enter the country and seek asylum. Illegal border crossings between ports of entry at the southern border appeared to decline in June as more illegal aliens presented themselves at a port of entry.  

But, according to Bensman’s findings, migrants also are presenting themselves at ports within the interior of the country.

One of the “least noticed, mysterious, and potentially the most controversial of the new rechanneling programs that use the CBP One app allows migrants to take commercial passenger flights from foreign countries straight to their American cities of choice, flying right over the border—and even over Mexico,” Bensman writes in the Center for Immigration Studies report titled “New Records: Biden DHS Has Approved Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants for Secretive Foreign Flights Directly Into U.S. Airports.”  

Through the CBP One app, “Cubans, Venezuelans, Nicaraguans, Haitians, and Colombians … [can] request ‘advance travel authorizations,’” Bensman writes, and then fly “directly into U.S. airports, where U.S. Customs officers parole them into the nation, sight unseen, and in numbers publicly unknown.” 

The documents obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies, he adds, show that “between late October 2022 and mid-September 2023, the administration approved a total of 221,456 Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, and Nicaraguans for ‘travel mode: air’ into still-unspecified interior U.S. ports.”  

Sunday, January 21, 2024

"Under the immigration laws of the United States, a noncitizen who applies for an immigrant visa abroad . . . is required to receive vaccinations . . . ." To avoid the shots, noncitizens enter illegally. Unexpected or expected consequences?

Mandated vaccination for legal immigration?  Does this explain the massive illegal immigration, all to avoid the gene-manipulating shot? 

Check this out from Jeffrey Tucker.

Consider, for example, the continued requirement that any legally immigrating person coming to the US from another country and seeking residency is absolutely required to get the COVID-19 vaccine, a shot widely admitted not to protect against infection or spread and is associated with injury on a scale without pharmaceutical precedent. 

And yet the US government requires it. 

The evidence is here from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. 

Meanwhile, the US is currently experiencing a wave of immigration from asylum seekers which this country has never seen in raw numbers before. There is no requirement that these people coming across the Southern border and then shipped around the country face any such requirement of Covid vaccination. That only kicks in if you seek to immigrate the old-fashioned way, which is to say, by seeking legal permission. 

So this is why we have issues like these

Friday, January 5, 2024

On President Biden's inauguration day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration: 1) Paused Deportations, 2) Suspended "Remain in Mexico," 3) Stopped Border Wall Construction

This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. 

2023: 3,201,144

2022: 2,766,582 2021: 1,956,519 2020: 405,036 2019: 859,501 2018: 404,142 2017: 310,531 2016: 415,816 2015: 337,117 2014: 486,651 2013: 420,789 2012: 364,768 2011: 340,252 2010: 463,382 On President Biden's inaugural day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration: • Paused Deportations • Suspended "Remain in Mexico" • Stopped Border Wall Construction Since these policy changes, over 8 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected. This surge in illegal immigration is a national security crisis, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per year. Major U.S. cities, grappling with the escalating financial burden, are slashing budgets for essential services such as fire, police, sanitation, and education. President Biden holds the power to halt this crisis that is draining America's resources. The solution is as simple as the actions that led to this crisis—Biden should use his pen to reverse his policy changes.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MR. AMERICA FIRST, DONALD TRUMP: I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country

Iceland has a Venezuelan migrant problem.  How did the Venezuelan migrants get across the ocean?  Well, of course, the Soros organizations will bring people across the oceans, no problem at all.  They've had an explosion of Venezuelans in Iceland, and they thought this is just wonderful, we're going to have diversity and all the rest of the stuff and then they see what is happening with all these young males that are being brought in.  What's the point?  What exactly is the point of bringing all these young Latin males from one culture and transplanting them into another, completely different Nordic culture?  What's the point of it?

Well, Iceland officials are pulling back their former support.  They say they've deported 180 migrants who had only recently arrived in Iceland.  The deportation bill was wildly popular even among the left Green Party, even the Greens were for this.  Among its internal Provisions they allowed Iceland to ignore the UN and its open border-styled immigration policy demands the legislation reportedly sets stricter conditions for residency, for family migration, and for other measures.  With the mood shifting against Venezuelans they've deported 180 recent Venezuelan migrants all at once.  No Iceland is very small compared to the United States in 2018 they had 14 Venezuelan immigrants within 4 years that had exploded to 1200 about 100 times it exploded and that was all coming from the UN.

Now they are in direct contradiction to a couple of UN Conventions that they had signed up for.  They had signed up for the UN Convention for Human Rights that doesn't allow them to deport anybody.  And the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  That is the instrument to destroy parental rights, UN Convention in the Rights if the Child, every country has signed into that except the United States.  In the United States, it is not being done through treaty, it is being done through our courts, who have been destroying parental rights.  The good news is if there is a will to do something about it just like they're saying Iceland they realize what a problem this is.  They're saying, well I don't care if we're signed on to the UN Convention of Human Rights.  I don't care that we're signed on to the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, and they just threw it out.  The only party that supports keeping the Venezuelans there, the only one, the Green Party, all the lefties except for the Pirate Party, and they opposed the bill.  But the other major Icelandic parties, including the Independence Party, the Progressive Party, the Left Greens, they all voted in favor of tightening the country's immigration policies, and they voted to kick them out.  

Now, contrast that with Donald Trump, for example. Donald Trump was going to stop immigration.  He was going to build a border.  He did none of that.  As a matter of fact, we got caravans as soon as they realized that Donald Trump was all talk and no action.  He didn't deport anybody he allowed Obama's executive order saying they were going to defer action, saying that we were going to defer action of the law and . . . .  Here's an executive order saying that my department of justice is not going to enforce the law.  How does that pass muster with the courts?  How does that pass muster with anybody?  Instead, Trump pretended that he couldn't create an executive order that countermanded Obama's executive order.  "Well, I really would like to do what I promised but I have to ask the courts for permission," and so he did it in this long drawn-out thing.  And the courts said, "No, you can't overturn Obama's executive order."  That can't possibly be true, and we all know that.  But as Trump was talking to CEOs he made an amazing revelation that came out over the weekend.  The CEO appeals,

We need to recruit the best and brightest of the world every time we get somebody super intelligent from India or Europe any country, and three of the four here are immigrants, into our country the ones without the toys and we can get these great people into our country and that's a loss for our adversaries and our competitors and it's a gain for us.  But I've never heard you talk about this. Can you please promise us you will give us more ability to import the best and brightest around the world to America? 

Trump answers,

I do promise, but I happen to agree, that's why I promise; otherwise, I wouldn't promise.  Let me just tell you that it's so sad that we lose people from Harvard, MIT, from the greatest schools, and the lesser schools that are phenomenal school also.  And what I wanted to do and I would have done this, but we had to solve the COVID problem because that dominated for a little while as you perhaps know.  But what I want to do and what I will do is if/when you graduate from a college, I think you should, I think you should get automatically as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.  If you graduate or get a doctorate degree from college you should be able to stay in this country.  And you know more stories than I do, but I know stories where people graduated from a top college or from a college and they desperately wanted to stay here, they had a plan for a company, a concept, and they can't.  They go back to India, go back to China.  They become multi-millionaires and employ thousands and thousands of people, and it could have been done here.  And a bigger example is you need a pool of people to work for your company.  You have great companies, and they have to be smart people.  Not everybody can be less than smart; you need brilliant people. 

6:32. All these people who have immigrated here, like Elon Musk and Vivek "the snake" Wami Swami, yeah, we don't want Americans here.  We want to be able to bring in other people in cuz Americans are crap, right?  I don't know how we ever got a country like this.  What happened?  How did it get here? You know, Americans can't do anything; we need foreigners to come in and fix everything.  You understand, don't you, that Trump was lying to you the whole time?  You understand that he never had any intention of doing anything about open immigration, and he doesn't either.  The idea from him that people are coming here and they're getting scholarships getting free rides . . . .

Thursday, April 11, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: immigrants don't actually solve labor shortages because they bring their own labor shortage with them.

After years of putting their own people first, the government of Japan is now embracing mass immigration.  A few days ago, Bloomberg reported that the number of foreign workers in Japan hit a record 2 million, up a quarter million in just two years.  That's in a country a third the size of the US so multiply everything by 3.  The workers are overwhelmingly blue collar, working assembly lines at factories.  That's half a million construction; retail at 600,000; and services and caregivers at 400,000.  Already some towns in Japan are a fifth foreign blue collar, which is new in Japan.  The Japanese government aims to rapidly accelerate this bringing in another $300,000 Blue Collar immigrants every year through 2040.  One pilot program aims at 800,000 starting immediately.  Incidentally, this is massively opposed by Japanese voters.  Bloomberg sites a 2018 survey that found just 23% of Japanese want more immigration with voters worrying it could lead to rising crime and jeopardize security and harmony.  Indeed just a few months ago, the Japanese government announced that crime had risen for the first time in 20 years, something Japanese might need to get used to.  

So if voters oppose it, who is pushing mass immigration?  As in the US, it's driven by companies who employ unskilled migrants who would like to pay peanuts and leave the social consequences to others.  What Japan's voters do want is for their government to address the flood of Japanese fleeing to other countries because domestic jobs don't pay enough. 

I've mentioned in recent videos how immigrants don't actually solve labor shortages because they bring their own labor shortage with them.  They go to the dentist, they go to restaurants, they need plumbers; otherwise, America could just annex Canada and have 40 million left over workers.  What mass immigrants do solve is shortages in specific industries, such as low skilled fruit pickers in the US, or taxi drivers in Japan.  The twist, of course, is that there are plenty of underemployed low-skilled natives in both America and Japan.  So fully 1 in 8 Japanese in their 20s and 30s are not working: it's about 5 million untapped workers.  For those in their 50s it's 1 in 4, so that's another five million on top of that.  As for Japanese who do have a job, one article last year profiled the typical experience for young Japanese trapped in low skill and low pay jobs 7-Eleven, for example, pays $5.71 an hour in Japan.  As the article puts it, those working poor "are happy to just stay afloat while they rent until death."  So forget starting a family or even saving up for retirement; they are living hand to mouth.  Why are those jobs so low paid?  Because there is not actually a shortage.  And importing 2 million low-skilled foreigners, actually 7 million by 2040, will make them even lower wage.

The mass immigration industrial complex sadly has reached one of the last holdouts.  As in Europe and America, voters do not want it but special interests write big political checks in Tokyo as much as in Washington.  The media will tar any opposition as xenophobia, while the young keep losing hope looking with envy on the childhood they themselves enjoyed but are now unable to provide.

Monday, September 18, 2023

Biden in 2015: “An unrelenting stream of immigration” will make white people a minority in the United States

The situation is hopeless made so in part by Trump locking the country down to China, for which he caught a lot of flack.  Imagine the flack any anti-inmigration bill would receive if either Democrat or Republican would get if they buck the British influence on our country and our open-border immigration policies.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Ronald Reagan signed the death warrant of the GOP when he signed the Immigration R.A.C. Act of 1986

Immigration R.A.C. Act of 1986.  Immigration Reform and Control Act.  

Reform?  I guess.  

Control?  Define control.  

Here is Reagan's love letter to Mexico and immigrants.  Come one and all and your government will look the other way.  To citizens, it says "This government doesn't give a rat's ass about your citizenship.  We will take every dollar from you until you are broke and don't even think about retiring because we've already looted social security.  There will be nothing left in it for you by the time you retire.  Oh, and BTW, you'll be paying for even more welfare programs that we haven't said a word about yet.  It's lipstick on the welfare state. 

"The torch of Lady Liberty symbolizes our freedom and represents our heritage, the compact with our parents, our grandparents, and our ancestors.  It is that Lady that gives us our great and special place in the world, for it's the great life force of each generation of new  Americans that guarantees America's triumph shall continue unsurpassed into the next century and beyond.  Other countries may seek to compete with us but in one vital area as a beacon of freedom and opportunity that draws the people of the world, no country on earth comes close.  This I believe is one of the most important sources of America's greatness.  We lead the world because unique among nations we draw our people our strength from every country and every corner of the world.  By doing so we continuously renew and enrich our nation while other countries cling to the stale past, here in America we breathe life into dreams, we create the future, and the world follows us into tomorrow.  Thanks to each wave of new arrivals to this land of opportunity, we're a nation forever young forever bursting with energy and new ideas, and always on the cutting edge, always leading the world to the next frontier.  This quality is vital to our future as a nation.  If we ever close the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost."

Monday, March 11, 2024


4:05  To refresh your memory on what a sanctuary city is, it's a city that will not turn over people who are accused of crimes to Immigration officials, because they know Immigration officials will likely deport them.  So a sanctuary city says, "If someone is arrested, then we will not tell immigration services so they will be deported.  We will keep it a secret.  We're not going to work with them at all."  

But now the problem is you have all of these violent gangs who are coming to New York City and attacking police officers.  And after they attack police officers, they are let free back on the streets.  INS is not notified and they can stay in New York City and collect those migrant benefits.  Even the governor is telling the city to end this sanctuary city nonsense and send the criminals back to where they came from.  You think I'm joking,

4:53  As the governor [Hochul] joins those calling for any undocumented attackers on police to be deported, 

Get them all and send them back.  You don't touch our police officers.  You don't touch anybody. --New York Governor Hochul

Now, for those of you who don't know, there's been a migrant gang who's been going around, robbing people on the streets, stealing their phones and their identity.  Check it out. 

Meanwhile, on Monday morning, the NYPD arrested around 7 migrants accused of carrying out around 62 robberies.  Many of these migrants used mopeds and electric scooters to snatch things like iPhones and wallets.  These men then sold the phones to men posing as ring leader to hack the phones to steal the person's bank information.  The NYPD says these migrants primarily live in city-run shelters,

In recent months, a wave of migrant crime has washed over our city.  They're essentially ghost criminals.  No criminal history.  No photos.  No cellphones.  Today is a hard-fought win. 

5:56. Now, many of us use our phones for banking and for other, and we think our phones are safe even if they're lost.  But as you can see, the migrants know how to hack into these phones and get all your personal information.  So what happens if you lose your phone or your phone is stolen?  What protection do you have?  

This is why I personally use Aura.  Aura is identity theft and fraud protection that is powered by artificial intelligence because we live in a world where it's all artificial intelligence service.  You get a password manager, antivirus protection, you get your own private VPN, home title monitoring service, and what I love the data broker removal.  Now simply put, data brokers or the reason why you get these types of phone calls,

We've been trying to reach you concerning your car's extended warranty you should have received something in the mail about your car's extended warranty . . . 

Now, what Aura does is get you off of those lists so you stop getting those phone calls now I don't get those calls anymore because I use Aura and Aura has a deal for you if you go to, they are going to give you a 14-day free trial so you can test it all out for yourself that's the lawyer it's in the description and in the pin comment.

7:11. So now the city of New York has to deal with these unintended consequences.  And those unintended consequences are, one, begging for migrants to come there, and the migrants eventually do, and now you don't have enough money to pay for these people and crime is exploding, up 58.7%.

So there should be a re-evaluation of the sanctuary city issue.  But now, does that make Mayor Adams a racist?  Does that make Governor Hochul a racist?  Because, remember a AOC says "If you disagree with having migrants come in, you're a racist."  

7:39. AOC: 

And we can call it caravans; we can call it micro-crises; we can call it family separation.  And they will just recycle it over and over and over again in order to gin up is so much animosity and destruction in this country and racism in this country. 

Now, one of the most fascinating pieces about the story is listening to how the left-wing media is having a crazy time reconciling what the mayor is saying.  Check out this clip from CNN.

New York City's Mayor, Eric Adams, is breaking with decades of precedent.  Today he called for drastic changes to the sanctuary city policies.  The shift could land undocumented immigrants accused of a serious crime into the hands of ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers.  The mayor's new push comes in the wake of several high profile crimes involving recently arrived migrants in the City of New York including the recent shooting of a tourist [Tatiele Ribeiro, 38] during a rivalry inside a Times Square clothing store.  Here's how the Mayor is justifying his desire for a shift. 

Mayor Adams, 8:40.  I don't believe people who are violent in our city and commit repeated crimes should have the privilege of being in our city.  I want to go back to the standards of the previous mayors, who, I believe, subscribed to my belief that people who are suspected of committing serious crimes in this city should be held accountable.

Now, is that reasonable?  Is it reasonable if someone shoots someone and if someone beats up cops, if someone's out there robbing people on camera, we shouldn't send them to INS to be deported, right?  We have to wait and continue to take care of them, while they do that, while they commit crimes here in the city?  So the mayor and I think the governor has woken up to the reality that if you come to the country and are committing crimes, you need to go back.  And now that lesson and that hard reality, I think, is being thrown in the Democrats' face.  


Monday, June 17, 2024

EUROPE: We're "waiting for Trump" to come back and "save the world," and that "everyone knows Biden cheated to win in 2020."

Europe is generally pretty far left. Even their "right" is relatively left by US standards. I was surprised on this trip to hear so many openly praising Trump. A young Greek waiter said they're "waiting for Trump" to come back and "save the world," and that "everyone knows Biden cheated to win in 2020." Obviously, many feel differently but I don't think I ever heard Trump's supporters in Europe speaking out like this.

Dear Europeans, are you aware of what Trump wants for Americans? 

One, he's prepared to grant total immunity to any action police officers take against American citizens. Any. Total immunity.  Scott Horton explains half way down the 22:35 mark, 

Trump is currently demanding "full indemnification for All American police for crimes they commit against citizens."  It's like he's taking Thomas Jefferson's list of complaints against King George out of the Declaration of Independence and using it as his platform. 

Two, Trump is promoting Digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  

Trump is promoting the digital ID and Biometrics to deal with the immigration problem.  Do not let the Republicans trick you into a control grid.  Don't get tricked into "Cancel the Fed" and then end up with the BIS and the IMF.  Don't get tricked into Biometrics and a digital ID to deal with the immigration problem that the federal government created and can absolutely address without all the thselfings because they're just tricking you into a control grid.  --Catherine Austin Fitts 

Important to ask yourself, is Trump serving America First policies or even pro-liberty policies, the kind espoused by Ron Paul?  

Thursday, December 28, 2023

[Murrary Rothbard] explained that malicious states can use mass immigration to change the demographic composition of a society in a way that shifts political allegiances toward a tyrannical regime.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

ROSEMARY JENKS: So if you're a non-citizen in this country, . . . if a government official hands you a voter registration form you're going to think that you need to fill it out, then you're going to be unlawfully registered to vote. If you vote, it is a deportable, criminal offense

This is not about illegal immigrants.  This is about an illegal administration.  This is about an illegal administration turning the country into a gangland.


Immigration Accountability Project: Biden Admin “Orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. — State election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.” “I'm Rosemary Jenks with the Immigration Accountability Project. As Senator Lee said, we estimate that there are upwards of 30,000,000 noncitizens, so foreign-born who have not naturalized and are therefore ineligible to vote under our laws. The problem that we have now is that the Biden administration there's a Biden executive order that orders all federal agencies to provide voter registration information to everyone they come in contact with. We also know that state election officials are not permitted to ask for proof of citizenship for applicants who fill out the federal form.”

Monday, October 30, 2023

By 1968, the immigration that defined America [from northern and western Europe] for most of its history became a relic of yesteryear

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS: Diversity is used as a way of pushing out the Patriots

So you know my big concern is the Republicans are now going to be used to market the control grid to conservatives and I think my message looking at what's been happening is we have to double down on our efforts to stop the control grid so if somebody tells you that we need Biometrics for digital ID to deal with election fraud or the Border don't believe them don't believe it it's a marketing job for conservatives.  Any comments on any of those meetings?

00:33, POLLY TOMMEY. Can you just expand on that Catherine I'm at Biometrics just explain that to our people a little bit more thoroughly. 

00:41. AUSTIN FITTS. So if I want to go to an all-digital financial system, which is where I get the power . . . I mean what we're looking at is a coup d'etat, and the coup d'etat is changing control of fiscal policy and the legislative and executive branches from representing the people to being controllable by the bankers.  What an all-digital financial system allows the bankers to do is run all of that fiscal policy and all of the legislative policies through the financial system so the bankers . . .  literally, it's a coup of the bankers to take control of the whole government instead of the banking half.  So traditionally we've had the people's representatives in the legislative branch and the executive branch and then we've had the bankers run the monetary policy.  Now, the people who run their monetary policy, you know, grossly oversimplified, can take over the rest.  

It's exactly what we saw in that great video of Carstens from the Bank of International Settlements, saying, "You know, we can make the rules centrally and we can enforce the rules centrally and that includes taxation without representation."  And so the question is how can you sell this?  Chairman Powell has said he needs legislative, new legislation, and legislative authority to do that, and, of course, you need a way of selling conservatives on, you know, I hate to say this, giving up their 1st Amendment rights, giving up their 2nd Amendment rights, giving up their guns or having gun control radically increased.  But most of all, they need to be sold on digital IDs and biometrics, and, you know, what Trump and that group is really good at doing it and saying is "Oh, we have to stop immigration on the border, so everybody needs an ID so we can stop [the inflows].  We can send the immigrants home and stop immigration."  That's number one.  You know, or "We need more surveillance and more control and that includes the digital IDs and election fraud."  So there is a real push to get conservatives to buy into the control model, you know, for different reasons that are used in different sorts of marketing to people of different political persuasions.  And what we're seeing you know and I'm just reading between the lines of the RNC, we're using all sorts, it's really beautiful, seeing diversity used as a way of pushing out the Patriots.  And there's a real effort now, I think, you've seen a lot of factions coalesce around a Republican sweep of both Congress and the presidency, and on that sweep they would love to push through the control grid.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

PETER ST ONGE: In fact, there's been literally zero job growth for native-born workers since 2018, of which, according to the Center for Immigration Statistics, roughly half actually went to the 9 million illegals.

The Biden jobs miracle keeps grinding away with a "Stellar March jobs report logging nearly 300,000 new jobs" that blew away even the most meth-pumped analyst on Wall Street and it makes the third month in a row of improbably tremendous job beats."  

Just one problem: it was all part-time jobs.  

Full-time jobs actually fell by 6,000, continuing a trend over the past year where full-time workers have collapsed by almost a million and a half, replaced by nearly 2 million part-time workers.  Put them together, and presto, job growth!

Sadly what real jobs are left apparently did not even go to native-born Americans.  In fact, they lost precisely 651,000 jobs last month, bringing the 3-month tally to nearly 1.5 million jobs lost by the native-born in 3 months.  In fact, there's been literally zero job growth for native-born workers since 2018, of which, according to the Center for Immigration Statistics, roughly half actually went to the 9 million illegals.  To give a sense of the scale, over 1 in 3 U.S.-born men with a high school degree are not working.  Things are fine of course for those with a bachelor's degree.  90% of them have a job, and no doubt cheap nannies and lawn care.  Keep in mind this is all best case because I've mentioned in a recent video the epic statistical divergence between official payroll numbers, sampled from companies, and the household numbers which actually asked people if they have a job.  The gap between the two currently stands at a daunting 9 million phantom jobs; maybe they exist, maybe they don't.  The BLS just extrapolates, they don't actually work here.  Now, I mentioned in recent videos that the most amazing thing about the grim jobs picture is that this is happening even with 2 trillion dollar deficits that should, in theory at least, be buying some jobs.  After all, spend that much money, and somebody gets paid; in other words, we can only imagine what's under the hood once you peel off the trillions pouring out of Washington.  Given both the border and Washington's checkbook are wide open, expect more millions of migrants to boost the jobs numbers while holding down wage gains for natives who do still have a job.  Just a few weeks ago Jerome Powell actually bragged about this on 60 Minutes crediting the open border for holding down blue-collar wages which he likes because it does the inflation dirty work for him, of course, at the expense of those blue-collar workers or former workers buying groceries on layaway while Paul Krugman lectures them about the Bidenomics miracle.  Do not expect much relief at least until the election, and even then it will be trench warfare against a Uniparty that is addicted to government spending, the regulatory Jihad on small business, and the cheap imported labor that keeps jobs and wages under control.