Showing posts with label Joe Rogan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Rogan. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2025

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Nobody's talking about the stem cells that the newborn babies are born without.

The length and reach of deprivation and degradation in all American institutions is just staggering.  We hear about corrupt doctors, like pediatricians, who use the childhood vaccine schedule as their own personal grift that allows them to make an extra $250,000 a year.  We've heard about euthanasia in Canada and how that's become a viable option as a medical treatment.  It's the slow drip collapse of world civilization.   And then I hear about death doulas.

Death doulas

A death doula, also known as a death midwife, is a person who provides support to individuals who are dying and their families, helping them navigate the emotional, spiritual, and logistical aspects of the dying process. Their role can include creating death plans, offering companionship, and assisting with after-death care and memorial services.


Nobody's talking about the stem cells that the newborn babies are born without.  Nobody's talking about the fact that there are now death doulas to deliver dead babies.  Like that wasn't even a thing before.  But I've got a friend that's a midwife who tells me that they are now creating a new field which are midwives that only deliver dead babies.  They do nothing else.  They didn't need that before.  COVID-19 was an absolute nightmare in terms of obstetrics, Gynecology, labor and delivery.  A lot of midwives that got done and because they didn't get vaccinated, they don't even want to go back now that they can go back, because they don't want to have their good reputations of 100% of normal birth being dealing with what's being dealt with today in terms of the birth problems that are happening because of the actual vaccine itself.  Look, if it causes problems and blood clots in our circulation, what do you think it's going to do to a placenta that is pretty much all blood vessel.  That's all it is.  It's like a big blood vessel sandwich is what it is. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: Before 1986, we had 1976 with the Swine Flu fiasco where there was so much injury that the vaccine-producing companies were no longer able to get insurance. So they went to the government and said, "We need you to indemnify us," and they did

"[Regarding 'vaccine'-induced cancers], SV40 [has been] called 'the perfect war machine.'" --Michele Carbone
It depends on . . . everything depends on your background immunity, which depends on what you're doing for fun and not fun, and how you're eating, and how much you're sleeping, etc., how much sun you're getting, sweating. Sweating gets rid of a lot of stuff. It's really good to sweat." --Suzanne Humphries

"The fact of the matter is that all cancers in humanity have gone up since the inception of vaccination. And... my educated opinion is that our lifespan should be 120 years."

"[Regarding 'vaccine'-induced cancers], SV40 [has been] called 'the perfect war machine.'"
Suzanne Humphries (), a physician and the co-author of Dissolving Illusions, describes for Joe Rogan () how "all cancers in humanity have gone up since the inception of vaccination," highlighting the fact that SV40—or "simian virus 40"—which has been present in multiple "vaccines," including the original polio "vaccines," has been referred to as "the perfect war machine." (Note that the SV40 *promoter* has been found in the COVID injections. The SV40 promoter is a DNA sequence from the SV40 virus that regulates gene expression and is widely used in genetic research because of its ability to drive strong and consistent protein production.) Without the use of "vaccines," which cause cancers, Humphries says that, in her educated opinion, humans' average lifespans should be approximately 120 years long.

PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT FROM CLIP "The fact of the matter is that all cancers in humanity have gone up since the inception of vaccination. And... my educated opinion is that our lifespan should be 120 years... I think with the knowledge that we have and the wealth that we have on this planet, [the] ingenuity we have on this planet, we should be able to be touching the 120-year mark more commonly than we do. "When vaccines started coming into humanity, we ... started introducing animal disease into humanity through the skin. And then we started doing intramuscular injections after the hypodermic needle was created. And then you started having deeper injections of animal disease, and of chemicals, and mercuries, and things like that. So along comes polio research. And the polio vaccine, even to this day, is made on African green monkey kidney cells. Now the African green monkey kidneys early on were basically taken out of their wild habitat in India, and millions of monkeys were brought to the USA for use. Unbeknownst to them and discovered by a scientist named Dr. Bernice Eddy is that there was a cancer-causing entity inside of the substrate that they were using to make the vaccine on the Petri dishes. And that entity was Simian Virus 40, called SV40 because there were 39 others discovered before it. Now we're up over 100. "So that information was suppressed heavily. Bernice Eddy was offered a ticket to wherever she wanted to go and as much money as she wanted, and she said, 'No, I'm staying." Long story short is they just kept taking her away from her work and distracting her, and there was another doctor, Dr. Anthony Morris as well. Anyway, so SV40 was around, and then Maurice Hilleman validated it later and said it came from the African green monkey kidneys. "Now it's benign in African green monkey, SV40. It is not benign in human beings. In human beings, it was called the perfect war machine by doctor Michele Carbone, who was one of the primary researchers looking at the carcinogenic potential of simian virus 40. "So simian virus 40 would have been in the live polio vaccines because there was nothing to kill it, but it was most likely also in the killed ['vaccines']. And African green monkey cells are actually still a listed ingredient on vaccines. So you can go ahead and look that up. It's a fact. "So how this affects me is that I'm a kidney specialist, and I looked at the curve of kidney cancers that have gone up since the inception of... polio vaccines and SV40 introduction. So what this virus does, it is it enhances two cancer-promoting genes, and it inhibits two cancer suppressors. Okay? That's why it's called the perfect war machine. "So that was in the vaccines that were injected. And so the bad news is that we don't need vaccines to give it to us anymore because we're gonna give it to each other forever, and it's never going anywhere. That was introduced to humanity like a lot of other diseases were through vaccination. We can give it to our kids. We can give it to each other. It comes out in the urine. "And so it lives in the green monkey kidneys. It lives in our kidneys. As a kidney specialist, there are a lot of mysterious diseases. Lo and behold, there was some research into some of them... [and] the research that that's really important just gets killed. The funding gets killed. "In terms of SV40 kidney cancers, there's no doubt that the rate of kidney cancers has gone up alongside ... the infection rate of humanity for SV40. As well as diseases like glomerulonephritis, which they do find the pathogen genetic material inside. And they even, in the old days, they found it in the tumors, but not the surrounding areas. So that just tells you that it was a stimulant for the tumor cells to start propagating. So that's just one of the things; that's just one of many, many of the obvious ones. "And even though it's been well defined in the medical literature, you will see still see that they only admit that it causes mesotheliomas and one other thing; not that it causes all the other things that it does, that it's been shown to cause in the other medical literature that got its funding revoked.

"So we probably both have it. Most of us probably have had it one time or other, you know, whether it's lying dormant in our kidneys. It depends on . . . everything depends on your background immunity, which depends on what you're doing for fun and not fun, and how you're eating, and how much you're sleeping, etc., how much sun you're getting, sweating. Sweating gets rid of a lot of stuff. It's really good to sweat." 

SUZANNE HUMPHRIES: the world's worst polio epidemic on record in 1916 Lower Eastside Manhattan had an unheard of 25% mortality

Manhattan's population in 1916 was ~ 5 million.  

00:00.  I would have to say that the polio bunny trail was the darkest one of all.  I'm not making this up either.  In 1916, in Upper East Side Manhattan, there was a Rockefeller Lab [whose] specific stated goal was to try to create the most pathological, neuro-pathological strain of polio possible.  And they did that by taking monkey brains and human spinal serum and injecting it into monkeys and there was a big problem with that . . .  which was released into the public "by accident," and the world experienced the worst polio epidemic on record. 25% mortality, that's unheard of.  

Wikipedia corroborates this, 

The overall mortality rate throughout the city was estimated to be about 25%, and the disease left many more paralyzed.

Really freaked the public out, but as it, and as you can see the epicenter as it fanned out, and as it fanned out and as time went on, never heard of it again.  It attenuates as it moves through the body because it's a normal human commensal that goes back to its normal state when it's in a human, and that's generally what happens.  As far as polio goes, no, polio is only made more lethal by the stupid things that humans did around it to make it more invasive into the body.  Just like you can go do stupid things and end up with herpes outbreaks and, you know, staff outbreaks.  Polio virus is a normal commensal.  It used to be until we obliterated it with oral vaccines and replaced it with vaccine strains, but the wild strains are normal human commensals.

01:20.  So there's a vaccine strain of polio that just comes from a vaccine and is transmissible?

01:26.  Absolutely.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

MARC ANDREESSEN: Operation Chokepoint: No due process, none of this is written down. There are no rules. There is no court. There is no decision process. There is no appeal. Who do you appeal to, right, like who do you go to to get your bank account back?

the way we would describe it is it's administrative power.  It's political power being administered not through legislation, right, so there's no defined law that covers this.  It's not through regulation, right, there's nothing you . . . you can't go sue a regulator to fix this.  It's not through any kind of court judgment.  It's just raw power.  It's just raw administrative power.  It's the government or politicians just deciding that things are going to be a certain way, and then they just apply pressure until they get it.  --Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen.  

00:00. Debanking is where you as a person or as a company are literally kicked out of the banking system.

00:13.  Like they did to Kanye.

00:14.  Exactly, like they did to Kanye.  My partner [Ben Horowitz], Ben's father, has been debanked.  

00:15.  Really! 

00:16.  We had an employee . . . 

00:17.  For what?

00:18.  For having the wrong politics.  For saying unacceptable things under current banking regulations here's a great thing under current banking regulations after all the reforms of the last 20 years called "Politically Exposed Person," PEP.  And if you are a PEP, you are required by the financial regulator to kick them off to kick them out of your bank you're not allowed to have a . . . 

00:40.   Whaaat?  Well, what if you are politically on the left?

00:42.  That's fine because they're not politically exposed.

00:47.  So no one on the left gets the bank?

00:48.   I have not heard of a single instance of anybody on the left getting debanked.

00:50.  Can you tell me what the person you know did, what they said that got them debanked?  

00:55.  Oh, well Dave Horowitz is a right-wing, Pro-Trump.  I mean he's said all kinds of things.  He's been very anti-Islamic terrorism.  He's been very worried about migration, all these things.  

01:02.  And they debanked him for that?

01:03.  Yeah, they debanked Dave.  So you get kicked out of your bank account.  You get kicked out of . . . you can't do credit card transactions.  By the way, you can't . . . 

01:10.  How is that legal?

01:12.  Well, exactly.  This is the thing.  This is where the government and the companies get intertwined, back to your fascism point, which is . . . there's a constitutional amendment that says the government can't restrict your speech, but there is no constitutional amendment that says the government can't debank you, right? If they can't do the one thing, then they do the other thing.  Then they don't have to debank you, they just have to put pressure on the private company on the private company banks to do it, then the private company banks do it because they're expected to.  But the government gets to say, "We didn't do it.  It was the private company that did it," and, of course, JP Morgan can decide who they want to have as customers, of course, right, because they're a private company.  And so it is this sleight of hand that happens, so it's basically a privatized sanction regime that lets bureaucrats due to American citizens the same thing that we do to Iran is to kick you out of the financial system.  And so this has been happening to all the crypto entrepreneurs in the last 4 years.  This has been happening to a lot of the fintech entrepreneurs, anybody trying to start any kind of new banking service because they're trying to protect the big banks.  And then this has been happening, by the way, also in legal fields of economic activity that they don't like.  And so a lot of this started about 15 years ago with this operation Trump point where they decided to . . . as marijuana started to become legal, as prostitution started to become legal, and then guns, which there's always a fight about.  Under the Obama Administration, they started to debank legal marijuana businesses, escort businesses, and then gun shops . . . just like your gun manufacturers, and just like you're done, you're out of the banking system.  And so if you're running a medical marijuana dispensary in 2012, guess what, you're doing your business in cash because you are literally . . . you can't get a bank account, you can't get a Visa terminal, you can't process transactions, you can't do payroll, you can't do direct deposit, you can't get insurance; like none of that stuff is available.  You have been sanctioned.  None of that stuff is available.  And then this administration extended that concept to apply it to tech founders, crypto founders, and then just generally political opponents.  Yeah, so that's been like super pernicious.

03:05.  I wasn't aware of that.

03:06.  100%.  So it's called Operation Chokepoint, 1.0 was 15 years ago against the pot and the guns.  Choke Point 2.0 is primarily against their political enemies, and then to their disfavored tech start-ups.  And it's hit the tech world like we've had like 30 founders debanked in the last 4 years.  It's been a big recurring pattern.  This is one of the reasons why we ended up supporting Trump.  We can't live in this world.  We can't live in a world where somebody starts a company that is a completely legal thing, and then they literally like get sanctioned, an embargo by the United States government through a completely unaccountable . . . 

By the way, no due process, none of this is written down.  There are no rules.  There is no court.  There is no decision process.  There is no appeal.  Who do you appeal to, right, like who do you go to to get your bank account back?

03:57.  And then there's the civil asset-forfeit side of it, which is right the other side.  And that doesn't happen to us, but it happens to people in a lot of places now who could get arrested, and all of a sudden the state takes their money: civil asset forfeiture.  

04:07.   Yeah that happens to people who get pulled over and have a large amount of cash in some states.

04:12.   Right, or there'll be well-publicized examples of like, you know, there'll be some investigation into like safe deposit boxes, and the next thing you know the FED have seized all the contents of the safe deposit boxes and that stuff never gets returned.  It's this . . . this is when Trump says the "Deep state," the way we would describe it is it's administrative power.  It's political power being administered not through legislation, right, so there's no defined law that covers this.  It's not through regulation, right, there's nothing you . . . you can't go sue a regulator to fix this.  It's not through any kind of court judgment.  It's just raw power.  It's just raw administrative power.  It's the government or politicians just deciding that things are going to be a certain way, and then they just apply pressure until they get it.

04:55.  So what happens to those 30 tech people that you know?

04:58.   They go into a different field and try to do something different.  Yeah, complete upending of your life, and try to change . . . try to get out of . . . try to get away from the Eye of Sauron.  Try to get out of whatever Zone got you into this and keep applying for new bank accounts at different banks and hope that at some point a bank will say okay we've checked it's now all right but there's no . . . 

05:24.  So what do they do with their money, like what happens?  

05:27.   You go to cash.

05:30.  So where do you put it?

05:32.  Under your mattress?. 

05:37.  That is so insane so if someone has 30 million dollars in the bank and they get d-banked . . . 

05:42.  Diamonds.  Art.  I don't know, go overseas.  Somewhere.  Yeah, yeah.  It just happens, and it's really really important, there are no fingerprints.  There's no person 

05:55.   Right.  There's no stick above the strings.  

05:56.  Yeah, exactly.  It just happened, and we can trace it back because we understand . . .  we know the politicians involved, and we know how agencies work, and we know how the pressure is applied, and we know that the banks get phone calls, and so forth.  And so we understand the flow of power as it happens, but when you are on the receiving end of this, your specific instance of it, you can't trace it back.  There's no such . . .

06:19.  What are the instances like what is the company what are they trying to do and how do they run afoul . . . 

06:25.  All the crypto startups in the last 4 years the crypto thing got everybody got excited and like it just like stopped and the reason it stopped is because is because every crypto founder every crypto startup got d-banked personally and forced out of the industry or their company got debanked where they couldn't keep operating or they got prosecuted charged or they got threatened with being charged this is a fun twist the SEC has been trying to kill the crypto industry under fight this has been a big issue for us because we're the biggest crypto startup investor the SEC can investigate you they can subpoena you they can prosecute you they can do all these things but they don't have to do any of those things to really damage you all they have to do is issue you what is called a Wells notice and the wells notice is a notification that you may be charged at some point in the future it's like you are on notice that you might be doing something wrong and they might be coming after you at some point in the future terrifying yes the eye of Sauron is on you now trying to be a company with a Wells notice doing business with anybody else try to work with a big company try to get access to a bank try to do anything

07:36.   So that's when I support Dei initiatives.

07:39.  The SEC under Biden became a direct application of exactly, so DEI.  They did a lot with that, and then all the ESG stuff, and ESG is very malleable concept and they pile all kinds of new requirements into that.  So through this process, the SEC could basically just simply dictate what companies do with no accountability at all there's no oversight.  There are hearings where they get yelled at, but nothing ever changes.  Nothing ever happened in the hearing that changed anything.  It's just the raw application of power.

08:11.  And these are your friends that this has happened to?

08:13.  We had an employee who got debanked because he had "crypto" in his job title.  He was doing crypto policy for us, and his bank booted him because they did a screen across the . . . that's what they told us, they did a screen across there customer base because anyone with crypto became "Politically Exposed Person."

Saturday, July 20, 2024

THE VIGILANT FOX: One or two mistakes is one thing, but 10-plus anomalies is highly suspicious.

Thanks to the Solari Report.  

Something stinks about the whole Trump assassination attempt, and Joe Rogan can smell it. “The whole thing stinks of either incompetence or a DESIGN, or we're in the matrix.” One or two mistakes is one thing, but 10-plus anomalies is highly suspicious. 1. No local law enforcement was on the rooftop used by the shooter. 2. When law enforcement was notified by citizens of the shooter, there was no prompt action at the rooftop to neutralize the shooter. 3. Local law enforcement failed to initiate active shooter protocol to protect Trump and the crowd. 4. There was no apparent communication from local law enforcement to the USSS to get Trump to a secure location. 5. Police snipers on the roof used binoculars to track the shooter's position and did not warn the USSS below to get Trump off the stage. 6. Police snipers under scope vision allowed the shooter to get set and shoot six rounds at Trump. 7. A police sniper got off the scope and looked with the naked eye to be sure the shooter had taken his shots and never looked down at Trump. 8. Finally, a police sniper shot Crooks. 9. No local police went up on the roof immediately after Crooks was shot to take away his gun and check on his status. 10. All the while, there was no active shooter protocol, and no warning was given to Trump or the audience. Credit to for this comprehensive list.

Friday, July 12, 2024

JOE ROGAN: Millions of these blood sucking parasites lived, fed, multiplied, and died within the guts of up to 40% of the population stretching from South Eastern Texas to West Virginia

Could parasites be the shadowy hands that pull the strings of life? We explore nature's moochers, with tales of lethargic farmers, zombie cockroaches, and even mind-controlled humans (kinda, maybe). And we examine claims that some parasites may actually be good for you. Carl Zimmer, science writer on parasites, Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures, 2001.  

Rogan explains that, 
Millions of these blood-sucking parasites lived, fed, multiplied, and died within the guts of up to 40% of the population stretching from South Eastern Texas to West Virginia.  Hookworms stymied development throughout the region and bred stereotypes about lazy moronic Southerners. 

The 1990 movie, Tremors, was about giant worms living in the desert.  The conflict ends when Kevin Bacon's character devises a plan to have the worm exit through a cliff, dramatically analogous to a bowel movement. 

The narrator from To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout, describes Walter Cunningham this way

Walter Cunningham’s face told everybody in the first grade he had hookworms. His absence of shoes told us how he got them. People caught hookworms going barefooted in barnyards and hog wallows. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

BRETT WEINSTEIN: If you wanted a force that was capable of acting on behalf of tyranny against Americans, then a force that doesn't have a deep history with the rights of being an American, that force would potentially be more complaint

Let me put this into plain language. After spending some time in the Darien Gap with Michael Yon he now knows that the US is bringing in the future UN blue helmet forces that will act against US citizens to force them into compliance with WHO world health doctrine, including forced vaccination and forced removal to detention camps. This will not be done by US military forces but by UN military conscripted forces under WHO/US fake treaty doctrine and you must stand up against this if you want a US for your kids to live in that remotely resembles what we have today. They have 6 years to meet their goal— this is the forced and illegal supposed ratification of the IHR amendments. Do not let them go forward with this! We need local Sheriffs to stand up! We need Congress to stand up!

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  --James Lindsay
Episode #2119, March 14, 2024, with James Lindsay.  3-hour interview.  

8:05  London's in trouble.  The UK's in trouble.

9:30  When you have a crisis at that scale, what are your options for fixing it?  And I think that's part of the Cloward-Priven strategy?  How do you end up fixing a problem that's at that scale?  They're doing the same thing with the Trans-ition stuff.  If you end up with a million kids, you've got a million kids that really are on the medical system, what do you do with a million kids, their parents, and then their aunts and uncles?  The whole system has to start bending around a reality that was manufactured, and you can get some major changes.  

10:15  Who are those people?  

LINDSAY, 10:24  Well, the Biden Administration had to have conversations.  They petitioned the Supreme Court to stop Texas from enforcing its border.  

11:09  The United Nations is pushing this [mass immigration] too.  the UN sees itself as a global entity, 193 states, blah, blah, "17 Sustainable Development Goals to transform our world," but Soros and his Open Society have pushed a lot of this stuff too.  Soros' mentor was Karl Popper who, in 1945, wrote a book called, Open Society and Its Enemies.  And so the Open Society is what we've been taking for granted basically in the post-WWII era.  And that's what we want.  It's a free society.  It's a high-trust society.  People can do what they want.  They don't have to worry about whether they're going to get car-jacked all the time or whatever else.  Soros is like, well, you can have that in the nation or where there's kind of one open society, 

58:30. The equity coordinator in one of these cities.  We know who's causing these crime problems.  It's the DAs.  We know who ran the DAs.  We know who paid the money to run them it was the Open Society Foundation.. They called them Soros DA's.  2004 interview with the LA Times, Soros said that he thinks he's a god. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Using gun control to misinformation to climate change under the guise of public health emergency for total capture, total control. Comply with this and you sign your own death warrant

Sunday, January 28, 2024

"Rogan is the Neo-Legacy Media. A $100mil business is not indie."

00:27. Brett Weinstein was not a COVID dissident.  He wore the masks, and fine, you want to wear the masks, fine, but he shamed people who didn't wear them.  When so many true COVID dissidents, so many real doctors and medical professionals and nurses had already been out there risking their jobs, their income, their security, their reputation, and sometimes possibly their lives to bring you the facts.  These people are essentially doing The Stolen Valor thing when you claim that you fought in a war and you get all the kudos and you get all the medals and you get all the trust from society and goodwill that comes from that.  But you really didn't ever fight.  You just bought a uniform at the Army Surplus and you go to Memorial Day ceremonies and Veterans Day ceremonies and you're like, "Oh, I fought" and you didn't?  That's what Brett Weinstein is doing.  

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

"permissive immigration. . . sent an incentive to people of the world that they can now come [to the U.S.] and abuse asylum laws"

You know they're not refugees, because, where are the women? 

The full 3-hour and 42-minute interview is here.  Rogan hosts Coleman Hughes.

The full unfolding of it goes back to the 1930s.  New York State made a constitutional amendment to the state constitution that required the state to provide housing for the homeless.  It was vaguely worded, so in the 80s and 90s, the courts in New York began interpreting that law more and more strictly.  Almost no other state I'm not sure if other states have something in its state constitution requiring that kind of a thing . . . .  The original purpose of this was for citizens of New Yorker state, but the judges began interpreting it so strictly that when the Republican governors in Texas and Florida begin sending a few thousand migrants up to New York City as kind of an f*ck you to liberal cities that have declared themselves sanctuary cities without actually having to actually deal with the border crisis does that Texas does.  The first few thousand found that legally New York had to house them.  And then word got down to Mexico that if you make it to New York City, you will not be turned away.  Legally, you don't even have to be a citizen before the state amendment to apply to you.  So what began as a few . . . let's say 10 or 15,000 were sent by the Republican Governors as a kind of political tactic has now become tens and tens and tens of thousands coming of their volition to New York City, and it's the only state in the country that mayor Adams has no legal recourse to send people elsewhere he actually cannot do it he's tried to do executive orders but he legally can't because it's in the state constitution.  It's above his power.  And now it's taken on a life of its own way over and above what the Republican governors started so this is why he's going to the National media and literally saying you know I can't do anything about this I'm trying to do something about this but I can't and we are putting people up in Airbnbs for $100 a night years if we don't find a solution to this.   

I was looking at a video of the Roosevelt Hotel which is no longer a hotel.  The state has essentially said that this is now a center for housing migrants, and they've said the restaurant is no longer a restaurant.  Sorry, that's just how it is now.  What do you do if you own the Roosevelt Hotel and you just want it to be a hotel and now the state just says nope?

3:33. Look, I don't blame any of these people.  If I was born in Mexico, . . . and we'd all be doing the same thing.  It's the smart thing to do from their perspective, but that doesn't mean from our perspective that we should just put out the bat signal to the whole world and say you can come to New York City and we have no legal recourse to move you anywhere else.

3:57. It's not just New York City, it's other parts of the world.  It's strange that recently it's become this crisis where migrants are coming en mass to these places and just letting them.  Is this orchestrated?  Is this just the fact that they found out that they can do it and it's better than where they are, and if they go there these places that are charitably minded, who want a house people who are down their luck, but now people are taking advantage and just swarming?  

4:33. I think that's what it is I think the whole Western world has become much more open to immigration recently.  Obviously, America was open to immigration in the 19th century, but we were the outlier.  In all the other countries in the world, the default was that they had closed borders.  So I think the whole world out of empathy for the poor and struggling has wanted to have more permissive immigration but that sent an incentive to people of the world that they can now come that they can abuse asylum laws and again I don't even blame people for doing this because it's exactly what I would do if I were born in Guatemala or Syria this is my story and I would probably lie about it in order to get a better life than the one I had.  These are just a side effect of these compassionate laws.  People abuse them.  You get immigration pools that are vastly proportionately male, which is how you know that they're not refugees because, you know, where are the women?  It's a side effect of the intended compassionate immigration policy.  That's how this works.  Thomas Sowell's great quote, "There are no solutions, only trade-offs." It's more compassionate, but it also leads to, in the case of New York, what could be a serious fiscal crisis. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Vaccines are ‘undebatable’? Sounds like a cult

With Fauci looking to be subpoenaed and retire on the largest river resort near DC, and Bill Gates tied up in lawsuits and being outed as an asset of the DoD, the focus as late has been on their low-lying fruit of Dr. Peter Hotez and Dr. Paul Offit.  It does look like either Joe Rogan and or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are having an effect at sicking the dogs out on the Fauci & Gates cartel.

Check out what Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said about Dr. Paul Offit

so when I am on the phone with Offit, and he said the Ethel Mercury is excreted quickly.  I said, "How do you know that?"  He said because of the Pichichero study and because of the study by Pichichero found that it was excreted quickly within a week.  And I said, "But you're familiar with the Burbacher study that shows that it's gone to the brain?" and there was dead silence on the phone.  And then he said to me "Well, you're right, it's not just that study; it's a whole mosaic of studies."  And I said "Can you cite any for me?" and he said I'll send them to you.  And he never did, and that's the last I heard.  

Offit pimps vaccines for kids.  Infanticide much?  These are the Madeline Albrights of public health who think that mass murder is worth it. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

A major difference between Rogan and TV hosts is he's unconstrained by time. He'll go 5 hours if necessary. And he's unfailingly civil, giving everyone all the time they want

Friday, April 28, 2023


George Kennan, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, was the architect of Russia's containment program.

Monday, January 10, 2022


If you'd like to see the transcript of this interview released back on May 7, 2020, find it here at the 1:27:29 mark.  But anybody who's anybody who has tracked anything about COVID knows that the hospitals have been diagnosing everybody with COVID in 2020 because Medicare paid out on it.  And further, if you read the transcript, you'll also see what Elon Musk got wrong.  

In fact, the first person that I'd heard tell on this was Dr. Scott Jensen who explained this back on April 10, 2020. 

In fact, back then I wrote, 

His name is Dr. Scott Jensen, a former Minnesota state senator.  Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 diagnosis, the hospital where that diagnosis is made gets $19,000 from Medicare.  If a patient is put on a ventilator, that hospital receives $39,000.  A nurse friend of mine said that one of the reasons that the hospitals have closed up their COVID wards is that they need to make money.  The money isn't in COVID for most of these; it's in elective surgeries.  

Jensen said, "Hospital administrators might well want to see COVID-19 attached to a discharge summary or a death certificate. Why? Because if it's a straightforward, garden-variety pneumonia that a person is admitted to the hospital for – if they're Medicare – typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

This interview by Laura Ingraham of Alex Berenson and Phil Kerpen goes into even greater detail, where I explained that 

The [following] video comes from Dale Steinreich over at Lew Rockwell.  The guests are Alex Berenson and Phil Kerpen.  DRGs are mentioned.  DRG stands for Diagnosis-Related Group Payment System.  

Sorry that it's not Elon Musk.  

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Joe Rogan has completely disrupted the legacy media.

This is impressive.  As well as a huge responsibility to not break trust with his audience.